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PyDy 0.3.1 Has Been Released
- 06 Jan, 2016
- Category: Releases
Today marks the release of PyDy 0.3.1. The release includes 115 commits since 0.3.0 with a number of bug fixes. The full release notes provide the details of the changes, all of which are fully backwards compatible with 0.3.0.
PyDy 0.3.0 Has Been Released
- 18 Jun, 2015
- Category: Releases
Today marks the release of PyDy 0.3.0. The release includes 500 commits since 0.2.1 with several major new features, including an overhauled visualizer with IPython notebook integration, overhauled code generation, Python 3 support, and a new System class. The full release notes provide the details of the changes, most of which are fully backwards compatible with 0.2.1.
PyDy will participate in Google Summer of Code 2015
- 11 Mar, 2015
- Category: Google Summer of Code
Google Summer of Code season is rapidly approaching and we are happy to announce that PyDy will be participating again this year. We are a sub-organization under the Python Software Foundation and our symbolic code is part of SymPy which is under both the PSF and NumFOCUS. Depending on the project students can apply under one or both of the umbrella organizations.
Google Summer of Code 2014
- 12 Feb, 2014
- Category: Google Summer of Code
Google Summer of Code is upon us again. PyDy will likely be participating as it’s own organization or under the umbrella of another. See the Google Summer of Code page for more information. Student applications are due on March 21st.
PyDy at SciPy 2014
- 22 Jan, 2014
PyDy is going to be at PyCon 2014 in Montréal! Jason Moore’s presentation titled “Dynamics and Control with Python” has been accepted as a Tutorial, to be shown 9:00am - 12:00pm on Wednesday, April 9, 2014 (tutorial schedules). Topics covered will include:
Google Summer of Code 2013 Results
- 31 May, 2013
Google has announced the results for Google Summer of Code. We are proud to announce that we got two slots from Google under the Python Software Foundation. The following projects have been accepted:
Google Summer of Code 2013
- 23 Feb, 2013
- Category: Google Summer of Code
Want to develop multibody dynamics software this summer in a large collaborative open source team?