Multidimensional bounds, index and array_view, revision 3

ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22 WG21 N4087 - 2014-07-01

Łukasz Mendakiewicz <[email protected]>
Herb Sutter <[email protected]>


Revision 3 incorporates the feedback received in Rapperswil from LEWG and some other minor fixes:

  1. Fixed specification of initializer_list constructors in index and bounds — the size of the initializer_list cannot always be verified at the compile-time, so the check must be expressed as "Requires" instead of SFINAE.
  • Improved the wording for operator- and operator-= in index and bounds to avoid negating rhs.
  • Added (const_)iterator type aliases in bounds.
  • Slightly improved the wording in the array_view(bounds_type bounds, pointer ptr) specification.
  • Slightly improved the wording in the bounds_iterator::operator++ specification.
  • Tightened the specification of views to prevent derived-to-base conversions.
  • Made array_view(Viewable&&) and array_view(ArrayType&) constructors not "explicit".
  • Fixed array_view(bounds_type bounds, pointer ptr) constructor not to be "noexcept".
  • Provided a definition for "uniformly strided".
  • Renamed "generalized views" to "views".
  • Changed index and bounds arithmetic operators from accepting any ArithmeticType to only value_type/ptrdiff_t.
  • Improved the overload resolution for array_view constructors so that all conversions between related array_views can be noexcept.
  • Slightly improved consistency and mistakes between "this constructor" and "this function" wording.
  • Acknowledgements

    Thanks to Stephan T. Lavavej and the members of LEWG for the suggested improvements. Thanks to the interlocutors at ISO C++ Standard - Future Proposals forum for the valuable feedback. Thanks to all correspondents expressing feedback in private emails.

    Wording changes

    The proposed wording changes are relative to the contents of N3936. Headers [headers]

    Edit within paragraph 2 as follows.

    The C++ standard library provides 5355 C++ library headers, as shown in Table 14.

    Add the following items to table 14.


    Chapter 20 General utilities library [utilities]

    Add a row to table 44 as follows.

    Table 44: General utilities library summary
    20.2 Utility components <utility>
    20.3 Pairs <utility>
    20.4 Tuples <tuple>
    20.5 Compile-time integer sequences <utility>
    20.6 Multidimensional coordinates <coordinate>
    20.67 Fixed-size sequences of bits <bitset>
    20.78 Memory <cstdlib>
    20.89 Smart pointers <memory>
    20.910 Function objects <functional>
    20.1011 Type traits <type_traits>
    20.1112 Compile-time rational arithmetic <ratio>
    20.1213 Time utilities <chrono>
    20.1314 Scoped allocators <scoped_allocator>
    20.1415 Type indexes <typeindex>

    20.6 Multidimensional coordinates [coord]

    Add a new section after the intseq section.

    20.6.1 In general [coord.general]

    Add a new section:

    This subclause describes the multidimensional coordinates library. It provides a class template index which represents a mathematical vector in an N-dimensional discrete space, a class template bounds which represents axis-aligned rectangular bounds in such a space, and a class template bounds_iterator which allows iteration over such a space.

    Add a new synopsis:

    Header <coordinate> synopsis

    #include <initializer_list>
    namespace std {
      // [coord.index], class template index
      template <int Rank> class index;
      // [coord.index.arith], index arithmetic
      template <int Rank>
        constexpr index<Rank> operator*(ptrdiff_t v, const index<Rank>& rhs);
      // [coord.bounds], class template bounds
      template <int Rank> class bounds;
      // [coord.bounds.arith], bounds arithmetic
      template <int Rank>
        constexpr bounds<Rank> operator+(const index<Rank>& lhs, const bounds<Rank>& rhs);
      template <int Rank>
        constexpr bounds<Rank> operator*(ptrdiff_t v, const bounds<Rank>& rhs);
      // [coord.bounds.iterator], class template bounds_iterator
      template <int Rank> class bounds_iterator;
      template <int Rank>
        bounds_iterator<Rank> operator+(typename bounds_iterator<Rank>::difference_type n,
                                        const bounds_iterator<Rank>& rhs);

    20.6.2 Class template index [coord.index]

    Add a new section:

    namespace std {
      template <int Rank>
      class index {
        // constants and types
        static constexpr int rank = Rank;
        using reference           = ptrdiff_t&;
        using const_reference     = const ptrdiff_t&;
        using size_type           = size_t;
        using value_type          = ptrdiff_t;
        // [coord.index.cnstr], index construction
        constexpr index() noexcept;
        constexpr index(value_type v) noexcept;
        constexpr index(initializer_list<value_type> il);
        // [coord.index.eq], index equality
        constexpr bool operator==(const index& rhs) const noexcept;
        constexpr bool operator!=(const index& rhs) const noexcept;
        // [coord.index.cmpt], index component access
        constexpr reference       operator[](size_type n);
        constexpr const_reference operator[](size_type n) const;
        // [coord.index.arith], index arithmetic
        constexpr index  operator+(const index& rhs) const;
        constexpr index  operator-(const index& rhs) const;
        constexpr index& operator+=(const index& rhs);
        constexpr index& operator-=(const index& rhs);
        constexpr index& operator++();
        constexpr index  operator++(int);
        constexpr index& operator--();
        constexpr index  operator--(int);
        constexpr index  operator+() const noexcept;
        constexpr index  operator-() const;
        constexpr index  operator*(value_type v) const;
        constexpr index  operator/(value_type v) const;
        constexpr index& operator*=(value_type v);
        constexpr index& operator/=(value_type v);
 General requirements [coord.index.require]

    Add a new section:

    If Rank is less than 1 the program is ill-formed. Construction [coord.index.cnstr]

    Add a new section:

    constexpr index() noexcept;

    Effects: Zero-initializes each component.

    constexpr index(value_type v) noexcept;

    Effects: Initializes the 0th component of *this with v.

    Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless Rank is 1.

    constexpr index(initializer_list<value_type> il);

    Requires: il.size() == Rank.

    Effects: For all i in the range [0, Rank), initializes the ith component of *this with *(il.begin() + i). Equality [coord.index.eq]

    Add a new section:

    constexpr bool operator==(const index& rhs) const noexcept;

    Returns: true if (*this)[i] == rhs[i] for all i in the range [0, Rank), otherwise false.

    constexpr bool operator!=(const index& rhs) const noexcept;

    Returns: !(*this == rhs). Component access [coord.index.cmpt]

    Add a new section:

    constexpr reference operator[](size_type n);
    constexpr const_reference operator[](size_type n) const;

    Requires: n < Rank.

    Returns: A reference to the nth component of *this. Arithmetic [coord.index.arith]

    Add a new section:

    constexpr index operator+(const index& rhs) const;

    Returns: index<Rank>{*this} += rhs.

    constexpr index operator-(const index& rhs) const;

    Returns: index<Rank>{*this} -= rhs.

    constexpr index& operator+=(const index& rhs);

    Effects: For all i in the range [0, Rank), adds the ith component of rhs to the ith component of *this and stores the sum in the ith component of *this.

    Returns: *this.

    constexpr index& operator-=(const index& rhs);

    Effects: For all i in the range [0, Rank), subtracts the ith component of rhs from the ith component of *this and stores the difference in the ith component of *this.

    Returns: *this.

    constexpr index& operator++();

    Requires: Rank == 1.

    Effects: ++(*this)[0].

    Returns: *this.

    constexpr index operator++(int);

    Requires: Rank == 1.

    Returns: index<Rank>{(*this)[0]++}.

    constexpr index& operator--();

    Requires: Rank == 1.

    Effects: --(*this)[0].

    Returns: *this.

    constexpr index operator--(int);

    Requires: Rank == 1.

    Returns: index<Rank>{(*this)[0]--}.

    constexpr index operator+() const noexcept;

    Returns: *this.

    constexpr index operator-() const;

    Returns: A copy of *this with each component negated.

    constexpr index operator*(value_type v) const;

    Returns: index<Rank>{*this} *= v.

    constexpr index operator/(value_type v) const;

    Returns: index<Rank>{*this} /= v.

    constexpr index& operator*=(value_type v);

    Effects: For all i in the range [0, Rank), multiplies the ith component of *this by v and stores the product in the ith component of *this.

    Returns: *this.

    constexpr index& operator/=(value_type v);

    Effects: For all i in the range [0, Rank), divides the ith component of *this by v and stores the quotient in the ith component of *this.

    Returns: *this.

    template <int Rank>
      constexpr index<Rank> operator*(ptrdiff_t v, const index<Rank>& rhs);

    Returns: index<Rank>{rhs} *= v.

    20.6.3 Class template bounds [coord.bounds]

    Add a new section:

    namespace std {
      template <int Rank>
      class bounds {
        // constants and types
        static constexpr int rank = Rank;
        using reference           = ptrdiff_t&;
        using const_reference     = const ptrdiff_t&;
        using iterator            = bounds_iterator<Rank>;
        using const_iterator      = bounds_iterator<Rank>;
        using size_type           = size_t;
        using value_type          = ptrdiff_t;
        // [coord.bounds.cnstr], bounds construction
        constexpr bounds() noexcept;
        constexpr bounds(value_type v);
        constexpr bounds(initializer_list<value_type> il);
        // [coord.bounds.eq], bounds equality
        constexpr bool operator==(const bounds& rhs) const noexcept;
        constexpr bool operator!=(const bounds& rhs) const noexcept;
        // [coord.bounds.obs], bounds observers
        constexpr size_type size() const noexcept;
        constexpr bool      contains(const index<Rank>& idx) const noexcept;
        // [coord.bounds.iter], bounds iterators
        const_iterator begin() const noexcept;
        const_iterator end() const noexcept;
        // [coord.bounds.cmpt], bounds component access
        constexpr reference       operator[](size_type n);
        constexpr const_reference operator[](size_type n) const;
        // [coord.bounds.arith], bounds arithmetic
        constexpr bounds  operator+(const index<Rank>& rhs) const;
        constexpr bounds  operator-(const index<Rank>& rhs) const;
        constexpr bounds& operator+=(const index<Rank>& rhs);
        constexpr bounds& operator-=(const index<Rank>& rhs);
        constexpr bounds  operator*(value_type v) const;
        constexpr bounds  operator/(value_type v) const;
        constexpr bounds& operator*=(value_type v);
        constexpr bounds& operator/=(value_type v);
 General requirements [coord.bounds.require]

    Add a new section:

    If Rank is less than 1 the program is ill-formed.

    Every mutating operation on an object b of type bounds shall leave the object in a state that satisfies the following constraints:

    1. b[i] >= 0 for all i in the range [0, Rank).
    2. The product of b[i] for all i in the range [0, Rank) is less than or equal to numeric_limits<ptrdiff_t>::max().

    Otherwise, the behavior is undefined. Construction [coord.bounds.cnstr]

    Add a new section:

    constexpr bounds() noexcept;

    Effects: Zero-initializes each component.

    constexpr bounds(value_type v);

    Effects: Initializes the 0th component of *this with v.

    Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless Rank is 1.

    constexpr bounds(initializer_list<value_type> il);

    Requires: il.size() == Rank.

    Effects: For all i in the range [0, Rank), initializes the ith component of *this with *(il.begin() + i). Equality [coord.bounds.eq]

    Add a new section:

    constexpr bool operator==(const bounds& rhs) const noexcept;

    Returns: true if (*this)[i] == rhs[i] for all i in the range [0, Rank), otherwise false.

    constexpr bool operator!=(const bounds& rhs) const noexcept;

    Returns: !(*this == rhs). Observers [coord.bounds.obs]

    Add a new section:

    constexpr size_type size() const noexcept;

    Returns: The product of all components of *this.

    constexpr bool contains(const index<Rank>& idx) const noexcept;

    Returns: true if 0 <= idx[i] and idx[i] < (*this)[i] for all i in the range [0, Rank), otherwise false. Iterators [coord.bounds.iter]

    Add a new section:

    bounds_iterator<Rank> begin() const noexcept;

    Returns: A bounds_iterator referring to the first element of the space defined by *this such that *begin() == index<Rank>{} if size() != 0, begin() == end() otherwise.

    bounds_iterator<Rank> end() const noexcept;

    Returns: A bounds_iterator which is the past-the-end iterator for the space defined by *this. Component access [coord.bounds.cmpt]

    Add a new section:

    constexpr reference operator[](size_type n);
    constexpr const_reference operator[](size_type n) const;

    Requires: n < Rank.

    Returns: A reference to the nth component of *this. Arithmetic [coord.bounds.arith]

    Add a new section:

    constexpr bounds operator+(const index<Rank>& rhs) const;

    Returns: bounds<Rank>{*this} += rhs.

    constexpr bounds operator-(const index<Rank>& rhs) const;

    Returns: bounds<Rank>{*this} -= rhs.

    constexpr bounds& operator+=(const index<Rank>& rhs);

    Effects: For all i in the range [0, Rank), adds the ith component of rhs to the ith component of *this and stores the sum in the ith component of *this.

    Returns: *this.

    constexpr bounds& operator-=(const index<Rank>& rhs);

    Effects: For all i in the range [0, Rank), subtracts the ith component of rhs from the ith component of *this and stores the difference in the ith component of *this.

    Returns: *this.

    constexpr bounds operator*(value_type v) const;

    Returns: bounds<Rank>{*this} *= v.

    constexpr bounds operator/(value_type v) const;

    Returns: bounds<Rank>{*this} /= v.

    constexpr bounds& operator*=(value_type v);

    Effects: For all i in the range [0, Rank), multiplies the ith component of *this by v and stores the product in the ith component of *this.

    Returns: *this.

    constexpr bounds& operator/=(value_type v);

    Effects: For all i in the range [0, Rank), divides the ith component of *this by v and stores the quotient in the ith component of *this.

    Returns: *this.

    template <int Rank>
      constexpr bounds<Rank> operator+(const index<Rank>& lhs, const bounds<Rank>& rhs);

    Returns: bounds<Rank>{rhs} += lhs.

    template <int Rank>
      constexpr bounds<Rank> operator*(ptrdiff_t v, const bounds<Rank>& rhs);

    Returns: bounds<Rank>{rhs} *= v.

    20.6.4 Class template bounds_iterator [coord.bounds.iterator]

    Add a new section:

    namespace std {
      template <int Rank>
      class bounds_iterator
        using iterator_category = random_access_iterator_tag;
        using value_type        = index<Rank>;
        using difference_type   = ptrdiff_t;
        using pointer           = unspecified;   // See [coord.bounds.iterator.require]
        using reference         = const index<Rank>;
        bool operator==(const bounds_iterator& rhs) const;
        bool operator!=(const bounds_iterator& rhs) const;
        bool operator<(const bounds_iterator& rhs) const;
        bool operator<=(const bounds_iterator& rhs) const;
        bool operator>(const bounds_iterator& rhs) const;
        bool operator>=(const bounds_iterator& rhs) const;
        bounds_iterator& operator++();
        bounds_iterator  operator++(int);
        bounds_iterator& operator--();
        bounds_iterator  operator--(int);
        bounds_iterator  operator+(difference_type n) const;
        bounds_iterator& operator+=(difference_type n);
        bounds_iterator  operator-(difference_type n) const;
        bounds_iterator& operator-=(difference_type n);
        difference_type  operator-(const bounds_iterator& rhs) const;
        reference operator*() const;
        pointer   operator->() const;
        reference operator[](difference_type n) const;
        bounds<Rank> bnd_;  // exposition only
        index<Rank>  idx_;  // exposition only
 General requirements [coord.bounds.iterator.require]

    Add a new section:

    If Rank is less than 1 the program is ill-formed.

    pointer shall be an unspecified type such that for a bounds_iterator it the expression it->E is equivalent to (*it).E and that for an object p of type pointer the expression p->E yields the same result irrespective of whether the state of the bounds_iterator object has changed or its lifetime has ended. Functions [coord.bounds.iterator.func]

    Add a new section:

    Unless otherwise specified below, the member functions of bounds_iterator adhere to the operational semantics in Tables 107, 109, 110, and 111.

    bool operator==(const bounds_iterator& rhs) const;

    Requires: *this and rhs are iterators over the same bounds object.

    Returns: idx_ == rhs.idx_.

    bounds_iterator& operator++();

    Requires: *this is not the past-the-end iterator.

    Effects: Equivalent to:

    for(auto i = Rank - 1; i >= 0; --i)
      if(++idx_[i] < bnd_[i])
      idx_[i] = 0;
    idx_ = unspecified past-the-end value;

    Returns: *this.

    [Note: The effective iteration order is congruent with iterating over a multidimensional array starting with the least significant dimension. —end note]

    bounds_iterator& operator--();

    Requires: There exists a bounds_iterator<Rank> it such that *this == ++it.

    Effects: *this = it.

    Returns: *this.

    reference operator*() const;

    Returns: idx_.

    Chapter 23 Containers library [containers]

    Edit within paragraph 2 as follows.

    The following subclauses describe container requirements, and components for sequence containers and associative containers, and views, as summarized in Table 95.

    Add a row to table 95 as follows.

    Table 95: Containers library summary
    23.2 Requirements
    23.3 Sequence containers <array>
    23.4 Associative containers <map>
    23.5 Unordered associative containers <unordered_map>
    23.6 Container adaptors <queue>
    23.7 Views <array_view>

    23.7 Views [views]

    Add a new section after the container.adaptors section.

    23.7.1 In general [views.general]

    Add a new section:

    The header <array_view> defines the views array_view and strided_array_view.

    The objects in any valid range [ptr, ptr + size) are uniformly strided for a specific N-dimensional logical representation V parameterized by an N-dimensional vector stride if for every element in V the mapping between the location in V expressed as an N-dimensional vector idx and the address of the corresponding object in [ptr, ptr + size) can be computed as: ptr + idx · stride.

    An array_view is a potentially multidimensional view on a sequence of uniformly strided objects of a uniform type, contiguous in the least significant dimension.

    A strided_array_view is a potentially multidimensional view on a sequence of uniformly strided objects of a uniform type.

    Add a new synopsis:

    Header <array_view> synopsis

    namespace std {
      // [arrayview], class template array_view
      template <class T, int Rank> class array_view;
      // [stridedarrayview], class template strided_array_view
      template <class T, int Rank> class strided_array_view;

    23.7.2 View types requirements [views.require]

    Add a new section:

    T shall be an object type. [Note: The type can be cv-qualified, resulting in semantics similar to the semantics of a pointer to cv-qualified type. —end note]

    If Rank is less than 1 the program is ill-formed.

    Any operation that invalidates a pointer in the range on which a view was created invalidates pointers and references returned from the view's functions.

    Define VIEW_ACCESS(data, idx, stride, rank) as *(data + offset) where [Editorial note: The following expression should be formatted as LaTeX code —end note] offset = \sum_{i=0}^{rank - 1} idx_i \times stride_i, idxi = idx[i], and stridei = stride[i].

    23.7.3 Class template array_view [arrayview]

    Add a new section:

    namespace std {
      template <class T, int Rank = 1>
      class array_view {
        // constants and types
        static constexpr int rank = Rank;
        using index_type          = index<Rank>;
        using bounds_type         = bounds<Rank>;
        using size_type           = size_t;
        using value_type          = T;
        using pointer             = T*;
        using reference           = T&;
        // [arrayview.cons], array_view constructors, copy, and assignment
        constexpr array_view() noexcept;
        template <class Viewable>
          constexpr array_view(Viewable&& vw);
        template <class U, int AnyRank>
          constexpr array_view(const array_view<U, AnyRank>& rhs) noexcept;
        template <class ArrayType>
          constexpr array_view(ArrayType& arr) noexcept;
        template <class U>
          constexpr array_view(const array_view<U, Rank>& rhs) noexcept;
        template <class Viewable>
          constexpr array_view(bounds_type bounds, Viewable&& vw);
        constexpr array_view(bounds_type bounds, pointer ptr);
        template <class U>
          constexpr array_view& operator=(const array_view<U, Rank>& rhs) noexcept;
        // [arrayview.obs], array_view observers
        constexpr bounds_type bounds() const noexcept;
        constexpr size_type   size() const noexcept;
        constexpr index_type  stride() const noexcept;
        constexpr pointer     data() const noexcept;
        // [arrayview.elem], array_view element access
        constexpr reference operator[](const index_type& idx) const;
        // [arrayview.subview], array_view slicing and sectioning
        constexpr array_view<T, Rank - 1>
          operator[](ptrdiff_t slice) const;      // only if Rank > 1
        constexpr strided_array_view<T, Rank>
          section(const index_type& origin, const bounds_type& section_bnd) const;
        constexpr strided_array_view<T, Rank>
          section(const index_type& origin) const;
 array_view constructors, copy, and assignment [arrayview.cons]

    Add a new section:

    For the purpose of this subclause, Viewable on U is a type satisfying the requirements set out in Table 104. In these definitions, let v denote an expression of Viewable on U type.

    Table 104: Viewable on U requirements
    ExpressionReturn typeOperational semantics
    v.size() Convertible to ptrdiff_t Type T* such that T* is implicitly convertible to U*, and is_same<remove_cv_t<T>, remove_cv_t<U>>::value is true. static_cast<U*>( points to a contiguous sequence of at least v.size() objects of (possibly cv-qualified) type remove_cv_t<U>.

    [Example: The type vector<int> ([vector]) meets the requirements of all of the following: Viewable on int, Viewable on const int, Viewable on volatile int, and Viewable on const volatile int. —end example]

    constexpr array_view() noexcept;

    Postconditions: bounds().size() == 0 and data() == nullptr.

    template <class Viewable>
      constexpr array_view(Viewable&& vw);

    Requires: vw shall satisfy the requirements of Viewable on value_type.

    Postconditions: bounds().size() == vw.size() and data() ==

    Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless Rank is 1, Viewable satisfies the syntactic requirements set in Table 104 for Viewable on value_type, and decay_t<Viewable> is not array_view<U, N> for any U and N [Footnote: This provision ensures that either the following or the implicit copy constructor — both of which are noexcept(true) — will be selected by overload resolution instead. —end footnote].

    template <class U, int AnyRank>
      constexpr array_view(const array_view<U, AnyRank>& rhs) noexcept;

    Postconditions: bounds().size() == rhs.size() and data() ==

    Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless Rank is 1, is_convertible<add_pointer_t<U>, pointer>::value is true, and is_same<remove_cv_t<U>, remove_cv_t<value_type>>::value is true.

    template <class ArrayType>
      constexpr array_view(ArrayType& arr) noexcept;

    Postconditions: bounds()[i] == extent<ArrayType, i>::value for all i in the range [0, Rank), and data() is equal to the address of the initial element in arr.

    Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_convertible<add_pointer_t<remove_all_extents_t<ArrayType>>, pointer>::value is true, is_same<remove_cv_t<remove_all_extents_t<ArrayType>>, remove_cv_t<value_type>>::value is true, and rank<ArrayType>::value == Rank.


    char a[3][1][4] {{{'H', 'i'}}};
    auto av = array_view<char, 3>{a};
    // the following assertions hold:
    assert((av.bounds() == bounds<3>{3, 1, 4}));
    assert((av[{0, 0, 0}] == 'H'));

    end example]

    template <class U>
      constexpr array_view(const array_view<U, Rank>& rhs) noexcept;

    Postconditions: bounds() == rhs.bounds() and data() ==

    Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_convertible<add_pointer_t<U>, pointer>::value is true and is_same<remove_cv_t<U>, remove_cv_t<value_type>>::value is true.

    template <class Viewable>
      constexpr array_view(bounds_type bounds, Viewable&& vw);

    Requires: bounds.size() <= vw.size().

    Postconditions: bounds() == bounds and data() ==

    Remarks: This constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless Viewable satisfies the syntactic requirements set in Table 104 for Viewable on value_type.

    [Note: This constructor may be used to create an array_view with a different rank and/or bounds than the original array_view, i.e. reshape the view. —end note]

    constexpr array_view(bounds_type bounds, pointer ptr);

    Requires: [ptr, ptr + bounds.size()) is a valid range.

    Postconditions: bounds() == bounds and data() == ptr.

    template <class U>
      constexpr array_view& operator=(const array_view<U, Rank>& rhs) noexcept;

    Postconditions: bounds() == rhs.bounds and data() ==

    Returns: *this.

    Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_convertible<add_pointer_t<U>, pointer>::value is true and is_same<remove_cv_t<U>, remove_cv_t<value_type>>::value is true. array_view observers [arrayview.obs]

    Add a new section:

    constexpr bounds_type bounds() const noexcept;

    Returns: The bounds of the view.

    constexpr size_type size() const noexcept;

    Returns: bounds().size().

    constexpr index_type stride() const noexcept;

    Returns: An index_type such that:

    constexpr pointer data() const noexcept;

    Returns: A pointer to the contiguous sequence on which the view was created. array_view element access [arrayview.elem]

    Add a new section:

    constexpr reference operator[](const index_type& idx) const;

    Requires: bounds().contains(idx) == true.

    Returns: VIEW_ACCESS(data(), idx, stride(), Rank). array_view slicing and sectioning [arrayview.subview]

    Add a new section:

    constexpr array_view<T, Rank - 1>
      operator[](ptrdiff_t slice) const;

    Requires: slice < bounds()[0].

    Returns: A view such that the initial element is (*this)[{slice, 0, 0, …, 0}], and the bounds are {bounds1, bounds2, …, boundsRank - 1}, where boundsi = bounds()[i].

    Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless Rank > 1.

    constexpr strided_array_view<T, Rank>
      section(const index_type& origin, const bounds_type& section_bnd) const;

    Requires: bounds().contains(origin + idx) == true for any index<Rank> idx such that section_bnd.contains(idx) == true.

    Returns: A strided view such that the initial element is (*this)[origin], the stride is stride(), and the bounds are section_bnd.

    constexpr strided_array_view<T, Rank>
      section(const index_type& origin) const;

    Requires: bounds().contains(origin + idx) == true for any index<Rank> idx such that (bounds() - origin).contains(idx) == true.

    Returns: A strided view such that the initial element is (*this)[origin], the stride is stride(), and the bounds are (bounds() - origin).

    23.7.4 Class template strided_array_view [stridedarrayview]

    Add a new section:

    namespace std {
      template <class T, int Rank = 1>
      class strided_array_view {
        // constants and types
        static constexpr int rank = Rank;
        using index_type          = index<Rank>;
        using bounds_type         = bounds<Rank>;
        using size_type           = size_t;
        using value_type          = T;
        using pointer             = T*;
        using reference           = T&;
        // [stridedarrayview.cons], strided_array_view constructors, copy, and assignment
        constexpr strided_array_view() noexcept;
        template <class U>
          constexpr strided_array_view(const array_view<U, Rank>& rhs) noexcept;
        template <class U>
          constexpr strided_array_view(const strided_array_view<U, Rank>& rhs) noexcept;
        constexpr strided_array_view(bounds_type bounds, index_type stride, pointer ptr);
        template <class U>
          constexpr strided_array_view& operator=(const strided_array_view<U, Rank>& rhs) noexcept;
        // [stridedarrayview.obs], strided_array_view observers
        constexpr bounds_type bounds() const noexcept;
        constexpr size_type   size() const noexcept;
        constexpr index_type  stride() const noexcept;
        // [stridedarrayview.elem], strided_array_view element access
        constexpr reference operator[](const index_type& idx) const;
        // [stridedarrayview.subview], strided_array_view slicing and sectioning
        constexpr strided_array_view<T, Rank - 1>
          operator[](ptrdiff_t slice) const;      // only if Rank > 1
        constexpr strided_array_view<T, Rank>
          section(const index_type& origin, const bounds_type& section_bnd) const;
        constexpr strided_array_view<T, Rank>
          section(const index_type& origin) const;
        pointer data_;  // exposition only
 strided_array_view constructors, copy, and assignment [stridedarrayview.cons]

    Add a new section:

    constexpr strided_array_view() noexcept;

    Postconditions: bounds().size() == 0, stride() == index_type{}, and data_ == nullptr.

    template <class U>
      constexpr strided_array_view(const array_view<U, Rank>& rhs) noexcept;
    template <class U>
      constexpr strided_array_view(const strided_array_view<U, Rank>& rhs) noexcept;

    Postconditions: bounds() == rhs.bounds(), stride() == rhs.stride(), and correspondingly: data_ ==, data_ == rhs.data_.

    Remarks: These constructors shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_convertible<add_pointer_t<U>, pointer>::value is true and is_same<remove_cv_t<U>, remove_cv_t<value_type>>::value is true.

    constexpr strided_array_view(bounds_type bounds, index_type stride, pointer ptr);

    Requires: For any index<Rank> idx such that bounds.contains(idx):

    Postconditions: bounds() == bounds, stride() == stride, and data_ == ptr.

    template <class U>
      constexpr strided_array_view& operator=(const strided_array_view<U, Rank>& rhs) noexcept;

    Postconditions: bounds() == rhs.bounds(), stride() == rhs.stride(), and data_ == rhs.data_.

    Returns: *this.

    Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless is_convertible<add_pointer_t<U>, pointer>::value is true and is_same<remove_cv_t<U>, remove_cv_t<value_type>>::value is true. strided_array_view observers [stridedarrayview.obs]

    Add a new section:

    constexpr bounds_type bounds() const noexcept;

    Returns: The bounds of the view.

    constexpr size_type size() const noexcept;

    Returns: bounds().size().

    constexpr index_type stride() const noexcept;

    Returns: The stride of the view. strided_array_view element access [stridedarrayview.elem]

    Add a new section:

    constexpr reference operator[](const index_type& idx) const;

    Requires: bounds().contains(idx) == true.

    Returns: VIEW_ACCESS(data_, idx, stride(), Rank). strided_array_view slicing and sectioning [stridedarrayview.subview]

    Add a new section:

    constexpr strided_array_view<T, Rank - 1>
      operator[](ptrdiff_t slice) const;

    Requires: slice < bounds()[0].

    Returns: A strided view such that the initial element is (*this)[{slice, 0, 0, …, 0}], the bounds are {bounds1, bounds2, …, boundsRank - 1}, and the stride is {stride1, stride2, …, strideRank - 1} ; where boundsi = bounds()[i], and stridei = stride()[i].

    Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless Rank > 1.

    constexpr strided_array_view<T, Rank>
      section(const index_type& origin, const bounds_type& section_bnd) const;

    Requires: bounds().contains(origin + idx) == true for any index<Rank> idx such that section_bnd.contains(idx) == true.

    Returns: A strided view such that the initial element is (*this)[origin], the stride is stride(), and the bounds are section_bnd.

    constexpr strided_array_view<T, Rank>
      section(const index_type& origin) const;

    Requires: bounds().contains(origin + idx) == true for any index<Rank> idx such that (bounds() - origin).contains(idx) == true.

    Returns: A strided view such that the initial element is (*this)[origin], the stride is stride(), and the bounds are (bounds() - origin).

    24.7 range access [iterator.range]

    Edit within paragraph 1 as follows.

    In addition to being available via inclusion of the <iterator> header, the function templates in 24.7 are available when any of the following headers are included: <array>, <coordinate>, <deque>, <forward_list>, <list>, <map>, <regex>, <set>, <string>, <unordered_map>, <unordered_set>, and <vector>.