We support people experiencing homelessness and hardship through access to free laundry, warm showers and genuine conversation.
No shifts coming up this week, check back soon"); } else { listOfShifts.forEach(shift => { // Icons flags //todo put the icons on the row var hasLaundry = false; var hasShower = false; var hasConversation = false; var hasComingSoon = false; var hasWomenOnly = false; var isCancelled = shift.object.is_cancelled == 1; if (shift.nice['custom_offering:array']) { if (shift.nice['custom_offering:array'].includes("Laundry")) { hasLaundry = true; } if (shift.nice['custom_offering:array'].includes("Showers")) { hasShower = true; } if (shift.nice['custom_offering:array'].includes("Conversation")) { hasConversation = true; } if (shift.nice['custom_offering:array'].includes("Coming soon")) { hasComingSoon = true; } if (shift.nice['custom_offering:array'].includes("Women only")) { hasWomenOnly = true; } } let shiftFeatures = ''; if ( hasLaundry ) { shiftFeatures += `
`; } if ( hasShower ) { shiftFeatures += ``; } if ( hasConversation ) { shiftFeatures += ``; } if ( hasComingSoon ) { shiftFeatures += ``; } if ( hasWomenOnly ) { shiftFeatures += ``; } var cancelledMod = ''; var cancelledDiv = ''; if (isCancelled) { cancelledDiv = ''; cancelledMod = ' is-cancelled'; } let shiftHTML = `