## Generic Description ## Schema.org Terms @prefix oplwebsrv: . @prefix schema: . @prefix wdrs: . @prefix xsd: . <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> a schema:CreativeWork ; schema:name "ODS_Acl" ; schema:description "ACL Rule and Group Management" ; schema:mainEntity <#this_ODSAclModuleAPI> ; schema:about <#this_ODSAclModuleAPI> . <#this_ODSAclModuleAPI> a schema:WebApplication ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:name "ODS_Acl" ; schema:description "ACL Rule and Group Management" ; schema:potentialAction <#action_fb9836bb3458182d498990d67f4ee26c> , <#action_d1308d00c163f38b295f33105b166d76> , <#action_7b76c693cae8cf5c63f4e5e147ac5ff6> , <#action_89fd9e4ce83492490eeb40608972a602> , <#action_2840e9fbedcfb0458478b5fd21ec8c21> , <#action_14d05cf0002c11a9ba1eeffc9f2de4f6> , <#action_c61410f85466af376baa1fd5d7201316> , <#action_eeffad74df995635e1b1e7b8097cb1c4> , <#action_b1844fa8dc1ab8360a2117e0c8b0bd8e> . <#action_fb9836bb3458182d498990d67f4ee26c> a schema:Action ; schema:name "acl_groups_delete" ; schema:target <#action_acl.groups.delete> . <#action_acl.groups.delete> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - acl_groups_delete" ; schema:url ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSAclModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL ; schema:description "

Allows to remove a group created by the authenticated user by either specifying the name or the id of the group.

  • name

    The name of the group to remove. This can be specified several times to delete more than one group.

  • id

    The numerical identifer or the URI of the group to delete. This can be specified several times to delete more than one group. The group IDs and URIs are part of the output of acl.groups.list().

  • On error an appropriate HTTP error code will be set in addition to a return value as described in ODS Error Result Codes.


    This function requries authentication via one of the supported authentication methods as described in ODS Authentication.

    " ; schema:shortDescription "

    Remove a group.

    " ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_acl.groups.delete_#_name> , <#action_acl.groups.delete_#_id> . <#action_acl.groups.delete_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    The name of the group to remove. This can be specified several times to delete more than one group.

    " . <#action_acl.groups.delete_#_id> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "id" ; schema:name "id" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    The numerical identifer or the URI of the group to delete. This can be specified several times to delete more than one group. The group IDs and URIs are part of the output of acl.groups.list().

    " . <#action_d1308d00c163f38b295f33105b166d76> a schema:Action ; schema:name "acl_groups_get" ; schema:target <#action_acl.groups.get> . <#action_acl.groups.get> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - acl_groups_get" ; schema:url ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSAclModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL ; schema:description "

    Be aware that ODS exposes data as linked data which allows to query the groups via SPARQL as described in Querying ACL Rules.

  • name

    The name of the group to get.

  • id

    The numerical identifer or the URI of the group to delete.

  • accept

    The mime type of the accepted output. The group IDs and URIs are part of the output of acl.groups.list().

  • The details of the group as a JSON stream. See acl.groups.list() for an example. If no group by that name exists an HTTP status code of 400 is set.


    This function requries authentication via one of the supported authentication methods as described in ODS Authentication.

    " ; schema:shortDescription "

    Get details of a specific group.

    " ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_acl.groups.get_#_name> , <#action_acl.groups.get_#_id> , <#action_acl.groups.get_#_accept> . <#action_acl.groups.get_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    The name of the group to get.

    " . <#action_acl.groups.get_#_id> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "id" ; schema:name "id" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    The numerical identifer or the URI of the group to delete.

    " . <#action_acl.groups.get_#_accept> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "accept" ; schema:name "accept" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; oplwebsrv:parameterExampleValue "application/json" ; schema:description "

    The mime type of the accepted output. The group IDs and URIs are part of the output of acl.groups.list().

    " . <#action_7b76c693cae8cf5c63f4e5e147ac5ff6> a schema:Action ; schema:name "acl_groups_import" ; schema:target <#action_acl.groups.import> . <#action_acl.groups.import> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - acl_groups_import" ; schema:url ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSAclModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL ; schema:description "

  • content

    TTL string containing representation of the group

  •   @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
      @prefix : <#> .
      <> foaf:topic :Group .
      <> rdfs:label \"Social Semantics & ACLs Demo\" .
      <> rdfs:comment \"Members of this group provide the basis for a Resource Access
      Policy scoped to this group.\".
      :Group a foaf:Group .
      :Group foaf:member <http://id.myopenlink.net/dataspace/person/user1#this> ,
                         <http://id.myopenlink.net/dataspace/person/user2#this> ,
                         <http://id.myopenlink.net/dataspace/person/user3#this> .

    An error code stating the success of the command execution as detailed in ODS Error Result Codes. In case of an error the HTTP status code is set accordingly.

    " ; schema:shortDescription "

    Import an ACL group.

    " ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_acl.groups.import_#_content> . <#action_acl.groups.import_#_content> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "content" ; schema:name "content" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    TTL string containing representation of the group

    " . <#action_89fd9e4ce83492490eeb40608972a602> a schema:Action ; schema:name "acl_groups_list" ; schema:target <#action_acl.groups.list> . <#action_acl.groups.list> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - acl_groups_list" ; schema:url ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSAclModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL ; schema:description "

    This function allows to list all groups defined by the authenticated user. Be aware that ODS exposes data as linked data which allows to query the groups via SPARQL as described in Querying ACL Rules.

    A list of the groups defined by the authenticated user as a JSON string.

    Example: [ { \"id\":1, \"uri\":\"http://web.ods.openlinksw.com/dataspace/trueg/group/Test%20Group%201\", \"name\":\"Testgroup1\", \"description\":\"Thefirstofthegroups\", \"members\":[ \"http://web.ods.openlinksw.com/dataspace/person/egon#this\", \"http://web.ods.openlinksw.com/dataspace/person/hans#this\" ] }, { \"id\":2, \"uri\":\"http://web.ods.openlinksw.com/dataspace/trueg/group/Test%20Group%202\", \"name\":\"Testgroup2\", \"description\":\"Thesecondofthegroups\", \"members\":[ \"http://id.myopenlinksw.com/dataspace/person/egon#this\", \"http://www.facebook.com/some.user\", \"acct.persona:[email protected]\" ] } ]


    This function requries authentication via one of the supported authentication methods as described in ODS Authentication.

    " ; schema:shortDescription "

    List groups defined by the authenticated user.

    " . <#action_2840e9fbedcfb0458478b5fd21ec8c21> a schema:Action ; schema:name "acl_groups_new" ; schema:target <#action_acl.groups.new> . <#action_acl.groups.new> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - acl_groups_new" ; schema:url ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSAclModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL ; schema:description "

  • name

    The name of the group. This is unique to the ODS user. Different ODS users may create groups with the same name.

  • description

    An optional description of the group.

  • member

    An optional list of members to fill a group. This parameter can be specified several times to add more than one member. New members can also be added via acl.groups.update(). Members are identifier by their URIs. These can be WebIDs or any of the supported identifiers as listed in user.onlineAccounts.new().

  • An error code stating the success of the command execution as detailed in ODS Error Result Codes. In case of an error the HTTP status code is set accordingly.


    This function requries authentication via one of the supported authentication methods as described in ODS Authentication.

    " ; schema:shortDescription "

    Create a new group of agents (people, software, machines).

    " ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_acl.groups.new_#_name> , <#action_acl.groups.new_#_description> , <#action_acl.groups.new_#_member> . <#action_acl.groups.new_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    The name of the group. This is unique to the ODS user. Different ODS users may create groups with the same name.

    " . <#action_acl.groups.new_#_description> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "description" ; schema:name "description" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    An optional description of the group.

    " . <#action_acl.groups.new_#_member> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "member" ; schema:name "member" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    An optional list of members to fill a group. This parameter can be specified several times to add more than one member. New members can also be added via acl.groups.update(). Members are identifier by their URIs. These can be WebIDs or any of the supported identifiers as listed in user.onlineAccounts.new().

    " . <#action_14d05cf0002c11a9ba1eeffc9f2de4f6> a schema:Action ; schema:name "acl_groups_update" ; schema:target <#action_acl.groups.update> . <#action_acl.groups.update> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - acl_groups_update" ; schema:url ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSAclModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL ; schema:description "

    This function allows to change the details of any group identified by either the name or the id. The group has to be created via acl.group.new() before.

  • name

    The name or the IRI of the group to change.

  • id

    The identifier of the group to change.

  • newName

    The optional new name of the group. This name cannot be used by another group already.

  • newDescription

    The optional new description of the group.

  • addMember

    An optional parameter which indicates the new members to add to the group. This parameter can be specified several times to add more than one member.

  • removeMember

    An optional parameter which indicates the members to remove from the group. This parameter can be specified several times to remove more than one member. If overwrite is 1 removeMember is ignored.

  • overwrite

    If 1 the existing members of the given group are replaced by the ones specified in addMember.

  • On error an appropriate HTTP error code will be set in addition to a return value as described in ODS Error Result Codes.


    This function requries authentication via one of the supported authentication methods as described in ODS Authentication.

    " ; schema:shortDescription "

    Change the attributes of a group.

    " ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_acl.groups.update_#_name> , <#action_acl.groups.update_#_id> , <#action_acl.groups.update_#_newName> , <#action_acl.groups.update_#_newDescription> , <#action_acl.groups.update_#_addMember> , <#action_acl.groups.update_#_removeMember> , <#action_acl.groups.update_#_overwrite> . <#action_acl.groups.update_#_name> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "name" ; schema:name "name" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    The name or the IRI of the group to change.

    " . <#action_acl.groups.update_#_id> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "id" ; schema:name "id" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "integer" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    The identifier of the group to change.

    " . <#action_acl.groups.update_#_newName> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "newName" ; schema:name "newName" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    The optional new name of the group. This name cannot be used by another group already.

    " . <#action_acl.groups.update_#_newDescription> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "newDescription" ; schema:name "newDescription" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    The optional new description of the group.

    " . <#action_acl.groups.update_#_addMember> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "addMember" ; schema:name "addMember" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    An optional parameter which indicates the new members to add to the group. This parameter can be specified several times to add more than one member.

    " . <#action_acl.groups.update_#_removeMember> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "removeMember" ; schema:name "removeMember" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    An optional parameter which indicates the members to remove from the group. This parameter can be specified several times to remove more than one member. If overwrite is 1 removeMember is ignored.

    " . <#action_acl.groups.update_#_overwrite> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "overwrite" ; schema:name "overwrite" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "integer" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; oplwebsrv:parameterExampleValue "0" ; schema:description "

    If 1 the existing members of the given group are replaced by the ones specified in addMember.

    " . <#action_c61410f85466af376baa1fd5d7201316> a schema:Action ; schema:name "acl_rules_delete" ; schema:target <#action_acl.rules.delete> . <#action_acl.rules.delete> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - acl_rules_delete" ; schema:url ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSAclModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL ; schema:description "

    This function allows to remove ACL rules which have previously been created via acl.rules.new().

  • resource

    The resource whose list of rules should be modified. If omitted the user profile's list of rules is used.

  • rule

    The numerical identifer or the URI of the rule to delete. This can be specified several times to delete more than one rule. The rule IDs and URIs are part of the output of acl.rules.list().

  • An error code stating the success of the command execution as detailed in ODS Error Result Codes. In case of an error the HTTP status code is set accordingly.


    This function requries authentication via one of the supported authentication methods as described in ODS Authentication.

    " ; schema:shortDescription "

    Remove an ACL rule.

    " ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_acl.rules.delete_#_resource> , <#action_acl.rules.delete_#_rule> . <#action_acl.rules.delete_#_resource> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "resource" ; schema:name "resource" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    The resource whose list of rules should be modified. If omitted the user profile's list of rules is used.

    " . <#action_acl.rules.delete_#_rule> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "rule" ; schema:name "rule" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    The numerical identifer or the URI of the rule to delete. This can be specified several times to delete more than one rule. The rule IDs and URIs are part of the output of acl.rules.list().

    " . <#action_eeffad74df995635e1b1e7b8097cb1c4> a schema:Action ; schema:name "acl_rules_list" ; schema:target <#action_acl.rules.list> . <#action_acl.rules.list> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - acl_rules_list" ; schema:url ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSAclModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL ; schema:description "

    Be aware that ODS exposes data as linked data which allows to query the rules via SPARQL as described in Querying ACL Rules.

  • resource

    The resource to list the ACL rules for. If omitted the user's profile's rules are listed.

  • A JSon stream of ACL rules as decribed in ODS ACL Rules with additional properties id and uri to allow rule-identification for deletion and resource properties which identify the given resource for convinience. If the resource URL is not supported an HTTP status code of 400 is set.


    This function requries authentication via one of the supported authentication methods as described in ODS Authentication.

    " ; schema:shortDescription "

    List all ACL rules for a specific resource.

    " ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_acl.rules.list_#_resource> . <#action_acl.rules.list_#_resource> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "resource" ; schema:name "resource" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    The resource to list the ACL rules for. If omitted the user's profile's rules are listed.

    " . <#action_b1844fa8dc1ab8360a2117e0c8b0bd8e> a schema:Action ; schema:name "acl_rules_new" ; schema:target <#action_acl.rules.new> . <#action_acl.rules.new> a schema:EntryPoint ; schema:name "EntryPoint - acl_rules_new" ; schema:url ; schema:httpMethod "GET" ; schema:contentType "text/xml" ; ## OpenLink Web Services Ontology Terms oplwebsrv:isWebServiceOf <#this_ODSAclModuleAPI> ; oplwebsrv:endPointURL ; schema:description "

    Data access in ODS is controlled via Access Control Lists (ACL). In practice this comes down to a set of rules giving or revoking access to certain people or groups. Each rule grants access to or revokes access from a certain resource or type of resource.

    ODS allows to define rules on the user profile (by specifying the user's profile URL) or any DAV resource the user has access to. In case of the user profile those parts of the profile which are set to be protected are shared. See also user.acl.update().

  • resource

    The resource to grant access to. If omitted the rule will be created for the user's profile.

  • rule

    The ACL rule specified as a JSON string. See ODS ACL Rules for details.

  • An error code stating the success of the command execution as detailed in ODS Error Result Codes. In case of an error the HTTP status code is set accordingly.


    This function requries authentication via one of the supported authentication methods as described in ODS Authentication.

    " ; schema:shortDescription "

    Create a new ACL rule.

    " ; oplwebsrv:hasParameter <#action_acl.rules.new_#_resource> , <#action_acl.rules.new_#_rule> . <#action_acl.rules.new_#_resource> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "resource" ; schema:name "resource" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired false ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    The resource to grant access to. If omitted the rule will be created for the user's profile.

    " . <#action_acl.rules.new_#_rule> a oplwebsrv:WebServiceParameter ; oplwebsrv:parameterName "rule" ; schema:name "rule" ; # oplwebsrv:parameterType "varchar" ; oplwebsrv:isRequired true ; wdrs:describedby <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:mainEntityOfPage <#this_ODSAclModuleAPIDoc> ; schema:description "

    The ACL rule specified as a JSON string. See ODS ACL Rules for details.

    " .