What I’m Writing About

Images from my posts at Subtraction.com
72 Pins
Pixelated Deck of Cards by Susan Kare
A real deck of cards in the pixelated style of Macintosh graphics designer Susan Kare.
Material Design in Print
Google tasked San Francisco design studio Manual with interpreting its Material Design design language in print form. The results are beautiful, at least insofar as it’s novel to see digital design...
Los Angeles’ Old Theaters
The State Theater, L.A.
Los Angeles’ Old Theaters
L.A. Super Start Inc., L.A.
Remembering the Choose Your Own Adventure Series
R.A. Montgomery, the publisher of the Choose Your Own Adventure series of books, passed away earlier this month at age 78. That series debuted in 1976 and went on to terrific success. It also figur...
Apple’s San Francisco Typeface
The mystery of the Apple Watch typeface was solved yesterday when Apple released WatchKit SDK. The typeface is called San Francisco, and, as Co. Design remarks, it was seemingly inspired by similar...
A few people have mentioned to me the obvious links between Project LayUp and Mixel. As I mentioned in my post, the former was heavily influenced by lessons from the latter. From time to time peopl...