pmacct [IP traffic accounting : BGP : BMP : RPKI : IGP : Streaming Telemetry]
pmacct is Copyright (C) 2003-2024 by Paolo Lucente
The keys used are:
!: fixed/modified feature, -: deleted feature, +: new feature
1.7.9 -- 01-08-2024
+ pmtelemetryd: gRPC data collection functionalities were added to
the daemon. is
the library linked to add the functions required to collect data
via gRPC dialout. Thanks to Salvatore Cuzzilla ( @scuzzilla ) for
this contribution, along with the ninja support of Marc Sune
( @msune ).
+ BMP daemon: HA support introduced: in order to add redundancy at
data collection, let multiple collectors to establish indentical
BMP session, while only one is sending data to the backend. Thanks
to Zhuoyao Lin ( @Zephyre777 ) and Leonardo Rodoni ( @rodonile )
for this contribution.
+ nfacctd: developed a more robust and streamlined NetFlow v9/
IPFIX template handling framework based on libcdada structures,
hence dropping the previous ad-hoc home-grown memory structures.
+ nfacctd: introduced support for sampling rate calculation based
on IANA entities IE309 (samplingSize), IE310 (samplingPopulation),
which are being exported in IPFIX sampling options for a random-n-
out-of-N sampler. Also, support for 16-bit and 32-bit selectorID
is added as well. Thanks to Leonardo Rodoni ( @rodonile ) for this
+ nfacctd: extended the support of IE130 (exporterIPv4Address) and
IE131 (exporterIPv6Address) for when this info is contained in
data packets. Thanks to Leonardo Rodoni ( @rodonile ) for this
+ nfacctd: added nfacctd_ignore_exporter_address config knob to
not honour IE130 (exporterIPv4Address), IE131 (exporterIPv6Address)
and use the socket address instead.
+ nfacctd: improved support for Route Distinguisher (RD): added the
case where the RD information has finer-grained scope in Option
packets; also RD in IPFIX Options can now be used for correlating
data against BGP/BMP. Finally priority of supplied RD info is
streamlined as: RD in > RD in IPFIX/NFv9 data
packet > RD in IPFIX/NFv9 option packets. Thanks to Leonardo
Rodoni ( @rodonile ) for these contributions.
+ nfacctd: added IEs 44 (sourceIPv4Prefix), 170 (sourceIPv6Prefix),
45 (destinationIPv4Prefix), and 169 (destinationIPv6Prefix) to
flow heuristics.
+ nfacctd: as part of src_mac, dst_mac primitives, added support
for IEs 365 (staMacAddress) and 366 (staIPv4Address).
+ nfacctd: introduced support for IE497 (srhSegmentIPv6ListSection),
The SRv6 Segment List as defined in Section 2 of [RFC8754] as a
series of octets in IPFIX. Also added Path Delay measurements
+ nfacctd: tunnel primitives (tunnel_src_host, tunnel_dst_host,
tunnel_proto, tunnel_tos, tunnel_src_port, tunnel_dst_port and
tunnel_tcpflags) were linked to SRv6 code. Also, in this context,
support for repeating IEs has been added. Thanks to Uwe Storbeck
( @ustorbeck ) for this contribution.
+ nfacctd: extended IE89 (forwardingStatus) support to be 2 or 4
bytes long. Also introduced support for IE31 (flowLabelIPv6).
Thanks to Uwe Storbeck ( @ustorbeck ) for these contributions.
+ nfacctd: a new primitive 'nvgre' is defined representing the
Tenant Network Identifier (TNI) for NVGRE L2 tunnels, which is
encoded in IANA IE351 (layer2SegmentId) with MSB 0x02. Thanks to
Leonardo Rodoni ( @rodonile ) for this contribution.
+ sfacctd: added support for accounting for ARP packets via a new
aggregate_unknown_etype config knob.
+ nfacctd, sfacctd, pmacctd: added new 'in_cvlan' and 'out_cvlan'
primitives. It identifies the VLAN to which the frame belongs to
when it is transmitted in the customer network.
+ BGP daemon: added support for "Only to Customer" OTC attribute,
+ BGP daemon: extend MP nexthop length to support 48 bytes to fit
the BGP VPNv6 nexthop length. Thanks to @FRIDM636 for this
+ BGP daemon: as specified by RFC8950, routers cannot advertise
IPv4 or VPNV4 routes with an IPv6 next hop without an extra
capability advertisement (Extended Next Hop Encoding). This has
been added so that the daemon can reply with this capability to
the remote peer. Thanks to Leonardo Rodoni ( @rodonile ) for
this contribution.
+ BGP, BMP daemons: Two new configuration keys are introduced:
bgp_comms_encode_as_array and as_path_encode_as_array to allow
to specify that BGP communities and AS_PATH are encoded as an
array in JSON or AVRO encodings.
+ BMP daemon: a new bmp_dump_exclude_stats config knob has been
added: if enabled, BMP Stats messages are not going to be cached
and thus not being included in the regular dump.
+ All daemons: added a -T / dry_run config knob. With the 'config'
argument only configuration is validated; with the 'setup' one
the daemon and its plugins are also instantiated and validated.
+ Kafka plugin: allowing to configure sub-minute historical time
bins (ie. kafka_history, etc.).
+ pre_tag_map: introduced pre_tag_map_dont_recirculate config knob
to explicitely disable v4/v6 recirculation of entries without an
'ip' key specified. Also if 'ip' key is not defined, still define
the address family (AF) so to be memory-savvy and avoid creating
duplicate entries in case of v4/v6 recirculation.
+ nDPI support: updated API calls to compile against nDPI 4.6. Also
dropped support for previous versions of the library.
! fix, nfacctd: treat the result of (SysUptime - fstime) as signed
to avoid a underflow in the case where fstime > SysUptime in
NetFlow v9. Thanks to Jim Westfall ( @jwestfall69 ) for this
! fix, nfacctd: addressed a memory leak in handling NetFlow/IPFIX
templates. Also performed code re-factoring to better encapsulate
the template functionality, add a template header file, separate
the module interface from local functions and reduce the scope of
local functions. Thanks to Uwe Storbeck ( @ustorbeck ) for these
! fix, nfacctd: parsing of IPFIX/NetFlow data when a template does
contain multiple padding octet fields IE 210 (paddingOctets) with
different length. Thanks to Uwe Storbeck ( @ustorbeck ) for this
! fix, nfacctd: 4 bytes long IE95 (applicationID) is now supported;
as part of this work the setup of nDPI and NBAR classifiers have
been harmonized.
! fix, sfacctd: mispelled daemon type in sampling_direction handler
was causing counters not to print.
! fix, pmacctd: restored packet data pointer for correct collection
of ICMPv6 data.
! fix, uacctd: the daemon was crashing upon receipt an ICMP Echo
Request packet (as a result, for example, of a ping). Thanks to
Alexei A Smekalkine ( @ikle ) for this contribution.
! fix, pmtelemetryd: when no backend dump method is configured (and
telemetry_dump_time_slots is not set) pmtelemetryd was crashing
with SIGFPE. Also fixed the dump interval calculation when time
slots are used. Thanks to Uwe Storbeck ( @ustorbeck ) for these
! fix, pmtelemetryd: restored ability of the daemon re-loading maps
via SIGUSR2 signal. Thanks to Salvatore Cuzzilla ( @scuzzilla )
for this contribution.
! fix, BGP, BMP daemons: the hash function used to distribute per-
peer information attached to RIB entries was enriched with the
addition of Route Distinguisher (RD) data in order to minimize
collisions. It is in fact crucial to have an efficient hash-table
to perform data correlation between BGP/BMP & IPFIX. Thanks to
Salvatore Cuzzilla ( @scuzzilla ), Leonardo Rodoni ( @rodonile )
for this contribution.
! fix, BMP daemon: finer grained control on support of ADD-PATH
capability as part of the Peer Up message in order to support
the case of remote peer receive-only scenario.
! fix, SQL plugins: 'in_vlan' primitive is not muxed anymore on
'vlan' keyword at configure time. Also, 'out_vlan' primitive is
now properly handled if sql_optimize_clauses left false.
! fix, MySQL plugin: if timestamps_utc is set to true, enforce UTC
for the current session.
! fix, tee plugin: missing variable definition when BSD definition
is on was preventing the code to compile correctly.
! fix, pre_tag_map: check added to avoid daemon hanging if 'next'
label was mentioned as part of the last map entry.
! fix, Redis: avoid to create a new file descriptor for every
reconnect. Use redisReconnect instead of redisConnect. Thanks to
Uwe Storbeck ( @ustorbeck ) for this contribution.
! fix, util.c: weekly time roundoff has been made consistent by
correctly including the first day of the week.
! fix, util.c: when pidfile is specified, use mkdir_multilevel() to
build dir structure if needed.
! fix, plugins_hook.c: when processing a pcap_savefile, perform an
inter-buffer sleep of 1ms only if using home-grown buffering as
ZeroMQ (plugin_pipe_zmq) would instead do fine absorbing the data
! fix, rpki_msg.c: missing json_decref() in rpki_roas_file_load()
was leaking memory on map reload. Also, solved a SEGV observed at
times when reloading rpki_roas_file. Finally free'd the output of
aspath_make_str_count() in rpki_roas_file_load().
- pmtelemetryd: removed legacy Python decoders and associated utils,
also removed support for Kafka and ZeroMQ telemetry collection.
- pre_tag_map: obsoleted 'fwdstatus' key.
- GeoIP support: removed support for Maxmind API v1.
1.7.8 -- 31-12-2022
+ Introduced support for eBPF for all daemons: if SO_REUSEPORT is
supported by the OS and eBPF support is compiled in, this allows
to load a custom load-balancer. To load-share, daemons have to
be part of the same cluster_name and each be configured with a
distinct cluster_id.
+ Introduced support for listening on VRF interfaces on Linux for
all daemons. The feature can be enabled via nfacctd_interface,
bgp_daemon_interface and equivalent knobs. Many thanks to
Marcel Menzel ( @WRMSRwasTaken ) for this contribution.
+ pre_tag_map: introduced limited tagging / labelling support for
BGP (pmbgpd), BMP (pmbmpd), Streaming Telemetry (pmtelemetryd)
daemons. ip, set_tag, set_label keys being currently supported.
+ pre_tag_map: defined a new pre_tag_label_encode_as_map config
knob to encode the output 'label' value as a map for JSON and
Apache Avro encodings, ie. in JSON "label": { "key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2" }. For keys and values to be correctly mapped,
the '%' delimiter is used when composing a pre_tag_map, ie.
"set_label=key1%value1,key2%value2 ip=". Thanks to
Salvatore Cuzzilla ( @scuzzilla ) for this contribution.
+ pre_tag_map: introduced support for IP prefixes for src_net
and dst_net keys for indexed maps (maps_index set to true).
Indexing being an hash map, this feature currently tests data
against all defined IP prefix lenghts in the map for a match
(first defined matching prefix wins).
+ pre_tag_map: introduced two new 'is_nsel', 'is_nel' keys to
check for the presence of firewallEvent field (233) and
natEvent field (230) in NetFlow/IPFIX respectively in order
to infer whether data is NSEL / NEL. If set to 'true' this
does match NSEL / NEL data, if set to 'false' it does match
non NSEL / NEL data respectively.
+ Introduced a new mpls_label_stack primitive, encoded as a
string and includes a comma-separated list of integers (label
values). Thanks to Salvatore Cuzzilla ( @scuzzilla ) for this
+ Introduced a new fw_event primitive, to support NetFlow v9/
IPFIX firewallEvent 233 Information Element.
+ Introduced a new tunnel_tcp_flags primitive for pmacctd and
sfacctd to record TCP flags for the inner layer of a tunneled
technology (ie. VXLAN). Also tunnel_dst_port decoding was
fixed for sfacctd.
+ Introduced support for in/out VLAN support for sfacctd. To be
savy, 'in_vlan' and 'vlan' were muxed onto the same primitive
depending on the daemon being used. Thanks to Jim Westfall
( @jwestfall69 ) for this contribution.
+ Introduced a new mpls_label_stack_encode_as_array config knob
to encode the MPLS label stack as an array for JSON and Apache
Avro encodings, ie. in JSON "mpls_label_stack": [ "0-label0",
"1-label1", "2-label2", "3-label3", "4-label4", "5-label5" ]
and in Avro "name": "mpls_label_stack", "type": { "type":
"array", "items": { "type": "string" } }. Thanks to Salvatore
Cuzzilla ( @scuzzilla ) for this contribution.
+ Introduced a new tcpflags_encode_as_array config knob to encode
TCP flags as an array for JSON and Apache Avro, ie. in JSON
"tcp_flags": [ "URG", "ACK", "PSH", "RST", "SYN", "FIN" ] and
in Avro "name": "tcp_flags", "type": { "type": "array",
"items": { "type": "string" } }. Thanks to Salvatore Cuzzilla
( @scuzzilla ) for this contribution.
+ Introduced a new fwd_status_encode_as_string config knob to
encode the 'fwd_status' primitive in human-readable format
like described by RFC-7270 Section 4.12 when JSON or Avro
formats are selected for output. Thanks to Salvatore Cuzzilla
( @scuzzilla ) for this contribution.
+ Introduced a new protos_file to define a list of (known/
interesting/meaningful) IP protocols. Both protocol names, ie.
"tcp", and protocol numbers, ie. 1 (for icmp), are accepted.
IANA reserved protocol value 255 is used to bucket as 'others'
those IP protocols not matching the ones defined in the list.
+ Introduced a new tos_file to define a list of (meaningful) IP
ToS values; if tos_encode_as_dscp is set to true then DSCP
values are expected as part of the file. The directive uses
value 255 to bucket as 'others' those ToS/DSCP values not
matching the ones defined in the list.
+ A new tos_encode_as_dscp config knob makes pmacct to honour
only the 6 bits used by DSCP and report only on those.
+ BGP, BMP, Streaming Telemetry daemons: introduced a new
dump_time_slots config knob to spread the load deriving by
dumps over the configured refresh time interval. The interval
is divided into time slots and nodes are assigned to such
slots. The slot for each node is determined using its IP
address. Thanks to Raphael Barazzutti ( @rbarazzutti ) for
this contribution.
+ BGP, BMP daemons: End-of-RIB messages are now being exposed
in the output feed in order to facilitate tracking their
arrival (or not!).
+ pmtelemetryd: aligned daemon to the latest Unyte UDP-Notif API
(0.6.1) and related standardization draft-ietf-netconf-udp-notif
+ RPKI daemon: added case for input "asn" value being integer (ie.
"asn" : 2914) on top of the string case (ie. "asn" : "AS2914").
+ Kafka, amqp plugins: introduced a new writer_id_string config
knob to allow to customize the the "writer_id" field value. A
few variables are supported along with static text definitions.
+ Added a new aggregate_unknown_etype config knob to account also
frames with EtherTypes for which there is no decoding support
and allow to aggregate them by the available Ethernet L2 fields
(ie. 'src_mac', 'dst_mac', 'vlan', 'cos', 'etype'). Thanks to
@singularsyntax for this contribution.
+ Added a new bgp_daemon_add_path_ignore config knob to ignore
(do not advertise back) the ADD-PATH capability advertised by
remote BGP peers.
+ nfacctd, sfacctd: extended the possibility to run daemons from
a user with non root privileges to these daemons.
+ nfacctd: if Information Element 90 (MPLS VPN RD) is present in
NetFlow v9/IPFIX, make it available for BGP/BMP correlation.
+ pmacctd, sfacctd: introduced basic support for QinQ, 802.1AD.
+ [print|kafka|amqp]_preprocess: added suppport for 'maxp',
'maxb' and 'maxf' keys when preprocessing aggregates of non-
SQL plugins. Thanks to Andrew R. Lake ( @arlake228 ) for this
+ nDPI: newer versions of the library (ie. >= 4.0) bring changes
to the API. pmacct is now aligned to compile against these. At
the same time support for nDPI 3.x was dropped.
! fix, plugin_common.[ch]: when stitching feature was enabled,
ie. nfacctd_stitching, timestamp_min was never reset. Also both
timestamp_min and timestamp_max were clamped to sec granularity.
! fix, BGP, BMP daemons: added a tmp_bgp_daemon_origin_type_int to
print out BGP "origin" field as int (legacy behaviour) instead
of string (current behaviour). In a future major release the
legacy behaviour will be dropped.
! fix, BGP, BMP daemons: MPLS labels are now encoded in both JSON
and Apache Avro as 'mpls_label' instead of 'label'. This is to
align behaviour with pre_tag_map where 'label' has a different
! fix, BGP, BMP daemons: resolved memory leak when encoding log
messaging (logmsg) in Avro format with Schema Registry support.
! fix, BGP daemon: improved handling of ADD-PATH capability,
making it per-AF (as it is supposed to be) and not global.
! fix, BMP daemon: now checking that ADD-PATH capability is
enabled at both ends of the monitored session (check both BGP
OPEN in a Peer Up message) in order to infer that the capability
exchange was successful. Also some heuristics were added to
conciliate BGP Open vs BGP Update 4-bytes ASN reality.
! fix, nfacctd: improved parsing of NetFlow v9 Options data
particularly when multiple IEs are packed as part of a flowset.
! fix, nfacctd: corrected parsing of Information Element 351
! fix, pmacctd: improved processing of pcap_interfaces_map for
cases where the same interface is present multiple times (maybe
with different directions). Also, if the map is empty then bail
out at startup.
! fix, pmacctd: SEGV when ICMP/ICMPv6 traffic was processed and
'flows' primitive was enabled.
! fix, pmacctd: sampling_rate primitive value was not reported
correctly when 'sampling_rate' config directive was specified.
! fix, pmbgpd, pmpmbd, pmtelemtryd: changed SIGCHLD handler to
prevent zombification of last spawned data dump writer.
! fix, Kafka plugin: moved the schema registration from the dump
writer to the plugin process in order to register the schemas
only once at plugin startup and not on every start of a writer
process. Thanks to Uwe Storbeck ( @ustorbeck ) for this
! fix, Kafka plugin: a check for kafka_partition was missing,
leading the plugin to always use the default partitioner
instead of sending data to the configured fixed partition.
Thanks to Martin Pels ( @rodecker ) for this contribution.
! fix, nfprobe plugin: BGP data enrichment was not working due to
a mistakenly moved pointer.
! fix, sfprobe plugin: AS-PATH was being populated even when null;
added a check to see if the destination AS is not zero in order
to put the destination AS into the AS-PATH for sFlow packets.
Thanks to Marcel Menzel ( @WRMSRwasTaken ) for this contribution.
! fix, networks_file: remove_dupes() was making partial commits
of valid rows hence creating data inconsistencies.
! fix, pre_tag_map: resolved a potential string overflow that was
being triggered in pretag_append_label() when data would be
assigned more than one single label. Also now allow ',' chars
in set_label.
! fix, maps_index: uninitialized var could cause SEGV in case no
results are found in the map index. Also introduced support for
catch-all rules, ie. "set_label=unknown".
! fix, maps_index: optimized the case of no 'ip' key specified
(for nfacctd and sfacctd): when indexing is enabled, prevent
recirculation from happening, ie. test v4 first then v6, since
the 'ip' key is not going to be part of the hash serializer.
! fix, pretag.c: allow to allocate maps greater than 2GB in size.
Also several optimizations were carried out yelding to a better
memory utilization for allocated maps along with improved times
to resolve JEQs.
! fix, pre_tag_label_filter: optimized and improved runtime
evaluation part of this feature, avoiding a costly strdup() and
returning immediately on certain basic mismatch conditions.
! fix, kafka_common.[ch]: a new p_kafka_produce_data_and_free()
is invoked to optimize memory allocations and releases.
! fix, plugin_cmn_avro.c: when a schema registry is being defined,
ie. kafka_avro_schema_registry, the logic to generate the schema
name has been changed: use topic plus record name as the schema
name, use underscore as separator within the record name, stop
adding a "-value" suffix. Thanks to Uwe Storbeck ( @ustorbeck )
for this contribution.
! fix, util.c: roundoff_time() to reason always with the locally
configured time, like for the rest of functional (as in non-data)
timestamps, ie. refresh time, deadline, etc.
! fix, log.c: when log messages are longer than message buffer,
the message gets cut off. As the trailing newline also gets cut
off the message will be concatenated with the following message
which makes the log hard to read. Thanks to Uwe Storbeck
( @ustorbeck ) for this contribution.
- Completed the retirement of legacy packet classification based
on home-grown code (Shared Objects) and the L7 layer project.
- Removed the mpls_stck_depth primitive due to the introduction
of the mpls_label_stack primitive.
1.7.7 -- 07-11-2021
+ BGP, BMP, Streaming Telemetry daemons: introduced parallelization
of dump events via a configurable amount of workers where the unit
of parallelization is the exporter (BGP, BMP, telemetry exporter),
ie. in a scenario where there are 4 workers and 4 exporters each
worker is assigned one exporter data to dump.
+ pmtelemetryd: added support for draft-ietf-netconf-udp-notif:
a UDP-based notification mechanism to collect data from networking
devices. A shim header is proposed to facilitate the data streaming
directly from the publishing process on network processor of line
cards to receivers. The objective is a lightweight approach to
enable higher frequency and less performance impact on publisher
and receiver process compared to already established notification
mechanisms. Many thanks to Alex Huang Feng ( @ahuangfeng ) and the
whole Unyte team.
+ BGP, BMP, Streaming Telemetry daemons: now correctly honouring the
supplied Kafka partition key for BGP, BMP and Telemetry msg logs
and dump events.
+ BGP, BMP daemons: a new "rd_origin" field is added to output log/
dump to specify the source of Route Distinguisher information (ie.
flow vs BGP vs BMP).
+ pre_tag_map: added ability to tag new NetFlow/IPFIX and sFlow
sample_type types: "flow-ipv4", "flow-ipv6", "flow-mpls-ipv4" and
"flow-mpls-ipv6". Also added a new "is_bi_flow" true/false key to
tag (or exclude) NSEL bidirectional flows. Added as well a new
"is_multicast" true/false config key to tag (or exclude) IPv4/IPv6
multicast destinations.
+ maps_index: enables indexing of maps to increase lookup speeds on
large maps and/or sustained lookup rates. The feature has been
remplemented using stream-lined structures from libcdada. This is
a major work that helps preventing the unpredictable behaviours
caused by the homegrown map indexing mechanism. Many thanks to
Marc Sune ( @msune ).
+ maps_index: support for indexing src_net and dst_net keywords has
been added.
+ Added _ipv6_only config directives to optionally
enable the IPV6_V6ONLY socket option. Also changed the wrong
setsockopt() IPV6_BINDV6ONLY id to IPV6_V6ONLY.
+ Added log function to libserdes to debug transactions with the
Schema Registry when kafka_avro_schema_registry is set.
+ nDPI: newer versions of the library (ie. >= 3.5) bring changes
to the API. pmacct is now aligned to compile against these.
+ pmacctd: added pcap_arista_trailer_offset config directive since
Arista has changed the structure of the trailer format in recent
releases of EOS. Thanks to Jeremiah Millay ( @floatingstatic )
for his patch.
+ More improvements carried out on the Continuous Integration
(CI) side by migrating from Travis CI to GitHub Actions. Huge
thanks to Marc Sune ( @msune ) to make all of this possible.
+ More improvements also carried out in the space of the Docker
images being created: optimized image size and a better layered
pipeline. Thanks to Marc Sune ( @msune ) and Daniel Caballero
( @dcaba ) to make all of this possible.
+ libcdada shipped with pmacct was upgraded to version 0.3.5. Many
thanks Marc Sune ( @msune ) for his work with libcdada.
! build system: several improvements carried out in this area,
ie. improved MySQL checks, introduced pcap-config tool for
libpcap, compiling on BSD/old compilers, etc. Monumental thanks
to Marc Sune ( @msune ) for his continued help.
! fix, nfacctd: improved euristics to support the case of flows
with both IPv4 and IPv6 source / destination addresses (either
or populated). Also improved euristics to distinguish event data
vs traffic data in NetFlow v9/IPFIX from Cisco 9300/9500, ASA
firewalls and Cisco 4500X.
! fix, nfacctd: improved support for initiatorOctets (IE #231) and
responderOctets (IE #232). Thanks to Esben Laursen ( @hyberdk )
for reporting the issue.
! fix, nfacctd: in NF_mpls_vpn_id_handler() double ntohl() calls
were applied for the case of 'vrfid'-encoded mpls_vpn_rd field.
! fix, sfacctd: wrong ethertype set for VLAN-tagged, MPLS-labelled
IPv6 traffic. Impacting BGP resolution among others. Thanks to
Jeremiah Millay ( @floatingstatic ) for his help resolving the
! fix, BGP, BMP daemons: parsing improvements: added a check for
BGP Open message and BGP Open Options lengths. Strengthened
parsing of Peer Up, Route Monitoring and Peer Down v4 messages.
! fix, BGP, BMP daemon: when using Avro encoding and Avro Schema
Registry, attempt to reconnect if serdes schemas are voided.
Also now checking for serdes schema definitions before doing a
serdes_schema_serialize_avro() to avoid triggering a SEGV.
Finally improved serdes logging.
! fix, BGP, Streaming Telemetry daemons: in daemon logs, summary
counters for amount of tables / entries dumped were wrong.
! fix, BGP daemon: distinguish among null and zero value AIGP
and Prefix SID attributes. Same applies for Local Preference
and MED attributes.
! fix, BMP daemon: resolved a memory leak in bgp_peers_free().
Thanks to Peter Pothier ( @pothier-peter ) for his patch. Also
resolved a leak caused by an invalid BGP message contained in a
BMP Route Message v4.
! fix, BMP daemon: correctly setting peer_ip and peer_tcp_port
JSON fields for Term messages. Also the correct bmp_router
value when bmp_daemon_parse_proxy_header feature is enabled.
! fix, BMP daemon: several encoding issues when using Apache Avro
ie. u_int64_t now correctly encoded with avro_value_set_long(),
certain u_int32_t fields switched to avro_value_set_long() due
to lack of unsignedness in Avro encoding, improved various
aspectes of Avro-JSON format output, etc.
! fix, pmtelemetryd: wrong parsing of pm_tfind() output was
leading to mistaken data attribution of UDP-based peers (always
first peer to connect was being picked).
! fix, pmtelemetryd: when set, the pidfile config directive was
not being correctly honoured.
! fix, RPKI: the RTR PDU element for maxLength is uint8, therefore
it might have been possible to transmit incorrect RTR data.
Thanks to Job Snijders ( @job ) for his patch.
! fix, SQL plugins: amended the text composition of SQL queries
that are involving latitude and longitude keys.
! fix, MySQL plugin: check for 'unix:' prefix string only when a
sql_host configuration directive is specified.
! fix, nfprobe: modernized Application Information export. Until
the previous release pmacct was adhering to aging NBAR model
whereas now NBAR2 has been implemented. Thanks to Rob Cowart
( @robcowart ) for helping out resolving this issue.
! fix, tee plugin: restored usefulness of tee_source_ip which was
broken in 1.7.6. Thanks to Jeremiah Millay ( @floatingstatic )
for reporting the issue.
! fix, maps_index: indexing of mpls_pw_id was broken. Also now,
when the feature is enabled, actual data is being referenced in
the index structure instead of creating a copy of it; thanks to
Sander van Delden ( @SanderDelden ) for reporting the memory
leak that was resulting from the copy.
! fix, kafka_common.c: solved memory leak in p_kafka_set_topic()
when Kafka session was getting in down state. Many thanks to
Peter Pothier ( @pothier-peter ) for nailing the issue.
! fix, net_aggr.[ch]: when a networks_file is specified in the
config, gracefully handle max memory structure depth; added
also de-duplication of entries.
! fix, pmacct-defines.h: if PCAP_NETMASK_UNKNOWN is not defined,
ie. in libpcap < 1.1.0, let's define it.
! fix, SO_REUSEPORT feature was being restricted to Linux only in
previous releases: now it has been unlocked to all other OS that
do support the feature.
! fix, split SO_REUSEPORT and SO_REUSEADDR setsockopt() calls.
Thanks to @eduarrrd for reporting and resolving the issue.
! fix, several code warnings catched gcc9 and clang.
- Obsoleted sql_history_since_epoch, pre_tag_map_entries and
refresh_maps configuration directives.
1.7.6 -- 07-02-2021
+ Added dependency to libcdada in an effort to streamline basic
data structures needed for everyday coding. All new structures
will make use of libcdada, old ones will be ported over time.
Libcdada offers basic data structures in C: ie. list, set, map/
hash table, queue and is a libstdc++ wrapper. Many thanks to
Marc Sune ( @msune ) for his work with libcdada and his enormous
help facilitating the integration.
+ BGP daemon: added suppport for Accumulated IGP Metric Attribute
(AIGP) and Label-Index TLV of Prefix-SID Attribute.
+ BGP daemon: added SO_KEEPALIVE TCP socket option (ie. to keep the
sessions alive via a firewall / NAT kind of device). Thanks to
Jared Mauch ( @jaredmauch ) for his patch.
+ BGP daemon: if comparing source TCP ports among BGP peers is
being enabled (config directive tmp_bgp_lookup_compare_ports),
print also BGP Router-ID as distinguisher as part of log/dump
+ BMP daemon: added support for HAProxy Proxy Protocol Header in
the first BMP message in order to determine the original sender
IP address and port. The new bmp_daemon_parse_proxy_header config
directive enables the feature. Contribution is by Peter Pothier
( @pothier-peter ).
+ BMP daemon: improved support and brought implementation on par
with the latest drafting efforts at IETF wrt draft-cppy-grow-bmp-
path-marking-tlv, draft-xu-grow-bmp-route-policy-attr-trace,
draft-ietf-grow-bmp-tlv and draft-lucente-grow-bmp-tlv-ebit.
+ BMP daemon: added 'bgp_agent_map' equivalent feature for BMP.
+ nfacctd, nfprobe plugin: added support for collection and export
of NetFlow/IPFIX data over Datagram Transport Layer Security (in
short DTLS). The feature depends on the GnuTLS library.
+ nfacctd: added support for deprecated NetFlow v9 IE #104
(layer2packetSectionData) as it is implemented for NetFlow-lite
on Cisco devices. Reused code from IPFIX IE #315.
+ nfacctd: added support for MPLS VPN RD IE #90. This comes in two
flavours both found across vendor implementations: 1) IE present
in flow data and 2) IE present in Options data as a lookup from
IE #234 (ingressVRFID) and #235 (egressVRFID).
+ nfacctd: added a new timestamp_export aggregation primitive to
record the timestamp being carried in the header of NetFlow/IPFIX
messates (that is, the time at which the export was performed).
+ nfprobe plugin: added support for ICMP/ICMPv6 information as part
of the NetFlow/IPFIX export. The piece of info is encoded in the
destination port field as per the current common understandings
across vendors. As a result of that, the 'dst_port' primitive is
to be part of the aggregation method in order to leverage this
+ MySQL plugin: introduced support to connect to a MySQL server
via UNIX sockets.
+ tee plugin: added crc32 hash algorithm as a new balancing option
for nodes in the receiving pool. It hashes original exporter IP
address against a crc32 function. Thanks to @edge-intelligence
for the contribution.
+ Massive improvements carried out on the Continuous Integration
(CI) side, ie. to ensure better quality of the code, and on the
containerization side by offering official stable / bleeding edge
Docker images. Huge thanks to Marc Sune ( @msune ) to make all of
this possible.
! fix, BGP daemon: re-worked internal structuring of 'modern' BGP
attributes: for the sake of large-scale space optimization
certain attributes are confined in a separate (less used)
bgp_info_extra structure.
! fix, BGP daemon: improved support for BGP ADD-PATH, ie. made it
per Address-Family rather than global. Also comparisons upon
doing route looup were improved and normalized.
! fix, BGP daemon: use split buffers for recv and send functions
of the BGP x-connects feature. Also improved validation when
processing a bgp_daemon_xconnect_map.
! fix, BGP daemon: when using BGP x-connects, close unused file
descriptors in bgp_peer_xconnect_init() in order to avoid
quickly reaching the maximum amount of allowed open descriptors
in case of BGP flaps.
! fix, BGP daemon: trigger a log message for a missing entry while
processing bgp_daemon_xconnect_map in bgp_peer_xconnect_init().
! fix, BGP daemon: enabled log notifications (that is, log anti-
spam measure) upon reaching limit of allowed BGP peers.
! fix, BGP daemon: ecommunity_ecom2str(), first thing make sure
that the destination size is enough! Missing this did cause some
SEGVs due to heap corruption. Thanks to Chris Danis ( @cdanis )
for his help resolving the issue.
! fix, BGP daemon: solved a memory leak in aspath_make_str_count()
by returning result from aspath_make_empty(), if any. Thanks very
much to Peter Pothier ( @pothier-peter ) for his contribution.
! fix, BMP daemon: several encoding issues when using Apache Avro
ie. missing conditional branching, wrong field names, etc. Thanks
also to Raphael Barazzutti ( @rbarazzutti ) for several of those
! fix, BMP daemon: throw an error for any issues (error or zero
length) related to the BGP Update PDU parsing; also added marker
and length checks for BGP Open PDU in Peer Up messages.
! fix, BMP daemon: both timestamp of the BMP event and its
arrival at the collector are now recorded and printed out
separately; before they were wrongly muxed on one single field
making it uncertain for the user what was the time reference.
! fix, BMP daemon: correctly print Peer Distinguisher for Route
Monitoring messages. Also improved BMP lookup comparisons in
order to factor in Peer Distinguisher if any.
! fix, BMP daemon: print 'is_in' boolean for Adj-Rib-In data
instead of having it implicit. Also print 'is_post' for Post-
Policy Adj-Rib-In data.
! fix, BMP daemon: upon receipt of a Termination message, do
proactively close the TCP session.
! fix, nDPI: newer versions of the library (ie. >= 3.2) require
calling ndpi_finalize_initialization() somewhere after the
detection module init finished. Contribution is from Toni Uhlig
( @lnslbrty ).
! fix, pmacctd: link checks were being mistakenly skipped when
reading from a pcap_savefile. Also now if a selected aggregation
primitive is unsuitable for a given Layer2, it is simply cleared
(with an info message issued) instead of making the daemon bail
| fix, print plugin: bail the plugin out if its output was set to
stdout while the daemon was started as daemonized.
! fix, PostgreSQL plugin: in PG_compose_conn_string() allow any
intersection of host, port and cafile options.
! fix, nfprobe plugin: changed default export version from NetFlow
v5 to IPFIX.
! fix, sfprobe plugin: FreeBSD was complaining of errno 22 (Invalid
argument) upon sendto().
! fix, tee plugin: replication of IPv6 packets has been now tested
working. Previously the output message size was obviously encoded
wrongly and the checksum (mandatory piece of info to fill in IPv6,
contrary to IPv4 where it is optional) was not being computed.
! fix, kafka_common.c: improved p_kafka_check_outq_len() error log
message to report the amount of elements have been successfully
processed in order to better assess impact and dynamics of the
problem when inspecting logs.
! fix, net_aggr.c: if networks_file_filter is set to true, don't
add a default route to the table.
! fix, cfg.c: throw error if config file is not a regular file.
! fix, compiling against gcc10: renamed some variables and unified
declaration of others in order to be more friendly to the new
version of gcc. Also fixed several code warnings catched gcc8.
- Removed the IP prefix label feature that was enabled via the
--enable-plabel configure script switch.
1.7.5 -- 17-06-2020
+ pmacct & Redis: pmacct daemons can now connect to a Redis cache.
The main use-case currenly covered is: registering every stable
daemon component in a table so to have, when running a cluster
comprising several daemons / components, an olistic view of what
is currently running and where; shall a component stop running
or crash it will disappear from the inventory.
+ BMP daemon: as part of the IETF 107 vHackaton, preliminar support
for draft-xu-grow-bmp-route-policy-attr-trace and draft-lucente-
grow-bmp-tlv-ebit was introduced. Also added support for Peer
Distinguisher field in the BMP Per-Peer Header.
+ BMP daemon: added support for reading from savefiles in libpcap
format (pcap_savefile, pcap_savefile_delay, pcap_savefile_replay,
pcap_filter) as an alternative to the use of
+ BMP daemon: re-worked, improved and generalized support for TLVs
at the end of BMP messages. In this context, unknown Stats data
is handled as a generic TLV.
+ BMP daemon: added SO_KEEPALIVE TCP socket option (ie. to keep the
sessions alive via a firewall / NAT kind of device). Thanks to
Jared Mauch ( @jaredmauch ) for his patch.
+ nfacctd, nfprobe plugin: added usec timestamp resolution to IPFIX
collector and export via IEs #154, #155. For export, this can be
configured via the new nfprobe_tstamp_usec knob.
+ nfacctd: new nfacctd_templates_receiver and nfacctd_templates_port
config directives allow respectively to specify a destination
where to copy NetFlow v9/IPFIX templates to and a port where to
listen for templates from. If nfacctd_templates_receiver points to
a replicator and the replicator exports to nfacctd_templates_port
of a set of collectors then, for example, it gets possible to share
templates among collectors in a cluster for the purpose of seamless
+ pmtelemetryd: in addition to existing TCP, UDP and ZeroMQ inputs,
the daemon can now read Streaming Telemetry data in JSON format
from a Kafka broker (telemetry_daemon_kafka_* config knobs).
+ Use of multiple processes for the Kafka Avro exporter
to leverage the potential of multi-core/processors architectures.
Code is from Raphael P. Barazzutti ( @rbarazzutti ).
+ added -F / --no-flatten command-line option to disable
object flattening (default true for backward compatibility); also
export to a Kafka broker for (flattened) JSON objects was added (in
addition to existing export to ZeroMQ).
+ nDPI: introduced support for nDPI 3.2 and dropped support for all
earlier versions of the library due to changes to the API.
+ Docker: embraced the technology for CI purposes; added a docker/
directory in the file distribution where Dockerfile and scripts to
build pmacct and dependencies are shared. Thanks to Claudio Ortega
( @claudio-ortega ) for contributing his excellent work in the area.
! fix, pmacctd: pcap_setdirection() enabled and moved to the right
place in code. Libpcap tested for function presence. Thanks to
Mikhail Sennikovsky for his patch.
! fix, pmacctd: SEGV has been detected if passing messages with an
unsupported link layer.
! fix, uacctd: handle non-ethernet packets correctly. Use mac_len = 0
for non-ethernet packets in which case a zeroed ethernet header is
used. Thanks to @aleksandrgilfanov for his patch.
! fix, BGP daemon: improved handling of withdrawals for label-unicast
and mpls-vpn NLRIs.
! fix, BGP daemon: improved decoding of MPLS labels by passing it via
a "0x%02x%02x%01x" formatter. In the past some labels may have been
printed out incorrectly.
! fix, BGP daemon: decoding origin field correctly. Thanks to Peter
Pothier ( @pothier-peter ) for his patch.
! BGP Looking Glass: LG code was moved from pmbgpd to pmacct libbgp
so to be re-used in other components (ie. BGP thread of a flow
daemon, BMP daemon, etc.).
! fix, BMP daemon: timestamps for Route Monitoring message were set
to the current time rather than timestamp in the Per-Peer Header.
Thanks to Peter Pothier ( @pothier-peter ) for reporting the issue.
! fix, BMP daemon: V flag test to allow IPv6 prefixes/peers was not
correct (details in PR #362 on GitHub). Thanks @bcavns01 for his
! fix, BGP, BMP daemons: modified approach to message segmentation
by ensuring reading exactly one message at a time (instead of the
previous unaligned approach that was aiming to fill the available
read buffer up) and waiting for all segments be available before
processing a message (instead of the previous greedy approach that
was trying to parse also partial messages).
! fix, RPKI daemon: in rpki_prefix_lookup_node_match_cmp() prevent
invalid results to over-write a previously computed valid one.
! fix, pmtelemetryd: recv() does include a MSG_WAITALL option to make
sure all data is available before processing a given message; now
n alarm() syscall is introduced so to prevent stalls due to bogus /
incomplete data.
! fix, tee plugin: Tee_init_socks() now does not overwrite previously
computed address length anymore: issues were repoted with IPv6 IPv4-
mapped addresses.
! fix, nfprobe plugin: take into account ingress/egress interfaces,
if available, when comparing flows. Thanks to Mikhail Sennikovsky
for his patch.
! fix, pretag.c: incorrect string termiantion in pretag_copy_label()
was making the daemon SEGV upon certain conditions when defining
set_label statements in a pre_tag_map.
! fix, pretag_handlers.c: pretag_copy_label() instead of memcpy() in
pretag_label_handler() to not borrow reference to label value and
consequently lead to SEGV.
! fix, zmq_common.c: missing variable init in p_zmq_zap_handler() was
giving troubles with gcc7 compiler optimizations. Thanks to Yuri
Lachin ( @yuyutime ) for his support resolving this bug.
! fix, sql_common.c: print custom primitives with hex semantics among
quotes. Hexs require a char type defined in the SQL table schema.
! fix, addr.c: passing right aligned argument to ip6_addr_cmp() in
host_addr_mask_cmp(). This was found to impact selective replication
of IPv6 flows basing on src_net and/or dst_net primitives in the
! fix, several code warnings catched by gcc7 and gcc8. Also several
functions were renamed to avoid namespace conflicts with linked
- Obsoleted --enable-64bit knob which was already defaulting to true
for some releases already.
- Obsoleted savefile_wait config knob (pcap_savefile_wait must be
used instead).
1.7.4p1 -- 09-02-2020
! fix, pre_tag_map: a memory leak in pretag_entry_process() has been
introduced in 1.7.4. Thanks to Fabien Vincent and Olivier Benghozi
for their support resolving the issue.
1.7.4 -- 31-12-2019
+ Released v3: a Streaming Telemetry collector and decoder
for multi-vendor environments written in Python3. It supports gRPC
transport along with Protobuf encoding as input and can output to
Kafka with Avro encoding. Output to files and JSON encoding is
currently supported sending data via ZMQ to pmtelemetryd first. It
was tested working with data input from Cisco and Huawei routers
and v3 replaces v2. Thanks to the Streaming Telemetry core team:
Matthias Arnold ( @tbearma1 ), Camilo Cardona ( @jccardonar ),
Thomas Graf ( @graf3 , @graf3net ), Paolo Lucente ( @paololucente ).
+ Introduced support for the 'vxlan' VXLAN/VNI primitive in all traffic
daemons (NetFlow/IPFIX, sFlow and libpcap/ULOG). Existing inner tunnel
primitives (ie. tunnel_src_host, tunnel_dst_host, tunnel_proto, etc.)
have been wired to the VXLAN decoding and new ones (tunnel_src_mac,
tunnel_dst_mac, tunnel_src_port, tunnel_dst_port) were defined.
+ BMP daemon: added support for Peer Up message namespace for TLVs
(draft-ietf-grow-bmp-peer-up) and also support for Route Monitor
and Peer Down TLVs (draft-ietf-grow-bmp-tlv).
+ BGP, BMP daemons: in addition to existing JSON export, data can now
be exported in Apache Avro format. There is also support for the
Confluent Schema Registry.
+ Introduced support for JSON-encoded Apache Avro encoding. While the
binary-encoded Apache Avro is always recommended for any production
scenarios (also to optionallly leverage Confluent Schema Registry
support), JSON-encoded is powerful for testing and troubleshooting
+ sfprobe plugin: added support for IPv6 transport for sFlow export.
sfprobe_agentip is an IP address put in the header of the sFlow
packet. If underlying transport is IPv6, this must be configured to
an IPv6 address.
+ zmq_common.[ch]: Improved modularity of the ZMQ internal API and
decoupled bind/connect from push/pull and pub/sub; also improved
support for inproc sockets. All to increase the amount of use-cases
covered by the API.
+ bgp_peer_src_as_map: added 'filter' key to cover pmacctd/uacctd use
+ nfprobe, sfprobe plugins: introduced [sn]fprobe_index_override to
override ifindexes dynamically determined (ie. by NFLOG) with values
computed by [sn]fprobe_ifindex.
+ MySQL, PostgreSQL plugins: added support for SSL/TLS connections by
specifying a CA certificate (sql_conn_ca_file).
+ Kafka, AMQP plugins: amqp_markers and kafka_markers have now been
properly re-implemented when output encoding is Avro using an own
Avro schema (instead of squatting pieces of JSON in the data stream
for the very purpose).
+ print plugin: introduced print_write_empty_file config knob (true,
false) to create an empty output file when there are no cache entries
to purge. Such behaviour was present in versions up to 0.14 and may
be preferred by some to the new >= 1.5 versions behaviour. Thanks to
Lee Yongjae ( @setup74 ) for the contribution.
! fix, signals.c: signals handling has been restructured in order to
block certain signals during critical sections of data processing.
Thanks to Vaibhav Phatarpekar ( @vphatarp ) for the contribution.
! fix, signals.c: slimmed reload() signal handler code and moved it to
a synchronous section. The handler is to reset logging output to
files or syslog. Thanks to Jared Mauch ( @jaredmauch ) for his
support resolving this.
! fix, pmbgpd, pmbmpd and pmtelemetryd daemons: added extra signals
handling (SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGCHLD) consistently to traffic daemons.
! fix, BGP daemon: withdrawals of label-unicast (support introduced in
1.7.3) and mpls-vpn NLRIs did fail to parse in release 1.7.3 and
were silently discarded.
! fix, nfacctd: wired (BGP, BMP, ISIS, etc) lookups to NetFlow (Secure)
Event Logging (NEL/NSEL).
! fix, pmtelemetryd: re-implemented a decoder for so-called Cisco v1
Streaming Telemetry proprietary header over UDP/TCP streams.
! fix, pmtelemetryd: improved sanitization of input JSON objects by
also checking for isspace() other than isprint() for pretty-printed
! maps_index: optimized lookups, improved debugging output upon loading
! fix, tee plugin: overwriting computed IP address length with socket
container length was found to prevent output data on some BSDs.
! fix, kafka_common.c: if taking the p_kafka_close() route, ensure to
return and not perform any further polling in order to avoid SEGVs.
! fix, BMP daemon: incorrect decoding of type was preventing correct
logging of Init and Term messages extra info. Also in Term messages
TLV data was incorrectly consumed twice triggering length check
! fix, BMP daemon: added checks for successful BGP PDU parsing in both
Peer Up (BGP OPEN) and Route Monitor (BGP UPDATE) messages.
! fix, BMP daemon: improved length checks and making sure that strings
potentially non null-terminated are now terminated. Also TLV-related
code has been refactored.
! fix, the example client for BGP Looking Glass was migrated
to Python3: thanks to @brusilov for the contribution.
! fix, nfacctd: if src_port or dst_port primitives are selected, enable
IP fragment handling. Needed to process L4 of IPFIX IE #351.
! fix, nfv9_template.c: correct handling of variable-length IPFIX
fields. Thanks to Nimrod Mesika ( @nimrody ) for the contribution.
! fix, PostgreSQL plugin: ABSTIME was replaced with to_timestamp() in
queries as support for ABSTIME was dropped as of PostgreSQL 12. Many
thanks to Manuel Mendez ( @mmlb ) for the contribution.
! fix, PostgreSQL plugin: SEGVs were observed when the queue of pending
queries was non-empty (ie. nfacctd_time_new set to false, default);
thanks to Guo-Wei Su ( @nansenat16 ) for the contribution.
! fix, cfg_handlers: [sn]facctd_disable_checks, nfacctd_disable_opt_
scope_check could not be properly set to false.
! fix, sql_common.c: src_host_coords and dst_host_coords primitives
have been correctly spaced in SQL queries. Also float values are now
quoted. Finally, sampling_direction primitive is encoded correctly.
! fix, kafka plugin: if kafka_avro_schema_registry is in use, subject
name is aligned to Kafka topic name (if topic is not dynamic).
! fix, pretag.c: when using 'label', store the label string in the
heap (instead of the stack). Thanks to Raphael P. Barazzutti
( @rbarazzutti ) for the contribution.
! fix, pretag.c: JEQ labels are now correctly free() during init upon
map reload.
! fix, zmq_common.c: missing variable init in p_zmq_zap_handler() was
causing plugin_pipe_zmq operations to fail on certain compilers (ie.
gcc7). Thanks to Yuri Lachin ( @yuyutime ) for his support.
! fix, cfg_handlers.c: reviewed handling of parsed 'zero' value for
several config directives.
! fix, countless code warnings when enabling -Wall (--enable-debug);
also included -Wall in Continuous Integration tests. Restructured
globals, header inclusions, function prototypes definition, etc.
Many thanks to Marc Sune ( @msune ) for all his efforts.
! fix, evaluation of --enable-debug pushed to the end of
the script so to not interfere with tests (ie. alignment, endianess,
- BMP daemon: retired support for draft-hsmit-bmp-extensible-routemon-
- AMQP plugin: obsoleted amqp_avro_schema feature (which includes
amqp_avro_schema_routing_key and amqp_avro_schema_refresh_time keys
config keys). Avro schemas can now only be written to files.
1.7.3 -- 16-05-2019
+ Introduced the RPKI daemon to build a ROA database and check prefixes
validation status and coverages. Resource Public Key Infrastructure
(RPKI) is a specialized public key infrastructure (PKI) framework
designed to secure the Internet routing. RPKI uses certificates to
allow Local Internet Registries (LIRs) to list the Internet number
resources they hold. These attestations are called Route Origination
Authorizations (ROAs). ROA information can be acquired in one of the
two following ways: 1) importing it using the rpki_roas_file config
directive from a file in the RIPE Validator format or 2) connecting
to a RPKI RTR Cache for live ROA updates; the cache IP address/port
being defined by the rpki_rtr_cache config directive (and a few more
optional rpki_rtr_* directives are available and can be reviwed in
the CONFIG-KEYS doc). The ROA fields will be populated with one of
these five values: 'u' Unknown, 'v' Valid, 'i' Invalid no overlaps,
'V' Invalid with a covering Valid prefix, 'U' Invalid with a covering
Unknown prefix. Thanks to Job Snijders ( @job ) for his support and
+ Introducing, written in Python, a daemon to handle gRPC-
based Streaming Telemetry sessions and unmarshall GPB data. Code
was mostly courtesy by Matthias Arnold ( @tbearma1 ). This is in
addition (or feeding into) pmtelemetryd, written in C, a daemon to
handle TCP/UDP-based Streaming Telemetry sessions with JSON-encoded
data. Thanks to Matthias Arnold ( @tbearma1 ) and Thomas Graf for
their support and contributing code.
+ pmacctd, uacctd: added support for CFP (Cisco FabricPath) and Cisco
Virtual Network Tag protocols. Both patches were courtesy by Stephen
Clark ( @sclark46 ).
+ print plugin: added 'custom' to print_output. This is to cover two
main use-cases: 1) use JSON or Avro encodings but fix the format of
the messages in a custom way and 2) use a different encoding than
JSON or Avro. See also example in examples/custom and new directives
print_output_custom_lib and print_output_custom_cfg_file. The patch
was courtesy by Edge Intelligence ( @edge-intelligence ).
+ Introducing mpls_pw_id aggregation primitive and mpls_pw_id key in
pre_tag_map to filter on signalled L2 MPLS VPN Pseudowire IDs.
+ BGP daemon: added bgp_disable_router_id knob to enable/disable BGP
Router-ID check, both at BGP OPEN time and BGP lookup. Useful, for
example, in scenarios with split BGP v4/v6 AFs over v4/v6 transports.
+ BGP, BMP daemons: translate origin attribute numeric value into IGP
(i), EGP (e) and Incomplete (u) strings.
+ plugins: added new plugin_exit_any feature to make the daemon bail
out if any (not all, which is the default behaviour) of the plugins
+ maps_index: improved selection of buckets for index hash structure
by picking the closest prime number to the double of the entries of
the map to be indexed in order to achieve better elements dispersion
and hence better performances.
+ nfacctd: added support for IPFIX templateId-scoped (IE 145) sampling
+ pmacctd, uacctd, sfacctd, nfacctd: added a -M command-line option to
set *_markers (ie. print_markers) to true and fixed -A command-line
option to set print_output_file_append to align to true/false.
! fix, BGP, BMP, Streaming Telemetry daemons: improved sequencing of
dump events by assigning a single sequence number per event (ie. for
streaming pipeline scenarios in order to reduce correlation with
dump_init/dump_close messages). Also amount of record dumped was
added to the close message.
! fix, BGP, BMP, Streaming Telemetry daemons: removed hierarchical
json_decref() since json_object_get() borrows reference. This was
occasionaly leading to SEGVs.
! fix, uacctd: dynamically allocate jumbo_container buffer size as
packets larger than 10KB, previous static allocation, would lead to
! fix, nfacctd: wired (BGP, BMP, ISIS, etc.) lookups to the NEL/NSEL
! fix, nfacctd: search for IE 408 (dataLinkFrameType) was leading to
SEGVs. Also improved handling of variable-length IPFIX templates.
! fix, BMP daemon: solved an occasional truncation of the last message
in a packet.
! fix, BGP daemon: when processing bgp_daemon_md5_file, ipv4 addresses
were incorrectly translated to ipv4-mapped ipv6 ones as a result of
which TCP-MD5 hashes were not correctly bound to sockets.
! fix, BGP daemon: improved label-unicast and mpls-vpn SAFIs handling
(some bogus messages, multiple labels, etc.).
! fix, BGP daemon: introduced PREFIX_STRLEN to make enough room for
prefix2str() calls (before unsufficient INET6_ADDRSTRLEN was used).
! fix, BMP daemon: improved handling of ADD-PATH capability.
! fix, plugins: an incorrect evaluation in P_cache_attach_new_node did
make possible to buffer overrun in plugins cache allocation. This was
found related to a "[..]: Assertion `!cache_ptr->stitch' failed."
daemon bail-out message.
! fix, plugins: if pidfile directive was enabled, exit_gracefully() was
mistakenly deleting the plugin pidfile when called by a child process
(ie. writer, dumper, etc.).
! fix, plugins: when taking exit_gracefully(), if the process is marked
as 'is_forked', just exit and don't perform extra ops in exit_all()
or exit_plugin().
! fix, plugins: re-evaluate dynamic tables/files name if *_refresh_time
is different than *_history period.
! fix, SQL plugins: a missing 'AND' was making SQL statements related
to src_host_coords and dst_host_coords fail.
! fix, GeoIPv2: if no match is returned by libmaxminddb, return O1 code
(Other Country) instead of a null value.
! fix, flow_to_rd_map: mpls_vpn_id was not working when maps_index was
enabled. Also partly re-written mpls_vpn_id handler.
! fix, nfprobe plugin: serialize_bin() function introduced for correct
serialization of custom primitives defined with 'raw' semantics.
! fix, PostgreSQL plugin: testing for presence of PQlibVersion() in
libpq to prevent compiling issues (ie. on CentOS 6).
! fix, MySQL plugin: including mysql_version.h to compile successfully
against newer MariaDB releases.
! fix, nDPI classification: send log message if 'class' primitive is
selected but nDPI is not compiled in; also updated code to follow
API changes in versions >= 2.6 of the library. Dropped support for
versions < 2.4.
! fix, sfprobe plugin: added (and documented) conditional for optional
export of classification info.
! fix, aggregate_primitives: field_type is now also allowed for pmacctd
and uaccd daemons so that it can be used for NetFlow v9/IPFIX export
(nfprobe plugin) purposes.
! fix, pre_tag_map: if no 'ip' keyword is specified, an entry of the
map gets recirculated in order to be set for both v4 and v6 maps. If
a 'set_label' is also specified, it was causing a SEGV. Now the label
is correctly copied in case of recirculation.
! fix, zmq_common.c: added option for non-blocking p_zmq_send_bin() as
otherwise program would block in case of no consumers (main use-case:
flow replication over ZeroMQ queues); as a result, a generous hwm
value was added on both sides of these queues.
! fix, zmq_common.c: ZAP socket moved inside thread to prevent failed
assert() when compiling with gcc7/gcc8. Also a single user/password
auto-generated combination is used for all plugins.
! fix, signals.c: SIGUSR1 handler for nfacctd and nfacctd is changed to
syncronous in order to prevent race conditions. Also, in pmacctd,
upon sending SIGUSR1, stats were not printed when reading packets
from a pcap_interfaaces_map.
! fix, plugin_cmn_json.c: if leaving protocols numerical (ie. proto,
tunnel_proto primitives), convert them to string-represented numbers
for data consistency for consumers.
! fix, util.c: open_output_file(), if file exists and it's a FIFO then
set O_NONBLOCK when opening.
! fix, pretag.c: pretag_index_report() was reporting incorrect info of
the hash structure built for the maps_index feature. Its format was
has also changed to be better parseable.
! fix, compile time warnings: several warnings were addressed including
but not restricted to -Wformat ones. Also an annotation was added to
the Log function to inform the compiler it's a printf-style function,
allowing it to give warnings for argument mismatches.
- --enable-ipv6 configure script switch has been deprecated and, as a
result, IPv6 support was made mandatory.
- BGP daemon: removed unused pathlimit field from bgp_attr structure.
- pmacct client: removed deprecated SYM field from from formatted and
CSV headers.
1.7.2 -- 26-11-2018
+ nfacctd, sfacctd: added Kafka broker among the options to receive
NetFlow/IPFIX, sFlow data from. Host, port and topic should all be
specified along with an optional config file to pass to librdkafka.
+ nfacctd, sfacctd, pmtelemetryd: added ZeroMQ queue among the options
to receive NetFlow/IPFIX, sFlow or Streaming Telemetry data from. An
IP address and port should be specified.
+ nfacctd, sfacctd: added sampling_direction to the set of supported
primitives, valid values being ingress, egress and unknown.
+ nfacctd, sfacctd: stats, ie. amount of NetFlow/IPFIX or sFlow packets
received per router, are now available when in tee mode. Stats can be
retrieved via a SIGUSR1 UNIX signal.
+ pcap_savefile_replay: a feature to replay content for the specified
amounf of time when reading from a pcap_savefile.
+ pre_tag_map: added several new keys: src_net and dst_net (to tag on
source and destination IP prefixes respectively), bgp_nexthop (to
tag on BGP nexthop) and nat_event.
+ BGP daemon: added bgp_lrgcomm_pattern feature to filter large BGP
communities (in addition to existing equivalent knobs to filter on
standard and extended communities).
+ BMP, Streaming Telemetry daemons: msglog_file and dump_file config
directives now offer $bmp_router, $bmp_router_port, $telemetry_node
and $telemetry_node_port variables.
+ BGP, BMP, Streaming Telemetry daemons: added BGP, BMP and Streaming
Telemetry exporter TCP/UDP port as variable for dump/log filenames
(to better support NAT traversal scenarios).
+ BGP, BMP daemons: added message sequencing to both BGP and BMP dumps
(bgp_table_dump_*, bmp_dump_*). If dumping and logging are enabled
in parallel then sequencing the dumps allows for check pointing at
regular time intervals.
+ BMP daemon: implemented draft-hsmit-bmp-extensible-routemon-msgs for
a tlv-based encoding of route-monitoring messages with a new message
+ Streaming Telemetry daemon: added sample decoders for gRPC / GPB for
Cisco and Huawei platforms, written in Python. Telemetry data is
decoded using vendor-supplied proto files and output in JSON format
in a ZeroMQ queue - suitable for ingestion in pmtelemetryd. Docs and
sample code is available in the telemetry/ directory. This is all in
addition to TCP/UDP transports and JSON encoding supported natively
in pmtelemetryd.
+ kafka plugin: introduced support for Confluent Schema Registry via
libserdes. A registry can be supplied via kafka_avro_schema_registry
config directive; the schema is generated automatically. The feature
enables validation of data passed through a Kafka broker and uses
Avro encoding.
+ kafka plugin: added $in_iface key (input interface) to the set of
variables supported by kafka_partition_key. Extremely useful when
coupled to $peer_src_ip in some scenarios.
+ print, IMT plugins: separator for CSV format can now be space (\s)
or tab (\t).
+ tee plugin: added Kafka broker among the emitters. kafka_broker and
kafka_topic knobs are now available in the tee_receivers map and a
tee_kafka_config_file directive allows to define a file with config
to pass to librdkafka.
+ tee plugin: added ZeroMQ queue among the emitters. zmq_address knob
defines the queue IP address and port to emit to.
+ tee plugin: introducing support for complex pre_tag_map when doing
replication of NetFlow/IPFIX (sFlow replication had already this).
With this feature flows are individually evaluated against supplied
filters (input interface, BGP next-hop, etc.) and (not) replicated
+ GeoIP v2: added support for latitude and longitude primitives via
src_host_coords and dst_host_coords knobs. This is in addition to
existing country and pocode supports.
+ files_uid, files_gid: now also user and group strings are accepted.
This is in addition to user and group IDs.
! fix, nfacctd: NF_evaluate_flow_type() improved to not detect Cisco
ASA flows (ie. those including initiator and responder octets) as
events. Also improved sanity checking of received NetFlow v9/IPFIX
data and options templates and reviwed modulo functions and improved
template hashing.
! fix, BGP, BMP, Streaming Telemetry daemons: improved log sequencing
by handling counter wrap-up more gracefully. Also a log sequencing
API was developed to improve code re-use.
! fix, BGP daemon: added check for duplicate Router-IDs at BGP OPEN
parsing time. If a duplicate is detected, the session BGP OPENing of
the new session is dropped.
! fix, BGP daemon: ADD-PATH capability was checked only in the first
AFI/SAFI and was being set in the reply for last AFI/SAFI RECEIVE(1)
if first included SEND(2) or SEND-RECEIVE(3). Thanks to Markus Weber
( @FvDxxx ) for his patch.
! fix, BGP daemon: upon route lookup, don't perform ADD-PATH logics if
no PATH-ID (even if ADD-PATH capability is announced by the peer).
Thanks to Camilo Cardona ( @jccardonar ) for his support solving the
! fix, BGP daemon: graceful handling of invalid AS-PATH segment types
(ie. AS-PATH in BGP UPDATE inconsistent with capabilities passed in
BGP OPEN) in order to avoid SEGVs.
! fix, pmtelemetryd: improved support for UDP timeouts. Also reviewed
natively supported encodings: removed zjson and GPB was moved to pre-
processors (with samples available in telemetry/decoders directory).
! fix, pmtelemetryd: no dump_init / dump_close events sequencing since
all messages are sequenced anyway (consistency with other daemons).
! fix, kafka_common.c: now destroying both config and topic config as
part of p_kafka_close() in order to avoid memory leaks. Also, port is
omitted from broker string if not passed to p_kafka_set_broker(). And
finally output queue length checks in p_kafka_check_outq_len() have
been relaxed (to counter temporary hickups that need more patience).
! fix, kafka plugin: kafka_partition default was zero (that is, a valid
partition number) instead of -1 (RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA or unassigned)
which allows librdkafka to attach a partitioner.
! fix, SQL plugins: sql_table_schema is honoured even if sql_table_name
is non-dynamic. This is to cover cases where the table is rotated
! fix, mysql plugin: my_bool replaced with bool. The plugin now does
compile against MySQL 8.0. Also added inclusion of stdbool.h as on
some systems bool is not defined. Improved overall probing for MySQL
! fix, pgsql plugin: sql_recovery_backup_host was not being honoured.
PG_create_backend() now composes a proper conn_string.
! fix, print plugin: increase successful queries number, QN, only if
the output file was successfully opened.
! fix, zmq_common.c: moved ZAP socket initialization inside the ZAP
handler. See: .
! fix, util.c: length checks in handle_dynname_internal_strings() were
reviewed. Existings were not working in absence of starting/trailing
non-variable strings.
! fix, util.c: use lockf() instead of more problematic flock(). Thanks
to Yuri Lachin ( @yuyutime ) and Miki Takata ( @mikiT ) for their
! fix, util.c: in compose_timestamp() pad usecs and use "%ld" since
time fields are signed longs. Thanks to @raymondrussell for the
! fix, ndpi_util.c: a protocol bitmask is now set in order to increase
match rate. Patch is courtesy by @rsolsn.
! fix, compile time warnings: several warnings were addressed including
but not restricted to -Wreturn-time, -Wunused-variable, implicit func
declarations, -Wformat-extra-args, -Wunused-label, -Wunused-value,
-Wunused-function, sbrk calls, -Wpointer-to-int-cast, -Wparentheses
and -Wint-to-pointer-cast.
! fix, dangerous uninitialized values: net_aggr.c, pmacct.c: in merge()
argument with non-NULL attribute could be passed NULL; bmp_msg.c: in
bmp_process_msg_route_monitor() bdata.tstamp could be uninitialized;
sfprobe_plugin.c: calloc() return value (possibly null) was not being
checked; sflow_agent.c: uninitialized ret value in sfl_agent_init()
could lead to undefined bind() error behaviour.
! fix, thread_pool.c: reviewed logics in deallocate_thread_pool() and
solved a minor memory leak in allocate_thread_pool().
- pmacctd: removed support for FDDI :)
- nfacctd: discontinued support for NetFlow v1, v7 and v8 collection
and replication.
- pre_tag_map: matching on 'sampling_rate' is not supported anymore as
a sampling_rate primitive is now available; the 'return' feature to
return matched data before completing the map workflow has started
being obsoleted (retired from docs but still available).
- plugin_pipe_check_core_pid: deprecating feature given RabbitMQ and
Kafka are not supported anymore for internal message delivery.
- tee plugin: obsoleted tee_dissect_send_full_pkt knob, entire packets
are now replicated only if no pre_tag_map or a simple pre_tag_map is
- nfprobe plugin: removed support for NetFlow v1 export.
1.7.1 -- 06-05-2018
+ pmbgpd: introduced a BGP x-connect feature meant to map BGP peers
(ie. PE routers) to BGP collectors (ie. nfacctd, sfacctd) via a
standalone BGP daemon (pmbgpd). The aim is to facilitate operations
when re-sizing/re-balancing the collection infrastructure without
impacting (ie. re-configuring) BGP peers. bgp_daemon_xconnect_map
expects full pathname to a file where cross-connects are defined;
mapping works only against the IP source address and not the BGP
Router ID, only 1:1 relationships can be formed (ie. this is about
cross-connecting, not replication) and only one session per BGP
peer is supported (ie. multiple BGP agents are running on the same
IP address or NAT traversal scenarios are not supported [yet]).
A sample map is provided in 'examples/'.
+ pmbgpd: introduced a BGP Looking Glass server allowing to perform
queries, ie. lookup of IP addresses/prefixes or get the list of BGP
peers, against available BGP RIBs. The server is asyncronous and
uses ZeroMQ as transport layer to serve incoming queries. Sample
C/Python LG clients are available in 'examples/lg'. A sample LG
server config is available in QUICKSTART. Request/Reply Looking
Glass formats are documented in 'docs/LOOKING_GLASS_FORMAT'.
+ pmacctd: a single daemon can now listen for traffic on multiple
interfaces via a polling mechanism. This can be configured via a
pcap_interfaces_map feature (interface/pcap_interface can still be
used for backward compatiblity to listen on a single interface). The
map allows to define also ifindex mapping and capturing direction on
a per-interface basis. The map can be reloaded at runtime via a USR2
signal and a sample map is in examples/
+ Kafka plugin: dynamic partitioning via kafka_partition_dynamic and
kafka_partition_key knobs is introduced. The Kafka topic can contain
variables, ie. $peer_src_ip, $src_host, $dst_port, $tag, etc., which
are all computed when data is purged to the backend. This feature is
in addition to the existing kafka_partition feature which allows to
rely on the built-in Kafka partitioning to assign data statically to
one partition or rely dynamically on the default partitioner. The
feature is courtesy by Corentin Neau / Codethink ( @weyfonk ).
+ Introduced rfc3339 formatted timestamps: in logs, ie. UTC timezone
represented as yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss(.ss)Z; for aggregation primitives
the timestamps_rfc3339 knob can be used to enable this feature (left
disabled by default for backward compatibility).
+ timestamps_utc: new knob to decode timestamps to UTC timezone even
if the Operating System is set to a different timezone. On the goods
of running a system set to UTC please read Q18 of FAQS.
+ sfacctd: implemented mpls_label_top, mpls_label_bottom and
mpls_stack_depth primitives decoded from sFlow flow sample headers.
Thanks to David Barroso ( @dbarrosop ) for his support.
+ nfacctd: added support for IEs 130 (exporterIPv4Address) and 131
(exporterIPv6Address) when passed as part of NetFlow v9/IPFIX
option packets (these IEs were already supported when passed in flow
data). Also added support for IE 351 (dataLinkFrameSection) which
carries the initial portion of a sampled raw packet headers (a-la
sFlow). This was tested working against a Cisco NCS 5k platform.
+ nfprobe plugin: added a new nfprobe_dont_cache knob allowing to
disable caching and summarisation of flows (essentially letting the
NetFlow/IPFIX probe behave like a sFlow probe).
+ nfprobe plugin: added support for MPLS_LABEL_1, NetFlow v9/IPFIX IE
70; improved support for BGP next-hop IE 18 and 63. Also support for
IE 130/131 vi NetFlow v9/IPFIX Options was added.
+ sfprobe plugin: added sfprobe_source_ip knob to define the local IP
address from which sFlow datagrams are exported; improved support
for BGP next-hop.
+ nfacctd, sfacctd, BGP, BMP, Streaming Telemetry daemons: on Linux,
if supported, use SO_REUSEPORT for the listening socket (added to
existing SO_REUSEADDR option).
+ nfacctd, sfacctd: introduced new 'export_proto_sysid' primitive to
give visibility to NetFlow v5/v8 engine_id / NetFlow v9 source ID /
IPFIX Obs Domain ID / sFlow agentSubID.
+ nfacctd, sfacctd: extended nDPI support to NetFlow v9/IPFIX packets
with IE 315 (dataLinkFrameSection) and sFlow v5 packets with header
+ nfacctd, sfacctd: extended custom primitives definition framework,
aggregate_primitives, to NetFlow v9/IPFIX packets with IE 315
(dataLinkFrameSection) and sFlow v5 sampled headers section.
+ nfacctd, sfacctd: added per-collector packets and bytes counts to
stats emitted via SIGUSR1. Also the output was made more formal (so
to be more easily parsed) and is documented in the UPGRADE notes.
+ nfacctd, pmacctd, sfacctd: pcap_savefile_delay feature introduced
to sleep for the supplied amount of seconds before playing a given
pcap_savefile. Useful, for example, to let BGP/BMP sessions come up
so that routing data is available for correlation when processing
data in the trace.
+ Kafka plugin: configuring to a positive value
in a kafka_config_file makes now librdkafka log plenty of internal
+ BGP daemon: added support for Extended BGP Administrative Shutdown
Communication (draft-snijders-idr-rfc8203bis-00).
+ BMP daemon: added support for draft-ietf-grow-bmp-adj-rib-out-01 and
draft-ietf-grow-bmp-loc-rib-01. As a result of that, Route Monitor
log messages now contain indication of is_out and is_filtered.
+ BMP daemon: added support for stats reports 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 and
descriptions for the different Peer Types and and Peer Down reasons.
Finally, indication of is_post is now making to Route Monitor log
+ plugin_pipe_zmq: introduced plugin_pipe_zmq_hwm (high water mark)
knob to control the maximum amount of messages than can be stored in
the ZeroMQ queue.
+ [ns]facctd_allow_file: the map is now made reloadable at runtime via
SIGUSR2 and accepts IPv4/IPv6 prefixes increasing its scale (before
it was only accepting individual IP addresses).
+ pmacctd: added support for IPv6, MPLS for DLT_LINUX_SLL captures.
Thanks to David Barroso ( @dbarrosop ) for his support.
+ uacctd: added a global 'direction' knob to give visibility of data
capturing direction, ie. in/out. Useful for pre_tag_map use.
+ MySQL plugin: added sql_port knob in order to specify non-default
ports for connecting to the database. Patch is courtesy by Vadim
Tkachenko ( @vadimtk ).
! fix, plugins: getppid() parent process health check improved so
to work in Docker environments not assuming anymore parent PID is
1. Patch is courtesy by Hidde van der Heide ( @hvanderheide ).
! fix, plugins: imposing a budget for received messages (100) so to
preserve fairness of other operations (ie. time keeping, bucketing,
reloading maps, etc.) and prevent starvations.
! fix, plugins: retry when zmq_getsockopt() for ZMQ_EVENTS returns
EINTR. Thanks to Wouter de Jong for his support solving the issue.
! fix, plugins: when executing triggers, the first argument passed to
execv() should be the path to the invoked executable to prevent
execv(3) to fail and return EFAULT on OpenBSD. Patch is courtesy
by @higgsd.
! fix, BGP daemon: improved support of multiple capabilities per
optional parameter in the OPEN message. Also add-path capability is
now advertised if neighbor supports send/receive (previously it was
sent back on send only) of such capability. Thanks to Radu Anghel
( @cozonac ) for his support.
! fix, BGP daemon: upon route lookup, don't perform ADD-PATH logics if
no PATH-ID (even if ADD-PATH capability is announced by the peer).
Thanks to Camilo Cardona ( @jccardonar ) for his support solving the
! fix, BGP daemon: wrong type 2 32-bit ASN Route Distinguisher was
defined in network.h. Thanks to Thomas Graf for reporting the issue.
! fix, BGP, BMP daemons: lookup of BGP-LU entries is now performed
against the correct RIB.
! fix, BMP daemon: the BMP thread is now made mutually exclusive with
the BGP one (until an use-case needs to run them both). This is to
potentially prevent BGP and BMP information to interfere with each
other when correlated. Also the 'bmp' keyword was added for *_as and
*_net config directives (ie. nfacctd_as, nfacctd_net). Thanks to
Juan Camilo Cardona ( @jccardonar ) for his support.
! fix, BMP daemon: improved correlation of BMP data with traffic data
by supporting a replication use-case (the BMP exporter is a route
-server rather than an actual Edge Router) upon lookup. Thanks to
Juan Camilo Cardona ( @jccardonar ) for his support.
! fix, BMP daemon: in bgp_peer_cmp() and bgp_peer_host_addr_cmp() the
comparison function has been changed from generic memcmp() to a more
specific host_addr_cmp() as paddings were giving issues. Thanks to
Juan Camilo Cardona ( @jccardonar ) for reporting the issue.
! fix, BMP daemon: a pm_tdestroy call in bmp_peer_close() was leading
to SEGV under certain conditions by not NULL'ing all pointers. Thanks
to Juan Camilo Cardona ( @jccardonar ) for reporting the issue.
! fix, nfacctd: prevent time calculations to underflow in cases in
which sysUptime < first or last flow switched timestamps in NetFlow
v5. Patch is courtesy by David Steinn Geirsson ( @dsgwork ).
! fix, nfacctd: in the context of aggregate_primitives, now enforcing
terminating the zero when decoding variable-length IEs when applying
string semantics.
! fix, nfprobe: changed ifIndex fields from u_int16_t to u_int32_t in
order to prevent overflows and aligning to the rest of structs.
! fix, MySQL plugin: minor code revisions to restore compiling against
MariaDB 10.2.
! fix, sql_common.c: increased read_SQLquery_from_file() buffer size
so that sql_table_schema can be fed with longer CREATE TABLE
! fix, print, SQL plugins: post_tag, post_tag2 support was added to
sql_table and print_output_file. Also for Kafka, RabbitMQ plugins
kafka_topic and amqp_routing_key variables support was harmonized
with print and SQL plugins (ie. $pre_tag renamed to $tag), see
UPGRADE notes.
! fix, SQL plugins: sql_startup_delay was not being honored when
sql_trigger_exec was defined without a sql_trigger_time resulting
in empty environment variables being passed to the triggered script.
Thanks to Johannes Maybaum for his support resolving the issue.
! fix, pkt_handlers.c: tmp_asa_bi_flow value was ignored when applied
to a specific plugin.
! fix, util.c: when data timestamp is not available, dynamic file and
table names variables were populated with a 1-Jan-1970 date. Now the
current timestamp is used instead as last resort. Patch is courtesy
by Ivan F. Martinez ( @ivanfmartinez ).
! fix, addr.c: host_addr_mask_sa_cmp() and str_to_addr_mask() network
mask computation for IPv6 addresses was wrong. allow_file feature
was affected.
! fix, build system: several patches committed to the build system to
simplify libraries probing, make sure to bail out upon error. Also
now a minimum required version is imposed to almost all libraries.
- --enable-threads / --disable-threads: removed the configure switch
that was allowing to compile pmacct even when no pthreads library was
available on a system. From now on support for threads is mandatory.
- BGP daemon: offline code, ie. bgp_daemon_offline_* config directives,
has been deprecated in favor of other approaches, ie. BGP Looking
Glass and BGP Xconnects.
- pkt_len_distrib: the primitive, which was meant to bucket packet /
flow / sample lengths in a distribution has been obsoleted.
1.7.0 -- 21-10-2017
+ ZeroMQ integration: by defining plugin_pipe_zmq to 'true', ZeroMQ is
used for queueing between the Core Process and plugins. This is in
alternative to the home-grown circular queue implementation (ie.
plugin_pipe_size). plugin_pipe_zmq_profile can be set to one value
of { micro, small, medium, large, xlarge } and allows to select
among a few standard buffering profiles without having to fiddle
with plugin_buffer_size. How to compile, install and operate ZeroMQ
is documented in the "Internal buffering and queueing" section of
the QUICKSTART document.
+ nDPI integration: enables packet classification, replacing existing
L7-layer project integration, and is available for pmacctd and
uacctd. The feature, once nDPI is compiled in, is simply enabled by
specifying 'class' as part of the aggregation method. How to compile
install and operate nDPI is documented in the "Quickstart guide to
packet classification" section of the QUICKSTART document.
+ nfacctd: introduced nfacctd_templates_file so that NetFlow v9/IPFIX
templates can be cached to disk to limit the amount of lost packets
due to unknown templates when nfacctd (re)starts. The implementation
is courtesy by Codethink Ltd.
+ nfacctd: introduced support for PEN on IPFIX option templates. This
is in addition to already supported PEN for data templates. Thanks
to Gilad Zamoshinski ( @zamog ) for his support.
+ sfacctd: introduced new aggregation primitives (tunnel_src_host,
tunnel_dst_host, tunnel_proto, tunnel_tos) to support inner L3
layers. Thanks to Kaname Nishizuka ( @__kaname__ ) for his support.
+ nfacctd, sfacctd: pcap_savefile and pcap_savefile_wait were ported
from pmacctd. They allow to process NetFlow/IPFIX and sFlow data
from previously captured packets; these also ease some debugging by
not having to resort anymore to tcpreplay for most cases.
+ pmacctd, sfacctd: nfacctd_time_new feature has been ported so, when
historical accounting is enabled, to allow to choose among capture
time and time of receipt at the collector for time-binning.
+ nfacctd: added support for NetFlow v9/IPFIX field types #130/#131,
respectively the IPv4/IPv6 address of the element exporter.
+ nfacctd: introduced nfacctd_disable_opt_scope_check: mainly a work
around to implementations not encoding NetFlow v9/IPIFX option scope
correctly, this knob allows to disable option scope checking. Thanks
to Gilad Zamoshinski ( @zamog ) for his support.
+ pre_tag_map: added 'source_id' key for tagging on NetFlow v9/IPFIX
source_id field. Added also 'fwdstatus' for tagging on NetFlow v9/
IPFIX information element #89: this implementation is courtesy by
Emil Palm ( @mrevilme ).
+ tee plugin: tagging is now possible on NetFlow v5-v8 engine_type/
engine_id, NetFlow v9/IPFIX source_id and sFlow AgentId.
+ tee plugin: added support for 'src_port' in tee_receivers map. When
in non-transparent replication mode, use the specified UDP port to
send data to receiver(s). This is in addition to tee_source_ip,
which allows to set a configured IP address as source.
+ networks_no_mask_if_zero: a new knob so that IP prefixes with zero
mask - that is, unknown ones or those hitting a default route - are
not masked. The feature applies to *_net aggregation primitives and
makes sure individual IP addresses belonging to unknown IP prefixes
are not zeroed out.
+ networks_file: hooked up networks_file_no_lpm feature to peer and
origin ASNs and (BGP) next-hop fields.
+ pmacctd: added support for calling pcap_set_protocol() if supported
by libpcap. Patch is courtesy by Lennert Buytenhek ( @buytenh ).
+ pmbgpd, pmbmpd, pmtelemetryd: added a few CL options to ease output
of BGP, BMP and Streaming Telemetry data, for example: -o supplies
a b[gm]p_daemon_msglog_file, -O supplies a b[gm]p_dump_file and -i
supplies b[gm]p_dump_refresh_time.
+ kafka plugin: in the examples section, added a Kafka consumer script
using the performing confluent-kafka-python module.
! fix, BGP daemon: segfault with add-path enabled peers as per issue
#128. Patch is courtesy by Markus Weber ( @FvDxxx ).
! fix, print plugin: do not update link to latest file if cause of
purging is a safe action (ie. cache space is finished. Thanks to
Camilo Cardona ( @jccardonar ) for reporting the issue. Also, for
the same reason, do not execute triggers (ie. print_trigger_exec).
! fix, nfacctd: improved IP protocol check in NF_evaluate_flow_type()
A missing length check was causing, under certain conditions, some
flows to be marked as IPv6. Many thanks to Yann Belin for his
support resolving the issue.
! fix, print and SQL plugins: optimized the cases when the dynamic
filename/table has to be re-evaluated. This results in purge speed
gains when the dynamic part is time-related and nfacctd_time_new is
set to true.
! fix, bgp_daemon_md5_file: if the server socket is AF_INET and the
compared peer address in MD5 file is AF_INET6 (v4-mapped v6), pass
it through ipv4_mapped_to_ipv4(). Also if the server socket is
AF_INET6 and the compared peer addess in MD5 file is AF_INET, pass
it through ipv4_to_ipv4_mapped(). Thanks to Paul Mabey for reporting
the issue.
! fix, nfacctd: improved length checks in resolve_vlen_template() to
prevent SEGVs. Thanks to Josh Suhr and Levi Mason for their support.
! fix, nfacctd: flow stitching, improved flow end time checks. Thanks
to Fabio Bindi ( @FabioLiv ) for his support resolving the issue.
! fix, amqp_common.c: amqp_persistent_msg now declares the RabbitMQ
exchange as durable in addition to marking messages as persistent;
this is related to issue #148.
! fix, nfacctd: added flowset count check to existing length checks
for NetFlow v9/IPFIX datagrams. This is to avoid logs flooding in
case of padding. Thanks to Steffen Plotner for reporting the issue.
! fix, BGP daemon: when dumping BGP data at regular time intervals,
dump_close message contained wrongly formatted timestamp. Thanks to
Yuri Lachin for reporting the issue.
! fix, MySQL plugin: if --enable-ipv6 and sql_num_hosts set to true,
use INET6_ATON for both v4 and v6 addresses. Thanks to Guy Lowe
( @gunkaaa ) for reporting the issue and his support resolving it.
! fix, 'flows' primitive: it has been wired to sFlow so to count Flow
Samples received. This is to support Q21 in FAQS document.
! fix, BGP daemon: Extended Communities value was printed with %d
(signed) format string instead of %u (unsigned), causing issue on
large values.
! fix, aggregate_primitives: improved support of 'u_int' semantics for
8 bytes integers. This is in addition to already supported 1, 2 and
4 bytes integers.
! fix, pidfile: pidfile created by plugin processes was not removed.
Thanks to Yuri Lachin for reporting the issue.
! fix, print plugin: checking non-null file descriptor before setvbuf
in order to prevent SEGV. Similar checks were added to prevent nulls
be input to libavro calls when Apache Avro output is selected.
! fix, SQL plugins: MPLS aggregation primitives were not correctly
activated in case sql_optimize_clauses was set to false.
! fix, building system: reviewed minimum requirement for libraries,
removed unused m4 macros, split features in plugins (ie. MySQL) and
supports (ie. JSON).
! fix, sql_history: it now correctly honors periods expressed is 's'
! fix, BGP daemon: rewritten bgp_peer_print() to be thread safe.
! fix, pretag.h: addressed compiler warning on 32-bit architectures,
integer constant is too large for "long" type. Thanks to Stephen
Clark ( @sclark46 ) for reporting the issue.
- MongoDB plugin: it is being discontinued since the old Mongo API is
not supported anymore and there has never been enough push from the
community to transition to the new/current API (which would require
a rewrite of most of the plugin). In this phase-1 the existing
MongoDB plugin is still available using 'plugins: mongodb_legacy'
in the configuration.
- Packet classification basing on the L7-filter project is being
discontinued (ie. 'classifiers' directive). This is being replaced
by an implementation basing on the nDPI project. As part of this
also the sql_aggressive_classification knob has been discontinued.
- tee_receiver was part of the original implementation of the tee
plugin, allowing to forward to a single target and hence requiring
multiple plugins instantiated, one per target. Since 0.14.3 this
directive was effectively outdated by tee_receivers.
- tmp_net_own_field: the knob has been discontinued and was allowing
to revert to backward compatible behaviour of IP prefixes (ie.
src_net) being written in the same field as IP addresses (ie.
- tmp_comms_same_field: the knob has been discontinued and was
allowing to revert to backward compatible behaviour of BGP
communities (standard and extended) being writeen all in the same
- plugin_pipe_amqp and plugin_pipe_kafka features were meant as an
alternative to the homegrown queue solution for internal messaging,
ie. passing data from the Core Process to Plugins, and are being
discontinued. They are being replaced by a new implementation,
plugin_pipe_zmq, basing on ZeroMQ.
- plugin_pipe_backlog was allowing to keep an artificial backlog of
data in the Core Process so to maximise bypass poll() syscalls in
plugins. If home-grown queueing is found limiting, instead of
falling back to such strategies, ZeroMQ queueing should be used.
- pmacctd: deprecated support for legacy link layers: FDDI, Token Ring
and HDLC.
1.6.2 -- 21-04-2017
+ BGP, BMP daemons: introduced support for BGP Large Communities IETF
draft (draft-ietf-idr-large-community). Large Communities are stored
in a variable-length field. Thanks to Job Snijders ( @job ) for his
+ BGP daemon: implemented draft-ietf-idr-shutdown. The draft defines a
mechanism to transmit a short freeform UTF-8 message as part of a
Cease NOTIFICATION message to inform the peer why the BGP session is
being shutdown or reset. Thanks to Job Snijders ( @job ) for his
+ tee plugin, pre_tag_map: introduced support for inspetion of specific
flow primitives and selective replication over them. The primitives
supported are: input and output interfaces, source and destination
MAC addresses, VLAN ID. The feature is now limited to sFlow v5 only.
Thanks to Nick Hilliard and Barry O'Donovan for their support.
+ Added src_host_pocode and dst_host_pocode primitives, pocode being a
compact and (de-)aggregatable (easy to identify districts, cities,
metro areas, etc.) geographical representation, based on the Maxmind
v2 City Database. Thanks to Jerred Horsman for his support.
+ Kafka support: introduced support for user-defined (librdkafka) config
file via the new *_kafka_config_file config directives. Full pathname
to a file containing directives to configure librdkafka is expected.
All knobs whose values are string, integer, boolean are supported.
+ AMQP, Kafka plugins: introduced new directives kafka_avro_schema_topic,
amqp_avro_schema_routing_key to transmit Apache Avro schemas at regular
time intervals. The routing key/topic can overlap with the one used to
send actual data.
+ AMQP, Kafka plugins: introduced support for start/stop markers when
encoding is set to Avro (ie. 'kafka_output: avro'); also Avro schema
is now embedded in a JSON envelope when sending it via a topic/routing
key (ie. kafka_avro_schema_topic).
+ print plugin: introduced new config directive avro_schema_output_file
to save the Apache Avro schema in a separate file (it was only possible
to have it combined at the beginning of the data file).
+ BGP daemon: introduced a new bgp_daemon_as config directive to set a
LocalAS which could be different from the remote peer one. This is to
establish an eBGP session instead of a iBGP one (default).
+ flow_to_rd_map: introduced support for mpls_vpn_id. In NetFlow/IPFIX
this is compared against Field Types #234 and #235.
+ sfacctd: introduced support for sFlow v2/v4 counter samples (generic,
ethernet, vlan). This is in addition to existing support for sFlow v5
+ BGP, BMP and Streming Telemetry daemons: added writer_id field when
writing to Kafka and/or RabbitMQ. The field reports the configured
core_proc_name and the actual PID of the writer process (so, while
being able to correlate writes to the same daemon, it's also possible
to distinguish among overlapping writes).
+ amqp, kafka, print plugins: harmonized JSON output to the above: added
event_type field, writer_id field with plugin name and PID.
+ BGP, BMP daemons: added AFI, SAFI information to log and dump outputs;
also show VPN Label if SAFI is MPLS VPN.
+ pmbgpd, pmbmpd: added logics to bypass building RIBs if only logging
BGP/BMP data real-time.
+ BMP daemon: added BMP peer TCP port to log and dump outputs (for NAT
traversal scenarios). Contextually, multiple TCP sessions per IP are
now supported for the same reason.
+ SQL plugins: ported (from print, etc. plugins) the 1.6.1 re-working of
the max_writers feature.
+ uacctd: use current time when we don't have a timestamp from netlink.
We only get a timestamp when there is a timestamp in the skb. Notably,
locally generated packets don't get a timestamp. The patch is courtesy
by Vincent Bernat ( @vincentbernat ).
+ build system: added configure options for partial linking of binaries
with any selection/combination of IPv4/IPv6 accounting daemons, BGP
daemon, BMP daemon and Streaming Telemetry daemon possible. By default
all are compiled in.
+ BMP daemon: internal code changes to pass additional info from BMP
per-peer header to bgp_parse_update_msg(). Goal is to expose further
info, ie. pre- vs post- policy, when logging or dumping BMP info.
! fix, BGP daemon: introduced parsing of IPv6 MPLS VPN (vpnv6) NLRIs.
Thanks to Alberto Santos ( @m4ccbr ) for reporting the issue.
! fix, BGP daemon: upon doing routes lookup, now correctly honouring
the case of BGP-LU (SAFI_MPLS_LABEL).
! fix, BGP daemon: send BGP NOTIFICATION out in case of known failures
in bgp_parse_msg().
! fix, kafka_partition, *_kafka_partition: default value changed from 0
(partition zero) to -1 (RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA, partition unassigned).
Thanks to Johan van den Dorpe ( @johanek ) for his support.
! fix, pre_tag_map: removed constraint for 'ip' keyword for nfacctd and
sfacctd maps. While this is equivalent syntax to specifying rules with
'ip=', it allows for map indexing (maps_index: true).
! fix, bgp_agent_map: improved sanity check against bgp_ip for IPv6
addresses (ie. an issue appeared for the case of '::1' where the first
64 bits are zeroed out). Thanks to Charlie Smurthwaite ( @catphish )
for reporting the issue.
! fix, maps_index: indexing now correctly works for IPv6 pre_tag_map
entries. That is, those where 'ip', the IP address of the NetFlow/
IPFIX/sFlow exporter, is an IPv6 address.
! fix, pre_tag_map: if mpls_vpn_rd matching condition is specified and
maps_index is enabled, PT_map_index_fdata_mpls_vpn_rd_handler() now
picks the right (and expected) info.
! fix, pkt_handlers.c: improved definition and condition to free() in
bgp_ext_handler() in order to prevent SEGVs. Thanks to Paul Mabey for
his support.
! fix, kafka_common.c: removed waiting time from p_kafka_set_topic().
Added docs advicing to create in advance Kafka topics.
! fix, sfacctd, sfprobe: tag and tag2 are now correctly re-defined as
64 bits long.
! fix, sfprobe plugin, sfacctd: tags and class primitives are now being
encoded/decoded using enterprise #43874, legit, instead of #8800, that
was squatted back in the times. See issue #71 on GiHub for more info.
! fix, sfacctd: lengthCheck() + skipBytes() were producing an incorrect
jump in case of unknown flow samples. Replaced by skipBytesAndCheck().
Thanks to Elisa Jasinska ( @fooelisa ) for her support.
! fix, pretag_handlers.c: in bgp_agent_map added case for 'vlan and ...'
filter values.
! fix, BGP daemon: multiple issues of partial visibility of the stored
RIBs and SEGVs when bgp_table_per_peer_buckets was not left default:
don't mess with bms->table_per_peer_buckets given the multi-threaded
scenario. Thanks to Dan Berger ( @dfberger ) for his support.
! fix, BGP, BMP daemons: bgp_process_withdraw() function init aligned to
bgp_process_update() in order to prevent SEGVs. Thanks to Yuri Lachin
for his support.
! fix, bgp_msg.c: Route Distinguisher was stored and printed incorrectly
when of type RD_TYPE_IP. Thanks to Alberto Santos ( @m4ccbr ) for
reporting the issue.
! fix, bgp_logdump.c: p_kafka_set_topic() was being wrongly applied to
an amqp_host structure (instead of a kafka_host structure). Thanks to
Corentin Neau ( @weyfonk ) for reporting the issue.
! fix, BGP daemon: improved BGP next-hop setting and comparison in cases
of MP_REACH_NLRI and MPLS VPNs. Many thanks to both Catalin Petrescu
( @cpmarvin ) and Alberto Santos ( @m4ccbr ) for their support.
! fix, pmbgpd, pmbmpd: pidfile was not written even if configured. Thanks
to Aaron Glenn ( @aaglenn ) for reporting the issue.
! fix, tee plugin: tee_max_receiver_pools is now correctly honoured and
debug message shows the replicatd protocol, ie. NetFlow/IPFIX vs sFlow.
! AMQP, Kafka plugins: separate JSON objects, newline separated, are
preferred to JSON arrays when buffering of output is enabled (ie.
kafka_multi_values) and output is set to JSON. This is due to quicker
serialisation performance shown by the Jansson library.
! build system: switched to enable IPv6 support by default (while the
--disable-ipv6 knob can be used to reverse the behaviour). Patch is
courtesy by Elisa Jasinska ( @fooelisa ).
! build system: given visibility, ie. via -V CL option, into compile
options enabled by default (ie. IPv6, threads, 64bit counters, etc.).
! fix, nfprobe: free expired records when exporting to an unavailable
collector in order to prevent a memory leak. Patch is courtersy by
Vladimir Kunschikov ( @kunschikov ).
! fix, AMQP plugin: set content type to binary in case of Apache Avro
! fix, AMQP, Kafka plugins: optimized amqp_avro_schema_routing_key and
kafka_avro_schema_topic. Avro schema is built only once at startup.
! fix, cfg.c: improved parsing of config key-values where squared brakets
appear in the value part. Thanks to Brad Hein ( @regulatre ) for
reporting the issue. Also, detection of duplicates among plugin and
core process names was improved.
! fix, misc: compiler warnings: fix up missing includes and prototypes;
the patch is courtesy by Tim LaBerge ( @tlaberge ).
!, Kafka, RabbitMQ consumer example
scripts have been greatly expanded to support posting to a REST API or
to a new Kafka topic, including some stats. Also conversion of multiple
newline-separated JSON objects to a JSON array has been added. Misc
bugs were fixed.
1.6.1 -- 31-10-2016
+ Introduced pmbgpd daemon: a stand-alone BGP collector daemon; acts as a
passive neighbor and maintains per-peer RIBs; can log real-time and/or
dump at regular time-intervals BGP data to configured backends.
+ Introduced pmbmpd daemon: a stand-alone BMP collector daemon; can log
real-time and/or dump at regular time-intervals BMP and BGP data to
configured backends.
+ Introduced Apache Avro as part of print, AMQP and Kafka output: Apache
Avro is a data serialization system providing rich data structures, a
compact, fast, binary data format, a container file to store persistent
data, remote procedure call (RPC) and simple integration with dynamic
languages. The implementation is courtesy by Codethink Ltd.
+ as_path, std_comm and ext_comm primitives: along with their src counter
parts, ie. src_as_path etc., have been re-worked to a variagle-length
internal representation which will lead, when using BGP primitives, to
memory savings of up to 50% compared to previous releases.
+ std_comm, ext_comm primitives: primitives are de-coupled so that they
are not multiplexed anymore in the same field, on output. Added a
tmp_comms_same_field config directive for backward compatibility.
+ nfacctd: added support for repeated NetFlow v9/IPFIX field types. Also
flowStartDeltaMicroseconds (IE #158) and flowEndDeltaMicroseconds (#159)
are now supported for timestamping.
+ kafka plugin: it is now possible to specify -1 (RD_KAFKA_RTITION_UA) as
part of the kafka_partition config directive. Also, introduced support
for Kafka partition keys via kafka_partition_key and equivalent config
+ kafka plugin: kafka_broker_host directive now allows to specify multiple
brokers, ie. "broker1:10000,broker2". The feature relies on capabilities
of underlying rd_kafka_brokers_add().
+ tee, nfprobe, sfprobe plugins: introduced Kafka support for internal
pipe and buffering, ie. plugin_pipe_kafka. This is in addition to the
existing support for homegrown internal buffering and RabbitMQ.
+ tee plugin: introduced support for variable-length buffers which reduces
CPU utilization.
+ print, MongoDB, AMQP and Kafka plugins: re-worked max_writers feature to
not rely anymore on waitpid() inside signal handlers as it was failing on
some OS versions (and could not be reproduced on others). Thanks to
Janet Sullivan for her support.
+ bgp_follow_nexthop_external: introduced feature to return, when true, the
next-hop from the routing table of the last node part of the supplied IP
prefix(es) as value for the 'peer_ip_dst' primitive. When false, default,
it returns the IP address of the last node part of the bgp_follow_nexthop
config key.
+ pmtelemetryd: added initial support for GPB. Input GPB data is currently
base64'd in the telemetry_data field of the daemon output JSON object.
+ pmtelemetryd: Added telemetry statistics. For each peer, track the number
of packets received, how many bytes are pulled off the wire, and the
resulting message payload. Dump these counts in logdump. Patch is courtesy
by Tim LaBerge.
+ amqp_markers, kafka_markers: added start/end markers feature to AMQP and
Kafka plugins output same as for the print plugin (print_markers).
+ pre_tag_map: 'direction' keyword now applies to sFlow too: it does expect
values 0 (ingress direction) or 1 (egress direction), just like before.
In sFlow v2/v4/v5 this returns a positive match if: 1) source_id equals
to input interface and this 'direction' key is set to '0' or 2) source_id
equals to output interface and this 'direction' key is set to '1'.
+ bgp_agent_map: introduced support for input and output interfaces. This
is relevant to VPN scenarios.
+ tmp_asa_bi_flow hack: bi-flows use two counters to report counters, ie.
bytes and packets, in forward and reverse directions. This hack (ab)uses
the packets field in order to store the extra bytes counter.
! fix, nfacctd: debugging NetFlow v9/IPFIX templates, added original field
type number to the output when the field is known and its description is
! fix, Jansson: added JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER flag to json_dumps() to give
output consistency across runs.
! fix, kafka_common.c: added rd_kafka_message_destroy() to p_kafka_consume_
_data() to prevent memory leaks. Thanks to Paul Mabey for his support
solving the issue.
! fix, kafka_common.c: p_kafka_set_topic() now gives it some time for the
topic to get (auto) created, if needed.
! fix, print plugin: improved check for when to print table title (csv,
formatted). Either 1) print_output_file_append is set to false or 2)
print_output_file_append is set to true and file is to be created.
! fix, print_markers: start marker is now printed also in the case where
print_output_file_append is set to true. Also, markers are now printed as
a JSON object, if output is set to JSON.
! fix, pkt_handlers.c: removed l3_proto checks from NF_peer_dst_ip_handler()
for cases where a v6 flows has a v4 BGP next-hop (ie. vpnv6)
! fix, pre_tag_map: removed 32 chars length limit from set_label statement.
! fix, custom primitives: names are now interpreted as case-insensitive.
Patch is courtesy by Corentin Neau.
! fix, BGP, BMP and Streaming Telemetry: if reopening [bgp, bmp, telemetry]_
daemon_msglog_file via SIGHUP, reset reload flag.
! fix, BGP, BMP and Streaming Telemetry: removed gettimeofday() from bgp_
peer_dump_init() and bgp_peer_dump_close() in order to maintain a single
timestamp for a full dump event. Thanks to Tim LaBerge for his support.
! fix, BGP, BMP and Streaming Telemetry: output log and dump messages went
through a general review to improve information consistency and usability.
Message formats are now documented in docs/MSGLOG_DUMP_FORMATS so to more
easily track future changes.
! fix, pmtelemetryd: avoiding un-necessary spawn of a default plugin if none
is defined.
! fix, pmtelemetryd: Mask SIGCHLD during socket IO. If we happen to be
blocked in recv() while a log dump happens, recv() will fail with EINTR.
This is to mask SIGCHLD during socket IO and restores the original mask
after the IO completes. Patch is courtesy by Tim LaBerge.
! fix, build system: misc improvements made to the build system introduced
in 1.6.0. Thanks to Vincent Bernat for his support in this area.
! fix, compiler warnings: ongoing effort to suppress warning messages when
compiling. Thanks to Tim LaBerge, Matin Mitchell for their contributions.
1.6.0 -- 07-06-2016
+ Streaming telemetry daemon: quoting Cisco IOS-XR Telemetry Configuration
Guide at the time of this writing: "Streaming telemetry [ .. ] data
can be used for analysis and troubleshooting purposes to maintain the
health of the network. This is achieved by leveraging the capabilities of
machine-to-machine communication. [ .. ]" Streming telemetry support comes
in two flavours: 1) a telemetry thread can be started in existing daemons,
ie. sFlow, NetFlow/IPFIX, etc. for the purpose of data correlation and 2)
a new daemon pmtelemetryd for standalone consumpton of data. Streaming
network telemetry data can be logged real-time and/or dumped at regular
time intervals to flat-files, RabbitMQ or Kafka brokers.
+ BMP daemon: introduced support for Route Monitoring messages. RM messages
"provide an initial dump of all routes received from a peer as well as an
ongoing mechanism that sends the incremental routes advertised and
withdrawn by a peer to the monitoring station". Like for BMP events, RM
messages can be logged real-time and/or dumped at regular time intervals
to flat-files, RabbiMQ and Kafka brokers. RM messages are also saved in a
RIB structure for IP prefix lookup.
+ uacctd: ULOG support switched to NFLOG, the newer and L3 independent Linux
packet logging framework. One of the key advantages of NFLOG is support for
IPv4 and IPv6 (whereas ULOG was restricted to IPv4 only). The code has been
contributed by Vincent Bernat ( @vincentbernat ).
+ build system: it was modernized so not to rely on specific and old versions
of automake and autoconf, as it was the case until 1.5. Among the things,
pkg-config and libtool are leveraged and an script is generated.
The code has been contributed by Vincent Bernat ( @vincentbernat ).
+ sfacctd: RabbitMQ and Kafka support was introduced to real-time log and/
or dump at regular time intervals of sFlow counters. This is in addition
to existing support for flat-files.
+ maps_index: several improvements were carried out in the area of indexing
of maps: optimizations to pretag_index_fill() and pretag_index_lookup() to
improve lookup speeds; optimized id_entry structure, ie. by splitting key
and non-key parts, and hashing key in order to consume less memory; added
duplicate entry detection (cause of sudden index destruction);
pretag_index_destroy() destroys hash keys for each index entry, solving a
memory leak issue. Thanks to Job Snijders ( @job ) for his support.
+ Introduced 'export_proto_seqno' aggregation primitive to report on
sequence number of the export protocol (ie. NetFlow, sFlow, IPFIX). This
feature may enable more advanced offline analysis of packet loss, out of
orders, etc. over time windows than basic online analytics provided by the
+ log.c: logging moved from standard output (stdout) to standard error
(stderr) so to not conflict with stdout printing of statistics (print
plugin). Thanks to Jim Westfall ( @jwestfall69 ) for his support.
+ print plugin: introduced a new print_output_lock_file config directive
to lock standard output (stdout) output so to prevent multiple processes
(instances of the same print plugin or different instances of print plugin)
overlap output. Thanks to Jim Westfall ( @jwestfall69 ) for his support.
+ pkt_handlers.c: euristics in NetFlow v9/IPFIX VLAN handler were improved
for the case of flows in egress direction. Also IP protocol checks were
removed for UDP/TCP ports and TCP flags in case the export protocol is
NetFlow v9/IPFIX. Thanks to Alexander Ponamarchuk for his support.
! Code refactoring: improved re-usability of much of the BGP code (so to
make it possible to use it as a library for some BMP daemon features, ie.
Route Monitoring messages support); consolidated functions to handle log
and print plugin output files; improved log messages to always include
process name and type.
! fix, bpf_filter.c: issue compiling against libpcap 1.7.x; introduced a
check for existing bpf_filter() in libpcap in order to prevent namespace
! fix, tmp_net_own_field default value changed to true. This knob can be
still switched to false for this release but is going to be removed soon.
! fix, cfg.c, cfg_handlers.c, pmacct.c: some configuration directives and
pmacct CL parameters requiring string parsing, ie. -T -O -c, are now
passed through tolower().
! fix, MongoDB plugin: removed version check around mongo_create_index()
and now defaulting to latest MongoDB C legacy driver API. This is due to
some versioning issue in the driver.
! fix, timestamp_arrival: primitive was reporting incorrect results (ie.
always zero) if timestamp_start or timestamp_end were not also specified
as part of the same aggregation method. Many thanks to Vincent Morel for
reporting the issue.
! fix, thread stack: a value of 0, default, leaves the stack size to the
system default or pmacct minimum (8192000) if system default is too low.
Some systems may throw an error if the defined size is not a multiple of
the system page size.
! fix, nfacctd: improved NetFlow v9/IPFIX parsing. Added new length checks
and fixed some existing checks. Thanks to Robert Wuttke ( @Benocs ) for his
! fix, pretag_handlers.c: BPAS_map_bgp_nexthop_handler() and BPAS_map_bgp_
peer_dst_as_handler() were not setting a func_type.
! fix, JSON support: Jansson 2.2 does not have json_object_update_missing()
function which was introduced in 2.3. This is not provided as part of a
jansson.c file and compiled in conditionally, if needed. Jansson 2.2 is
still shipped along by some recent OS releases. Thanks to Vincent Bernat
( @vincentbernat ) for contributing the patch.
! fix, log.c: use a format string when calling syslog(). Passing directly a
potentially uncontrolled string could crash the program if the string
contains formatting parameters. Thanks to Vincent Bernat ( @vincentbernat )
for contributing the patch.
! fix, sfacctd.c: default value for config.sfacctd_counter_max_nodes was set
after sf_cnt_link_misc_structs(). Thanks to Robin Douine for his support
resolving the issue.
! fix, sfacctd.c: timestamp was consistently being reported as null in sFlow
counters output. Thanks to Robin Douine for his support resolving the issue.
! fix, SQL plugins: $SQL_HISTORY_BASETIME environment variable was reporting a
wrong value (next basetime) in the sql_trigger_exec script. Thanks to Rain
Nõmm for reporting the issue.
! fix, pretag.c: in pretag_index_fill(), replaced memcpy() with hash_dup_key()
also a missing res_fdata initialization in pretag_index_lookup() was solved;
these issues were originating false negatives upon lookup. Thanks to Rain
Nõmm fo his suppor.
! fix, ISIS daemon: hash_* functions renamed into isis_hash_* to avoid name
space clashes with their BGP daemon counter-parts.
! fix, kafka_common.c: rd_kafka_conf_set_log_cb moved to p_kafka_init_host()
due to crashes seen in p_kafka_connect_to_produce(). Thanks to Paul Mabey
for his support resolving the issue.
! fix, bgp_lookup.c: bgp_node_match_* were not returning any match in
bgp_follow_nexthop_lookup(). Thanks to Tim Jackson ( @jackson-tim ) for his
support resolving the issue.
! fix, sql_common.c: crashes observed when nfacctd_stitching was set to true
and nfacctd_time_new was set to false. Thanks to Jaroslav Jiráse
( @jjirasek ) for his support solving the issue.
- SQL plugins: sql_recovery_logfile feature was removed from the code due
to lack of support and interest. Along with it, also pmmyplay and pmpgplay
tools have been removed.
- pre_tag_map: removed support for mpls_pw_id due to lack of interest.
1.5.3 -- 14-01-2016
+ Introduced the Kafka plugin: Apache Kafka is publish-subscribe messaging
rethought as a distributed commit log. Its qualities being: fast, scalable,
durable and distributed by design. pmacct Kafka plugin is designed to
send aggregated network traffic data, in JSON format, through a Kafka
broker to 3rd party applications.
+ Introduced Kafka support to BGP and BMP daemons, in both their msglog
and dump flavors (ie. see [bgp|bmp]_daemon_msglog_kafka_broker_host and
[bgp_table|bmp]_dump_kafka_broker_host and companion config directives).
+ Introduced support for a Kafka broker to be used for queueing and data
exchange between Core Process and plugins. plugin_pipe_kafka directive,
along with all other plugin_pipe_kafka_* directives, can be set globally
or apply on a per plugin basis - similarly to what was done for RabbitMQ
(ie. plugin_pipe_amqp). Support is currently restricted only to print
+ Added a new timestamp_arrival primitive to expose NetFlow/IPFIX records
observation time (ie. arrival at the collector), in addition to flows
start and end times (timestamp_start and timestamp_end respectively).
+ plugin_pipe_amqp: feature extended to the plugins missing it: nfprobe,
sfprobe and tee.
+ Introduced bgp_table_dump_latest_file: defines the full pathname to
pointer(s) to latest file(s). Update of the latest pointer is done
evaluating files modification time. Many thanks to Juan Camilo Cardona
( @jccardonar ) for proposing the feature.
+ Introduced pmacctd_nonroot config directive to allow to run pmacctd
from a user with non root privileges. This can be desirable on systems
supporting a tool like setcap, ie. 'setcap "cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=ep"
/path/to/pmacctd', to assign specific system capabilities to unprivileged
users. Patch is courtesy by Laurent Oudot ( @loudot-tehtris ).
+ Introduced plugin_pipe_check_core_pid: when enabled (default), validates
the sender of data at the plugin side. Useful when plugin_pipe_amqp or
plugin_pipe_kafka are enabled and hence a broker sits between the daemon
Core Process and the Plugins.
+ A new debug_internal_msg config directive to specifically enable debug
of internal messaging between Core process and plugins.
! bgp_table_dump_refresh_time, bmp_dump_refresh_time: max allowed value
raised to 86400 from 3600.
! [n|s]facctd_as_new renamed [n|s]facctd_as; improved input checks to all
*_as (ie. nfacctd_as) and *_net (ie. nfacctd_net) config directives.
! pkt_handlers.c: NF_sampling_rate_handler(), SF_sampling_rate_handler()
now perform a renormalization check at last (instead of at first) so to
report the case of unknown (0) sampling rate.
! plugin_pipe_amqp_routing_key: default value changed to '$core_proc_name-
$plugin_name-$plugin_type'. Also, increased flexibility for customizing
the key with the use of variables (values computed at startup).
! Improved example with CL arguments and better exception
handling. Also removed file, example is now merged
! fix, BGP daemon: several code optimizations and a few starving conditions
fixed. Thanks to Markus Weber ( @FvDxxx ) for his peer index round-robin
patch; thanks also to Job Snijders ( @job ) for his extensive support in
this area.
! fix, BMP daemon: greatly improved message parsing and segment reassembly;
RabbitMQ broker support found broken; several code optimizations are also
! fix, bgp_table.c: bgp_table_top(), added input check to prevent crashes
in cases table contains no routes.
! fix, networks_file: missing atoi() for networks_cache_entries. Patch is
courtesy by Markus Weber ( @FvDxxx ).
! fix, plugin_pipe_amqp_routing_key: check introduced to prevent multiple
plugins to bind to the same RabbitMQ exchange, routing key combination.
Thanks to Jerred Horsman for reporting the issue.
! fix, MongoDB plugin: added a custom oid fuzz generator to prevent
concurrent inserts to fail; switched from deprecated mongo_connect() to
mongo_client(); added MONGO_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR flag to mongo_insert_batch
along with more verbose error reporting. Patches are all courtesy by
Russell Heilling ( @xchewtoyx ).
! fix, nl.c: increments made too early after introduction of MAX_GTP_TRIALS
Affected: pmacctd processing of GTP in releases 1.5.x. Patch is courtesy
by TANAKA Masayuki ( @tanakamasayuki ).
! fix, pkt_handlers.c: improved case for no SAMPLER_ID, ALU & IPFIX in
NF_sampling_rate_handler() on par with NF_counters_renormalize_handler().
! fix, SQL scripts: always use "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS" for both PostgreSQL
and SQLite. Pathes are courtesy by Vincent Bernat ( @vincentbernat ).
! fix, plugin_hooks.c: if p_amqp_publish_binary() calls were done while a
sleeper thread was launched, a memory corruption was observed.
! fix, util.c: mkdir() calls in mkdir_multilevel() now default to mode 777
instead of 700; this allows more play with files_umask (by default 077).
Thanks to Ruben Laban for reporting the issue.
! fix, BMP daemon: solved a build issue under MacOS X. Path is courtesy by
Junpei YOSHINO ( @junpei-yoshino ).
! fix, util.c: self-defined Malloc() can allocate more than 4GB of memory;
function is also now renamed pm_malloc().
! fix, PostgreSQL plugin: upon purge, call sql_query() only if status of
the entry is SQL_CACHE_COMMITTED. Thanks to Harry Foster ( @harryfoster )
for his support resolving the issue.
! fix, building system: link pfring before pcap to prevend failures when
linking. Patch is courtesy by @matthewsf .
! fix, plugin_common.c: memory leak discovered when pending queries queue
was involved (ie. cases where print_refresh_time > print_history). Thanks
to Edward Henigin for reporting the issue.
1.5.2 -- 07-09-2015
+ Introduced support for a RabbitMQ broker to be used for queueing and
data exchange between Core Process and plugins. This is in alternative to
the home-grown circular queue implementation. plugin_pipe_amqp directive,
along with all other plugin_pipe_amqp_* directives, can be set globally
or apply on a per plugin basis (ie. it is a valid scenario, if multiple
plugins are instantiated, that some make use of home-grown queueing,
while others use RabbitMQ based queueing).
+ Introducting support for Maximind GeoIP v2 (libmaxminddb) library: if
pmacct is compiled with --enable-geoipv2, this defines full pathname to
a Maxmind GeoIP database v2 (libmaxminddb) Only the binary database
format is supported (ie. it is not possible to load distinct CSVs for
IPv4 and IPv6 addresses).
+ Introduced infrastructure for sFlow counters and support specifically for
generic, ethernet and vlan counters. Counters are exported in JSON format
to files, specified via sfacctd_counter_file. The supplied filename can
contain as variable the sFlow agent IP address.
+ Introduced a new thread_stack config directive to allow to modify the
thread stack size. Natanael Copa reported that some libc implementations,
ie. musl libc, may set a stack size that is too small by default.
+ Introduced networks_file_no_lpm feature: it applies when aggregation
method includes src_net and/or dst_net and nfacctd_net (or equivalents)
and/or nfacctd_as_new (or equivalents) are set to longest (or fallback):
an IP prefix defined as part of the supplied networks_file wins always,
even if it's not longest.
+ tee plugin: added support for (non-)transparent IPv6 replication [further
QA required]
+ plugin_common.c, sql_common.c: added log message to estimate base cache
memory usage.
+ print, AMQP, MongoDB plugins; sfacctd, BGP, BMP daemons: introducing
timestamps_since_epoch to write timestamps in 'since Epoch' format.
+ nfacctd: flow bytes counter can now be sourced via element ID #352
(layer2OctetDeltaCount) in addition to element ID's already supported.
Thanks to Jonathan Thorpe for his support.
+ Introducing proc_priority: redefines the process scheduling priority,
equivalent to using the 'nice' tool. Each daemon process, ie. core,
plugins, etc., can define a different priority.
! fix, BMP daemon: improved preliminar checks in bmp_log_msg() and added
missing SIGHUP signal handling to reload bmp_daemon_msglog_file files.
! fix, bgp_logdump.c: under certain configuration conditions call to both
write_and_free_json() and write_and_free_json_amqp() was leading to SEGV.
Thanks to Yuriy Lachin for reporting the issue.
! fix, BGP daemon: improved BGP dump output: more accurate timestamping of
dump_init, dump_close events. dump_close now mentions amount of entries
and tables dumped. Thanks to Yuriy Lachin for brainstorming around this.
! fix, cfg.c: raised amount of allowed config lines from 256 to 8K.
! fix, print/AMQP/MongoDB plugins: SEGV observed when IPFIX vlen variables
were stored in the pending_queries_queue structure (ie. as a result of a
time mismatch among the IPFIX exporter and the collector box).
! fix, vlen primitives: when 'raw' semantics was selected, print_hex() was
returning wrong hex string length (one char short). As a consequence
occasionally some extra dirty chars were seen at the end of the converted
! fix, vlen primitives: memory leak verified in print/AMQP/MongoDB plugins.
! fix, print, MongoDB & AMQP plugins: dirty values printed as part of the
'proto' under certain conditions. Thanks to Rene Stoutjesdijk for his
support resolving the issue.
! fix, amqp_common.c: amqp_exchange_declare() call changed so to address
the change of rabbitmq-c API for support of auto_delete & internal for
exchange.declare. Backward compatibility with rabbitmq-c <= 0.5.2 is
also taken care of. Thanks to Brent Van Dussen for reporting the issue.
! fix, compiling on recent FreeBSD: solved some errors catched by the -Wall
compiler flag. Thanks to Stephen Fulton for reporting the issue. Most of
the patch is courtesy by Mike Bowie.
! fix, print/AMQP/MongoDB plugins: enforcing cleanup of malloc()ed structs
part of entries added to the pending queue, ie. because seen as future
entries due to a mismatch of the collector clock with the one of NetFlow/
IPFIX exporter(s). This may have lead to data inconsistencies.
! fix, amqp_common.c: Content type was only specified for messages published
when the amqp_persistent_msg configuration option is specified. This info
should always be applied to describe the payload of the message. Patch is
courtesy by Will Dowling.
! fix, amqp_plugin.c: generate an error on compile if --enable-rabbitmq is
specified without --enable-jansson. It's clear in the documentation that
both are required for AMQP support, but if built without jansson it will
silently not publish messages to AMQP. Patch is courtesy by Will Dowling.
! fix, amqp_common.c: modified the content type to "application/json" in
line with RFC4627. Patch is courtesy by Will Dowling.
! fix, setsockopt(): u_int64_t pipe_size vars changed to int, in line with
typical OS buffer limits (Linux, Solaris). Introduced check supplied pipe
size values are not bigger than INT_MAX. Many thanks to Markus Weber for
reporting the issue.
! fix, nl.c: removed pretag_free_label() from pcap_cb() and ensuring init
of pptrs. Under certain conditions SEGVs could be noticed.
! fix, flow stitching: when print/AMQP/MongoDB plugins were making use of
the pending queries queue, ie. to compensate for time offsets/flows in
the future, the stitching feature could potentially lead to SEGV due to
unsettled pointers.
! fix, pgsql plugin: SEGV were noticed when insert/update queries to the
PostgreSQL database were returning different than PGRES_COMMAND_OK, hence
triggering the reprocess mechanism. Thanks very much to Alan Turower for
his support.
! fix, improved logging of elements received/sent at buffering point between
core process and plugins. Also added explicit start/end purge log message
for cases in which there is no data to purge.
! fix, signals.c: ignore_falling_child() now logs if a child process exited
with abnormal conditions; this is useful to track writer processes (created
by plugins) are terminated by a signal, ie. SEGV. This is already the case
for plugins themselves, with the Core Process reporting a simlar log
message in case of abnormal exit. Thanks very much to Rene Stoutjesdijk
for his support.
! fix, preprocess-data.h: added supported functions minf, minb, minbpp and
minppf to non SQL plugins. Thanks to Jared Deyo for reporting the issue.
! fix, nfprobe_plugin.c: IP protocol was not set up correctly for IPv6
traffic in NetFlow v9/IPFIX. Thanks to Gabriel Vermeulen his support
solving the issue.
1.5.1 -- 21-02-2015
+ BMP daemon: BMP, BGP Monitoring Protocol, can be used to monitor BGP
sessions. The current implementation is base on the draft-ietf-grow-bmp-07
IETF draft. The daemon currently supports BMP events and stats only, ie.
initiation, termination, peer up, peer down and stats reports messages.
Route Monitoring is future (upcoming) work but routes can be currently
sourced via the BGP daemon thread (best path only or ADD-PATH), making
the two daemons complementary. The daemon enables to write BMP messages
to files or AMQP queues, real-time (msglog) or at regular time intervals
(dump) and is a separate thread in the NetFlow (nfacctd) or sFlow (sfacctd)
+ tmp_net_own_field directive is introduced to record both individual source
and destination IP addresses and their IP prefix (nets) as part of the same
aggregation method. While this should become default behaviour, a knob for
backward-compatibility is made available for all 1.5 until the next major
+ Introduced nfacctd_stitching and equivalents (ie. sfacctd_stitching):
when set to true, given an aggregation method, two new non-key fields are
added to the aggregate upon purging data to the backend: timestamp_min is
the timestamp of the first element contributing to a certain aggregate
and timestamp_max is the timestamp of the last element. In case the export
protocol provides time references, ie. NetFlow/IPFIX, these are used; if not
the current time (hence time of arrival to the collector) is used instead.
+ Introduced amqp_routing_key_rr feature to perform round-robin load-
balancing over a set of routing keys. This is in addition to existing,
and more involved, functionality of tag-based load-balancing.
+ Introduced amqp_multi_values feature: this is same feature in concept as
sql_multi_values (see docs). The value is the amount of elements to pack
in each JSON array.
+ Introduced amqp_vhost and companion (ie. bgp_daemon_msglog_amqp_vhost)
configuration directives to define the AMQP/RabbitMQ server virtual host.
+ BGP daemon: bgp_daemon_id now allows to define the BGP Router-ID disjoint
from the bgp_daemon_ip definition. Thanks to Bela Toros for his patch.
+ tee plugin: introduced tee_ipprec feature to color replicated packets,
both in transparent and non-transparent modes. Useful, especially when
in transparent mode and replicating to hosts in different subnets, to
verify which packets are coming from the replicator.
+ tee plugin: plugin-kernel send buffer size is now configurable via a new
config directive tee_pipe_size. Improved logging of send() failures.
+ nfacctd: introduced support for IPFIX sampling/renormalization using
element IDs: #302 (selectorId), #305 (samplingPacketInterval) and #306
(samplingPacketSpace). Many thanks to Rene Stoutjesdijk for his support.
+ nfacctd: added also support for VLAN ID for NetFlow v9/IPFIX via element
type #243 (it was already supported via elements #58 and #59). Support was
also added for 802.1p/CoS via element #244.
+ nfacctd: added native support for NetFlow v9/IPFIX IE #252 and #253 as
part of existing primitives in_iface and out_iface (additional check).
+ pre_tag_map: introduced 'cvlan primitive. In NetFlow v9 and IPFIX this is
compared against IE #245. The primitive also supports map indexing.
+ Introduced pre_tag_label_filter to filter on the 'label' primitive in a
similar way how the existing pre_tag_filter feature works against the
'tag' primitive. Null label values (ie. unlabelled data) can be matched
using the 'null' keyword. Negations are allowed by pre-pending a minus
sign to the label value.
+ IMT plugin: introduced '-i' command-line option to pmacct client tool: it
shows last time (in seconds) statistis were cleared via 'pmacct -e'.
+ print, MongoDB & AMQP plugins: sql_startup_delay feature ported to these
! sql_num_hosts: the feature has been improved to support IPv6 addresses.
Pre-requisite is definition of INET6_ATON() function in the RDBMS, which
is the case for MySQL >= 5.6.3. In SQLite such function has to be defined
! nfacctd: improved NF_evaluate_flow_type() euristics to reckon NetFlow/
IPFIX event (NAT, Firewall, etc.) vs traffic (flows) records.
! fix, GeoIP: spit log notification (warning) in case GeoIP_open() returns
null pointer.
! fix, IMT plugin: pmacct client -M and -N queries were failing to report
results on exact matches. Affected: 1.5.0. Thanks to Xavier Vitard for
reporting the issue.
! fix, pkt_handlers.c: missing else in NF_src_host_handler() was causing
IPv6 prefix being copied instead of IPv6 address against NetFlow v9 recs
containing both info.
! fix, uacctd: informational log message now shows the correct group the
daemon is bound to. Thanks to Marco Marzetti for reporting the issue.
! fix, nfv9_template.c: missing byte conversion while decoding templates
was causing SEGV under certain conditions. Thanks to Sergio Bellini for
reporting the issue.
1.5.0 -- 28-08-2014
+ Introduced bgp_daemon_msglog_file config directive to enable streamed
logging of BGP messages/events. Each log entry features a time reference,
BGP peer IP address, event type and a sequence number (to order events
when time reference is not granular enough). BGP UPDATE messages also
contain full prefix and BGP attributes information. Example given in
QUICKSTART file, chapter XIIf.
+ Introduced dump of BGP tables at regular time intervals. The filename,
which can include variables, is set by bgp_table_dump_file directive.
The output format, currently only JSON, can be set in future via the
bgp_table_dump_output directive. The time interval between dumps can
be set via the bgp_table_dump_refresh_time directive. Example given in
QUICKSTART file, chapter XIIf.
+ Introduced support for internally variable-length primitives (likely
candidates are strings). Introduced also the 'label' primitive which
is a variable-length string equivalent of tag and tag2 primitives. Its
value are set via a 'set_label' statement in a pre_tag_map (see examples/ If, ie. as a result of JEQ's in a pre_tag_map,
multiple 'set_label' are applied, then default operation is append
labels and separate by a comma.
+ pmacct project has been assigned PEN #43874. nfprobe plugin: tag, tag2,
label primitives are now encoded in IPFIX making use of the pmacct PEN.
+ Ported preprocess feature to print, MongoDB and AMQP plugins. Preprocess
allows to process aggregates (via a comma-separated list of conditionals
and checks) while purging data to the backend thus resulting in a
powerful selection tier. minp, minb, minf, minbpp, minppf checks have
been currently ported. As a result of the porting a new set of config
directives are added, ie. print_preprocess and print_preprocess_type.
+ print, MongoDB & AMQP plugins: if data (start/base) time is greater than
commit time then place in pending queue and after purging event re-insert
in cache. Concept ported from SQL plugins.
+ MySQL, PostgreSQL plugins: sql_locking_style now supports keyword "none"
to disable locking. This method can help in certain cases, for example
when grants over the whole database (requirement for "table" locking in
MySQL) is not available.
+ util.c: open_logfile() now calls mkdir_multilevel() to allow building
intermediate directory levels, if not existing. This brings all log
files in line with capabilities of print_output_file directive.
+ Introduced [u|pm]acctd_flow_tcp_lifetime to defines how long a TCP flow
could remain inactive. This is in addition to [u|pm]acctd_flow_lifetime
that allows to define the same for generic, ie. non-TCP, flows. Thanks to
Stathis Gkotsis for his support.
+ Introducing nfacctd_account_options: if set to true account for NetFlow/
IPFIX option records as well as flow ones. pre_tag_map offers sample_type
value of 'option' now to split option data records from flow ones.
+ nfprobe plugin: support for custom-defined primitives has been introduced
in line with other plugins. With such feature it will be possible to
augment NetFlow v9/IPFIX records with custom fields (in IPFIX also PENs
are supported).
+ Built a minimal API, for internal use only, around AMQP. Goal is to make
re-use of the same AMQP structures for different purposes (logging, BGP
daemon dumps, AMQP plugin, etc.).
! fix, BGP daemon: introduced bgp_peer_info_delete() to delete/free BGP
info after a BGP peer disconnects.
! fix, print, AMQP, memory plguins: when selecting JSON output, jansson
library json_decref() is used in place of free() to free up memory
allocated by JSON objects. Using free() was originating memory leaks.
! fix, AMQP plugin: in line with other plugins QN (query number or in case
of AMQP messagess number) in log messages now reflects the real number of
messages sent to the RabbitMQ message exchange and not just all messages
in the queue. Thanks to Gabriel Snook for reporting the issue.
! fix, IMT plugin: memory leak due to missed calls to free_extra_allocs()
in case all extras.off_* were null. Thanks to Tim Jackson for his support
resolving the issue.
! fix, pmacctd: if reading from a pcap_savefile, introduce a short usleep()
after each buffer worth of data so to give time plugins to process/cache
! fix, SQL plugins: SQL handler types now include primitives registry index
! fix, print, AMQP & MongoDB plugins: added free() for empty_pcust allocs
! fix, plugin hooks: improved checks to prevent the last buffer on a pipe
to plugins (plugin_pipe_size) could go partly out of bounds.
! fix, nfacctd: improved handling of IPFIX vlen records.
! fix, nfprobe: SEGV if custom primitives are defined but array structure
is not allocated.
! fix, nfprobe: wrong length was calculated in IPv6 templates for fields
with PEN != 0.
! fix, plugin_common.c: declared struct pkt_data in P_cache_insert_pending
to be pointed by prim_ptrs. primptrs_set_all_from_chained_cache() is now
safe if prim_ptrs is null.
! fix, nfprobe: tackled the case of coexisting 1) PEN and non-PEN custom
primitives and 2) variable and fixed custom primitives.
! fix, plugin_common.c: declared struct pkt_data in P_cache_insert_pending
to be pointed by prim_ptrs. primptrs_set_all_from_chained_cache() is now
safe if prim_ptrs is null.
! fix, lofging: selected configuration file is now logged. cfg_file is passed
through realpath() in order to always log the absolute path.
! fix, print, MongoDB & AMQP plugins: pm_setproctitle() invoked upon forking
writer processes in alignment with SQL plugins.
! fix, pmacct client: it's now possible to query and wildcard on primitives
internally allocated over what_to_count_2 registry.
1.5.0rc3 -- 18-04-2014
+ BGP daemon: support for BGP ADD-PATH capability draft-ietf-idr-add-paths
has been introduced, useful to advertise known paths when BGP multi-path
is enabled in a network. The correct BGP info is linked to traffic data
using BGP next-hop (or IP next-hop if use_ip_next_hop is set to true) as
selector among the paths available.
+ pre_tag_map: de-globalized the feature so that, while Pre-Tagging is
evaluated in the Core Process, each plugin can be defined a own/local
+ maps_row_len: directive introduced to define the maximum length of map
(ie. pre_tag_map) rows. The default value is suitable for most scenarios,
though tuning it could be required either to save on memory or to allow
for longer entries (ie. filters).
+ Introduced use_ip_next_hop config directive: when IP prefix aggregation
(ie. nfacctd_net) is set to 'netflow', 'sflow' or 'fallback' populate
'peer_dst_ip' field from NetFlow/sFlow IP next hop field if BGP next-hop
is not available.
+ AMQP plugin: implemented persistent messaging via amqp_persistent_msg
configuration directive so to protect against RabbitMQ restarts. Feature
is courtesy by Nick Douma.
+ pmacct in-memory plugin client: -T option now supports how many entries
to show via ',[<# how many>]' argument syntax.
+ nfprobe plugin: take BGP next-hop from a defined networks_file. This is
in addition to existing feature to take BGP next-hop from a BGP feed.
+ Set of *_proc_name configuration directives renamed to core_proc_name.
Value of core_proc_name is now applied to logging functions and process
+ Re-implemented reverse BGP lookup based primitives, src_as_path src_med
src_std_comm src_ext_comm and src_local_pref, in print, MongoDB and
AMQP plugins. Primitives have also been re-documented.
+ pre_tag_map: set_tag and set_tag2 can now be auto-increasing values, ie.
"set_tag=1++": "1" being the selected floor value at startup and "++"
instructs to increase the tag value at every pre_tag_map iteration. Many
thanks to Brent Van Dussen and Gabriel Snook for their support.
+ Added support for NetFlow v9/IPFIX source/destination IPv4/IPv6 prefixes
encoded as flow types: #44, #45, #169 and #170.
+ [sql|print|mongo|amqp]_history and sql_trigger_time can now be specified
also in seconds, ie. as '300' or '300s' alternatively to '5m'. This is to
ease syncronization of these values against refresh time to the backend,
ie. sql_refresh_time.
+ Added post_tag2 configuration directive to set tag2 similarly to what
post_tag does.
+ SQL plugins: agent_id, agent_id2 fields renamed to tag, tag2. Issued SQL
table schema #9 for agent_id backward compatibility. Renaming agent_id2
to tag2 is going to be disruptive to existing deployments instead.
UPGRADE doc updated.
+ print, MongoDB, AMQP plugins: added [print|mongo|amqp]_max_writers set of
configuration directives to port from SQL plugins the idea of max number
of concurrent writer processes the plugin is allowed to start.
+ util.c: comments can now start with a '#' symbol in addition to existing
! fix, BGP daemon: removed a non-contextual BGP message length check. Same
check is already done in the part handling payload reassembly.
! fix, BGP daemon: MP_REACH_NLRI not assumed to be anymore at the end of a
route announcement.
! fix, MySQL plugin: added linking of pmacct code against -lstdc++ and
-lrt if MySQL plugin is enabled, pre-requisite for MySQL 5.6. Many
thanks to Stefano Birmani for reporting the issue.
! fix, sql_common.c: memory leak affecting AS-PATH and BGP communities.
Version 1.5.0rc2 affected. Thanks to Brent Van Dussen for his support
solving the issue.
! fix, MongoDB plugin: timestamp_start, timestamp_end moved from timestamp
type, reserved for internal use, to date.
! fix, print, memory, MongoDB, AMQP plugins: if no AS_PATH information is
available an empty string, ie. "", is placed as value (instead of former
"^$"). Similar stream-lining was done for communities. Many thanks to
Brent Van Dussen and Elisa Jasinska for reporting the issue.
! fix, AMQP, MongoDB plugins: increased default refresh time to 60 secs,
up from 10 and in line with SQL plugins value.
! fix, nfprobe plugin: IPv6 source/destination masks passed as IE #29 and
#30 and not anymore as their IPv4 counterparts.
! fix, pmacct.c: clibuf variable now malloc'd at runtime so to not impact
the data segment.
! fix, log.c: removed sbrk() calls when logging to Syslog.
! fix, pmacctd: If compiling against PF_RING, check and compile against
libnuma and librt which are new requirement since version 5.6.2. Thanks
to Joan Juvanteny for reporting the issue.
! fix, net_aggr.c: 'prev' array to keep track of hierarchies of networks
was being re-initialized by some compilers. Thanks to Joan Juvanteny for
reporting the issue.
! fix, MongoDB, JSON outputs: dst_host_country primitive was not properly
shown. Patch is courtesy by Stig Thormodsrud.
! fix, pre_tag_map: a memory leak was found when reloading rules containing
'filter' keywords. Thanks to Matt Jenkins for his support resolving the
! fix, server.c: countered a timing issue to ensure EOF is sent after data.
Issue was originated by conjunction of non-blocking socket and multiple
CPU cores. Thanks to Juan Camilo Cardona and Joel Ouellette Jr for their
! fix, acct.c: added length check to hash_crc32() of custom primitives as
selective pmacct IMT client queries, ie. -M and -N, were failing to match
entries. Thanks to Joel Ouellette Jr for his support.
! fix, nfacctd: NetFlow v9/IPFIX sampling correlation has been improved by
placing system scoped sampling options in a separate table. Such table is
queried if no matching sampler ID is found for a given . Sampling-related fields (ie. sampler ID, interval, etc.) are
now all supported if 1, 2 or 4 bytes long.
! fix, nfacctd: improved handling of the NAT64 case for NSEL. Thanks to
Gregoire Leroy for his support.
! fix, nfacctd, sfacctd and BGP daemon: if IPv6 is enabled, IPv4 mapped is
supported and can't obtain an IPv6 socket to listen to, retry with a IPv4
1.5.0rc2 -- 25-12-2013
+ nfacctd: introduced support for variable-length IPFIX fields for custom-
defined aggregation primitives: 'string' semantics is supported and
maximum expected length of the field should be specified as 'len'
primitive definition. Also PENs are now supported: field_type can be
or :. Finally, 'raw' semantics to print raw data,
fixed or variable length in hex format was added.
+ pmacctd, uacctd: introducing custom-defined aggregation primitives in
libpcap and ULOG daemons. A new 'packet_ptr' keyword is supported in the
aggregate_primitives map for the task: it defines the base pointer in the
packet where to read the primitive value; intuitively, this is to be used
in conjunction with 'len'. The supported syntax is: :[]+[]. 'layer' keys are: 'packet', 'mac', 'vlan', 'mpls',
'l3', 'l4', 'payload'. Examples are provided in 'examples/primitives.lst'.
+ nfacctd: introduced pro rating algorithm if sql_history is enabled and
nfacctd_time_new is disabled. Although ideal, the feature is disabled
by default for now and can be enabled by setting nfacctd_pro_rating to
true. Given a NetFlow/IPFIX flow duration greater than time-bins size as
configured by sql_history, bytes/packets counters are proportionally
distributed across all time-bins spanned by the flow. Many thanks to
Stefano Birmani for his support.
+ Introducing index_maps: enables indexing of maps to increase lookup speeds
on large maps and/or sustained lookup rates. Indexes are automatically
defined basing on structure and content of the map, up to a maximum of 8.
Indexing of pre_tag_map, bgp_peer_src_as_map, flows_to_rd_map is supported.
+ BGP daemon: introduced bgp_daemon_interval and bgp_daemon_batch config
directives: to prevent massive syncronization of BGP peers to contend
resources, BGP sessions are accepted in batches: these define the time
interval between any two batches and the amount of BGP peers in each batch
+ Introducing historical accounting offset (ie. sql_history_offset) to set
an offset to timeslots basetime. If history is set to 30 mins (by default
creating 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, etc. time-bins), with an offset of, say,
900 seconds (so 15 mins) it will create 10:15, 10:45, 11:15, etc. time-
+ print, MongoDB, SQL plugins: improved placement of tuples in the correct
table when historical accounting (ie. sql_history) and dynamic table
names (ie. sql_table) features are both in use.
+ print, MongoDB, SQL plugins: dynamic file names (print plugin) and
tables (MongoDB and SQL plugins) can now include $peer_src_ip, $tag and
$tag2 variables: value is populated using the processed record value for
peer_src_ip, tag, tag2 primitives respectively.
+ print plugin: introduced print_latest_file to point latest filename for
print_output_file time-series. Until 1.5.0rc1 selection was automagic.
But having introduced variable spool directory structures and primitives-
related variables the existing basic scheme of producing pointers had to
be phased-out.
+ IMT plugin: added EOF in the client-server communication so to detect
uncompleted messages and print an error message. Thanks to Adam Jacob
Muller for his proposal.
+ Introduced [nf|sf|pm]acctd_pipe size and bgp_daemon_pipe_size config
directives to define the size of the kernel socket used read traffic data
and for BGP messaging respectively.
+ pmacctd, uacctd: mpls_top_label, mpls_bottom_label and mpls_stack_depth
primitives have been implemented.
+ pmacctd, uacctd: GTP tunnel handler now supports inspection of GTPv1.
+ pre_tag_map: results of evaluation of pre_tag_map, in case of a positive
match, overrides any tags passed by nfprobe/sfprobe plugins via NetFlow/
sFlow export.
+ pre_tag_map: stack keyword now supports logical or operator (A | B) in
addition to sum (A + B).
+ pre_tag_map: introduced 'mpls_pw_id' keyword to match the signalled MPLS
L2 VPNs Pseudowire ID. In NetFlow v9/IPFIX this is compared against IE
#249; in sFlow v5 this is compared against vll_vc_id field, extended MPLS
VC object.
+ Introduced log notifications facility: allows to note down specific log
notifications have been sent so to prevent excessive repetitive output.
! fix, plugin_hooks.c: plugin_buffer_size variables are bumped to u_int64_t
! fix, plugin_hooks.c: improved protection of internal pmacct buffering
(plugin_buffer_size, plugin_pipe_size) from inconsistencies: buffer is now
also invalidated by the core process upon first writing into it. Thanks to
Chris Wilson for his support.
! fix, plugin_hooks.c: a simple default value for plugin_pipe_size and
plugin_buffer_size is now picked if none is supplied. This is to get
around tricky estimates. 1.5.0rc1 release affected.
! fix, ll.c: ntohl() done against a char pointer instead of u_int32_t one
in MPLS handler was causing incorrect parsing of labels. Thanks to Marco
Marzetti for his support.
! fix, net_aggr.c: IPv6 networks debug messages now report correctly net
and mask information. Also IPv6 prefix to peer source/destination ASN was
crashing due to an incorrect pointer. Finally applying masks to IPv6
addresses was not done correctly. Thanks to Brent Van Dussen for
reporting the issue.
! fix, classifiers: slightly optimized search_class_id_status_table() and
added warning message if the amount of classifiers exceeds configured
number of classifier_table_num (by default 256).
! fix, pre_tag_map: if a JEQ can be resolved into multiple labels, stop to
the first occurrence.
! fix, nfacctd, sfacctd: IPv6 was not being correctly reported due to a
re-definition of NF9_FTYPE_IPV6. 1.5.0rc1 release affected. Thanks to
Andrew Boey for reporting the issue.
! fix, nfacctd: when historical accounting is enabled, ie. sql_history, not
assume anymore start and end timestamps to be of the same kind (ie. field
type #150/#151, #152/#153, etc.).
! fix, BGP daemon: default BGP RouterID used if supplied bgp_daemon_ip is
"" or "::"
! fix, BGP daemon: the socket opened to accept BGP peerings is restricted
to che core process (ie. closed upon instantiating the plugins). Thanks
to Olivier Benghozi for reporting the issue.
! fix, BGP daemon: memory leak detected accepting vpnv4 and vpnv6 routes.
Thanks to Olivier Benghozi for his support solving the issue.
! fix, BGP daemon: compiling the package without IPv6 support and sending
ipv6 AF was resulting in a buffer overrun. Thanks to Joel Krauska for his
support resolving the issue.
! fix, IMT plugin: when gracefully exiting, ie. via a SIGINT signal, delete
the pipe file in place for communicating with the pmacct IMT client tool.
! fix, print, MongoDB, AMQP plugins: saved_basetime variable initialized
to basetime value. This prevents P_eval_historical_acct() to consume much
resources during the first time-bin, if historical accounting is enabled
(ie. print_history). 1.5.0rc1 release affected.
! fix, print, MongoDB and SQL plugins: purge function is escaped if there
are no elements on the queue to process.
! fix, AMQP plugin: removed amqp_set_socket() call so to be able to compile
against rabbitmq-c >= 0.4.1
! fix, MongoDB plugin: change of API between C driver version 0.8 and 0.7
affected mongo_create_index(). MongoDB C driver version test introduced.
Thanks to Maarten Bollen for reporting the issue.
! fix, print plugin: SEGV was received if no print_output_file is specified
ie. print to standard output.
! fix, MongoDB: optimized usage of BSON objects array structure.
! fix, MongoDB plugin: brought a few numerical fields, ie. VLAN IDs, CoS,
ToS, etc. to integer representation, ie. bson_append_int(), from string
one, ie. bson_append_string(). Thanks to Job Snijders for his support.
! fix, MySQL plugin: improved catching condition of sql_multi_value set too
little value. Thanks to Chris Wilson for reporting the issue.
! fix, nfprobe plugin: catch ENETUNREACH errors instead of bailing out.
Patch is courtesy by Mike Jager.
1.5.0rc1 -- 29-08-2013
+ Introducing custom-defined aggregation primitives: primitives are defined
via a file pointed by aggregate_primitives config directive. The feature
applies to NetFlow v9/IPFIX fields only, and with a pre-defined length.
Semantics supported are: 'u_int' (unsigned integer, presented as decimal
number), 'hex' (unsigned integer, presented as hexa- decimal number), 'ip'
(IP address), 'mac' (MAC address)and 'str' (string). Syntax along with
examples are available in the 'examples/primitives.lst' file.
+ Introducing JSON output in addition to tabular and CSV formats. Suitable
for injection in 3rd party tools, JSON has the advantage of being a self-
consisting format (ie. compared to CSV does not require a table title).
Library leveraged is Jansson, available at:
+ Introducing RabbitMQ/AMQP pmacct plugin to publish network traffic data
to message exchanges. Unicast, broadcast, load-balancing scenarios being
supported. amqp_routing_key supports dynamic elements, like the value of
peer_src_ip and tag primitives or configured post_tag value, enabling
selective delivery of data to consumers. Messages are encoded in JSON
+ pre_tag_map (and other maps): 'ip' key, which is compared against the IP
address originating NetFlow/IPFIX or the AgentId field in sFlow, can now
be an IP prefix, ie. XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/NN, so to apply tag statements to
set of exporters or to apply to any exporter. Many thanks to
Stefano Birmani for his support.
+ Re-introducing support for Cisco ASA NSEL export. Previously it was just
a hack. Now most of the proper work done for Cisco NEL is being reused:
post_nat_src_host (field type #40001), post_nat_dst_host (field type
#40002), post_nat_src_port (field type #40003), post_nat_dst_port (field
type #40004), fw_event (variant of nat_event, field type #40005) and
timestamp_start (observation time in msecs, field type #323).
+ Introducing MPLS-related aggregation primitives decoded from NetFlow v9/
IPFIX, mpls_label_top mpls_label_bottom and mpls_stack_depth, so to give
visibility in export scenarios on egress towards core, MPLS interfaces.
+ mpls_vpn_rd: primitive value can now be sourced from NetFlow v9/IPFIX
field types #234 (ingressVRFID) and #235 (egressVRFID). This is in
addition to existing method to source value from a flow_to_rd_map file.
+ networks_file: AS field can now be defined as "_",
Useful also to define (or override) elments of an internal port-to-port
traffic matrix.
+ print plugin: creation of intermediate directory levels is now supported;
directories can contain dynamic time-based elements hence the amount of
variables in a given pathname was also lifted to 32 from 8.
+ print plugin: introduced print_history configuration directive, which
supports same syntax as, for example, sql_history. When enabled, time-
related variables substitution of dynamic print_output_file names are
determined using this value instead of print_refresh_time one.
+ Introducing IP prefix labels, ie. for custom grouping of own IP address
space. The feature can be enabled by a --enable-plabel when configuring
the package for compiling. Labels can be defined via a networks_file.
+ mongo_user and mongo_passwd configuration directive have been added in
order to support authentication with MongoDB. If both are omitted, for
backward compatibility, authentication is disabled; if only one of the
two is specified instead, the other is set to its default value.
+ Introducing mongo_indexes_file config directive to define indexes in
collections with dynamic name. If the collection does not exist yet, it
is created. Index names are picked by MongoDB.
+ print plugin: introduced print_output_file_append config directive: if
set to true allows the plugin to append to an output file rather than
+ bgp_agent_map: added bgp_port key to lookup a NetFlow agent also against
a BGP session port (in addition to BGP session IP address/router ID): it
aims to support scenarios where BGP sessions do NAT traverals.
+ peer_dst_ip (BGP next-hop) can now be inferred by MPLS_TOP_LABEL_ADDR
(NetFlow v9/IPFIX field type #47). This field might replace BGP next-hop
when NetFlow is exported egress on MPLS-enabled core interfaces.
+ Introducing [nf|pm|sf|u]acctd_proc_name config directives to define the
name of the core process (by default always set to 'default'). This is
the equivalent to instantiate named plugins but for the core process.
Thanks to Brian Rak for bringing this up.
+ pre_tag_map: introduced key 'flowset_id' to tag NetFlow v9/IFPIX data
records basing on their flowset ID value, part of the flowset header.
+ pmacct client: introduced '-V' command-line option to verify version,
build info and compile options passed to the configure script; also a
new -a option now allows to retrieve supported aggregation primitives
and their description.
+ Check for mallopt() has been added at configure time. mallopt() calls
are introduced in order to disable glibc malloc() boundary checks.
! flow_to_rd_map replaces iface_to_rd_map, increasing its scope: it is
now possible to map couples to BGP/
MPLS VPN Route Distinguishers (RD). This is in addition to existing
mapping method basing on .
! fix, nfacctd, sfacctd: Setsocksize() call effectiveness is now verified
via a subsequent getsockopt(). If result is different than expected, an
informational log message is issued.
! fix, building system: removed stale check for FreeBSD4 and introduced
check for BSD systems. If on a BSD system, -DBSD is now passed over to
the compiler.
! fix, tee plugin: transparent mode now works on FreeBSD systems. Patch
is courtesy by Nikita V. Shirokov.
! fix, peer_dst_ip: uninitialized pointer variable was causing unexpected
behaviours. Thanks to Maarten Bollen for his support resolving this.
! fix, IMT plugin: selective queries with -M and -N switches verified not
working properly. Thanks to Acipia organization for providing a patch.
! fix, sql_common.c: src_port and dst_port primitives correctly spelled if
used in conjunction with BGP primitives. Thanks to Brent Van Dussen and
Elisa Jasinska for flagging the issue.
! fix, building system: added library checks in /usr/lib64 for OS's where
it is not linked to /lib where required.
! fix, print, MongoDB and AMQP plugins: P_test_zero_elem() obsoleted.
Instead, the cache structure 'valid' field is used to commit entries to
the backend.
! fix, nfacctd: in NetFlow v9/IPFIX, if no time reference is specified as
part of records, fall back to time reference in datagram header.
! fix, MongoDB plugin: mongo_insert_batch() now bails out with MONGO_FAIL
if something went wrong while processing elements in the batch and an
error message is issued. Typical reason for such condition is batch is
too big for the resources, mainly memory, available. Thanks very much to
Maarten Bollen for his support.
! fix, cfg_handlers.c: all functions parsing configuration directives, and
expecting string arguments, are now calling lower_string() so to act as
case insensitive.
! fix, IPv6 & NetFlow exporter IP address: upon enabling IPv6, NetFlow
exporter IP addresses were written as IPv4-mapped IPv6 address. This was
causing confusion when composing maps since the 'ip' field would change
depending on whether IPv6 was enabled or not. This is now fixed and IPv4-
mapped IPv6 addresses are now internally translated to plain IPv4 ones.
! fix, nfacctd: NetFlow v9/IPFIX source/destination peer ASN information
elements have been found mixed up and are now in proper order.
0.14.3 -- 03-05-2013
+ tee plugin: a new tee_receivers configuration directive allows multiple
receivers to be defined. Receivers can be optionally grouped, for example
for load-balancing (rr, hash) purposes, and attached a list of filters
(via tagging). The list is fully reloadable at runtime.
+ A new pkt_len_distrib aggregation primitive is introduced: it works by
defining length distribution bins, ie. "0-999,1000-1499,1500-9000" via
the new pkt_len_distrib_bins configuration directive. Maximum amount
of bins that can be defined is 255; lengths must be within the range
+ Introduced NAT primitives to support Cisco NetFlow Event Logging (NEL),
for Carrier Grade NAT (CGNAT) scenarios: nat_event, post_nat_src_host,
post_nat_dst_host, post_nat_src_port and post_nat_dst_port. Thanks to
Simon Lockhart for his input and support developing the feature.
+ Introduced timestamp primitives (to msec resolution) to support generic
logging functions: timestamp_start, timestamp_end (timestamp_end being
currently applicable only to traffic flows). These primitives must not
be confused with existing sql_history timestamps which are meant for the
opposite function instead, temporal aggregation.
+ networks_file: introduced support for (BGP) next-hop (peer_dst_ip) in
addition to existing fields. Improved debug output. Also introduced a
new networks_file_filter feature to make networks_file work as a filter
in addition to its resolver functionality: if set to true net and host
values not belonging to defined networks are zeroed out. See UPGRADE
document for backward compatibility.
+ BGP daemon: added support for IPv6 NLRI and IPv6 BGP next-hop elements
for rfc4364 BGP/MPLS Virtual Private Networks.
+ MongoDB plugin: introduced mongo_insert_batch directive to define the
amount of elements to be inserted per batch - allowing the plugin to
scale better. Thanks for the strong support to Michiel Muhlenbaumer and
Job Snijders.
+ pre_tag_map: 'set_qos' feature introduced: matching network traffic is
set 'tos' primitive to the specified value. This is useful if collecting
ingress NetFlow/IPFIX at both trusted and untrusted borders, allowing to
selectively override ToS values at untrusted ones. For consistency,
pre_tag_map keys id and id2 have been renamed to set_tag and set_tag2;
legacy jargon is still supported for backward compatibility.
+ sfacctd: improved support for L2 accounting, ethernet length is being
committed as packet length; this information gets replaced by any length
information will come from upper layers, if any is reported. Thanks to
Daniel Swarbrick for his support.
+ nfacctd: introduced nfacctd_peer_as directive to value peer_src_as and
peer_dst_as primitives from NetFlow/IPFIX export src_as and dst_as
values respectively (ie. as a result of a "ip flow-export .. peer-as"
config on the exporter). The directive can be plugin-specific.
+ print, memory plugins: print_output_separator allows to select separator
for CSV outputs. Default comma separator is generally fine except for
BGP AS-SET representation.
! Building sub-system: two popular configure switches, --enable-threads
and --enable-64bit, are now set to true by default.
! fix, print & mongodb plugins: added missing cases for src_net and dst_net
primitives. Thanks to John Hess for his support.
! fix, SQL plugins: improved handling of fork() calls when return value
is -1 (fork failed). Many thanks to Stefano Birmani for his valuable
support troubleshooting the issue.
! fix, ISIS daemon: linked list functions got isis_ prefix in order to
prevent namespace clashes with other libraries (ie. MySQL) we link
against. Thanks to Stefano Birmani for reporting the issue.
! fix, tee plugin: can't bridge AFs when in transparent mode is not fatal
error condition anymore to tackle transient interface conditions. Error
message is throttled to once per 60 secs. Thanks to Evgeniy Kozhuhovskiy
for his support troubleshooting the issue.
! fix, nfacctd: extra length checks introduced when parsing NetFlow v9/
IPFIX options and data template flowsets. Occasional daemon crashes were
verified upon receipt of malformed/incomplete template data.
! fix: plugins now bail out with an error message if core process is found
dead via a getppid() check.
- nfacctd_sql_log feature removed. The same can now be achieved with the
use of proper timestamp primitives (see above).
0.14.2 -- 14-01-2013
+ pmacct opens to MongoDB, a leading noSQL document-oriented database
via a new 'mongodb' plugin. Feature parity is maintained with all
existing plugins. The QUICKSTART doc includes a brief section on how
to getting started with it. Using MongoDB >= 2.2.0 is recommended;
MongoDB C driver is required.
+ GeoIP lookups support has been introduced: geoip_ipv4 and geoip_ipv6
config directives now allow to load Maxmind IPv4/IPv6 GeoIP database
files; two new traffic aggregation primitives are added to support the
feature: src_host_country and dst_host_country. Feature implemented
against all deamons and all plugins and supports both IPv4 and IPv6.
Thanks to Vincent Bernat for his patches and precious support.
+ networks_file: user-supplied files to define IP networks and their
associations to ASNs (optional) has been hooked up to the 'fallback'
(longest match wins) setting of [pm|u|sf|nf]acctd_net, [pm|u]acctd_as
and [sf|nf]acctd_as_new. Thanks to John Hess for his support.
+ A new sampling_rate traffic aggregation primitive has been introduced:
to report on the sampling rate to be applied to renormalize counters
(ie. useful to support troubleshooting of untrusted node exports and
hybrid scenarios where a partial sampling_map is supplied). If renorm
of counters is enabled (ie. [n|s]facctd_renormalize set to true) then
sampling_rate will show as 1 (ie. already renormalized).
+ sql_table, print_output_file, mongo_table: dynamic table names are
now enriched by a $ref variable, populated with the configured value
for refresh time, and a $hst variable, populated with the configured
value for sql_history (in secs).
+ Solved the limit of 64 traffic aggregation primitives: the original
64 bits bitmap is now split in a 16 bits index + 48 bits registry
with multiple entries (currently 2). cfg_set_aggregate() and, in
future, cfg_get_aggregate() functions are meant to safely manipulate
the new bitmap structure and detect mistakes in primitives definition.
! fix, print plugin: removed print_output_file limitation to 64 chars.
Now maximum filename length is imposed by underlying OS.
! fix, print plugin: primitives are selectively enabled for printing
based on 'aggregate' directive.
! fix, print plugin: pointer to latest file been generated is updated
at very last in the workflow.
! fix, ip_flow.c: incorrect initialization for IPv6 flow buffer. Thanks
to Mike Jager for reporting the issue and providing a patch.
! fix, pre_tag_map: improved matching of pre_tag_map primitives against
IPFIX fields. Thanks to Nikita V Shirokov for reporting the issue.
! fix, nfprobe plugin: improved handling of unsuccessful send() calls
in order to prevent file descriptors depletion and log failure cause.
Patch is courtesy by Mike Jager.
! fix, nfacctd: gracefully handling the case of NetFlow v9/IPFIX flowset
length of zero; unproper handling of the condition was causing nfacctd
to infinite loop over the packet; patch is courtesy by Mike Jager.
! fix, Setsocksize(): setsockopt() replaces Setsocksize() in certain
cases and Setsocksize() fix to len parameter. Patch is courtesy by
Vincent Bernat
0.14.1 -- 03-08-2012
+ nfacctd: introduced support for IPFIX variable-length IEs (RFC5101),
improved support for IPFIX PEN IEs.
+ nfacctd, sfacctd: positive/negative caching for bgp_agent_map and
sampling_map is being introduced. Cache entries are invalidated upon
reload of the maps.
+ bgp_agent_map: resolution of IPv4 NetFlow agents to BGP speakers
with IPv6 sessions is now possible. This is to support dual-stack
network deployments. Also the keyword 'filter' is introduced and
supported values are only 'ip' and 'ip6'.
+ nfacctd: etype primitive can be populated from IP_PROTOCOL_VERSION,
ie. Field Type #60, in addition to ETHERTYPE, ie. Field Type #256.
Should both be present the latter has priority over the former.
+ print plugin: introduced a pointer to the latest filename in the set,
ie. in cases when variable filenames are specified. The pointer comes
in the shape of a symlink called "-latest".
! fix, pretag_handlers.c: BGP next-hop handlers are now hooked to the
longest-match mechanism for destination IP prefix.
! fix, net_aggr.c: defining a networks_file configuration directive in
conjunction with --enable-ipv6 was causing a SEGVs. This is now solved.
! fix, uacctd: cache routine is now being called in order to resolve
in/out interface ifindexes. Patch is courtesy by Stig Thormodsrud.
! fix, BGP daemon: bgp_neighbors_file now lists also IPv6 BGP peerings.
! fix, sql_common.c: SQL writers due to safe action are now logged with
a warning message rather than debug.
! fix, PostgreSQL table schemas: under certain conditions, default
definition of stamp_inserted was generating a 'date/time field value
out of range: "0000-01-01 00:00:00"' error. Many thanks to Marcello
di Leonardo for reporting the issue and providing a fix.
! fix, IS-IS daemon: sockunion_print() function was found not portable
and has been removed.
! fix, BGP daemon: memcpy() replaced by ip6_addr_cpy() upon writing to
sockaddr_in6 structures.
! fix, EXAMPLES document has been renamed QUICKSTART for disambiguation
on filesystems where case-sensitive names are not supported.
! Several code cleanups. Patches are courtesy by Osama Abu Elsorour
and Ryan Steinmetz.
0.14.0 -- 11-04-2012
+ pmacct now integrates an IS-IS daemon within collectors; the daemon
is being run as a parallel thread within the collector core process;
a single L2 P2P neighborship, ie. over a GRE tunnel, is supported;
it implements P2P Hello, CSNP and PSNP - and does not send any LSP
information out. The daemon is currently used for route resolution.
It is well suited to several case-studies, popular one being: more
specific internal routes are carried within the IGP while they are
summarized in BGP crossing cluster boundaries.
+ A new aggregation primitive 'etype' has been introduced in order to
support accounting against the EtherType field of Ethernet frames.
The implementation is consistent across all data collection methods
and backends.
+ sfacctd: introduced support for samples generated on ACL matches in
Brocade (sFlow sample type: Enterprise: #1991, Format: #1). Thanks
to Elisa Jasinska and Brent Van Dussen for their support.
+ sfacctd, pre_tag_map: introduced sample_type key. In sFlow v2/v4/v5
this is compared against the sample type field. Value is expected
in : notation.
! fix, signals.c: ignoring SIGINT and SIGTERM in my_sigint_handler()
to prevent multiple calls to fill_pipe_buffer(), condition that can
cause pipe buffer overruns. Patch is courtesy by Osama Abu Elsorour.
! fix, pmacctd: tunnel registry now correctly supports multiple tunnel
definitions for the same stack level.
! fix, print plugin: cos field now correctly shows up in the format
title while CSV format is selected and L2 primitives are enabled.
! fix, util.c: a feof() check has been added to the fread() call in
read_SQLquery_from_file(); thanks to Elisa Jasinska and Brent Van
Dussen for their support.
! fix, nfprobe: NetFlow output socket is now re-opened after failing
send() calls. Thanks to Maurizio Molina for reporting the problem.
! fix, sfacctd: length checks have been imporved while extracting
string tokens (ie. AS-PATH and BGP communities) from sFlow Extended
Gateway object. Thanks to Duncan Small for his support.
0.14.0rc3 -- 07-12-2011
+ BGP daemon: BGP/MPLS VPNs (rfc4364) implemented! This encompasses both
RIB storage (ie. virtualization layer) and lookup. bgp_iface_to_rd_map
map correlates couples
to Route Distinguishers (RDs). RD encapsulation types #0 (2-bytes ASN),
#1 (IP address) and #2 (4-bytes ASN) are supported. Examples provided:
examples/ and EXAMPLES files.
+ mpls_vpn_rd aggregation primitive has been added to the set. Also this
is being supported key in Pre-Tagging (pre_tag_map).
+ print plugin: introduced print_output_file feature to write statistics
to files. Output is text, formatted or CSV. Filenames can contain time-
based variables to make them dynamic. If filename is static instead,
content is overwritten over time.
+ print plugin: introduced print_time_roundoff feature to align time slots
nicely, same as per the sql_history_roundoff directive.
+ print plugin: introduced print_trigger_exec feature to execute custom
scripts at each print_refresh_time interval (ie. to process, expire,
gzip, etc. files). Feature is in sync with wrap-up of data commit to
screen or files.
+ pmacctd: introduced support for DLT_LOOP link-type (ie. OpenBSD tunnel
interfaces). Thanks to Neil Reilly for his support.
+ uacctd: a cache of ifIndex is introduced. Hash structure with conflict
chains and short expiration time (ie. to avoid getting tricked by cooked
interfaces devices a-la ppp0). The cache is an effort to gain speed-ups.
Implementation is courtesy by Stephen Hemminger, Vyatta.
+ Logging: introduced syslog-like timestamping when writing directly to
files. Also a separate FD per process is used and SIGHUP elicits files
reopening: all aimed at letting proper logs rotation by external tools.
+ Introduced plugin_pipe_backlog configuration directive: it induces a
backlog of buffers on the pipe before actually releasing them to the
plugin. The strategy helps optimizing inter-process communications, ie.
when plugins are quicker processing data than the Core process.
! fix, peer_src_ip primitive: has been disconnected from [ns]facctd_as_new
mechanism in order to ensure it's always representing a reference to the
NetFlow or sFlow emitter.
! fix, nfprobe: input and output VLAN ID field types have been aligned to
RFC3954, which appears to be also retroactively supported by IPFIX. The
new field types are #58 and #59 respectively. Thanks to Maurizio Molina
for pointing the issue out.
! fix, IMT plugin: fragmentation of the class table over multiple packets
to the pmacct IMT client was failing and has been resolved.
! fix, nfprobe: individual flows start and end timestamps are now filled
to the msec resolution. Thanks to Daniel Aschwanden for having reported
the issue.
! fix, uacctd: NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS is set to prevent the daemon being
reported about ENOBUFS events by the underlying operating system. Works
on kernels 2.6.30+. Patch is courtesy by Stephen Hemminger, Vyatta.
! fix, uacctd: get_ifindex() can now return values greater than 2^15. Patch
is courtesy by Stephen Hemminger, Vyatta.
! fix, pmacctd, uacctd: case of zero IPv6 payload in conjunction with no
IPv6 next header is now supported. Thanks to Quirin Scheitle for having
reported the issue.
- Support for is_symmetric aggregation primitive is discontinued.
0.14.0rc2 -- 26-08-2011
+ sampling_map feature is introduced, allowing definition of static traffic
sampling mappings. Content of the map is reloadable at runtime. If a
specific router is not defined in the map, the sampling rate advertised
by the router itself, if any, is applied.
+ nfacctd: introduced support for 16 bits SAMPLER_IDs in NetFlow v9/IPFIX;
this appears to be the standard length with IOS-XR.
+ nfacctd: introduced support for (FLOW)_SAMPLING_INTERVAL fields as part
of the NetFlow v9/IPFIX data record. This case is not prevented by the
RFC although such information is typically exported as part of options.
It appears some probes, ie. FlowMon by Invea-Tech, are getting down this
+ nfacctd, sfacctd: nfacctd_as_new and sfacctd_as_new got a new 'fallback'
option; when specified, lookup of BGP-related primitives is done against
BGP first and, if not successful, against the export protocol.
+ nfacctd, sfacctd: nfacctd_net and sfacctd_net got a new 'fallback' option
that when specified looks up network-related primitives (prefixes, masks)
against BGP first and, if not successful, against the export protocol. It
gets useful for resolving prefixes advertised only in the IGP.
+ sql_num_hosts feature is being introduced: defines, in MySQL and SQLite
plugins, whether IP addresses should be left numerical (in network bytes
ordering) or converted into strings. For backward compatibility, default
is to convert them into strings.
+ print_num_protos and sql_num_protos configuration directives have been
introduced to allow to handle IP protocols (ie. tcp, udp) in numerical
format. The default, backward compatible, is to look protocol names up.
The feature is built against all plugins and can also be activated via
the '-u' commandline switch.
! fix, nfacctd: NetFlow v9/IPFIX sampling option parsing now doesn't rely
anymore solely on finding a SamplerID field; as an alternative, presence
of a sampling interval field is also checked. Also a workaround is being
introduced for sampled NetFlow v9 & C7600: if samplerID within a data
record is defined and set to zero and no match was possible, then the
last samplerID defined is returned.
! nfacctd: (FLOW)_SAMPLING_INTERVAL fields as part of the NetFlow v9/IPFIX
data record are now supported also 16-bits long (in addition to 32-bits).
! fix, SQL plugins: sql_create_table() timestamp has been aligned with SQL
queries (insert, update, lock); furthermore sql_create_table() is invoked
every sql_refresh_time instead of every sql_history. Docs updated. Thanks
to Luis Galan for having reported the issue.
! fix, pmacct client: error code when connection is refused on UNIX socket
was 0; it has been changed to 1 to reflect the error condition. Thanks
to Mateusz Viste for reporting the issue.
! fix, building system: CFLAGS were not always honoured. Patch is courtesy
of Etienne Champetier
! fix, ll.c: empty return value was causing compiler with certain flags to
complain about the issue. Patch is courtesy of Ryan Steinmetz.
0.14.0rc1 -- 31-03-2011
+ IPFIX (IETF IP Flow Information Export protocol) replication and
collector capabilities have been introduced as part of nfacctd, the
NetFlow accounting daemon of the pmacct package.
+ nfprobe plugin: initial IPFIX export implementation. This is called
via a 'nfprobe_version: 10' configuration directive. pmacctd, the
promiscuous mode accounting daemon, and uacctd, the ULOG accounting
daemon, both part of the pmacct package are now supported.
+ Oracle's BrekeleyDB 11gR2 offers a perfect combination of technologies
by including an SQL API that is fully compatible with SQLite. As a
result pmacct now opens to BerkeleyDB 5.x via its SQLite3 plugin.
+ sfacctd: BGP-related traffic primitives (AS Path, local preference,
communities, etc.) are now read from sFlow Extended Gateway object if
sfacctd_as_new is set to false (default).
+ nfacctd, sfacctd: source and destination peer ASNs are now read from
NetFlow or sFlow data if [ns]facctd_as_new is set to false (default).
+ nfacctd: introduced support for NetFlow v9/IPFIX source and destination
peer ASN field types 128 and 129. The support is enabled at runtime by
setting to 'false' (default) the 'nfacctd_as_new' directive.
+ sfacctd: f_agent now points sFlow Agent ID instead of source IP address;
among the other things, this allows to compare BGP source IP address/BGP
Router-ID against the sFlow Agent ID.
+ PostgreSQL plugin: 'sql_delimiter' config directive being introduced:
if sql_use_copy is true, uses the supplied character as delimiter.Useful
in cases where the default delimiter is part of any of the supplied
+ pmacct client: introduced support for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) output
in addition to formatted-text. A -O commandline switch allows to enable
the feature.
! fix, MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite3 plugins: insert of data into the database
can get arbitrarily delayed under low traffic conditions. Many Thanks
to Elisa Jasinska and Brent Van Dussen for their great support in solving
the issue.
! fix, BGP daemon: multiple BGP capabilities per capability announcement
were not supported - breaking compliancy with RFC5492. The issue was
only verified against a OpenBGPd speaker. Patch is courtesy of Manuel
! fix, initial effort made to document uacctd, the ULOG accounting daemon
0.12.5 -- 28-12-2010
+ nfacctd: introduced support for NAT L3/L4 field values via xlate_src
and xlate_dst configuration directives. Implementation follows IPFIX
standard for IPv4 and IPv6 (field types 225, 226, 227, 228, 281 and
+ nfacctd: Cisco ASA NetFlow v9 NSEL field types 40001, 40002, 40003,
40004 and IPFIX/Cisco ASA NetFlow v9 NSEL msecs absolute timestamps
field types 152, 153 and 323 have been added.
+ nfacctd: introduced support for 'new' TCP/UDP source/destination ports
(field types 180, 181, 182, 183), as per IPFIX standard, basing on the
L4 protocol value (if any is specified as part of the export; otherwise
assume L4 is not TCP/UDP).
+ nfacctd, nfprobe: introduced support for application classification
via NetFlow v9 field type #95 (application ID) and application name
table option. This feature aligns with Cisco NBAR-NetFlow v9
integration feature.
+ nfacctd: introduced support for egress bytes and packet counters (field
types 23, 24) basing on the direction value (if any is specified as
part of the export; otherwise assume ingress as per RFC3954).
+ nfprobe: egress IPv4/IPv6 NetFlow v9 templates have been introduced;
compatibility with Cisco (no use of OUT_BYTES, OUT_OUT_PACKETS) taken
into account.
+ nfacctd: added support for egress datalink NetFlow v9 fields basing
on direction field.
+ nfacctd, sfacctd: aggregate_filter can now filter against TCP flags;
also, [ns]facctd_net directive can now be specified per-plugin.
+ BGP daemon: introduced support for IPv6 transport of BGP messaging.
+ BGP daemon: BGP peer information is now linked into the status table
for caching purposes. This optimization results in good CPU savings
in bigger deployments.
! fix, nfacctd, sfacctd: daemons were crashing on OpenBSD platform upon
setting an aggregate_filter configuration directive. Patch is courtesy
of Manuel Pata.
! fix, xflow_status.c: status entries were not properly linked to the
hash conflict chain resulting in a memory leak. However the maximum
number of table entries set by default was preventing the structure
to grow undefinitely.
! fix, sql_common.c: increased buffer size available for sql_table_schema
from 1KB to 8KB. Thanks to Michiel Muhlenbaumer his support.
! fix, bgp_agent_map has been improved to allow mapping of NetFlow/sFlow
agents making use of IPv6 transport to either a) IPv4 transport address
of BGP sessions or b) 32-bit BGP Router IDs. Mapping to IPv6 addresses
is however not (yet) possible.
! fix, nfprobe: encoding of NetFlow v9 option scope has been improved;
nfprobe source IPv4/IPv6 address, if specified via nfprobe_source_ip
directive, is now being written.
! fix, util.c: string copies in trim_spaces(), trim_all_spaces() and
strip_quotes() have been rewritten more safely. Patch is courtesy of
Dmitry Koplovich.
! fix, sfacctd: interface format is now merged back into interface value
fields so to ease keeping track of discards (and discard reasons) and
multicast fanout.
! fix, MySQL, SQLite3 plugins: sql table version 8 issued to provide
common naming convention when mapping primitives to database fields
among the supported RDBMS base. Thanks to Chris Wilson for his support.
! fix, pmacct client: numeric variables output converted to unsigned
from signed.
! fix, nfacctd_net, sfacctd_net: default value changed from null (and
related error message) to 'netflow' for nfacctd_net and 'sflow' for
! fix, nfacctd, sfacctd: aggregate_filter was not catching L2 primitives
(VLAN, MAC addresses) when performing egress measurements.
0.12.4 -- 01-10-2010
+ BGP daemon: a new memory model is introduced by which IP prefixes
are being shared among the BGP peers RIBs - leading to consistent
memory savings whenever multiple BGP peers export full tables due
to the almost total overlap of information. Longest match nature
of IP lookups required to raise BGP peer awareness of the lookup
algorithm. Updated INTERNALS document to support estimation of the
memory footprint of the daemon.
+ BGP daemon: a new bgp_table_peer_buckets configuration directive
is introduced: per-peer routing information is attached to IP
prefixes and now hashed onto buckets with conflict chains. This
parameter sets the number of buckets of such hash structure; the
value is directly related to the number of expected BGP peers,
should never exceed such amount and is best set to 1/10 of the
expected number of peers.
+ nfprobe: support has been added to export direction field (NetFlow
v9 field type #61); its value, 0=ingress 1=egress, is determined
via nfprobe_direction configuration directive.
+ nfacctd: introduced support for Cisco ASA bytes counter, NetFlow v9
field type #85. Thanks to Ralf Reinartz for his support.
+ nfacctd: improved flow recognition heuristics for cases in which
IPv4/IPv6/input/output data are combined within the same NetFlow
v9 template. Thanks to Carsten Schoene for his support.
! fix, BGP daemon: bgp_nexthop_followup was not working correctly if
pointed to a non-existing next-hop.
! fix, nfv9_template.c: ignoring unsupported NetFlow v9 field types;
improved template logging. Thanks to Ralf Reinartz for his support.
! fix, print plugin: support for interfaces and network masks has
been added. Numeric variables output converted to unsigned from
0.12.3 -- 28-07-2010
+ 'cos' aggregation primitive has been implemented providing support
for 802.1p priority. Collection is supported via sFlow, libpcap and
ULOG; export is supported via sFlow.
+ BGP daemon: TCP MD5 signature implemented. New 'bgp_daemon_md5_file'
configuration directive is being added for the purpose of defining
peers and their respective MD5 keys, one per line, in CSV format.
The map is reloadable at runtime: existing MD5 keys are removed via
setsockopt(), new ones are installed as per the newly supplied map.
Sample map added in 'examples/bgp_md5.lst.example'.
+ BGP daemon: added support for RFC3107 (SAFI=4 label information) to
enable receipt of labeled IPv4/IPv6 unicast prefixes.
+ nfprobe, sfprobe: introduced the concept of traffic direction. As a
result, [ns]fprobe_direction and [ns]fprobe_ifindex configuration
directives have been implemented.
+ [ns]fprobe_direction defines traffic direction. It can be statically
defined via 'in' or 'out' keywords; values can also be dynamically
determined through a pre_tag_map (1=input, 2=output) by means of
'tag' and 'tag2' keywords.
+ [ns]fprobe_ifindex either statically associate an interface index
(ifIndex) to a given [ns]fprobe plugin or semi-dynamically via
lookups against a pre_tag_map by means of 'tag' and 'tag2' keywords.
+ sfprobe: sfprobe_ifspeed configuration directive is introduced and
aimed at statically associating an interface speed to an sfprobe
+ sfprobe: Switch Extension Header support added. Enabler for this
development was support for 'cos' and in/out direction. Whereas
VLAN information was already supported as an aggregation primitive.
+ sfprobe: added support for Counter Samples for multiple interfaces.
Sampling function has been brought to the plugin so that Counter
Samples can be populated with real bytes/packets traffic levels.
! nfprobe, sfprobe: send buffer size is now aligned to plugin_pipe_size,
if specified, providing a way to tune buffers in case of sustained
! fix, addr.c: pm_ntohll() and pm_htonll() routines rewritten. These
are aimed at changing byte ordering of 64-bit variables.
! fix, BGP daemon: support for IPv6 global address/link-local address
next-hops as part of MP_REACH_NLRI parsing.
! fix, cfg_handlers.c: bgp_daemon and bgp_daemon_msglog parsing was
not correct, ie. enabled if specified as 'false'. Thanks to Brent
Van Dussen for reporting the issue.
! fix, bgp.c: found a CPU hog issue caused by missing cleanup of the
select() descriptors vector.
! fix, pmacct.c: in_iface/out_iface did erroneously fall inside a
section protected by the "--disable-l2" switch. Thanks to Brent
Van Dussen for reporting the issue.
0.12.2 -- 27-05-2010
+ A new 'tee' plugin is introduced bringing both NetFlow and sFlow
replication capabilities to pmacct. It supports transparent mode
(tee_transparent), coarse-grained filtering capabilities via the
Pre-Tagging infrastructure. Quickstart guide is included as part
of the EXAMPLES file (chapter XII).
+ nfprobe, sfprobe: introduced support for export of the BGP next-hop
information. Source data selection for BGP next-hop is being linked
to [pmacctd_as|uacctd_as] configuration directive. Hence it must be
set to 'bgp' in order for this feature to work.
+ nfprobe, sfprobe, BGP daemon: new set of features (nfprobe_ipprec,
sfprobe_ipprec, bgp_daemon_ipprec) allows to mark self-originated
sFlow, NetFlow and BGP datagrams with the supplied IP precedence
+ peer_src_ip (IP address of the NetFlow emitter, agent ID of the
sFlow emitter) and peer_dst_ip (BGP next-hop) can now be filled
from NetFlow/sFlow protocols data other than BGP. To activate the
feature nfacctd_as_new/sfacctd_as_new have to be 'false' (default
value), 'true' or 'file'.
+ print plugin: introduced support for Comma-Separated Values (CSV)
output in addition to formatted-text. A new print_output feature
allows to switch between the two.
+ pmacctd: improved 802.1ad support. While recursing, outer VLAN is
always reported as value of the 'vlan' primitive.
! fix, pmacctd: 802.1p was kept integral part of the 'vlan' value.
Now a 0x0FFF mask is applied in order to return only the VLAN ID.
! fix, pkt_handlers.c: added trailing '\0' symbol when truncating
AS-PATH and BGP community strings due to length constraints.
! fix, sql_common.c: maximum SQL writers warning message was never
reached unless a recovery method is specifited. Thanks to Sergio
Charpinel Jr for reporting the issue.
! fix, MySQL and PostgreSQL plugins: PGRES_TUPLES_OK (PostgreSQL)
and errno 1050 (MySQL) are now considered valid return codes when
dynamic tables are involved (ie. sql_table_schema). Thanks to
Sergio Charpinel Jr for his support.
! fix, BGP daemon: pkt_bgp_primitives struct has been explicitely
64-bit aligned. Mis-alignment was causing crashes when buffering
was enabled (plugin_buffer_size). Verified on Solaris/sparc.
0.12.1 -- 07-04-2010
+ Input/output interfaces (SNMP indexes) have now been implemented
natively; it's therefore not required anymore to pass through the
(Pre-)tag infrastructure. As a result two aggregation primitives
are being introduced: 'in_iface' and 'out_iface'.
+ Support for source/destination IP prefix masks is introduced via
two new aggregation primitives: src_mask and dst_mask. These are
populated as defined by the [nf|sf|pm|u]acctd_net directive:
NetFlow/sFlow protocols, BGP, Network files (networks_file) or
static (networks_mask) being valid data sources.
+ A generic tunnel inspection infrastructure has been developed to
benefit both pmacctd and uacctd daemons. Handlers are defined via
configuration file. Once enabled daemons will account basing upon
tunnelled headers rather than the envelope. Currently the only
supported tunnel protocol is GTP, the GPRS tunnelling protocol
(which can be configured as: "tunnel_0: gtp, "). Up to
8 different tunnel stacks and up to 4 tunnel layers per stack are
supported. First matching stack, first matching layer wins.
+ uacctd: support for the MAC layer has been added for the Netlink/
ULOG Linux packet capturing framework.
+ 'nfprobe_source_ip' feature introduced: it allows to select the
IPv4/IPv6 address to be used to export NetFlow datagrams to the
+ nfprobe, sfprobe: network masks are now exported via NetFlow and
sFlow. 'pmacctd_net' and its equivalent directives define how to
populate src_mask and dst_mask values.
! cleanup, nfprobe/sfprobe: data source for 'src_as' and 'dst_as'
primitives is now expected to be always explicitely defined (in
line with how 'src_net' and 'dst_net' primitives work). See the
UPGRADE doc for the (limited) backward compatibility impact.
! Updated SQL documentation: sql/README.iface guides on 'in_iface'
and 'out_iface' primitives; sql/README.mask guides on 'src_mask'
and 'dst_mask' primitives; sql/README.is_symmetric guides on
'is_symmetric' primitive.
! fix, nfacctd.h: source and destination network masks were twisted
in the NetFlow v5 export structure definition. Affected releases
are: 0.12.0rc4 and 0.12.0.
! fix, nfprobe_plugin.c: l2_to_flowrec() was missing some variable
declaration when the package was configured for compilation with
--disable-l2. Thanks to Brent Van Dussen for reporting the issue.
! fix, bgp.c: bgp_attr_munge_as4path() return code was not defined
for some cases. This was causing some BGP messages to be marked
as malformed.
! fix, sfprobe: a dummy MAC layer was created whenever this was not
included as part of the captured packet. This behaviour has been
changed and header protocol is now set to 11 (IPv4) or 12 (IPv6)
accordingly. Thanks to Neil McKee for pointing the issue.
! workaround, building sub-system: PF_RING enabled libpcap was not
recognized due to missing of pcap_dispatch(). This is now fixed.
0.12.0 -- 16-02-2010
+ 'is_symmetric' aggregation primitive has been implemented: aimed
at easing detection of asymmetric traffic. It's based on rule
definitions supplied in a 'bgp_is_symmetric_map' map, reloadable
at runtime.
+ A new 'bgp_daemon_allow_file' configuration directive allows to
specify IP addresses that can establish a BGP session with the
collector's BGP thread. Many thanks to Erik van der Burg for
contributing the idea.
+ 'nfacctd_ext_sampling_rate' and 'sfacctd_ext_sampling_rate' are
introduced: they flag the daemon that captured traffic is being
sampled. Useful to tackle corner cases, ie. the sampling rate
reported by the NetFlow/sFlow agent is missing or incorrect.
+ The 'bgp_follow_nexthop' feature has been extended so that extra
IPv4/IPv6 prefixes can be supplied. Up to 32 IP prefixes are now
supported and a warning message is generated whenever a supplied
string fails parsing.
+ Pre-Tagging: implemented 'src_local_pref' and 'src_comms' keys.
These allow tagging based on source IP prefix local_pref (sourced
from either a map or BGP, ie. 'bgp_src_local_pref_type: map',
'bgp_src_local_pref_type: bgp') and standard BGP communities.
+ Pre-Tagging: 'src_peer_as' key was extended in order to match on
BGP-sourced data (bgp_peer_src_as_type: bgp).
+ Pre-Tagging: introduced 'comms' key to tag basing on up to 16
standard BGP communities attached to the destination IP prefix.
The lookup is done against the BGP RIB of the exporting router.
Comparisons can be done in either match-any or match-all fashion;
xidDocumentation and examples updated.
! fix, util.c: load_allow_file(), empty allow file was granting a
connection to everybody being confused with a 'no map' condition.
Now this case is properly recognized and correctly translates in
a reject all clause.
! fix, sql_common.c: log of NetFlow micro-flows to a SQL database
(nfacctd_sql_log directive) was not correctly getting committed
to the backend, when sql_history was disabled.
! fix, mysql|pgsql|sqlite_plugin.c: 'flows' aggregation primitive
was not suitable to mix-and-match with BGP related primitives
(ie. peer_dst_as, etc.) due to an incorrect check. Many thanks
to Zenon Mousmoulas for the bug report.
! fix, pretag_handlers.c: tagging against NetFlow v9 4-bytes in/out
interfaces was not working properly. Thanks to Zenon Mousmoulas
for reporting the issue.
0.12.0rc4 -- 21-12-2009
+ BGP-related source primitives are introduced, namely: src_as_path,
src_std_comm, src_ext_comm, src_local_pref and src_med. These add
to peer_src_as which was already implemented. All can be resolved
via reverse BGP lookups; peer_src_as, src_local_pref and src_med
can also be resolved via lookup maps which support checks like:
bgp_nexthop (RPF), peer_dst_as (RPF), input interface and source
MAC address. Many thanks to Zenon Mousmoulas and GRNET for their
fruitful cooperation.
+ Memory structures to store BGP-related primitives have been
optimized. Memory is now allocated only for primitives part of
the selected aggregation profile ('aggregate' config directive).
+ A new 'bgp_follow_nexthop' configuration directive is introduced
to follow the BGP next-hop up to the edge of the routing domain.
This is particularly aimed at networks not running MPLS, where
hop-by-hop routing is in place.
+ Lookup maps for BGP-related source primitives (bgp_src_med_map,
bgp_peer_src_as_map, bgp_src_local_pref_map): result of check(s)
can now be the keyword 'bgp', ie. 'id=bgp' which triggers a BGP
lookup. This is thought to handle exceptions to static mapping.
+ A new 'bgp_peer_as_skip_subas' configuration directive is being
introduced. When computing peer_src_as and peer_dst_as, returns
the first ASN which is not part of a BGP confederation; if only
confederated ASNs are on the AS-Path, the first one is returned
+ Pre-Tagging: support has been introduced for NetFlow v9 traffic
direction (ingress/egress).
+ Network masks part of NetFlow/sFlow export protocols can now be
used to compute src_net, dst_net and sum_net primitives. As a
result a set of directives [nfacctd|sfacctd|pmacctd|uacctd]_net
allows to globally select the method to resolve such primitives,
valid values being: netflow, sflow, file (networks_file), mask
(networks_mask) and bgp (bgp_daemon).
+ uacctd: introduced support for input/output interfaces, fetched
via NetLink/ULOG API; interfaces are available for Pre-Tagging,
and inclusion in NetFlow and sFlow exports. The implementation
is courtesy of Stig Thormodsrud.
+ nfprobe, sfprobe: new [nfprobe|sfprobe]_peer_as option to set
source/destination ASNs, part of the NetFlow and sFlow exports,
to the peer-AS rather than origin-AS. This feature depends on a
working BGP daemon thread setup.
! A few resource leaks were detected and fixed. Patch is courtesy
of Eric Sesterhenn.
! bgp/bgp.c: thread concurrency was detected upon daemon startup
under certain conditions. As a solution the BGP thread is being
granted a time advantage over the traffic collector thread.
! bgp/bgp.c: fixed a security issue which could have allowed a
malicious user to disrupt established working BGP sessions by
exploiting the implemented concept of BGP session replenishment;
this has been secured by a check against the session holdtime.
Many thanks to Erik van der Burg for spotting the issue.
! bgp/bgp.c: BGP listener socket now sets SO_REUSEADDR option for
quicker turn around times while stopping/starting the daemon.
! net_aggr.c: default route ( was considered invalid;
this is now fixed.
0.12.0rc3 -- 28-10-2009
+ Support for NetFlow v9 sampling via Option templates and
data is introduced; this is twofold: a) 'nfacctd_renormalize'
configuration directive is now able to renormalize NetFlow v9
data on-the-fly by performing Option templates management; b)
'nfprobe', the NetFlow probe plugin, is able to flag sampling
rate (either internal or external) when exporting flows to the
+ '[pm|u]acctd_ext_sampling_rate' directives are introduced to
support external sampling rate scenarios: packet selection is
performed by the underlying packect capturing framework, ie.
ULOG, PF_RING. Making the daemon aware of the sampling rate,
allows to renormalize or export such information via NetFlow
or sFlow.
+ pmacctd: the IPv4/IPv6 fragment handler engine was reviewed
to make it sampling-friendly. The new code hooks get enabled
when external sampling (pmacctd_ext_sampling_rate) is defined.
+ A new 'uacctd' daemon is added to the set; it is based on the
Netlink ULOG packet capturing framework; this implies it works
only on Linux and can be optionally enabled when compling by
defining the '--enable-ulog' switch. The implementation is
fully orthogonal with the existing feature set. Thanks very
much to: A.O. Prokofiev for contributing the original idea
and code; Stig Thormodsrud for his support and review.
+ The 'tag2' primitive is introduced. Its aim is to support
traffic matrix scenarios by giving a second field dedicated
to tag traffic. In a pre_tag_map this can be employed via the
'id2' key. See examples in the 'examples/'
document. SQL plugins write 'tag2' content in the 'agent_id2'
field. Read 'sql/README.agent_id2' document for reference.
+ Some new directives to control and re-define file attributes
written by the pmacct daemons, expecially when launched with
increased priviledges, are introduced: file_umask, files_uid,
files_gid. Files to which these apply include, ie. pidfile,
logfile and BGP neighbors file.
! fix, bgp/bgp.c: upon reaching bgp_daemon_max_peers threshold,
logs were flooded by warnings even when messages were coming
from a previously accepted BGP neighbor. Warnings are now sent
only when a new BGP connection is refused.
! fix, nfprobe/netflow9.c: tags (pre_tag_map, post_tag) were set
per pair of flows, not respecting their uni-directional nature.
It was generating hiding of some tags.
! fix, nfprobe/netflow9.c: templates were (wrongly) not being
included in the count of flows sent in NetFlow v9 datagrams.
While this was not generating any issues with parsing flows,
it was originating visualization issues in Wireshark.
! fix, SQL plugins: CPU hitting 100% has been determined when
sql_history is disabled but sql_history_roundoff is defined.
Thanks to Charlie Allom for reporting the issue.
! fix, sfacctd.c: input and output interfaces (non-expaneded
format) were not correcly decoded creating issues to Pre-
tagging. Thanks to Jussi Sjostrom for reporting the issue.
0.12.0rc2 -- 09-09-2009
+ BGP daemon thread has been tied up with both the NetFlow and
sFlow probe plugins, nfprobe and sfprobe, allowing to encode
dynamic ASN information (src_as, dst_as) instead of reading
it from text files. This finds special applicability within
open-source router solutions.
+ 'bgp_stdcomm_pattern_to_asn' feature is introduced: filters
BGP standard communities against the supplied pattern. The
first matching community is split using the ':' symbol. The
first part is mapped onto the peer AS field while the second
is mapped onto the origin AS field. The aim is to deal with
prefixes on the own address space. Ie. BGP standard community
XXXXX:YYYYY is mapped as: Peer-AS=XXXXX, Origin-AS=YYYYY.
+ 'bgp_neighbors_file' feature is introduced: writes a list of
the BGP neighbors in the established state to the specified
file. This gets particularly useful for automation purposes
(ie. auto-discovery of devices to poll via SNMP).
+ 'bgp_stdcomm_pattern' feature was improved by supporting the
regex '.' symbol which can be used to wildcard a pre-defined
number of characters, ie. '65534:64...' will match community
values in the range 64000-64999 only.
+ SQL preprocess layer: removed dependency between actions and
checks. Overral logics was reviewed to act more consistently
with recently introduced SQL cache entry status field.
+ SQL common layer: poll() timeout is now calculated adaptively
for increased deadline precision.
+ sql_startup_delay feature functionality was improved in order
to let it work as a sliding window to match NetFlow setups in
which a) mainain original flow timestamps and b) enable the
sql_dont_try_update feature is required.
! DST (Daylight Saving Time) support introduced to sql_history
and sql_refresh_time directives. Thanks to for
reporting the issue.
! fix, pmacctd.c: initial sfprobe plugin checks were disabling
IP fragments handler. This was causing pmacctd to crash under
certain conditions. Thanks to Stig Thormodsrud for having
reported the issue.
! fix, nfprobe, netflow5.c: missing htons() call while encoding
src_as primitive.
! fix, BGP thread, bgp_aspath.c: estimated AS-PATH length was
not enough for 32-bit ASNs. String length per-ASN increased
from 5 to 10 chars.
! Documentation update, EXAMPLES: how to establish a local BGP
peering between pmacctd and Quagga 0.99.14 for NetFlow and
sFlow probe purposes.
! fix, print_status_table(): SEGV was showing up while trying
to retrieve xFlow statistics by sending a SIGUSR1 signal and
a collector IP address was not configured.
! ip_flow.[c|h]: code cleanup.
0.12.0rc1 -- 01-08-2009
+ a BGP daemon thread has been integrated in both the NetFlow
and sFlow collectors, nfacctd and sfacctd. It maintains per-
peer RIBs and supports MP-BGP (IPv4, IPv6) and 32-bit ASNs.
As a result the following configuration directives are being
introduced: bgp_daemon, bgp_daemon_ip, bgp_daemon_max_peers,
bgp_daemon_port and bgp_daemon_msglog. For a quick-start and
implementation notes refer to EXAMPLES document and detailed
configuration directives description in CONFIG-KEYS.
+ A new set of BGP-related aggregation primitives are now
supported by the "aggregate" directive: std_comm, ext_comm,
as_path, peer_src_ip, peer_dst_ip, peer_src_as, peer_dst_as,
med, local_pref. A few extra directives are being introduced
to support (filter, map, cut down, etc.) some primitives:
bgp_peer_src_as_type, bgp_peer_src_as_map, bgp_aspath_radius,
bgp_stdcomm_pattern and bgp_extcomm_pattern.
+ nfacctd_as_new supports a new value "bgp". It is meant to
populate src_as and dst_as primitives by looking up source
and destination IP prefixes against the NetFlow (or sFlow)
agent RIB.
+ A new sql_table_type directive is introduced: by combining
it with sql_table_version, defines one of the standard BGP
+ Two new directives have been developed to support scenarios
where NetFlow (or sFlow) agents are not running BGP or have
default-only or partial views: bgp_follow_default and
+ 4-bytes ASNs are now supported: including NetFlow and sFlow
collectors, NetFlow and sFlow probes, networks_file to map
prefixes to ASNs. The new BGP daemon implementation is, of
course, fully compliant.
+ Pre-Tagging: the ID is now a 32-bit unsigned value (it was
16-bit). As a result, there valid tags can be in the range
1-4294967295 and maps can now express the resulting ID as
an IPv4 address (ie. bgp_agent_map).
+ Pre-tagging: support for 32-bit input/output interfaces is
now available.
! fix, sql_common.c: read_SQLquery_from_file() was returning
a random value, regardless of the successful result. Patch
has been provided provided by Giedrius Liubavicius
! fix, pmacct.c: when unused, source/destination IP address
fields were presented as NULL values. This is now replaced
with a '0' value to improve output parsing.
! Standard major release compilation check-pointing: thanks
very much to Manuel Pata and Tobias Lott for their strong
support with OpenBSD and FreeBSD respectively.
0.11.6 -- 07-04-2009
+ Introduced support for tag ranges into the 'pre_tag_filter'
configuration directive (ie. '10-20' matches traffic tagged
in the range 10..20). This works both in addition to and in
combination with negations.
+ Tcpdump-style filters, ie. 'aggregate_filter', now support
indexing within a packet, ie. 'ether[12:2]', to allow a more
flexible separation of the traffic.
+ Introduced support for descriptions in networks definition
files pointed by the 'networks_file' configuration directive.
Thanks to Karl O. Pinc for contributing the patch.
! fix, pmacctd: libpcap DLT_LINUX_SLL type is not defined in
older versions of the library. It was preventing successful
compilation of pmacct on OpenBSD. This has been fixed by
defining internally to pmacct all DLT types in use. Thanks
to Karl O. Pinc for his support.
! fix, IPv6 networks_file, load_networks6(): wrong masks were
applied to IPv6 networks due to dirty temporary buffers for
storing IPv6 addresses and masks. Short '::' IPv6 format is
currently not supported. Thanks to Robert Blechinger for
flagging the issue.
! fix, pretag.c: Pre-Tagging infrastructure was SEGV'ing after
having been instructed to reload via a SIGHUP signal. Patch
is courtesy of Denis Cavrois and the Acipia development team.
! fix, sfacctd, nfacctd: Assign16() was not handling correctly
2-bytes EtherType values (ie. 0x86dd, 0x8847) in 802.1Q tags.
As a result 'aggregate_filter' was not able to correctly match
IPv6-related filters. Thanks to Axel Apitz for reporting the
! fix, xflow_status.c: a cosmetic bug was displaying sequence
numbers without applying previous increment. This definitely
will help troubleshooting and debugging.
! fix, sfacctd, sfv245_check_status(): AF of the sFlow agent
is now explicitely defined: when IPv6 is enabled the remote
peer address can be reported as IPv4-mapped IPv6 address. This
was causing warning messages to report the wrong sFlow agent
IP address. Thanks to Axel Apitz for reporting the issue.
! fix, IMT plugin was crashing upon receipt of a classification
table request (WANT_CLASS_TABLE) when stream classification
was actually disabled.
! fix, pmacct.c: classifier index was not brought back to zero
by the pmacct client. This was preventing the client to show
correct stream classification when it was feeded with multiple
queries. The fix is courtesy of Fabio Cairo.
! fix, MySQL plugin: upon enabling of the 'nfacctd_sql_log'
directive, 'stamp_updated' field was incorrectly reported
as '0000-00-00 00:00:00' due to wrong field formatting. Thanks
to Brett D'Arcy for reporting and patching the issue.
! Initial effort to clean the code up by strcpy() calls. Thanks
to Karl O. Pinc for taking such initiative.
0.11.5 -- 21-07-2008
+ SQL UPDATE queries code has been rewritten for increased
flexibility. The SET statement is now a vector and part of
it has been shifted into the sql_compose_static_set() routine
in the common SQL layer.
+ A new sql_locking_style directive is now supported in the
MySQL plugin. To exploit it, an underlying InnoDB table is
mandatory. Thanks to Matt Gillespie for his tests.
+ Support for Endace DAG cards is now available; this has been
tested against libDAG 3.0.0. Many thanks to Robert Blechinger
for his extensive support.
+ pmacctd, the Linux Cooked device (DLT_LINUX_SLL) handler has
been enhanced by supporting 'src_mac' and 'vlan' aggregation
! fix, xflow_status.c: NetFlow/sFlow collector's IP address is
being rewritten as when NULL. Was causing SEGVs on
! fix, server.c: WANT_RESET is copied in order to avoid losing
it when handling long queries and need to fragment the reply.
Thanks very much to Ruben Laban for his support.
! fix, MySQL plugin: the table name is now escaped in order to
not conflict with reserved words, if one of those is selected.
Thanks to Marcel Hecko for reporting the bug.
! An extra security check is being introduced in sfacctd as an
unsupported extension sent over by a Foundry Bigiron 4000 kit
was causing SEGV issues. Many Thanks to Michael Hoffrath for
the strong support provided.
! fix, 'nfprobe' plugin: AS numbers were not correctly exported
to the collector when pmacctd was in use. Patch is courtesy of
Emerson Pinter.
! fix, 'nfprobe' plugin: MACs were not properly encapsulated
resulting in wrong addresses being exported through NetFlow
v9. The patch is courtesy of Alexander Bergolth.
! fix, buffers holding MAC address strings throughout the code
had not enough space to store the trailing zero. The patch is
courtesy of Alexander Bergolth.
! fix, logfile FD was not correctly passed onto active plugins.
The patch is courtesy of Denis Cavrois.
! Missing field type 60 in NetFlow v9 IPv6 flows, was leading
nfacctd to incorrect flow type selection (IPv4). An additional
check on the source IP address has now been included to infer
IPv6 flows. RFC3954 mandates such field type to be present for
IPv6 flows. The issue has been verified against a Cisco 7600
w/ RSP720. Many thanks to Robert Blechinger for his extensive
0.11.4 -- 25-04-2007
+ support for TCP flags has been introduced. Flags are ORed on a
per-aggregate basis (same as what NetFlow does on a per-flow
basis). The 'aggregate' directive now supports the 'tcpflags'
keyword. SQL tables v7 have also been introduced in order to
support the feature inside the SQL plugins.
+ 'nfacctd_sql_log' directive is being introduced. In nfacctd,
it makes SQL plugins to use a) NetFlow's First Switched value
as "stamp_inserted" timestamp and b) Last Switched value as
"stamp_updated" timestamp. Then, a) by not aggregating flows
and b) not making use of timeslots, this directive allows to
log singular flows in the SQL database.
+ sfprobe and nfprobe plugins are now able to propagate tags to
remote collectors through sFlow v5 and NetFlow v9 protocols.
The 'tag' key must be appended to sfprobe/nfprobe 'aggregate'
config directives.
+ pmacct memory client is now able to output either TopN bytes,
flows or packets statistics. The feature is enabled by a new
'-T' commandline switch.
+ The Pre-Tagging map is now dynamically allocated and a new
'pre_tag_map_entries' config directive allows to set the size
of the map. Its default value (384) should be suitable for
most common scenarios.
! Bugfix in nfprobe plugin: struct cb_ctxt was not initialized
thus causing the application to exit prematurely (thinking it
finished available memory). Thanks to Elio Eraseo for fixing
the issue.
! Some misplaced defines were preventing 0.11.3 code to compile
smoothly on OpenBSD boxes. Thanks to Dmitry Moshkov for fixing
! Bugfix in SQL handlers, MY_count_ip_proto_handler(): an array
boundary was not properly checked and could cause the daemon
to SEGV receiving certain packets. Thanks to Dmitry Frolov for
debugging and fixing the issue.
! NF_counters_renormalize_handler() renormalizes sampled NetFlow
v5 flows. It now checks whether a positive Sampling Rate value
is defined rather than looking for the Sampling Mode. It makes
the feature working on Juniper routers. Thanks once again to
Inge Bjornvall Arnesen.
0.11.3 -- 31-01-2007
+ 'aggregate_filter' directive now supports multiple pcap-style
filters, comma separated. This, in turn, allows to bind up to
128 filters to each activated plugin.
+ nfacctd and sfacctd turn-back time when restarting the daemon
has been significantly improved by both creating new listening
sockets with SO_REUSEADDR option and disassociating them first
thing on receiving SIGINT signal.
+ A new threaded version of pmacctd stream classification engine
is being introduced. Code status is experimental and disabled
by default; it could be enabled by providing --enable-threads
at configure time. Many thanks to Francois Deppierraz and Eneo
Tecnologia for contributing this useful piece of code.
+ A new 'flow_handling_threads' configuration directive allows to
set the number of threads of the stream classification engine,
by default 10.
+ A couple new '[ns]facctd_disable_checks' config directives aim
to disable health checks over incoming NetFlow/sFlow streams
(ie. in cases of non-standard vendor's implementations). Many
thanks to Andrey Chernomyrdin for his patch.
! sfv245_check_status() was running checks (ie. verify sequence
numbers) using sender's IP address. More correctly, it has to
look at the Agent Address field included in sFlow datagrams.
Many thanks to Juraj Sucik for spotting the issue.
! nfprobe plugin was not compiling properly in conjunction with
--disable-l2 configure switch. Many thanks to Inge Bjornvall
Arnesen for submitting the patch.
! sfacctd: fixed a bug which was preventing 'aggregate_filter'
to match values properly in src_port, dst_port, ip proto and
tos fields. Thanks to Chris Fletcher for spotting the issue.
! SQL cache: fixed a bug preventing safe actions to take place
correctly. It has arisen in version 0.11.2 and hadn't severe
0.11.2 -- 28-11-2006
+ 'sql_max_writers' configuration directive is being introduced:
sets the maximum number of concurrent writer processes the SQL
plugin can fire, allowing the daemon to degrade gracefully in
case of major database unavailibility.
+ 'sql_history_since_epoch' is being introduced: enables the use
of timestamps (stamp_inserted, stamp_updated) in the standard
seconds since the Epoch format as an alternative to the default
date-time format.
+ 'sql_aggressive_classification' behaviour is changed: simpler
more effective. It now operates by delaying cache-to-DB purge
of unknown traffic streams - which would still have chances to
be correctly classified - for a few 'sql_refresh_time' slots.
The old mechanism was making use of negative UPDATE queries.
+ The way SQL writer processes are spawned by the SQL plugin has
slightly changed in order to better exploit fork()'s copy-on-
write behaviour: the writer now is mostly read-only while the
plugin does most write operations before spawning the writer.
! The list of environment variables passed to the SQL triggers,
'sql_trigger_exec', has been updated.
! Fixed a bug related to sequence number checks for NetFlow v5
datagrams. Thanks very much to Peter Nixon for reporting it.
0.11.1 -- 25-10-2006
+ PostgreSQL plugin: 'sql_use_copy' configuration directive has
been introduced; instructs the plugin to build non-UPDATE SQL
queries using COPY (in place of INSERT). While providing same
functionalities of INSERT, COPY is more efficient. It requires
'sql_dont_try_update' to be enabled. Thanks to Arturas Lapiene
for his support during the development.
+ nfprobe plugin: support for IPv4 ToS/DSCP, IPv6 CoS and MPLS
top-most label has been introduced.
! Some alignment issues concerning both pkt_extras structure and
Core process to Plugins memory rings have been fixed. Daemons
are now reported to be running ok on MIPS/SPARC architectures.
Many thanks to Michal Krzysztofowicz for his strong support.
! sfprobe plugin: a maximum default limit of 256 bytes is set
on packet payload copy when building Flow Samples in pmacctd
(ie. if capturing full packets through libpcap, we don't want
them to be entirely copied into sFlow datagrams).
! Sanity checks now take place when processing 'sql_refresh_time'
values and error messages are thrown out.
! Fixes have been committed to IPv6 code in xflow_status.c as it
was not compiling properly on both Solaris and IRIX.
0.11.0 -- 27-09-2006
+ NetFlow v5 sampling and renormalization are now supported:
a) 'nfacctd' is able to renormalize bytes/packets counters and
apply Pre-Tagging basing on the sampling rate specified in the
datagram; b) 'sampling_rate' config key applies to 'nfprobe'
plugin which is now able to generate sampling informations.
+ 'nfacctd' and 'sfacctd' are now able to give out informations
about the status of active NetFlow/sFlow streams in terms of
good/bad/missing datagrams. Whenever an anomaly happens (ie.
missing or bad packets) a detailed message is logged; overral
reports are logged by sending SIGUSR1 signals to the daemon.
+ 'logfile' configuration directive is introduced: it allows to
log directly to custom files. This adds to console and syslog
logging options.
! Old renormalization structure, renorm_table, has been dropped;
the new one, which applies to both NetFlow and sFlow, is tied
into the brand new xflow_status_table structure.
! When 'nfacctd_as_new' was not in use, NetFlow v5 src_as/dst_as
values were erroneously swapped. Thanks to Thomas Stegbauer
for reporting the bug.
! Incorrect timeout value for poll() has been fixed in 'sfprobe'
plugin. It was leading the plugin to take too much resources.
! 'nfprobe' plugin was inserting jumps while generating sequence
! 'nfprobe' plugin behaviour in handling 'networks_file' content
has been changed and now equals 'sfprobe': IP addresses which
are not belonging to known networks/ASNs are no longer zeroed.
! 'sfprobe' was not generating correct sample_pool values.
0.11.0rc3 -- 30-08-2006
+ 'sfprobe' plugin can now transport packet/flow classification
tags inside sFlow v5 datagrams. Then, such tags can be read by
the sFlow collector, sfacctd.
+ 'sfprobe' plugin is able to encapsulate basic Extended Gateway
informations (src_as, dst_as) into sFlow v5 datagrams starting
from a Networks File - networks_file configuration directive.
+ 'nfprobe' now supports network data coming from libpcap/tcpdump
style savefile ('pcap_savefile', -I).
+ pmacctd is now able to capture packets from DLT_NULL, which is
BSD loopback encapsulation link type. Thanks to Gert Burger for
his support.
+ Sampling layer has been improved: it's now able to sample flows
from NetFlow datagrams (not only packets arriving through sFlow
or libpcap); 'sfprobe' sampling layer has been tied into this
mechanism and as a result, 'sfprobe_sampling_rate' is now an
alias for 'sampling_rate' and its default value is 1 (ie. no
sampling). This change will benefit 'sfprobe' in terms of better
+ A new 'pmacctd_flow_buffer_buckets' directive defines the number
of buckets of the Flow Buffer. This value has to scale to higher
power of 2 accordingly to the link traffic rate and is useful
when packet classification is enabled. Many thanks for testing,
debugging and support go to Steve Cliffe.
+ A new 'sql_locking_style' directive allows to choose among two
types of locking: "table" (default) and "row". More details are
in the CONFIG-KEYS document. "row" locking has to be considered
as experimental. Many thanks go to Aaron Glenn and Peter Nixon
for their close support, work and thoughts.
! IPv6 support is now working; it was broken in 0.11.0rc2; thanks
to Nigel Roberts for signalling and fixing the issue.
! Fixed a few issues concerning the building system and related to
the introduction of some new subtrees. Thanks to Kirill Ponomarew
and Peter Nixon for signalling them.
! Fixed some signal()-related issues when running the package under
DragonflyBSD. Being fork of FreeBSD 4.x, it needs same cautions.
Thanks to Aaron Glenn for his support.
0.11.0rc2 -- 08-08-2006
+ 'nfprobe' plugin can now transport packet/flow classification
tags inside NetFlow v9 datagrams, using custom field type 200.
Then, such tags can be read by the NetFlow collector, nfacctd.
+ 'nfprobe' plugin has now ability to select a Engine Type/Engine
ID through a newly introduced 'nfprobe_engine' config directive.
It will mainly allow a collector to distinguish between distinct
probe instances originating from the same IP address.
+ 'nfprobe' plugin now can automagically select different NetFlow
v9 template IDs, useful when multiple 'nfprobe' plugins run as
part of the same daemon instance.
+ 'sfprobe' plugin is now able to redistribute NetFlow flows into
sFlow samples. This adds to sFlow -> sFlow and libpcap -> sFlow.
+ A new data structure to pass extended data to specific plugins
has been added. It is placed on the ring, next to pkt_data. It
is meant to pass extra data to plugins and, same time, avoiding
to inflate the main data structure.
! Wrong arguments were injected into a recently introduced Log()
call in plugin_hooks.c; it's now fixed: under certain conditions,
this was generating SEGV at startup while using 'sfprobe' plugin.
! Updated documentation; examples and quickstart guides for using
pmacct as both emitter and collector of NetFlow and sFlow have
been added.
- Hooks to compile pmacct the no-mmap() style have been removed.
0.11.0rc1 -- 20-07-2006
a new 'nfprobe' plugin is available and allows to create NetFlow
v1/v5/v9 datagrams and export them to a IPv4/IPv6 collector. The
work is based on softflowd 0.9.7 software. A set of configuration
directives allows to tune timeouts (nfprobe_timeouts), cache size
(nfprobe_maxflows), collector parameters (nfprobe_receiver), TTL
value (nfprobe_hoplimit) and NetFlow version of the datagrams to
be exported (nfprobe_version). Many thanks to Ivan A. Beveridge,
Peter Nixon and Sven Anderson for their support and thoughts and
to Damien Miller, author of softflowd.
a new 'sfprobe' plugin is available and allows to create sFlow
v5 datagrams and export them to a IPv4 collector. The work is
based on InMon sFlow Agent 5.6 software. A set of configuration
directives allows to tune sampling rate (sfprobe_sampling_rate),
sFlow agent IP address (sfprobe_agentip), collector parameters
(sfprobe_receiver) and agentSubId value (sfprobe_agentsubid).
Many thanks to InMon for their software and Ivan A. Beveridge
for his support.
! An incorrect pointer to the received packet was preventing Pre-
Tagging filters to work correctly against DLT_LINUX_SLL links.
Many thanks to Zhuang Yuyao for reporting the issue.
! Proper checks on protocol number were missing in pmacct client
program, allowing to look further the bounds of the _protocols
array. Many thanks to Denis N. Voituk for patching the issue.
0.10.3 -- 21-06-2006
+ New Pre-Tagging key 'label': mark the rule with label's value.
Labels don't need to be unique: when jumping, the first matching
label wins.
+ New Pre-Tagging key 'jeq': Jump on EQual. Jumps to the supplied
label in case of rule match. Before jumping, the tagged flow is
returned to active plugins, as it happens for any regular match
(set return=false to change this). In case of multiple matches
for a signle flow, plugins showing 'tag' key inside 'aggregate'
directive will receive each tagged copy; plugins not receiving
tags will still receive unique copy of the flow.
sFlow and NetFlow are usually uni-directional, ie. ingress-only
or egress-only (to avoid duplicates). Meaningful application of
JEQs is tagging flows two times: by incoming interface and by
outgoing one. Only forward jumps are allowed. "next" is reserved
label and causes to jump to the next rule. Many thanks to Aaron
Glenn for brainstormings about this point.
+ New Pre-Tagging key 'return': if set to 'true' (which is default
behaviour) returns the current packet/flow to active plugins, in
case of match. If switched to 'false', it will prevent this to
happen. It might be thought either as an extra filtering layer
(bound to explicit Pre-Tagging rules) or (also in conjunction with
'stack') as a way to add flexibility to JEQs.
+ New Pre-Tagging key 'stack': actually '+' (ie. sum symbol) is the
unique supported value. This key makes sense only if JEQs are in
use. When matching, accumulate IDs, using the specified operator/
function. For example, usually =. By setting
'stack=+' you will be able to get =.
! Pre-Tagging table now supports a maximum of 384 rules. Because
of the newly introduced flow alteration features, tables are
no longer internally re-ordered. However, IPv4 and IPv6 stacks
are still segregated each other.
0.10.2 -- 16-05-2006
+ A new '-l' option is supported by pmacct client tool: it allows
to enable locking of the memory table explicitely, when serving
the requested operation.
+ Pre-Tagging infrastructure is now featuring negations for almost
all supported keys with the exclusion of id, ip and filter. To
negate, the '-' (minus symbol) need to be prepended; eg.: id=X
ip=Y in=-1 means tag with X, data received from Net/sFlow agent
with IP address Y and not coming from interface 1.
+ pre_tag_filter config directive is now featuring same negation
capabilities as Pre-Tagging infrastructure.
+ Q16 added to FAQS document: a sum of tips for running smoothly
SQL tables. Many thanks to Wim Kerkhoff and Sven Anderson for
bringing up the points.
0.10.1 -- 18-04-2006
+ AS numbers and IP addresses are no more multiplexed into the same
field. This ends the limitation of being unable to have both data
types in the same table (which could be useful for troubleshooting
purposes, for example). A new SQL table version, v6, is introduced
in order to support this new data model in all SQL plugins.
! Minor fixes to PostgreSQL table schemas, v2 to v5: a) the 'vlan'
field was erroneously missing from primary keys, slowing down
INSERT and UPDATE queries; b) primary keys were identified as
'acct_pk', thus not allowing multiple tables of different version
to share the same database; now constraint name is: 'acct_vX_pk',
with X being the version number. Many thanks to Sven Anderson for
catching the a)
! An alignment issue has been catched when the etheraddr_string()
gets called from count_src|dst_mac_handlers() in sql_handlers.c
This seems to be closely connected to a similar trouble catched
by Daniel Streicher on x86_64 recently.
! Fixed an issue with mask_elem() in server.c . Both src|dst_net
primitives were not (positively, ie. copied back when required)
0.10.0 -- 22-03-2006
+ Collectors (ie. pmacctd) are now compiled exporting full Dynamic
Symbol Table. This allows shared object (SO) classifiers to call
routines included in the collector code. Moreover, a small set
of library functions - specifically aimed to deal smoothly with
the classifiers' table - are now included in the collector code:
pmct_un|register(), pmct_find_first|last_free(), pmct_isfree(),
pmct_get() and pmct_get_num_entries(). For further reading, take
a look to README.developers document in classifiers tarball.
+ Classifiers table, which is the linked-list structure containing
all the active classifiers (RE + SO), is now loaded into a shared
memory segment, allowing plugins to keep updated about changes to
the table. Furthermore, the table is now dynamically allocated at
runtime, allowing an arbitrary number of classifiers to be loaded
via the new 'classifier_table_num' configuration directive.
+ Pre-Tagging infrastructure adds two new primitives to tag network
traffic: src_as and dst_as, the source and destination Autonomous
System Number (ASN). In pmacctd they work against a Network Map
('networks_file' configuration directive). In nfacctd and sfacctd
they work against both sFlow/NetFlow ASN fields and Network Maps.
Many thanks to Aaron Glenn for his strong support.
! PostgreSQL plugin and pmpgplay no more make use of EXCLUSIVE LOCKS
whenever the sql_dont_try_update directive is activated. We assume
there is no need for them in a INSERTs-only framework as integrity
of data is still guaranteed by transactions. The patch has been
contributed by Jamie Wilkinson, many thanks !
! Commandline switches and a configuration file should cohexist and
the formers need to take precedence over the latter, if required.
This is a rather standard (and definitely more flexible) approach;
before this release they were mutual exclusive. Read UPGRADE notes
at this propo. Thanks for the suggestion to Ivan A. Beveridge.
! Some glibc functions (noticeably syslog()) rely upon a rather non-
standard "extern char *__progname" pointer. Now, its existence is
properly checked at configuration time. On Linux, setproctitle()
was causing plugin name/type to get cutted down in messages sent
to the syslog facility. Thanks to Karl Latiss for his bug report.
! Solved a bug involving the load of IPv6 entries from Networks Maps.
It was causing the count of such entries to be always zero.
0.10.0rc3 -- 01-03-2006
+ Aapplication layer (L7) classification capabilities of pmacctd have
been improved: shared object (SO) classifiers have been introduced;
they are loaded runtime through dlopen(). pmacct offers them support
for contexts (informations gathered - by the same classifier - from
previous packets either in the same uni-directional flow or in the
reverse one), private memory areas and lower layer header pointers,
resulting in extra flexibility. Some examples can be found at the
+ 'classifier_tentatives' configuration key has been added: it allows
to customize the number of tentatives made in order to classify a
flow. The default number is five, which has proven to be ok but for
certain types of classification it might result restrictive.
+ 'pmacctd_conntrack_buffer_size' configuration key has been added: it
(intuitively) defines the size for the connection tracking buffer.
+ Support for Token Ring (IEEE 802.5) interfaces has been introduced
in pmacctd. Many thanks to Flavio Piccolo for his strong support.
+ 'savefile_wait' (-W commandline) configuration key has been added: if
set to true causes pmacctd to not return but wait to be killed after
being finished with the supplied savefile. Useful when pushing data
from a tcpdump/ethereal tracefile into a memory table (ie. to build
! An erroneous replacement of dst with src in mask_elem() was causing
queries like "pmacct -c dst_host -M|-N " to return zero
counters. Thanks to Ryan Sleevi for signalling the weird behaviour.
! Management of the connection tracking buffer has been changed: now,
a successful search frees the matched entry instead of moving it in
a chain of stale entries, available for quick reuse.
! Error logging of SQL plugins has been somewhat improved: now, error
messages returned by the SQL software are forwarded to sql_db_error()
This will definitely allow to exit from the obscure crypticism of
some generic error strings.
0.10.0rc2 -- 14-02-2006
+ CONNECTION TRACKING modules has been introduced into pmacctd: they are
C routines that hint IP address/port couples for upcoming data streams
as signalled by one of the parties into the control channel whenever
is not possible to go with a RE classificator. Conntrack modules for
FTP, SIP and RTSP protocols are included.
+ 'pidfile' directive way of work has been improved: firstly, whenever
a collector shuts down nicely, it now removes its pidfile. Secondly,
active plugins now create a pidfile too: it takes the following form:
-.. Thanks to Ivan A. Beveridge
for sharing his thoughts at this propo.
! Minor fixes to the classification engine: TCP packets with no payload
are not considered useful classification tentatives; a new flow can
inherit the class of his reverse flow whenever it's still reasonably
! Solved a segmentation fault issue affecting the classificator engine,
whenever the 'snaplen' directive was not specified. Thanks to Flavio
Piccolo for signalling it.
! Fixed a bug in the PostgreSQL plugin: it appeared in 0.10.0rc1 and was
uniquely related to the newly introduced negative UPDATE SQL query.
! INTERNALS has been updated with few notes about the new classification
and connection tracking features.
0.10.0rc1 -- 24-01-2006
+ PACKET CLASSIFICATION capabilities have been introduced into pmacctd:
the implemented approach is fully extensible: classification patterns
are based on regular expressions (RE), human-readable, must be placed
into a common directory and have a .pat file extension. Many patterns
for widespread protocols are available at L7-filter project homepage.
To support this feature, a new 'classifiers' configuration directive
has been added. It expects full path to a spool directory containing
the patterns.
+ A new 'sql_aggressive_classification' directive has been added aswell:
it allows to move unclassified packets even in the case they are no
more cached by the SQL plugin. This aggressive policy works by firing
negative UPDATE SQL queries that, whenever successful, are followed
by positive ones charging the extra packets to their final class.
! Input and Output interface fields (Pre-Tagging) have been set to be
32 bits wide. While NetFlow is ok with 16 bits, some sFlow agents are
used to bigger integer values in order to identify their interfaces.
The fix is courtesy of Aaron Glenn. Thank you.
! Flow filtering troubles have been noticed while handling MPLS-tagged
flows inside NetFlow v9 datagrams. Thanks to Nitzan Tzelniker for his
cooperation in solving the issue.
! A new exit_all() routine now handles nicely fatal errors detected by
the Core Process, after plugins creation. It avoids leaving orphan
plugins after the Core Process shutdown.
0.9.6 -- 27-Dec-2005
+ Support for 'sql_multi_values' has been introduced into the new SQLite
3.x plugin. It allows to chain multiple INSERT queries into a single
SQL statement. The idea is that inserting many rows at the same time
is much faster than using separate single-row statements.
! MySQL plugin fix: AS numbers were sent to the database unquoted while
the corresponding field was declared as CHAR. By correctly wrapping AS
numbers, a major performance increase (expecially when UPDATE queries
are spawned) has been confirmed. Many thanks to Inge Bjørnvall Arnesen
for discovering, signalling and solving the issue.
! MySQL plugin fix: multi-values INSERT queries have been optimized by
pushing out of the queue purging loop the proper handling for the EOQ
! The introduction of the intermidiate SQL layer in the 0.9.5 version
choked the dynamic SQL table creation capability. This has been fixed.
Thanks to Vitalij Brajchuk for promptly signalling the issue.
! The 'pidfile' configuration key has got incorrectly disabled in both
nfacctd and sfacctd. Thanks to Aaron Glenn for signalling the issue.
! The 'daemonize' (-D) configuration key was incorrectly disabling the
signal handlers from the Core Process once backgrounded. As a result
the daemon was not listening for incoming SIGINTs. Again, many thanks
go to Aaron Glenn.
0.9.5 -- 07-Dec-2005
+ PMACCT OPENS TO SQLITE 3.x: a fully featured SQLite, version 3.x only,
plugin has been introduced; SQLite is a small C library that implements
a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL (almost all SQL92)
database engine. The plugin is LOCK-based and supports the "recovery
mode" via an alternate database action. Expecially suitable for tiny
and embedded environments. The plugin can be fired using the keyword
'sqlite3'. See CONFIG-KEYS and EXAMPLES for further informations.
+ A new SQL layer - common to MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite plugins - has
been introduced. It's largely callback-based and results in a major
architectural change: it sits below the specific SQL code (facing the
Core Process's abstraction layer) and will (hopefully) help in reducing
potential bugs and will allow for a quick implementation of new SQL
! A bug concerning the setup of insert callback functions for summed (in
+ out) IPv6 traffic has been fixed. The issue was affecting all SQL
! A bug concerning the handling of MPLS labels has been fixed in pmacctd.
Many thanks to Gregoire Tourres and Frontier Online for their support.
0.9.4p1 -- 14-Nov-2005
! Minor bugfix in pretag.c: a wrongly placed memcpy() was preventing the
code to be compiled by gcc 2.x . Many thanks to Kirill Ponomarew and
Kris Kennaway for signalling the issue.
! Fixed an alignment issue revealed in the query_header structure; it has
been noticed only under some circumstances: '--enable-64bit' enabled,
64bit platform and gcc 3.x . Many thanks to Aaron Glenn for his strong
support in solving the issue.
0.9.4 -- 08-Nov-2005
+ Hot map reload has been introduced. Maps now can be modified and then
reloaded without having to stop the daemon. SIGUSR2 has been reserved for
this use. The feature applies to Pre-Tagging map (pre_tag_map), Networks
map (networks_file) and Ports map (ports_file). It is enabled by default
and might be disabled via the new 'refresh_maps' configuration directive.
Further details are in CONFIG-KEYS.
! Some major issues have been solved in the processing of libpcap-format
savefiles. Some output inconsistencies were caused by a corruption of the
pcap file handler; bufferization is now enabled by default and the last
buffer is correctly processed. Many thanks go to Amir Plivatsky for his
strong support.
! 'sql_table_schema' directive: in read_SQLquery_from_file() the strchr()
has been replaced by strrchr() allowing to chain more SQL statements as
part of the SQL table creation. This results useful, for example, to do
CREATE INDEX after CREATE TABLE. The patch is courtesy of Dmitriy Nikulin.
! SIGTERM signal is now handled properly to ensure a better compatibility
of all pmacct daemons under the daemontools framework. The patch is
courtesy of David C. Maple.
! Memory plugin: some issues caused by the mix of not compatible compilation
parameters have been fixed. Now the pmacct client now correctly returns a
warning message if: counters are of different size (32bit vs 64bit) or IP
addresses are of different size (IPv4-only vs IPv6-enabled packages).
! Print plugin, few bugfixes: the handling of the data ring shared with the
Core Process was not optimal; it has been rewritten. P_exit() routine was
not correctly clearing cached data.
0.9.3 -- 11-Oct-2005
+ IPv4/IPv6 multicast support has been introduced in the NetFlow (nfacctd)
and the sFlow (sfacctd) daemons. A maximum of 20 multicast groups may be
joined by a single daemon instance. Groups can be defined by using the two
sister configuration keys: nfacctd_mcast_groups and sfacctd_mcast_groups.
+ sfacctd: a new 'sfacctd_renormalize' config key allows to automatically
renormalize byte/packet counters value basing on informations acquired
from the sFlow datagram. In particular, it allows to deal with scenarios
in which multiple interfaces have been configured at different sampling
rates. It also calculates an effective sampling rate which could differ
from the configured one - expecially at high rates - because of various
losses. Such estimated rate is then used for renormalization purposes.
Many thanks go to Arnaud De-Bermingham and Ovanet for the strong support
offered during the development.
+ sfacctd: a new 'sampling_rate' keyword is supported into the Pre-Tagging
layer. It allows to tag aggregates - generated from sFlow datagrams - on
a sampling rate basis.
+ setproctitle() calls have been introduced (quite conservatively) and are
actually supported on Linux and BSDs. The process title is rewritten in
the aim of giving the user more informations about the running processes
(that is, it's not intended to be just a cosmetic stuff).
! sql_preprocess tier was suffering a bug: actions (eg. usrf, adjb), even
if defined, were totally ignored if no checks were defined aswell. Many
thanks to Draschl Clemens for signalling the issue.
! Some minor bugs have been catched around sfacctd and fixed accordingly.
Again, many thanks to Arnaud De-Bermingham.
0.9.2 -- 14-Sep-2005
+ A new 'usrf' keyword is now supported into the 'sql_preprocess' tier: it
allows to apply a generic uniform renormalization factor to counters. Its
use is particularly suitable for use in conjunction with uniform sampling
methods (for example simple random - e.g. sFlow, 'sampling_rate' directive
or simple systematic - e.g. sampled NetFlow by Cisco and Juniper).
+ A new 'adjb' keyword is now supported into the 'sql_preprocess' tier: it
allows to add (or subtract in case of negative value) 'adjb' bytes to the
bytes counter. This comes useful when fixed lower (link, llc, etc.) layer
sizes need to be included into the bytes counter (as explained by the Q7
in the updated FAQS document).
+ A new '--enable-64bit' configuration switch allows to compile the package
with byte/packet/flow counters of 64bit (instead of the usual 32bit ones).
! The sampling algorithm endorsed by the 'sampling_rate' feature has been
enhanced to a simple randomic one (it was a simple systematic).
! Some static memory structures are now declared as constants allowing to
save memory space (given the multi-process architecture) and offering an
overral better efficiency. The patch is courtesy of Andreas Mohr. Thanks.
! Some noisy compiler warnings have been troubleshooted along with some minor
code cleanups; the contribution is from Jamie Wilkinson. Thanks.
! Some unaligned pointer issues have been solved.
0.9.1 -- 16-Aug-2005
+ Probabilistic, flow size dependent sampling has been introduced into the
'sql_preprocess' tier via the new 'fss' keyword: it is computed against
the bytes counter and returns renormalized results. Aggregates which have
collected more than the 'fss' threshold in the last time window are
sampled. Those under the threshold are sampled with probability p(bytes).
For further details read the CONFIG-KEYS and the paper:
- N.G. Duffield, C. Lund, M. Thorup, "Charging from sampled network usage"
+ Probabilistic sampling under hard resource constraints has been introduced
into the 'sql_preprocess' tier via the new 'fsrc' keyword: it is computed
against the bytes counter and returns renormalized results. The method
selects only 'fsrc' flows from the set of the flows collected during the
last time window, providing an unbiasied estimate of the real bytes counter.
For further details read the CONFIG-KEYS and the paper:
- N.G. Duffield, C. Lund, M. Thorup, "Flow Sampling Under Hard Resource Constraints"
+ A new 'networks_mask' configuration directive has been introduced: it
allows to specify a network mask - in bits - to be applied apply to src_net
and dst_net primitives. The mask is applied before evaluating the content of
'networks_file' (if any).
+ Added a new signal handler for SIGUSR1 in pmacctd: a 'killall -USR1 pmacctd'
now returns a few statistics via either console or syslog; the syslog level
reserved for such purpose is the NOTICE.
! sfacctd: an issue regarding non-IP packets has been fixed: some of them
(mainly ARPs) were incorrectly reported. Now they are properly filtered out.
! A minor memory leak has been fixed; it was affecting running instances of
pmacctd, nfacctd and sfacctd with multiple plugins attached. Now resources
are properly recollected.
0.9.0 -- 25-Jul-2005
+ PMACCT OPENS TO sFlow: support for the sFlow v2/v4/v5 protocol has been
introduced and a new daemon 'sfacctd' has been added. The implementation
includes support for BGP, MPLS, VLANs, IPv4, IPv6 along with packet tagging,
filtering and aggregation capabilities. 'sfacctd' makes use of Flow Samples
exported by a sFlow agent while Counter Samples are skipped and the MIB is
ignored. All actually supported backends are available for storage: MySQL,
PostgreSQL and In-Memory tables.
lists the network equipments supporting the sFlow protocol.
+ A new commandline option '-L' is now supported by 'nfacctd' and 'sfacctd';
it allows to specify an IPv4/IPv6 address where to bind the daemon. It is
the equivalent for the 'nfacctd_ip' and 'sfacctd_ip' configuration directives.
! The NetFlow v9 MPLS stack handler has been fixed; it now also sticks the BoS
bit (Bottom of the Stack) to the last processed label. This makes the flow
compliant to BPF filters compiled by the newly released libpcap 0.9.3.
! Some Tru64 compilation issues related to the ip_flow.[c|h] files have been
! Some configuration tests have been added; u_intXX_t definitions are tested
and fixed (whenever possible, ie. uintXX_t types are available). Particularly
useful on Solaris and IRIX platforms.
! Configuration hints for MySQL headers have been enhanced. This will ease the
compilation of pmacct against MySQL library either from a precompiled binary
distribution or from the FreeBSD ports. Many hhanks for the bug report go to
John Von Essen.
! NetFlow v8 source/destination AS handlers have been fixed.
0.8.8 -- 27-Jun-2005
+ Added IP flows support in pmacctd (release 0.8.5 has seen its introduction
in nfacctd) for both IPv4 and IPv6 handlers. To enable flows accounting,
the 'aggregate' directive now supports a new 'flows' keyword. The SQL table
v4 has to be used in order to support this feature in both SQL plugins.
+ A new 'sum_mac' aggregation method has been added (this is in addition to
the already consolidated ones: 'sum_host', 'sum_net', 'sum_as', 'sum_port').
Sum is intended to be the total traffic (inbound traffic summed to outbound
one) produced by a specific MAC address.
+ Two new configuration directives have been introduced in order to set an
upper bound to the growth of the fragment (default: 4Mb) and flow (default:
16Mb) buffers: 'pmacctd_frag_buffer_size', 'pmacctd_flows_buffer_size'.
+ A new configuration directive 'pmacctd_flow_lifetime' has been added and
defines how long a flow could remain inactive (ie. no packets belonging to
such flow are received) before considering it expired (default: 60 secs).
This is part of the pmacctd IP flows support.
+ Console/syslog feedbacks about either generic errors or malformed packets
have been greatly enhanced. Along with the cause of the message, now any
generated message contains either the plugin name/type or the configuration
file that is causing it.
! nfacctd: when IPv6 is enabled (on non-BSD systems) the daemon now listens
by default on a IPv6 socket getting rid of the v4-in-v6 mapping feature which
helps in receiving NetFlow datagrams from both IPv4 and IPv6 agents. A new
configure script switch --enable-v4-mapped is aimed to turn manually on/off
the feature.
! Fixed an issue with the SIGCHLD handling routine on FreeBSD 4.x systems. It
was causing the sudden creation of zombie processes because of the not correct
retirement of exited childs. Many thanks for his bug report and strong support
go to John Von Essen.
! Fixed an endianess issue regarding Solaris/x86 platforms caused by not proper
preprocessor tests. Many thanks to Imre Csatlos for his bug report.
! Fixed the default schema for the PostgreSQL table v4. The 'flows' field was
lacking of the 'DEFAULT 0' modifier; it was causing some troubles expecially
when such tables were used in conjunction with the 'sql_optimize_clauses'
directive. Many thanks for his bug report and strong support go to Anik Rahman.
0.8.7 -- 14-Jun-2005
+ pmacctd: MPLS support has been introduced. MPLS (on ethernet and ppp links)
and MPLS-over-VLAN (ethernet only) packets are now supported and passed to
upper layer routines. Filtering and tagging (Pre-Tagging) packets basing on
MPLS labels is also supported. Recent libpcap is required (ie, CVS versions
>= 06-06-2005 are highly adviceable because of the support for MPLS label
hierarchies like "mpls 100000 and mpls 1024" that will match packets with
an outer label of 100000 and an inner label of 1024).
+ nfacctd: VLAN and MAC addresses support for NetFlow v9 has been introduced.
Each of them is mapped to its respective primitive (vlan, src_mac, dst_mac);
filtering and tagging (Pre-Tagging) IPv4/IPv6 flows basing on them is also
+ nfacctd: filtering and tagging (Pre-Tagging) IPv4/IPv6 flows basing on MPLS
labels has been introduced (read the above notes regarding libpcap version
+ A new packet capturing size option has been added to pmacctd ('snaplen'
configuration directive; '-L' commandline). It allows to change the default
portion of the packet captured by the daemon. It results useful to cope
with not fixed protocol stacks (ie, the MPLS stack).
+ pmacctd: CHDLC support has been introduced. IPv4, IPv6 and MPLS packets are
supported on this link layer protocol.
! Cleanups have been added to the NetFlow packet processing cycle. They are
mainly aimed to ensure that no stale data is read from circular buffers
when processing NetFlow v8/v9 packets.
! The NetFlow v9 VLAN handling routine was missing a ntohs() call, resulting
in an ncorrect VLAN id on little endian architectures.
! ether_aton()/ether_ntoa() routines were generating segmentation faults on
x86_64 architectures. They have been replaced by a new handmade couple:
etheraddr_string()/string_etheraddr(). Many thanks to Daniel Streicher for
the bug report.
0.8.6 -- 23-May-2005
+ The support for dynamic SQL tables has been introduced through the use of
the following variables in the 'sql_table' directive: %d (the day of the
month), %H (hours using an 24 hours clock), %m (month number), %M (minutes),
%w (the day of the week as a decimal number), %W (week number in the current
year) and %Y (the current year). This enables, for example, substitutions
like the following ones:
'acct_v4_%Y%m%d_%H%M' ==> 'acct_v4_20050519_1500'
'acct_v4_%w' ==> 'acct_v4_05'
+ A new 'sql_table_schema' configuration directive has been added in order
to allow the automatic creation of dynamic tables. It expects as value the
full pathname to a file containing the schema to be used for table creation.
An example of the schema follows:
CREATE TABLE acct_v4_%Y%m%d_%H%M (
... PostgreSQL/MySQL specific schema ...
+ Support for MySQL multi-values INSERT clauses has been added. Inserting
many rows in a single shot has proven to be much faster (many times faster
in some cases) than using separate single INSERT statements. A new
'sql_multi_values' configuration directive has been added to enable this
feature. Its value is intended to be the size (in bytes) of the multi-values
buffer. Out of the box, MySQL >= 4.0.x supports values up to 1024000 (1Mb).
Because it does not require any changes on server side, people using MySQL
are strongly encouraged to give it a try.
+ A new '--disable-l2' configure option has been added. It is aimed to compile
pmacct without support for Layer-2 stuff: MAC addresses and VLANs. This
option - along with some more optimizations to memory structures done in this
same release - have produced memory savings up to 25% compared to previous
! Recovery code for PostgreSQL plugin has been slightly revised and fixed.
0.8.5 -- 04-May-2005
+ Added IP flows counter support in nfacctd, the NetFlow accounting daemon,
in addition to the packets and bytes ones. To enable flows accounting, the
'aggregate' directive now supports a new 'flows' keyword. A new SQL table
version, v4, has been also introduced to support this feature in both SQL
+ 'sql_preprocess' directive have been strongly improved by the addition of
new keywords to handle thresholds. This preprocessing feature is aimed to
process aggregates (via a comma-separated list of conditionals and checks)
before they are pulled to the DB, thus resulting in a powerful selection
tier; whether the check is meet, the aggregate goes on its way to the DB;
the new thresholds are: maxp (maximum number of packets), maxb (maximum bytes
transferred), minf/maxf (minimum/maximum number of flows), minbpp/maxbbp
(minimum/maximum bytes per packet average value), minppf/maxppf (minimum/
maximum packets per flow average value).
+ Added a new 'sql_preprocess_type' directive; the values allowed are 'any'
or 'all', with 'any' as default value. It is intended to be the connective
whether 'sql_preprocess' contains multiple checks. 'any' requires that an
aggregate has to match just one of the checks in order to be valid; 'all'
requires a match against all of the checks instead.
+ Added the ability to instruct a BPF filter against the ToS field of a NetFlow
! Minor optimizations on the 'sql_preprocess' handler chain.
0.8.4 -- 14-Apr-2005
+ Added support for NetFlow v7/v8. The Version 7 (v7) format is exclusively
supported by Cisco Catalyst series switches equipped with a NetFlow feature
card (NFFC). v7 is not compatible with Cisco routers. The Version 8 (v8)
format adds (with respect to older v5/v7 versions) router-based aggregation
+ Added the chance to tag packets basing on NetFlow v8 aggregation type field.
As the keyword suggests, it will work successfully just when processing
NetFlow v8 packets. Useful to split - backend side - data per aggregation
+ pmacct client now is able to ask for the '0' (that is, untagged packets) tag
value. Moreover, all 'sum' aggregations (sum_host, sum_net, sum_as, sum_port)
can now be associated with both Pre/Post-Tagging.
! Fixed a serious memory leak located in the routines for handling NetFlow v9
templates. While the bug was needing certain conditions to manifest, anyone
using NetFlow v9 is strongly encouraged to upgrade to this version. All
previous versions were affected.
! Some gcc4 compliance issues have been solved. The source code is known to
work fine on amd64 architectures. Thanks very much to Marcelo Goes for his
! Engine Type/Engine ID fields were not correctly evaluated when using NetFlow
v5 and Pre-Tagging. The issue has been fixed.
! Long comments in the Ports Definition File were causing some incorrect error
messages. However it seems the file were processed correctly. Thanks to Bruno
Mattarollo for signalling the issue.
! Minor fix to plugins hooking code. The reception of sparse SIGCHLD signals
were causing the poll() to return. The impact was null. The issue has been
fixed by ignoring such signals.
0.8.3 -- 29-Mar-2005
+ Pre-Tagging capabilities have been further enhanced: captured traffic can
be now marked basing on the NetFlow nexthop/BGP nexthop fields. While the
old NetFlow versions (v1, v5) carry an unique 'nexthop' field, NetFlow v9
supports them into two distinguished fields.
+ Packet/flows tagging is now explicit, gaining more flexibility: a new 'tag'
keyword has been added to the 'aggregate' directive. It causes the traffic
to be actually marked; the 'pre_tag_map' and 'post_tag' directives now just
evaluate the tag to be assigned. Read further details about this topic in
the UPGRADE document.
+ The 'pre_tag_filter' directive now accepts 0 (zero) as valid value: we have
to remember that zero is not a valid tag; hence, its support allows to split
or filter untagged traffic from tagged one.
+ Documentation has been expanded: a new FAQS entry now describes few and easy
tweaks needed to replace the bytes counter type from u_int32_t to u_int64_t
throughout the code (provided that the OS supports this type); it's useful
in conjunction with the In-Memory plugin while exposed to very sustained
traffic loads. A new FAQS entry describes the first efforts aimed to integrate
pmacctd with popular flow-tools software by the way of the flow-export tool.
A new UPGRADE document has been also created.
! pmacct client was handling counters returned by the '-N' switch as signed
integers, which is not correct. The issue has been fixed. Many thanks to
Tobias Bengtsson for signalling it.
! Two new routines file_lock()/file_unlock() have replaced the flock() calls
because they were preventing the pmacct code to compile on Solaris. Basing
over hints collected at configure time, the routines enable either the flock()
or fcntl() code. Many thanks to Jan Baumann for signalling and solving the
0.8.2 -- 08-Mar-2005
+ Pre-Tagging capabilities have been enhanced: now, a Pre Tag Map allows to
mark either packets or flows basing on the outcome of a BPF filter. Because
of this new feature, Pre-tagging has been introduced in 'pmacctd' too.
Pre-tagging was already allowing 'nfacctd' to translate some NetFlow packet
fields (exporting agent IP address, Input/Output interface, Engine type and
Engine ID) into an ID (also referred as 'tag'), a small number in the range
+ A new 'pmacctd_force_frag_handling' configuration directive has been added;
it aims to support 'pmacctd' Pre-Tagging operations: whether the BPF filter
requires tag assignation based on transport layer primitives (e.g. src port
or dst port), this directive ensures the right tag is stamped to fragmented
traffic too.
+ Pre Tag filtering (which can be enabled via 'pre_tag_filter' configuration
directive) allows to filter aggregates basing on the previously evaluated
ID: whether it matches with at least one of the filter values, the aggregate
is delivered to the plugin. It has been enhanced by allowing to assign more
tags to a specific plugin.
+ pmacctd: a new feature to read libpcap savefiles has been added; it can be
enabled either via the 'pcap_savefile' configuration directive or the '-I'
commandline switch. Files need to be already closed and correctly finalized
in order to be read successfully. Many thanks to Rafael Portillo for proposing
the idea.
+ pmacct client tool supports a new 'tag' keyword as value for the '-c' switch:
it allows to query the daemon requesting a match against aggregate tags.
+ pmacct client: the behaviour of the '-N' switch (which makes the client to
return a counter onto the screen suitable for data injection in tools like MRTG,
Cacti, RRDtool, etc.), has been enhanced: it was already allowing to ask data
from the daemon but basing only on exact matches. This concept has now extended,
adding both wildcarding of specific fields and partial matches. Furthermore,
when multiple requests are encapsulated into a single query, their results are
by default splitted (that is, each request has its result); a newly introduced
'-S' switch now allows to sum multiple results into a single counter.
! Bugfix: proper checks for the existence of a 'pre_tag_map' file were bypassed
under certain conditions; however, this erroneous behaviour was not causing any
serious issue. The correct behaviour is to quit and report the problem to the
! The sampling rate algorithm has been fixed from a minor issue: it was returning
not expected results when 'sampling_rate: 1'. It now works as expected. Thanks
to David C. Maple for his extensive support in gaining a better understanding
of the problem.
0.8.1p1 -- 22-Feb-2005
! 'sum_host' and 'sum_net' compound primitives have been fixed in order to
work with IPv6 addresses.
! In-Memory Plugin: client queries spotted with both '-r' (reset counters) and
'-N' (exact match, print counters only) switches enabled were causing the
daemon to crash whether no entries were found. The problem has been fixed.
Many thanks to Zach Chambers for signalling the issue.
! In-Memory Plugin: client queries spotted with either '-M' or '-N' switches
enabled were failing to match actual data when either 'sum_host', 'sum_net'
or 'sum_as' primitives were in use. The issue has been fixed.
! The modulo function applied to NetFlow v9 Template Cache has been enhanced
in order to deal correctly with export agents having an IPv6 address.
! Networks/AS definition file: a new check has been added in order to verify
whether network prefix/network mask pairs are compatible: if they are not,
the mask is applied to the prefix.
! Documentation has been expanded and revised.
0.8.1 -- 25-Jan-2005
+ Accounting and aggregation over DSCP, IPv4 ToS field and IPv6 traffic class
field have been introduced ('aggregate' directive, 'tos' value): these fields
are actually widely used to implement Layer-3 QoS policies by defining new
classes of service (most noticeably 'Less than Best Effort' and 'Premium IP').
MySQL and PostgreSQL tables v3 (third version) have been introduced (they
contain an additional 4-bytes 'tos' field) to support the new Layer-3 QoS
+ nfacctd core process has been slightly optimized: each flow is encapsulated
(thus, copied field-by-field) into a BPF-suitable structure only if one or
more plugins actually require BPF filtering ('aggregate_filter' directive).
Otherwise, if either filtering is not required or all requested filters fail
to compile, the copy is skipped.
+ 'pmacct', pmacct client tool: '-e' commandline option (which meaning is:
full memory table erase) now might be supplied in conjunction with other
options (thus avoiding the short time delays involved by two consecutive
queries, ask-then-erase, which may also lead to small losses).
The new implemented mechanism works as follow: queries over actual data
(if any) are served before; the table is locked, new aggregates are queued
until the erasure finishes (it may take seconds if the table is large enough);
the table is unlocked; the queue of aggregates is processed and all normal
operations are resumed. Many thanks to Piotr Gackiewicz for the valuable
exchange of ideas.
! Bug fixed in nfacctd: source and destination AS numbers were incorrectly
read from NetFlow packets. Thanks to Piotr Gackiewicz for his support.
! Bug fixed in pmacct client: while retrieving the whole table content was
displaying espected data, asking just for 'dst_as' field was resulting in
no results instead. Thanks, once more, to Piotr Gackiewicz.
0.8.0 -- 12-Jan-2005
+ PMACCT OPENS TO IPv6: IPv6 support has been introduced in both 'pmacctd'
and 'nfacctd' daemons. Because it requires larger memory structures to
store its addresses, IPv6 support has been disabled by default. It could
be enabled at configure time via '--enable-ipv6' switch. All filtering,
tagging and mapping functions already support IPv6 addresses. Some notes
about IPv6 and SQL table schema have been dropped into README.IPv6 file,
sql section of the tarball.
+ PMACCT OPENS TO NetFlow v9: support for the template-based Cisco NetFlow
v9 export protocol has been added. NetFlow v1/v5 were already supported.
'nfacctd' may now be bound to an IPv6 interface and is able to read both
IPv4 and IPv6 data flowsets. A single 'nfacctd' instance may read flows
of different versions and coming from multiple exporting agents. Source
and destination MAC addresses and VLAN tags are supported in addition to
the primitives already supported in v1/v5 (source/destination IP addresses,
AS, ports and IP protocol). Templates are cached and refreshed as soon as
they are resent by the exporting agent.
+ Pre Tag map ('pre_tag_map' configuration key), which allows to assign a
small integer (ID) to an incoming flow basing on NetFlow auxiliar data,
now may apply tags basing also over Engine Type (it provides uniqueness
with respect to the routing engine on the exporting device) and Engine
ID (it provides uniqueness with respect to the particular line card or
VIP on the exporting device) fields. Incoming and Outcoming interfaces
were already supported. See '' into tarball examples
section and CONFIG-KEYS document for further details.
+ Raw protocol (DLT_RAW) routine has been added; it usually allows to read
data from tunnels and sitX devices (used for IPv6-in-IPv4 encapsulation).
+ Some tests for architecture endianess, CPU type and MMU unaligned memory
access capability have been added. A small and rough (yes, they work the
hard way) set of unaligned copy functions have been added. They are aimed
to be introduced through the code, however first tests over MIPS R10000
and Alpha EV67 (21264A) have shown positive results.
! PPPoE and VLAN layer handling routines have been slightly revised for some
additional checks.
! Given the fairly good portability reported from the mmap() code introduced
through the whole 0.7.x development stage, the use of shared memory segments
is now enabled by default. The configure switch '--enable-mmap' has been
replaced by '--disable-mmap'.
! 'pmacct' client tool: because of the IPv6 addresses introduction, separator
character for multiple queries (commandline) have been changed to from
':' to ';'.
! 'nfacctd': '-F' commandline switch was listed into available options list,
but getopt() stanza was missing, thus returning an invalid option message.
Thanks to Chris Koutras for his support in fixing the issue.
! Some variable assignations were causing lvalue errors with gcc 4.0. Thanks
to Andreas Jochens for his support in signalling and solving the problem.
0.7.9 -- 21-Dec-2004
+ A new data pre-processor has been introduced in both SQL plugins: it
allows to filter out data (via conditionals, checks and actions) during
a cache-to-DB purging event, before building SQL queries; this way, for
example, aggregates which have accounted just a few packets or bytes may
be either discarded or saved through the recovery mechanism (if enabled).
The small set of preprocessing directives is reported into CONFIG-KEYS
+ Some new environment variables are now available when firing a trigger
from SQL plugins: $EFFECTIVE_ELEM_NUMBER reports the effective number
of aggregates (that is, excluding those filtered out at preprocessing
time) encapsulated in SQL queries; $TOTAL_ELEM_NUMBER reports the total
number of aggregates instead.
the number of aggregates being successfully encapsulated into INSERT
and UPDATE queries. $ELAPSED_TIME reports the time took to complete
the last purging event. For further details and the list of supported
environment variables take a look to TRIGGER_VARS document.
+ Some additions to both logfile players: a new '-n' switch allows to play
N elements; this way, arbitrary portions of the file may be played using
'-n' in conjunction with the (already existing) '-o' switch which allows
to read the logfile starting at a specified offset. New switches '-H',
'-D', '-T', '-U', '-P' have been introduced to override SQL parameters
like hostname, DB, table, user and password. The '-t -d' combination
(test only, debug) now allows to print over the screen the content of
the logfile.
+ Logfiles size is now limited to a maximum of 2Gb, thus avoiding issues
connected to the 32bit declaration of off_t. While many OS implment a
solution to the problem, seems there are few chances to solve it in a
portable way. When the maximum size is hit the old logfile is rotated
appending to its filename a trailing small integer ( in a way similar
to logrotate) and a fresh one is started.
! Logfile players: '-s' switch, which was allowing to play one element
a time, has been superseded. Its current equivalent is: '-n 1'.
! The file opening algorithm has been slightly changed in SQL plugins:
flock() follows shortly the fopen() and all subsequent operations and
evaluations are thus strictly serialized. freopen() is avoided.
0.7.8 -- 02-Dec-2004
+ Recovery logfile structure has been enhanced. Following the logfile
header has been created a new template structure. Templates will avoid
the issue of being not able to read old logfiles because of changes to
internal data structures. Templates are made of an header and a number
of entries, each describing a single field of the following data.
Both players, pmmyplay and pmpgplay, are able to parse logfiles basing
over the template description. Backward logfile compatibility is broken.
+ Execcutable triggering mechanism (from SQL plugins) has been enhanced:
some status informations (eg. stats of the last purging event) are now
passed to the trigged executable in the form of environment variables.
The list of supported variables has been summarized into TRIGGER_VARS
document. The mechanism allows to spawn executables for post-processsing
operations at arbitrary timeframes.
+ Support for 'temporary' devices (like PPP and maybe PCMCIA cards too)
has been introduced. A new configuration directive 'interface_wait' (or
'-w' commandline) instructs pmacctd to wait for the listening device to
become available. It works both when in startup phase and when already
into main loop. A big thanks to Andre Berger for his support.
! ppp_handler() routine, which is in charge to handle PPP packets, have
been totally rewritten. Thanks, again, to Andre Berger for his support.
! All link layer handling routines have been revised; some extra checks
have been added to overcome issues caused from malicious handcrafted
! Some time handling and timeout issues have been revised into PostgreSQL
plugin code. They were affecting only the triggering mechanism.
! Fixed an execv() bug into MY_Exec() and PG_Exec(). It was causing the
not correct execution of triggers. Now, a zeroed argv parameter is
passed to the function. The problem has been verified on FreeBSD.
0.7.7 -- 16-Nov-2004
+ Added two new aggregation primitives: 'src_as' and 'dst_as'. They allow
accounting based over Autonomous System number; 'pmacctd' requires AS
numbers to be supplied into a 'networks_file' configuration directive
(which allows to specify the path to a networks definition file);
'nfacctd' may either look up AS numbers from the networks definition file
or read them from each NetFlow flow (this is default). 'nfacctd_as_new'
key could be used to switch 'nfacctd' behaviour.
+ Added some new aggregation modes: 'sum_net', 'sum_as', 'sum_port' ('sum'
which is actually an alias for 'sum_host' has been already introduced
early). Sum is intended to be the total traffic (that is, inbound plus
outbound traffic amounts) for each entry.
+ Added another aggregation primitive: 'none'. It does not make use of any
primitive: it allows to see total bytes and packets transferred through
an interface.
+ The definition of a 'networks_file' enables network lookup: hosts inside
defined networks are ok; hosts outside them are 'zeroed'. This behaviour
may now also be applied to 'src_host', 'dst_host' and 'sum_host'. Under
certain conditions (eg. when using only host/net/as primitives and defined
networks comprise all transiting hosts) it may be seen an alternative
way to filter data.
! 'frontend'/'backend' PostgreSQL plugin operations have been obsoleted.
'unified'/'typed' operations have been introduced instead. See 'sql_data'
description, CONFIG-KEYS document, for further informations.
! Optimizations have been applied to: core process, the newly introduced
cache code (see 0.7.6) and in-memory table plugin.
! Fixed some string handling routines: trim_all_spaces(), mark_columns()
! Solved a potential race condition which was affecting write_pid_file()
0.7.6 -- 27-Oct-2004
+ Many changes has been introduced on 'pmacct' client side. '-m' switch
(which output was suitable as MRTG input) has been obsoleted (though it
will continue to work for next few releases). A new '-N' switch has
been added: it returns counter value, suitable for integration with
either RRDtool or MRTG.
+ Support for batch queries have also been added into pmacct client. It
allows to join up to 4096 requests into a single query. Requests could
either be concatenated commandline or read from a file (more details are
in FAQS and EXAMPLES). Batch queries allow to handle efficiently high number
of requests in a single shot (for example to timely feed data to a large
amount of graphs).
+ Still pmacct client: '-r' switch, which already allows to reset counters
for matched entries, now it also applies to group of matches (also referred
as partial matches).
+ New scripts have been added into the examples tree which show how to
integrate memory and SQL plugins with RRDtool, MRTG and GNUplot.
+ Memory plugin (IMT) has been further enhanced; each query from pmacct
client is now evaluated and if involves just a short ride through the
memory structure, it is served by the plugin itself without spawning a
new child process. Batch queries support and reordering of fragmented
queries have also been added.
+ New cache has been introduced in both SQL plugins; its layout is still
an hash structure but it now features also chains, allocation, reuse and
retirement of chained nodes. It also sports a LRU list of nodes which eases
node handling. The new solution avoids the creation of a collision queue,
ensuring uniqueness of data placed onto the queries queue. While this
already greatly benefits a directive like 'sql_dont_try_update', it also
opens new chances for post-processing operations of queries queue.
0.7.5 -- 14-Oct-2004
+ Introduced support for the definition of a 'known ports' list, when
either 'src_port' or 'dst_port' primitives are in use. Known ports
will get written into the backend; unknown ports will be simply zeroed.
It could be enabled via 'ports_file' configuration key or '-o' commandline
+ Introduced support for weekly and monthly counters breakdown; hourly,
minutely and daily were already supported. New breakdowns could be
enabled via 'w' and 'M' words in 'sql_history' and related configuration
+ Added a '-i' commandline switch to both 'pmmyplay' and 'pmpgplay' to
avoid UPDATE SQL queries and skip directly to INSERT ones. Many thanks
to Jamie Wilkinson.
! 'pmmyplay' and 'pmpgplay' code has been optimized and updated; some
pieces of locking and transactional code were included into the inner
loop. A big thanks goes to Wim Kerkhoff and Jamie Wilkinson.
! Networks aggregation code has been revised and optimized; a direct-mapped
cache has been introduced to store (and search) last search results
from the networks table. A binary search algorithm, though optimized,
over the table has still been preferred over alternative approaches
(hash, tries).
0.7.4 -- 30-Sep-2004
+ Enhanced packet tagging support; it's now broken in Pre-Tagging and
Post-Tagging; Pre-Tagging allows 'nfacctd' to assign an ID to a flow
evaluating an arbitrary combination of supported NetFlow packet
fields (actually: IP address, Input Interface, Output Interface); the
Pre-Tagging map is global; Pre-Tag is applied as soon as each flow
is processed; Post-Tagging allows both 'nfacctd' and 'pmacctd' to
assign an ID to packets using a supplied value; Post-Tagging could be
either global or local to a single plugin (and more plugins may tag
differently); Post-Tag is applied as a last action before the packet
is sent to the plugin. 'nfacctd_id_map' and 'pmacctd_id' configuration
keys are now obsolete; 'pre_tag_map' and 'post_tag' are introduced to
replace them.
+ Added support for Pre-Tag filtering; it allows to filter packets basing
on their Pre-Tag value. The filter is evaluated after Pre-Tagging but
before Post-Tagging; it adds to BPF filtering support ('aggregate_filter'
configuration key); 'pre_tag_filter' configuration key is introduced.
+ Added support for Packet Sampling; the current implementation bases on
a simple systematic algorithm; the new 'sampling_rate' configuration
key expects a positive integer value >= 1 which is the ratio of the
packets to be sampled (translates in: pick only 1 out of N packets).
The key is either global or local (meaning that each plugin could apply
different sampling rates).
! Fixed a bug which was causing crashes in both 'pmacctd' and 'nfacctd'
when '-r' parameter was specified commandline. Thanks to Ali Nikham
for his support.
0.7.3 -- 31-Aug-2004
+ Added support for both Netflow 'input interface' and 'output interface'
fields. These two fields are contained in each flow record inside a
NetFlow packet. It works through ID mapping (read below).
+ The ID map file syntax has been enhanced to allow greater flexibility
in ID assignation to packets; example: 'id=1 ip= in=3
out=5'; the above line will cause the 'ID' 1 to be assigned to
flows exported by a NetFlow agent (for example a router) which IP
address is '' and transiting from interface '3' to interface
+ In-memory table operations have been enhanced when using shared memory;
a new reset flag has been added to avoid race conditions.
! Configuration lines are no more limited to some fixed maximum length
but are allocated dynamically; this to overcome the need for long
configuration lines to declare arbitrary filters and plugin's list.
Thanks to Jerry Ji for his support.
! Configuration handlers, which are responsible to parse and validate
values for each configuration key, have been rewritten on the way
for a better portability.
! Signal handler routines have been changed to better accomodate SysV
! Fixed shared memory mmap() operations on IRIX and SunOS; a further
test checks for either 'MAP_ANON' or 'MAP_ANONYMOUS' definitions; in
case of negative outcome, mmap() will use '/dev/zero'.
! Packet handlers have been revised and optimized.
! Some optimizations have been added when using shared memory; write()
function has been usually called to signal the arrival of each new packet,
through the core process/plugin control channel; now it does so if and
only if the plugin, on the other side, is actually blocking over a poll();
because of sequence numbers guarantee, data is directly written into
shared memory segment.
0.7.2p1 -- 08-Aug-2004
! Multiple fixes in plugin's configuration post checks; negative outcome
of some checks was leading to clear misbehaviours. Versions affected
are >= 0.7.0 . A big thanks goes to Alexandra Walford for her support.
0.7.2 -- 02-Aug-2004
+ VLAN accounting has been added. The new 'vlan' keyword is supported as
argument of both '-c' commandline switch and 'aggregate' configuration
+ Distributed accounting support has been added. It could be enabled into
'pmacctd' via 'pmacctd_id' configuration key and into 'nfacctd' via the
'nfacctd_id_file' configuration key. While 'pmacctd_id' key expects as
value a small integer, 'nfacctd_id_file' expects a path to a file which
contains the mapping: 'IP address of the router (exporting Newflow) ->
small integer'. This scheme ease tasks such as keeping track of who has
generated what data and either cluster or keep disjoint data coming from
different sources when using a SQL database as backend.
+ Introduced SQL table version 2. The SQL schema is the same as existing
tables with the following additions: support for distributed accounting;
support for VLAN accounting.
+ Added MAC addresses query capabilties to pmacct client.
+ Added '-r' commandline switch to pmacct client. It can only be used in
conjunction with '-m' or '-M' switches. It allows to reset packet and
bytes counters of the retrieved record.
! Exit codes have been fixed in both 'pmacctd' and 'nfacctd'. Thanks to
Jerry Ji for his signallation.
! Fixed a problem when retrieving data from memory table: sometimes null
data (without any error message) was returned to the client; the problem
has been successfully reproduced only on FreeBSD 5.1: after an accept()
call, the socket being returned inherits same flags of the listening
socket, this case non-blocking flag. Thanks to Nicolas Deffayet for his
! Revised PostgreSQL creation script.
0.7.1 -- 14-Jul-2004
+ Added shared memory implementation; core process, now, could push data
into a shared memory segment and then signal arrival of new data to the
plugin. Shared memory support could be enabled via '--enable-mmap' switch
at configuration time.
+ Strongly enhanced gathering capabilities of pmacct client; pmacct client
is used to fetch data from memory plugin; it is, now, able to ask exact
or partial matches via '-M' switch and return a readable listing output.
MRTG export capabilities, full table fetch and table status query are
still supported.
+ Introduced SQL table versioning. It could be enabled via 'sql_table_version'
configuration switch. It will enable to build new SQL tables (for example
adding new aggregation methods) while allowing who is not interested in new
setups to work with old tables.
+ Added checks for packet capture type; informations acquired are later used
for better handling pcap interface.
! Fixed some issues concerning pmacctd VLAN and PPPOE code.
! Fixed a mmap() issue on Tru64 systems.
! Fixed some minor poll() misbehaviours in MySQL, PgSQL and print plugins;
they were not correctly handled.
0.7.0p1 -- 13-Jul-2004
! Fixes in cache code; affects MySQL, PgSQL and print plugins.
0.7.0 -- 01-Jul-2004
+ PMACCT OPENS TO NETFLOW: a new network daemon, nfacctd, is introduced:
nfacctd listens for Netflow V1/V5 packets; is able to apply BPF filters
and to aggregate packets; it's then able to either save data in a memory
table, MySQL or PostgreSQL database or simply output packets on the screen.
It can read timestamps from Netflow packets in msecs, seconds or ignore
them generating new timestamps; a simple allow table mechanism allows
to silently discard Netflow packets not generated by a list of trusted
+ Strongly enhanced IP fragmentation handling in pmacctd.
+ Added new checks into the building systems; new hints when it searches
for libraries and headers; initial tests for C compilers capabilities
have been added.
+ Works to let pmacct run on IRIX platforms continue; some issues with
MipsPRO compiler have been solved; added proper compilation flags/hints.
SIGCHLD is now properly handled and child processes are correctly retired.
(a thank for his support goes to Joerg Behrens)
+ First, timidous, introduction of mmap() calls in memory plugin; they need
to be enabled with '--enable-mmap' flag at configure time.
! Fixed a potential deadlock issue in PostgreSQL plugin; changed locking
mechanism. (a big thank to Wim Kerkhoff)
! Fixed an issue concerning networks aggregation on Tru64 systems.
0.6.4p1 -- 01-Jun-2004
! Fixed an issue with cache aliasing in MySQL and PostgreSQL plugins.
Other plugins are not affected; this potential issue affects only
version 0.6.4, not previous ones. Anyone using these plugins with
0.6.4 is strongly encouraged to upgrade to 0.6.4p1.
0.6.4 -- 27-May-2004
+ Added chance to launch executables from both SQL plugins at arbitrary
time intervals to ease data post-processing tasks. Two new keys are
available: 'sql_trigger_exec' and 'sql_trigger_time'. If any interval
is supplied the specified executable is triggered every time data is
purged from the cache.
+ Added a new 'print' plugin. Enabling it, data is pulled at regular
intervals to stdout in a way similar to cflowd's 'flow-print'.
tool. New config keys are 'print_refresh_time', 'print_cache_entries'
and 'print_markers'. This last key enables the print of start/end
markers each time the cache is purged.
+ Added 'sql_dont_try_update' switch to avoid UPDATE queries to the DB
and skip directly to INSERT ones. Performance gains has been noticed
when UPDATEs are not necessary (eg. when using timeslots to break up
counters and sql_history = sql_refresh_time).
Thanks to Jamie Wilkinson.
+ Optimized use of transactions in PostgreSQL plugin; in the new scheme
is built a single big transaction for each cache purge process. This
leads to good performance gains; recovery mechanisms have been modified
to overcome whole transaction trashing. Many thanks to James Gregory
and Jamie Wilkinson.
! Enhanced debug messages output when specific error conditions are returned
by the DB.
! Fixed a potential counters overflow issue in both MySQL and PgSQL
plugins cache.
! Fixed preprocessor definitions issue: LOCK_UN, LOCK_EX are undeclared
on IRIX and Solaris. Thanks to Wilhelm Greiner for the fix.
0.6.3 -- 27-Apr-2004
+ Added support for full libpcap-style filtering capabilities inside
pmacctd. This allows to bind arbitrary filters to each plugin (in
addition to already existing chance to apply them to the listening
interface via 'pcap_filter' configuraiton key). The config key to
specify these new filters is 'aggregate_filter'.
+ Strongly improved networks definition file handling; now the file is
parsed and organized as a hierarchical tree in memory. This allows to
recognize and support networks-in-networks.
+ Initial optimizations has been done over the code produced in last
few months.
+ Preprocessor definitions has been added to some part of the code, to
allow pmacctd compile over IRIX. It has been reported to work over a
IRIX64 6.5.23 box. Thanks to Wilhelm Greiner for his efforts.
+ Added flock() protected access to recovery logfiles.
! Fixed an ugly SEGV issue detected in both 0.6.2's logfile player tools.
0.6.2 -- 14-Apr-2004
+ Added support for networks aggregation. Two new primitives has
been added 'src_net' and 'dst_net' to be used in conjunction with
a network's definitions file (path is supplied via 'networks_file'
configuration key). An example of this file is in the examples/
When this aggregation is enabled, IP addresses are compared against
the networks table; then the matching network will get written to
the backend; if any match occurs a '' is written.
A really big thank goes to Martin Anderberg for his strong support
during last weeks.
+ pipe() has been thrown away; socketpair() has been introduced to
set up a communication channel between pmacctd core process and
+ Added 'plugin_pipe_size' configuration key to adjust queue depth
(size) beween core process and plugins. A default value is set by
operating system; it could not suffice when handling heavy traffic
loads. Added also a specific error string when pipe gets filled.
+ Added 'plugin_buffer_size' configuration key to enable chances to
bufferize data to be sent to plugins. When under great loads this
helps in preventing high CPU usage and excessive pressure over
+ SQL plugins aliasing behaviour has been changed; when no free space
for new data is found and old data has to be pulled out, it's now
actually written to the DB but it's inserted in a new 'collision
queue'. This new queue is purged together with the 'queries queue'.
See INTERNALS for further details.
+ SQL plugins cache behaviour has been changed by a direct-mapped
one to a 3-ways associative to get better scores when searching
free space for new data. See INTERNALS for further details.
+ Added 'sql_cache_entries' configuration key to adjust bucket's
number of SQL plugin cache. As every hashed structure, a prime
number of buckets is advisable to get better dispersion of data
through the table.
! Fixed a malloc() SEGV issue in in-memory table plugin first
noticed with gcc 3.3.3 (Debian 20040320) and glibc 2.3.2.
! Fixed a SEGV issue carried with last release. Improved handling
of communication channels between core process and plugins.
! Uniformed plugin's handling of signals; now sending a SIGINT to
all pmacctd processes causes it to flush caches and exit nicely.
! Updated documentation; still no man page.
0.6.1 -- 24-Mar-2004
+ A new concept has been introduced: plugin names. A name could
be assigned to each running plugin allowing to run more
instances of the same plugin type; each one is configurable
with global or 'named' keys. Take a look to examples for
further info.
+ Added support for PPPOE links. The code has been fully contributed
by Vasiliy Ponomarev. A big thank goes to him.
+ Added a 'sql_startup_delay' configuration key to allow more
plugin instances that need to write to the DB, to flush their
data at same intervals but in different times to avoid locking
stalls or DB overkills.
+ Improved handling of syslog connections. SIGHUP signal, used to
reopen a connection with syslog (eg. for log rotation purposes),
now is supported in all plugins.
+ A simple LRU (Last Recently Used) cache has been added to the
in-memory table plugin. The cache gives great benefits (exploiting
some kind of locality in communication flows) when the table gets
large (and chain in buckets become long and expensive to traverse).
+ Down-up of listening interface are now handled properly. Such an
event traps a reopening of connection with libpcap. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ Some work has been done (mostly via directives to preprocessor)
in order to get pmacct compiled under Solaris. [HIGLY EXPERIMENTAL,
translates: don't assume it works but, please, try it out and some
kind of feedback would be appreciated]
! Plugins have been better structured; plugin hooking has been
simplified and re-documented; configuration parser has been
strongly improved.
! Fixed a bug in 'configure' script; when supplying custom paths to
MySQL libraries an erroneous library filename was searched for.
(thanks to Wim Kerkhoff)
0.6.0p3 -- 09-Feb-2004
! Fixed an issue concerning promiscuous mode; it was
erroneously defaulting to 'false' under certain
conditions. (Thanks to Royston Boot for signalling the
0.6.0p2 -- 05-Feb-2004
! Fixed pmacct daemon in-memory table plugin unstability,
noticed under sustained loads. (A thank for signalling
the problem goes to Martin Pot)
! Minor code rewritings for better optimizazion done in
both in-memory table plugin and pmacct client.
0.6.0p1 -- 28-Jan-2004
! Fixed a bug in in-memory table plugin that was causing
incorrect memorization of statistics. (Many thanks for
promptly signalling it go to Martin Pot)
! Fixed a bug in pmacct client, used to gather stats from
in-memory table. Under high loads and certain conditions
the client was returning SEGV due to a realloc() issue.
(Thanks to Martin Pot)
0.6.0 -- 27-Jan-2004
+ PMACCT OPENS TO POSTGRESQL: fully featured PostgreSQL
plugin has been added; it's transaction based and
already supports "recovery mode" both via logfile and
backup DB actions. pmpgplay is the new tool that allows
to play logfiles written in recovery mode by the plugin
into a PostgreSQL DB. See CONFIG-KEYS and EXAMPLES for
further informations. (Again, many thanks to Wim Kerkoff)
+ Added new "recovery mode" action to MySQL plugin: write
data to a backup DB if primary DB fails. DB table/user/
password need to be the same as in the primary DB. The
action could be enabled via "sql_backup_host" config
+ Added a "sql_data" configuration optinion; a "frontend"
value means to write human readable (strings) data; a
"backend" value means to write integers in network byte
order. Currently, this option is supported only into the
new PostgreSQL plugin. See CONFIG-KEYS and README.pgsql
for further informations.
+ Added support for simple password authentication in
client/server query mechanism for in-memory table
statistics. It's available via "imt_passwd" config key.
+ Added a "-t" commandline switch to pmmyplay; it runs
the tool in a test only mode; useful to check header
infos or logfile integrity.
! Fixed an ugly bug that made impossible MAC accounting
over certain links. Was affected only version 0.5.4.
! Many code and structure cleanups.
0.5.4 -- 18-Dec-2003
+ Added a commandline and configuration switch to use
or not promiscuous mode for traffic capturing; useful
to avoid waste of resources if running over a router.
+ Introduced a "recovery mode" concept for MySQL plugin:
if DB fails an action is taken; currently is possible
to write data to a logfile. More failover solutions to
come in next releases. Thanks also to Wim Kerkhoff.
+ Added a new "pmmyplay" tool. Allows to play logfiles
previously written by a MySQL plugin in recovery mode.
Check EXAMPLES for hints; see INTERNALS for further
details about recovery mode and pmmyplay.
+ Added syslog logging and debugging. Thanks for long
brainstormings to Wim Kerkhoff.
+ Added chance to write PID of pmacctd core process to
a specified file; it could help in automating tasks
that need to send signals to pmacctd (eg. to rotate
logfiles and reopen syslog connection). Take a look
to SIGNALS file for further informations.
+ support for 802.11 Wireless links. [EXPERIMENTAL]
+ support for linux cooked device links (DLT_LINUX_SLL).
pcap library >= 0.6.x is needed. A big thank goes to
KP Kirchdoerfer.
! Simplified client/server query mechanism; avoided all
string comparison stuff.
! Large parts of in-memory table plugin code has been
revised to achieve better efficiency and optimization of
available resources.
0.5.3 -- 20-Nov-2003
! pmacctd core has been optimized and a new loop-callback
scheme driven by pcap library has been introduced; I/O
multiplexing is avoided.
! In MySQL plugin, refresh of entries in the DB has been
switched from a signal-driven approach to a lazy timeslot
based one. If using historical recording, taking care
to the choosen values, this greatly alleviates cache
! In MySQL plugin, modulo function (for insertion of data in
the direct mapped cache) has been changed: crc32 algorithm
has been adopted. Experimental tests shown the reduction of
cache aliasing to about 0.45%.
! The whole MySQL plugin has been inspected for performance
bottlenecks resulted by the addition of new features in
last releases.
! Fixed a bug in link layer handlers.
0.5.2 -- 03-Nov-2003
+ "sql_history" configuration key syntax has been changed to
support history recording at fixed times with mins, hrs and
days granularity. A little of date arithmetics has been
introduced (merely multiplicative factors, eg. to ease 95th
percentile operations).
+ Added "sql_history_roundoff" configuration key to round off
time of first timeslot. This little care gives cleaner time
results and inductively affects all subsequent slots.
+ Achieved more precise calculations via timestamps added to
the cache structure to avoid data counted during the current
timeslot and not already fed in the DB to be accounted in next
! Monthly historical aggregation is no more available.
! Fixed portability issues posed by vsnprintf() in MySQL
plugin. Now the plugin compiles smoothly under Tru64 Unix.
0.5.1 -- 01-Oct-2003
+ due to the proliferation of command-line options, the
support for a configuration file has been added. All
commandline switches until version 0.5.0 will be supported
in the future.
New configurable options (eg. log to a remote SQL server)
will be only supported via configuration file. See
CONFIG-KEYS file for available configuration keys.
+ added support for historical recording of counters in the
MySQL database. Available granularities of aggregation are
hourly, daily or monthly (eg. counters are separated hour
by hour, daily of monthly for each record). Timestamps of
last INSERT and UPDATE have been added over each record.
(thanks to Wim Kerkhoff for his strong collaboration)
+ support for IP header options.
+ support for PPP links. [EXPERIMENTAL]
! Fixed a MySQL plugin direct-mapped cache issue: the cache
now traps INSERT queries when an UPDATE fails due to any
asyncronous table manipulation event (eg. external scripts,
table truncation, etc.).
! MySQL plugin has been strongly revised and optimized; added
options to save data to a remote sql server and to customize
username, password and table; added MySQL locking stuff.
(another big thank to Wim Kerkhoff).
! various code cleanups.
0.5.0 -- 22-Jul-2003
+ static aggregation directives (src_host, dst_host, ..)
are now superseded by primitives that can be stacked
together to form complex aggregation methods.
The commandline syntax of the client program has been
consequently changed to support these new features.
+ two new primitives have been added: source MAC address
and destination MAC address.
+ support for 802.1Q (VLANs) tagged packets (thanks to
Rich Gade).
+ support for FDDI links. [EXPERIMENTAL]
! the core pmacctd loop (that gathers packets off the
wire and feeds data to plugins) has been revised and
strongly optimized.
! the main loop of MySQL plugin has been optimized with
the introduction of adaptive selection queries during
the update process.
! fixed a memory allocation issue (that caused a SIGSEGV,
under certain circustances) in pmacct client: now the
upper bound of dss is checked for large data retrieval.
0.4.2 -- 20-Jun-2003
+ limited support for transport protocols (currently
only tcp and udp): aggregation of statistics for
source or destination port.
+ optimized query mechanism for in-memory table; solved
few generalization issues that will enable (in future
versions) to support complex queries.
+ added "-t" pmacctd commandline switch to specify a
custom database table.
! fixed realloc() issue in pmacct client (thanks to
Arjen Nienhuis).
! fixed an issue regarding mysql headers in the configure
0.4.1 -- 08-May-2003
! missing break in a case statement that led pmacctd
to misbehaviours; a cleaner approach to global vars
(thanks to Peter Payne).
! fixed an issue with getopt() and external vars. Now
pmacct has reported to compile without problems on
FreeBSD 4.x (thanks to Kirill Ponomarew).
! missing conditional statement to check the runtime
execution of compiled plugins in exec_plugins()
0.4.0 -- 02-May-2003
+ switched to a plugin architecture: plugins need to
be activated at configure time to be compiled and
then used via "-P" command-line switch in pmacctd.
See PLUGINS for more details.
+ added first plugin: Mysql driver. It uses a Mysql
database as backend to store statistics other than
in-memory table. See sql/ directory for scripts for
creation of db needed to store data.
+ added the choice to collect statistics for traffic
flows in addition to src|dst|sum aggregation via
the "-c flows" command-line switch in pmacctd.
+ major code cleanups.
+ mostly rewritten configure script; switched back to
autoconf 2.1.
0.3.4 -- 24-Mar-2003
+ accounting of IP traffic for source, destination
and aggregation of both. Introduced -c switch to
pmacctd (thanks to Martynas Bieliauskas).
+ added daemonization of pmacctd process via -D
command line switch
+ added buffering via pcap_open_live() timeout handling
on those architectures where it is supported.
+ It compiles and works fine over FreeBSD 5.x;
solved some pcap library issues.
+ added customization of pipe for client/server
communication via -p command line switch both in
pmacct and pmacctd
0.3.3 -- 19-Mar-2003
+ introduced synchronous I/O multiplexing
+ support for -m 0 pmacctd switch, in-memory table
can grow undefinitely.
+ revised memory pool descriptors table structure
! introduced realloc() in pmacct to support really
large in-memory table transfers; solved additional
alignment problems.
! solved compatibility issues with libpcap 0.4
! solved nasty problem with -i pmacctd switch
! solved various memory code bugs and open issues
0.3.2 -- 13-Mar-2003
+ support for pcap library filters
! minor bugfixes
0.3.1 -- 12-Mar-2003
+ documentation stuff: updated TODO and added INTERNALS
+ revised query mechanism to server process, added a
standard header to find command and optional values
carried in query buffer.
+ added -s commandline switch to customize the size of
each memory pool; see INTERNLS for more informations
! stability tests and fixes
! configure script enhancements
0.3.0 -- 11-Mar-2003
! not public release
+ increased efficiency through allocation of memory pools
instead of sparse malloc() calls when inserting new
elements in in-memory table.
+ added -m commandline switch to pmacctd to set the number
of available memory pools; the size of each memory pool is
the number of buckets, chosen with -b commandline option,
see INTERNALS for more informations.
+ switched client program to getopt() to acquire commandline
+ new -m commandline option in client program to acquire
statistics of a specified IP address in a format useful for
acquisition by MRTG program; see examples directory for a
sample mrtg configuration.
! major bugfixes
! minor code cleanups
0.2.4 -- 07-Mar-2003
+ portability: Tru64 5.x
! configure script fixes
! minor bugfixes
0.2.3 -- 05-Mar-2003
+ first public release
! portability fixes
! minor bugfixes
0.2.2 -- 04-Mar-2003
+ minor code cleanups
+ added autoconf, automake stuff
0.2.1 -- 03-Mar-2003
+ fork()ing when handling queries
+ signal handling
+ command-line options using getopt()
+ usage instructions
! major bugfixes
0.2.0 -- 01-Mar-2003
+ dynamic allocation of in-memory table
+ query (client/server) mechanism
+ added a Makefile
! major bugfixes
0.1.0 -- late Feb, 2003
+ Initial release