Doc No: | N4144 |
Date: | 2014-09-11 |
Reply to: | [email protected] |
Some of the proposed standardese remains to be written.
As proof of concept, possible implementations (not necessarily the best) of the various class templates are shown; and Appendix A contains a listing for a crude test program that displays the results of instantiation on the standard output.
template <class... Args> struct packer { };This is inspired by std::tuple, but it has no members, so it could serve as an empty base class, and an object of the ultimate type could always be instantiated (even if the parameter pack contains void or some type that lacks a default constructor).
template <class T, class... P> struct is_contained_in; template <class T, class... P> constexpr bool is_contained_in_v = is_contained_in<T,P...>::value;
template <class T> struct is_contained_in<T> : false_type { }; template <class First, class... Rest> struct is_contained_in<First, First, Rest...> : true_type { }; template <class T, class First, class... Rest> struct is_contained_in<T, First, Rest...> : is_contained_in<T, Rest...> { };
template <class T, class U> struct contains_types; template <class T, class U> constexpr bool contains_types_v = contains_types<T,U>::value;
template <class... TPack> struct contains_types<packer<TPack...>, packer<>> : true_type { }; template <class... TPack, class UFirst, class... URest> struct contains_types<packer<TPack...>, packer<UFirst, URest...>> : integral_constant<bool, is_contained_in_v<UFirst, TPack...> && contains_types_v<packer<TPack...>, packer<URest...>>> { };
template<class T, class U> struct add_to; template<class T, class U> using add_to_t = typename add_to<T,U>::type;
template<class T, class U> struct add_to<T,U> { typedef packer<U,T> type; // note T added to the end }; template<class T, class... Args> struct add_to<T, packer<Args...>> { typedef packer<Args..., T> type; }; template<class... Args, class U> struct add_to<packer<Args...>, U> { typedef packer<U, Args...> type; }; template<class... TArgs, class... UArgs> struct add_to<packer<TArgs...>, packer<UArgs...>> { typedef packer<UArgs..., TArgs...> type; };
template<class T, class U> struct unique_add_to; template<class T, class U> using unique_add_to_t = typename unique_add_to<T,U>::type;
template<class T, class U> struct unique_add_to { typedef packer<U,T> type; }; template<class T> struct unique_add_to<T,T> { typedef packer<T> type; }; template<class T, class... Args> struct unique_add_to<T, packer<Args...>> { typedef conditional_t<is_contained_in_v<T, Args...>, packer<Args...>, packer<Args..., T>> type; }; template<class... Args, class U> struct unique_add_to<packer<Args...>, U> { typedef conditional_t<is_contained_in_v<U, Args...>, packer<Args...>, packer<U, Args...>> type; }; template<class... Args> struct unique_add_to<packer<Args...>, packer<Args...>> { typedef packer<Args...> type; }; template<class... Args> struct unique_add_to<packer<>, packer<Args...>> { typedef packer<Args...> type; }; template<class TFirst, class... TRest, class... UArgs> struct unique_add_to<packer<TFirst, TRest...>, packer<UArgs...>> { typedef conditional_t<is_contained_in_v<TFirst, UArgs...>, unique_add_to<packer<TRest...>, packer<UArgs...>>, unique_add_to<packer<TRest...>, packer<UArgs..., TFirst>> > type; };It’s because of the recursion in unique_add_to when T is itself a packer with a non-empty parameter pack that we specify that the types be added at the end: if they were added at the front, their order would be reversed, which would likely be the greater surprise.
template<class Unwanted, class Given, class Result = packer<>> struct remove_from; template<class U, class G> using remove_from_t = typename remove_from<U,G>::type;
template<class U, class... Out> struct remove_from<U, packer<>, packer<Out...>> { typedef packer<Out...> type; }; template<class U, class GFirst, class... GRest, class... Out> struct remove_from<U, packer<GFirst, GRest...>, packer<Out...>> : remove_from<U, packer<GRest...>, conditional_t<is_same_v<GFirst, U>, packer<Out...>, packer<Out..., GFirst> > > { }; template <class... U, class GFirst, class... GRest, class... Out> struct remove_from<packer<U...>, packer<GFirst, GRest...>, packer<Out...>> : remove_from<packer<U...>, packer<GRest...>, conditional_t<is_contained_in_v<GFirst, U...>, packer<Out...>, packer<Out..., GFirst> > > { };
template<class U, class G> struct remove_from<U, G> { typedef packer<G> type; }; template<class U> struct remove_from<U, U> { typedef packer<> type; };
template<class T, class Result = packer<>> struct uniqueify; template<class T> using uniqueify_t = typename uniqueify<T>::type;
template<class... Out> struct uniqueify<packer<>, packer<Out...>> { typedef packer<Out...> type; }; template<class First, class... Rest, class... Out> struct uniqueify<packer<First, Rest...>, packer<Out...>> { typedef conditional_t<is_contained_in_v<First, Rest...>, uniqueify<packer<Rest...>, packer<Out...>>, uniqueify<packer<Rest...>, packer<Out..., First>> > type; };Note that, given the above implementation, uniqueify removes the first of two duplicates; so the order of the types in the resulting parameter pack might be surprising. For example,
// 20.10.3, helper classes:
template<class... T> struct packer;
Everything else in the paper is an addition even though it’s not underlined. |
template <class T, class... P> struct is_contained_in; template <class T, class U> struct contains_types; template <class T, class... P> constexpr bool is_contained_in_v = is_contained_in<T,P...>::value; template <class T, class U> constexpr bool contains_types_v = contains_types<T,U>::value;
template <class T, class U> struct add_to; template <class T, class U> struct unique_add_to; template <class T, class U, class Result = packer<>> struct remove_from; template <class T, class Result = packer<>> struct uniqueify; template <class T, class U> using add_to_t = typename add_to<T,U>::type; template <class T, class U> using unique_add_to_t = typename unique_add_to<T,U>::type; template <class T, class U> using remove_from_t = typename remove_from<T,U>::type; template <class T> using uniqueify_t = typename uniqueify<T>::type;
In 20.10.3 Helper classes []:
template<class... T> struct packer { };
The class template packer simply holds a parameter pack.
In 20.10.6 Relationships between types [meta.rel], add to the end of Table 51:
template <class T, class... P>
struct is_contained_in;Type T is contained
in parameter pack Ptemplate <class T, class U>
struct contains_types;T’s parameter pack contains
at least one instance
of each of the types
in U’s parameter packT and U shall be packers
In Other transformations [meta.trans.other],
Some standardese for Table 57’s Comments column remains to be written. It depends on whether the U template parameters are required to be packers. Also, does remove_from’s U parameter need to be a packer? |
template <class T, class U>
struct add_to;The member typedef type shall name
a packer whose parameter pack contains
[more to do]template <class T, class U>
struct unique_add_to;The member typedef type shall name
a packer whose parameter pack contains
[more to do]template <class T, class U,
class Result = packer<>>
struct remove_from;U shall be a packer (20.10.3). The member typedef type shall name
a packer whose parameter pack contains
each of the types in U’s parameter pack
excluding the type T, or if T is itself a
packer, excluding any type in T’s
parameter pack.template <class U,
class Result = packer<>>
struct uniqueify;U shall be a packer (20.10.3). The member typedef type shall name
a packer whose parameter pack contains
each of the types in U’s parameter pack
exactly once. The order of the types in
type’s parameter pack is unspecified.
#include <iostream> #include <type_traits> // assume it has the additions proposed above using namespace std; // // Some types to put in parameter packs: // struct one { static const int value = 1; }; struct two { static const int value = 2; }; struct three { static const int value = 3; }; struct four { static const int value = 4; }; struct five { static const int value = 5; }; typedef packer<one, two, three> first_three; typedef packer<four, five> last_two; typedef packer<three, four, five> last_three; // // Listing types on the standard output: // template<class... Args> void show_types(packer<Args...>); template<> inline void show_types(packer<>) { } template<class First, class... Rest> void show_types(packer<First, Rest...>) { cout << First::value << " "; show_types(packer<Rest...>()); } // // The tests: // int main() { cout << boolalpha; cout << contains_types<first_three, packer<>>::value << '\n'; cout << contains_types<first_three, packer<one>>::value << '\n'; cout << contains_types<first_three, packer<two>>::value << '\n'; cout << contains_types<first_three, packer<three>>::value << '\n'; cout << contains_types<first_three, packer<one,two>>::value << '\n'; cout << contains_types<first_three, packer<one,three>>::value << '\n'; cout << contains_types<first_three, packer<two,three>>::value << '\n'; cout << contains_types<first_three, first_three>::value << '\n'; cout << '\n'; cout << contains_types<first_three, packer<four>>::value << '\n'; cout << contains_types<first_three, last_two>::value << '\n'; cout << contains_types<first_three, last_three>::value << '\n'; cout << contains_types<packer<one,two>, first_three>::value << '\n'; cout << '\n'; show_types(add_to<three, first_three>()); cout << '\n'; show_types(add_to<four, first_three>()); cout << '\n'; show_types(add_to<last_two, first_three>()); cout << '\n'; show_types(add_to<last_three, first_three>()); cout << "\n\n"; show_types(unique_add_to<three, first_three>()); cout << '\n'; show_types(unique_add_to<four, first_three>()); cout << '\n'; show_types(unique_add_to<last_two, first_three>()); cout << '\n'; show_types(unique_add_to<last_three, first_three>()); cout << "\n\n"; show_types(remove_from<one, first_three>::type()); cout << '\n'; show_types(remove_from<two, first_three>::type()); cout << '\n'; show_types(remove_from<three, first_three>::type()); cout << '\n'; show_types(remove_from<four, first_three>::type()); cout << '\n'; show_types(remove_from<last_two, first_three>::type()); cout << '\n'; show_types(remove_from<last_three, first_three>::type()); cout << "\n\n"; show_types(uniqueify<first_three>::type()); cout << '\n'; show_types(uniqueify<packer<one, two, one>>::type()); cout << '\n'; show_types( uniqueify<packer<one, one, two, three, four, two, four, four>>::type()); }
true true true true true true true true false false false false 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 3 2 4