PHP Classes

KCAPTCHA: Generate CAPTCHA validation images with effects

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StarStarStarStar 65%Total: 4,389 All time: 654 This week: 60Up
VersionLicensePHP versionCategories
kcaptcha 1.2.6GNU Lesser Genera...4.0.6Graphics, Validation, Security


This class can be used to generate CAPTCHA validation images with the verification text rendered with distortion.

It generates a random text using a list of allowed characters.

The text is rendered as an image with several effects to distort the characters and make it more difficult to guess by automated programs.

The text is rendered with fonts defined as images in the PNG format. So it does not need any PHP special font engine library extensions.

The generated image is served as the current script output either in JPEG, GIF or PNG formats.

Picture of Sergei Kruglov
Name: Sergei Kruglov <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Russian Federation Russian Federation
Age: 47
All time rank: 68220 in Russian Federation Russian Federation
Week rank: 160 Up10 in Russian Federation Russian Federation Up

Screenshots (1)
  • examples
Files folder image Files (29)
File Role Description
Files folder imagefonts (23 files)
Files folder imageutil (1 file)
Plain text file kcaptcha.php Class Main class
Plain text file kcaptcha_config.php Conf. Config
Plain text file index.php Example Using KCAPTCHA class
Plain text file example.php Example Form example

Files folder image Files (29) / fonts
File Role Description
��Plain text file .htaccess Data Deny HTTP access to fonts folder
��Image file antiqua.png Data font
��Image file baskerville.png Data font
��Image file batang.png Data font
��Image file bookman.png Data font
��Image file calisto.png Data font
��Image file cambria.png Data font
��Image file centaur.png Data font
��Image file century.png Data font
��Image file chaparral.png Data font
��Image file constantia.png Data font
��Image file footlight.png Data font
��Image file garamond.png Data font
��Image file georgia.png Data font
��Image file goudy_old.png Data font
��Image file kozuka.png Data font
��Image file lucida.png Data font
��Image file minion.png Data font
��Image file palatino.png Data font
��Image file perpetua.png Data font
��Image file rockwell.png Data font
��Image file times.png Data font
��Image file warnock.png Data font

Files folder image Files (29) / util
File Role Description
��Plain text file font_preparer.php Aux. Adds symbols bounds marks to font files

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Super Job.
16 years ago (sajidali)