PVE Design
To design, create and inspire an artful lifeSun, 13 Dec 2020 12:04:03 +0000en-US
1 for goodness sakes
https://pvedesign.com/2020/12/for-goodness-sakes/#respond<![CDATA[pvedesign]]>Sun, 13 Dec 2020 12:04:03 +0000<![CDATA[Uncategorized]]><![CDATA[2020]]><![CDATA[goodness]]>https://pvedesign.com/?p=26230<![CDATA[It has been awhile since my last blog entry. I do want to get back on the blog as it is a wonderful way for me to be held accountable as well as serve as a time capsule. Who would have thought the year 2020 would ever have been wrought with so much heartache. I…]]>https://pvedesign.com/2020/12/for-goodness-sakes/feed/0SELF CARE
https://pvedesign.com/2020/02/self-care/#respond<![CDATA[pvedesign]]>Thu, 20 Feb 2020 13:40:21 +0000<![CDATA[Uncategorized]]>https://pvedesign.com/?p=26215<![CDATA[When my sweet friend Annie from Most Lovely Things asked me to contribute to a collective SELF CARE group of the esteemed bloggers linked below, how could I possibly say no. Cottage and Vine Sheri Silver Classic Casual Home Cindy Hattersley Self Care seems to be such a hot topic of interest for many of…]]>https://pvedesign.com/2020/02/self-care/feed/0Finding my strength
https://pvedesign.com/2019/07/finding-my-strength/#respond<![CDATA[pvedesign]]>Wed, 17 Jul 2019 09:48:45 +0000<![CDATA[Uncategorized]]><![CDATA[pilates]]><![CDATA[Pilates strong]]><![CDATA[wellness]]>https://pvedesign.com/?p=26209<![CDATA[In 2017, I took my very first Pilates Class and was hooked. Shortly after I began practicing Pilates, I enrolled in the Club Pilates Teacher Training and committed myself to completing and 500 hours to earn my certification. March of 2018, I began teaching Pilates. People refer to me as a “Recently” certified teacher as…]]>https://pvedesign.com/2019/07/finding-my-strength/feed/0live well
https://pvedesign.com/2019/05/live-well-2/#respond<![CDATA[pvedesign]]>Tue, 21 May 2019 08:32:27 +0000<![CDATA[life]]><![CDATA[rough linen]]>https://pvedesign.com/?p=26202<![CDATA[Lately, my focus seems to have shifted away from my art and more on living well and living fit. I spotted this bags on Rough Linen and thought they were simply beautiful. In an effort to reduce waste and use less plastic, these bags seem like a great solution. What is your focus? Are you…]]>https://pvedesign.com/2019/05/live-well-2/feed/0Love what you do
https://pvedesign.com/2019/01/love-what-you-do/#respond<![CDATA[pvedesign]]>Mon, 14 Jan 2019 16:28:52 +0000<![CDATA[Uncategorized]]><![CDATA[creativity]]><![CDATA[do what you love]]><![CDATA[work]]>https://pvedesign.com/?p=26197<![CDATA[My Father always told me to – “Do what you love & you will never have to work a day in your life.” My life as an artist as carried me far and I have always tried to create from a place of love and respect. I am incredibly grateful for all of the work…]]>https://pvedesign.com/2019/01/love-what-you-do/feed/0Duncan
https://pvedesign.com/2019/01/duncan/#respond<![CDATA[pvedesign]]>Tue, 08 Jan 2019 13:46:24 +0000<![CDATA[Uncategorized]]><![CDATA[Dog Love Stories]]><![CDATA[Duncan]]>https://pvedesign.com/?p=26194<![CDATA[I illustrated Duncan for “Dog Love Stories” and immediately fell in love with this dog situated on this bright and happy rainbow rug! I am working on a few other fun projects currently as well as teaching Pilates. Love to hear from you and what you are working on in this new year. I wonder…]]>https://pvedesign.com/2019/01/duncan/feed/0’tis the season
https://pvedesign.com/2018/12/tis-the-season/#comments<![CDATA[pvedesign]]>Fri, 07 Dec 2018 16:59:23 +0000<![CDATA[Uncategorized]]><![CDATA[giving]]><![CDATA[holidays. pveshop]]>https://pvedesign.com/?p=26185<![CDATA[’tis the Season, a time of giving. What will you give this year? I believe so often the simplest gift is one that is felt deeply. Give something living, something artful and something happy. A work of art, a potted amaryllis, happy and warm gloves. What will you give this year?]]>https://pvedesign.com/2018/12/tis-the-season/feed/1The Tuileries Garden
https://pvedesign.com/2018/12/the-tuileries-garden/#respond<![CDATA[pvedesign]]>Thu, 06 Dec 2018 12:01:48 +0000<![CDATA[Uncategorized]]><![CDATA[etsy pveshop]]><![CDATA[Paris]]><![CDATA[Tuileries Garden]]>https://pvedesign.com/?p=26182<![CDATA[Located near the Louvre is a splendid garden. The Tuileries Garden. I was in Paris in November and caught the most glorious site of the garden with the trees all aglow in a lovely shade of red. Prints are available in my etsy shop.]]>https://pvedesign.com/2018/12/the-tuileries-garden/feed/0Shine
https://pvedesign.com/2018/12/shine/#respond<![CDATA[pvedesign]]>Mon, 03 Dec 2018 10:30:55 +0000<![CDATA[Uncategorized]]>https://pvedesign.com/?p=26180<![CDATA[Glitter, twinkly lights and anything with shine and sparkle seem to lure me during the month of December. This morning, I thought back to the memories of the days when I avidly kept up with my blog posts and reading many other bloggers posts made my day that much brighter. So, I have decided that…]]>https://pvedesign.com/2018/12/shine/feed/0Dog Love
https://pvedesign.com/2018/12/dog-love/#respond<![CDATA[pvedesign]]>Sat, 01 Dec 2018 17:17:02 +0000<![CDATA[Uncategorized]]><![CDATA[Dog Love Stories]]><![CDATA[pve design]]><![CDATA[PvE Illustrations]]>https://pvedesign.com/?p=26172<![CDATA[I am very pleased to present “Dog Love” to you. I worked on the illustrations all Summer long for this special book. Please take a look at the site here to order your own copy. It was a pleasure to work with Ruth Peltason on this book. Thank-you Suzanne Kayne for the opportunity. I loved…]]>https://pvedesign.com/2018/12/dog-love/feed/0