






An art image should be in JPG format only. The full image should be 1200 x 1200 pixels and be less than 500 KB in size. The thumbnail image (if supplied) should be 150 x 150 pixels .

By sending your image to PoserClub you warrant that

a) it is your own original work or that you have the written permission of the copyright owner and that you have the right to make it available to PoserClub for all the purposes specified above;
b) All your contributed content does not infringe any japanese law; and
c) you indemnify the Club against all legal fees, damages and other expenses that may be incurred by the Club as a result of your breach of the above warranty; and
d) you waive any moral rights in your contribution for the purposes of its submission to and publication on the site and the purposes specified above.

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1) Any image that conflicts with the nature of this gallery or is found to be inappropriate for the audience will be removed .
2) An image will not display or depict rape, torture, or the act of physical mutilation.
3)An image that may appear gratuitously violent will be reviewed by the staff of this site for its appropriateness for inclusion in the gallery.
4) An image that contains depictions of children is especially sensitive and will be reviewed even more strictly than other such images.
5)An image will not display Kiddie porn,Child abuse, cruelty to animals, character receives the cruelty.
6) About others, I follow the rule of the poser club gallery.