Numericana Hall of Fame
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Many people share their knowledge on the Internet, but the outstanding contributions of a�few�dedicated�scientists belong in this "Hall of Fame" (in alphabetical order).� [ Nominate ]

Suzanne Alejandre
Cory Arnold
Arvin Ash
John C. Baez
Trefor Bazett
Kevin S. Brown
Chris K. Caldwell
Peter J. Cameron
David W. Cantrell
Umberto Cerruti
Daniel Chan
Jim Clark
Angela Collier
J�r�me Cottanceau
Dianna Cowern
Karl Dahlke
David Darling
Glenn Elert
Toby Hendy
Chris Hillman
Brady Haran
Joe Hanson
Vi Hart
Colin Hughes
K. Houston-Edwards
Sal Khan
Robert L. Kuhn
Ron Kurtus
Cynthia Lanius
Walter Lewin
Don Lincoln
Brian J. McManus
Jeff Miller
Derek Muller
Sten Odenwald
Matt O'Dowd
James J. Orgill
Neil Sloane
Becky Smethurst
Michael Stevens
Jade Tan-Holmes
Peyam Tabrizian

Now listed chronologically in (approximate) order of birth.

 Walter H.G. Lewin Walter Lewin, professor of physics� (1936-)

Walter Lewin is an astrophysicist and a teacher with a flair for showmanship.� His legendary undergraduate lectures at MIT were broadcasted by UWTV (Seattle) and were online in video form, through MIT's OpenCourseWare.� In March 2017,� Quorablocked / unblocked him.� So, he left.

(New) YouTube Channel � | � home � | � 8.01 � | � 8.02 � | � 8.03 � | � NY Times � | � Last lecture � | � 2015

 Neil James
 Alexander Sloane Neil J.A. Sloane, � AMS� Fellow � (1939-)

Neil James Alexander Sloane� created a huge� encyclopedia� (� of noteworthy integer sequences.� Each sequence is uniquely identified by a� 6-digit� A-number� (e.g., A000055)� known far and wide as a� Sloane number.

home �|� stats �|� On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences �|� Last page of 100K E-Party �|� WP �|� Sloane's Gap

 Leonard Susskind Leonard Susskind,� top physicist� (1940-)

One of the founders of� string theory� (he coined the term� worldsheet).� Professor of theoretical physics at Stanford since 1979.� His ongoing series of videos on� Modern Physics� (Stanford Continuing Studies)� have been available online since 2008.

blog � | � stats � | � LearnOutLoud � | � Wikipedia

 Ron Kurtus Ron Kurtus, engineer (1940-)

Ron Kurtus is an engineer who spent a few years in the entertainment industry before returning to electro-optical engineering.� He has established a strong online presence focusing on Science education, mostly at the high-school level.

home � | � School for Champions (SfC) � | � SfC Publishing

 Carl R. Nave 
 (Rod Nave at the blackboard) Carl R. "Rod" Nave, professor of physics

Department of Physics & Astronomy, Georgia State University.� The quaint style of HyperPhysics comes from the� HyperCard�� system (Apple Computer) for which it was originally designed.

HyperPhysics � [ without index frame ] � | � HyperMath

 Edmund Robertson Edmund F. Robertson� (1943-)

Edmund Robertson is one of the two editors (with John O'Connor) of the authoritative� MacTutor History of Mathematics� archive.� He is a� Professor emeritus� of pure�mathematics at the University of St Andrews.

home � | � CV � | � stats � | � MacTutor History of Mathematics � | � Wikipedia

 Russell Rowlett Russell J. Rowlett, metrologist� (1944-)

He was director of the� Center for Mathematics and Science Education of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill� (which was closed due to budget cuts, on 2010-06-30).� Rowlett� advocates his own system for naming large numbers by combining metric and Greek� (chemical)� prefixes.

home � | � genealogy � | � Lighthouse directory � | � How Many?� A Dictionary of Units of Measurement � | � Twitter

 Jim Clark Jim Clark, chemistry teacher (1944-)

A Cambridge graduate who spent over 30 years teaching A-level chemistry� (to 16-18 year old students).� In�1997, he retired from Truro School (Cornwall) to concentrate on writing and promoting a true� understanding of chemistry.

about � | � Amazon page � | � Chemguide online

 Robert Lawrence Kuhn Robert Lawrence Kuhn � (1944-)

Robert Kuhn� holds a BS in biology� (Johns Hopkins, 1964)� a doctorate in� brain research� (UCLA, 1968)� and a mid-career MBA� (MIT Sloan, 1980).� Kuhn is a financial advisor and political commentator with ties to� China.� He has hosted and produced the PBS series� Closer to Truth� since 2000.

YouTube � | � Closer to Truth � | � Wikipedia

 J.J. O'Connor John J. O'Connor� (1945-)

J.J. O'Connor is one of the two editors (with E.F. Robertson) of the authoritative� MacTutor History of Mathematics� archive, which is the most popular� online� part of the� Mathematical MacTutor� "stack"� (running on Apple's HyperCard� system).

home � | � MacTutor History of Mathematics � | � Wikipedia

 Peter Jephson Cameron Peter J. Cameron,� mathematician� (1947-)

Born in Australia.� Emeritus professor of mathematics at Queen Mary, University of London� (QMUL).� Currently (2014) Prof.�Cameron is also working part-time as professor of mathematics at the� University of Saint-Andrews, Scotland� (School of Mathematics & Statistics).

Home � | � Blog � | � Babai-Cameron theorem � | � Video (2013) � | � Theorem of the Day � | � Wikipedia

 Ned Wright Edward L. "Ned" Wright, cosmologist� (1947-)

Astronomy Professor at UCLA (Los Angeles).

stats � | � Cosmology Tutorial � | � Cosmology Calculator

 Alexander Bogomolny Alexander Bogomolny� (1948-2018)

Professor emeritus of mathematics at the� University of Iowa.� Until May 2004, Bogomolny had a monthly column on�the site of the� Mathematical Association of America.

Cut The Knot � | � Other Math Sites � | � Ph.D. 1981 � | � Wikipedia

 Umberto Cerruti Umberto Cerruti, algebraist (1948-)

Department of Mathematics, University of Torino (Italy).

Math News

 David W. Cantrell David W. Cantrell, mathematician (1949-)

Known for his presence on mathematical newsgroups, where he�answers popular questions and offers original contributions,� David Cantrell also contributes to MathWorld, Numericana, etc.

Ignorance is bliss... � | � Recent Posts � | � FaceBook

 Suzanne Alejandre Suzanne Alejandre, math teacher

Suzanne Alejandre� was� Educational Resource & Service Developer� at� The Math Forum @ Drexel.� She has been providing online lesson plans conforming to the� NCTM Standards� (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics).

Suzanne's Mathematics Lessons � | � Ask Dr. Math � | � The Math Forum @ Drexel � | � LinkedIn � | � Twitter

 Jeff Miller Jeff Miller,� educator � (c.1952-)

Mathematics teacher� (1994-2017)� at� Gulf High School in� New Port Richey� (Florida)� where he's been living since 1980.� Named� teacher of the year� in� 2005� and� 2013.� Jeff�Miller� created an authoritative page about the "Earliest Known Uses of Some of the Words of Mathematics".�

home �|� Words of Mathematics �|� Mathematical Symbols �|� Stamps �|� other pages �|� FB �|� LinkedIn �|� 2012-07-19

 Sten Odenwald Sten F. Odenwald, astronomer (1952-)

Born in Karlskoga, Sweden,� Sten Odenwald� received his Ph.D. in astronomy from Harvard in 1982.� Author of several books,� he is currently affiliated with NASA's GSFC and the Catholic University of America.� Diagnosed with cancer in 2008,� he is now in� remission and optimistic!

blog / bio �|� Space Math @ NASA �|� IMAGE �|� Hinode �|� Ask the Astronomer �|� The Astronomy Caf�

 David Darling David Darling, science writer (1953-)

David Darling� earned his Ph.D. in Astronomy from Manchester in 1977 under Zdenek Kopal and worked for Cray Research...� A�full-time writer since 1982, Darling has lived in both the US and the UK.� He has been running his websites since 1999.

The Worlds of David Darling �|� Encyclopedia of Science �|� Sustainable Living �|� Children's Encyclopedia

 Mike de Villiers Mike de Villiers, � educator� (c.1956-)

A former high-school teacher� (HDE in 1978, "Best Science Teacher" in 1983, DEd in 1990)� who went on to teach mathematics education.� Former editor of PYTHAGORAS, author of 7 books and over 150 papers.� Vice-chair of the SA Mathematics Olympiad since 1997.

home � | � Sketchpad � | � Documents � | � Constant Width

 Chris Caldwell Chris K. Caldwell, number theorist (1956-)

Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, at�UT�Martin.

home � | � The Prime Pages � | � The Prime Glossary � | � PhD (1984)

 Simon Plouffe Simon Plouffe, numerologist (1956-)

He collaborated to Sloane's Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. Plouffe is best known for his� Inverter,� which looks for symbolic expressions of decimal numbers� (that allowed� me� to identify the� transfinite sum of the harmonic series� as� Log�2p� in a matter of seconds,� on� 2018-07-12).

home � | � Plouffe's Inverter

 Dave Rusin David J. Rusin � (1957-)

<[email protected], +1-512-471-6112, fax=+1-512-471-9038--> A former associate professor of mathematics at NIU (1986-2010)� he's�moved to the University of Texas.� Dave Rusin� launched a website in 1996 to share mathematical tidbits he had collected since 1990,� using the� Mathematics Subject Classification� (MSC).

home � | � bio � | � personal � | � The Mathematical Atlas � | � Index (MSC)

 Robin Whitty Robin Whitty, theorem collector � (1960-)

Whitty received his Ph.D. in 1984 from� London South Bank University,� where he has served as a visiting professor.� Inspired by� MacTutor'sMathematician of the Day,� Robin Whitty� started� Theorem of the Day� in 2005, aiming for 366 theorems.�

Ph.D. 1984 �|� CV �|� MathSci �|� Theorem of the Day �|� Theorems by Women (calendar) �|� Links �|� Cameos �|� MS

 Christoph Schiller Christoph Schiller� (1960-)

Christoph Schiller is a citizen of the world who was raised in Italy, studied physics in Germany and obtained a Belgian Ph.D. in�physics.� He has made available for free download (pdf) a�nicely crafted physics textbook of about 1500 pages.

home � | � Top recommendations (including Numericana) � | � Motion Mountain (textbook)

 Karl Dahlke Karl Dahlke, blind scientist (1960-)

Dahlke has been� totally blind� since age 10.� He once managed to write a speech synthesizer on his Apple�II using the bell as sole feedback.� His text-based mathematical site is so good that it can be� extremely� useful to sighted people.

home � | � edbrowse� (Editor Browser for the blind�) � | � e-book � | �

 Kathy Joseph Kathy Joseph

home � | � YouTube

 John Carlos Baez 
 (b. 1961) before 2002 John Baez, mathematical physicist (1961-)

Professor at UC Riverside, interested in Category theory.� The folk singer Joan Baez (b.1941-01-09) is his cousin.� John C. Baez was�a one-man army who answered many physics questions on sci.physics.research.� The� aperiodic column� he started in 1993 would inspire the� blog� format.

This Week's Finds in Mathematical Physics �|� nLab �|� Stuff & Fun Stuff �|� n-category Caf� �|� Azimuth �|� 24 �|� WP

 David Eppstein David A. Eppstein,� computer scientist � (1963-)

Professor in the School of Information and Computer Science, at�UC�Irvine.

The Geometry Junkyard � | � Ph.D. 1989 � | � home � | � blog � | � Google+ � | � Wikipedia

 Ed Pegg Jr. Ed Pegg, Jr.,� Math recreationist (1963-)

As a mathematician with a strong interest in recreational mathematics,� Ed Pegg Jr.� may well be the� heir apparent� to� Martin Gardner� 1914-2010)� in the Internet era.� He helped Stephen Wolfram with NKS and joined MathWorld in 2004.

Ed Pegg Jr.'s Math Games (MAA Column) � | � � | � Wikipedia

 Cynthia Lanius Cynthia Lanius, teacher & activist

Cynthia Lanius is vocal about the underrepresentation of women in mathematics and computing.� She is Associate director for� The Math Forum @ Drexel, but continues to maintain her own k-12 math site, hosted at Rice University.

Fun Mathematics Lessons (K-12) � | � Ask Dr. Math � | � The Math Forum @ Drexel � | � LinkedIn

 Robert Munafo Robert Munafo, programmer (1964-)

An amateur mathematician whose interests include integer sequences, large numbers and fractals� (especially the Mandelbrot set)� Munafo� maintains an authoritative site on trivia about specific numbers.� He has contributed to Sloane's OEIS.

home �|� OEIS wiki �|� MCS �|� RIES �|� Numbers �|� Large Numbers �|� Mandelbrot set �|� Gray-Scott model

 Glenn Anthony Elert Glenn A. Elert,� physics teacher � (1964-)

Glenn Elert teaches at Midwood High School at Brooklyn College�(NY).� He acts as the editor of the� Physics Factbook,� a large collection of essays written by high-school students as an exercise in� library research� methods (in a scientific context).

home � | � Hypertextbook + new � | � Physics Factbook � | � Get Bent � | � Twitter

 Dr. Don Lincoln Don Lincoln,� particle physicist� (1964-)

Don� got his Ph.D. from� Rice� in 1994.� He helped discover the� top quark� at� Fermilab� in 1995 and the� Higgs Boson� at the� LHC� in 2012.� He is a noted popularizer of high-energy physics.� Since 2011,� Don� has been producing and hosting great outreach videos for Fermilab� (see some samples).

home � | � CV � | � Fermilab channel � | � EPS HEPP Outreach Prize (2013) � | � Notre Dame � | � Twitter � | � Wikipedia

  Arvin Ash� (c. 1965-)

He claims to hold a BS in chemical engineering, an MS in mechanical engineering, and an MBA.� He also says he attended medical school for 2 years.� He doesn't specify where or when.� All the videos I have seen from him (since 2018) are top notch and I'm happy to leave it at that.

Who Gives a Bleep? (YouTube) � | � home � | � bio � | � The 4 Interactions � | � Twitter � | � LinkedIn? Toronto? � | � Facebook

 Burkard Polster Burkard Polster, mathematician� (1965-)

He started his� Mathologer� videos in 2015,� with the help of� Giuseppe Gerachitano.� He has authored� many books,� some with fellow mathematicianMarty Ross� (author of the blog� Bad Mathematics,�� Since 2004,� the pair has maintained a joint website,� entitled� Maths Masters.

home � | � Ph.D. 1993 � | � Mathologer (YouTube Channel) � | � Wiki � | � Juggling � | � Monash University

 Dan Piponi Dan Piponi, computer graphics guru (1966-)

Thinker, tinkerer and� Academy Award� winner...� Signing� sigfpe,� Dan Piponi maintains the blog� A Neighborhood of Infinity� (great name!)� which features some superb essays about quantum physics and other mathematical topics.

sigfpe � | � A Neighborhood of Infinity (blog) � | � Google Science Fair (2012-12-19)

 Kevin Brown Dr. Kevin S. Brown� (Kent, WA)

Kevin Brown� signs his name only once in his� MathPages� website� (which doesn't have� any� external links).� Before 1999, he was discussing Relativity and other mathematical topics on USENET.� He's related to Fred Olden, not Anatoly. � | � Reflections on Relativity � | � Kevin Brown's Storefront

 Chris Hillman Chris Hillman, general relativist

Chris started RelWWW as a graduate student at UW in 1992.� He�left his pages in the care of John Baez before returning in March 2007, disappointed by his Wikipedia experience.� Sadly, Hillman lost faith again in June 2007 but remains active online.

Relativity on the World Wide Web ("RelWWW" closed down in June 2007) � | � Ersatz, S.�Carroll, etc.

 Colin Hughes Colin Hughes, British Teacher

In October 2001,� Colin Hughes� started� Project Euler� (as a section of� where readers are posed mathematical questions which can be answered by designing a computer program that can run in "less than a minute".

Project Euler � | � � | � Wikipedia (Project Euler) � | � Programming

 Eric W. Weisstein Eric W. Weisstein, encyclopedist � (1969-)

Weisstein� holds a BA in Physics from Cornell (1990) and degrees in� Planetary Astronomy� from Caltech� (MS in 1993 and Ph.D. in 1996).� He created� MathWorld,� a major online encyclopedia which was threatened, in 2000, by an infamous lawsuit from CRC, publisher of a book based on it.

home � | � Eric's Favorite Links � | � Treasure Troves of Science � | � World of Mathematics � | � World of Physics

 Daniel Chan Daniel Chan,� professor of mathematics� (1971-)

Born in� Hong-Kong.� As he was a late developer, his parents rushed emigration to Australia (1974) so he could start school later (1975).� After a� junior post� at� Michigan (2000-2002)� Chan joined the faculty of� UNSW Sidney� where he�was named� head of pure mathematics� in� 2016.

DanielChanMaths (videos edited by Daniel Mansfield) � | � home � | � bio � | � Ph.D. 1999 (MIT) � | � stats � | � LinkedIn

 Matt O'Dowd Matt O'Dowd,� astrophysicist � (1973-)

Matt O'Dowd� was a� Lehman College astrophysics professor� when he was recruited as host for the very popular PBS Web Series� Space Time� in� August 2015� to replace� Gabe Perez-Giz,� (who moved to the NSF in Washington).� Graeme Gossel� writes some of the scripts for that channel.

PBS Space Time (YouTube) � | � CV � | � Twitter

 Fields Medal  Terry Tao Terence Tao,� mathematician � (1975-)

Born in Australia,� Terence Chi-Shen Tao� is a professor of mathematics at UCLA� (he was granted full professorship at age 24).� Terry Tao� received the� Fields Medal� in 2006� (see PAP) and was elected a� Fellow of the Royal Society� (2007).

home � | � stats � | � video profile � | � What's New? � | � blog � | � PhD (Princeton, 1996) � | � Wikipedia

 Frederic Schuller Frederic P. Schuller � (1975-)

Associate professor of applied mathematic at the� University of Twente� since 2019.� He is known for the clarity of his old-school lectures on mathematical topics related to mathematical physics.

Ph.D. 2004 � | � CV � | � YouTube Channel � | � Facebook Fan Club � | � LinkedIn

 University of Nottingham

 Brady Haran Brady Haran, Australian video journalist

Brady� started the� Periodic Table of Videos (PTOV) in 2008 as an unscripted series of interviews with� Martyn Poliakoff.� This grew into several series about Science� (more recently, religion and philosophy)� featuring an endearing bunch of faculty members at the University of Nottingham.

home �|� blog �|� Periodic Table of Videos �|� Sixty Symbols �|� Test Tube �|� Backstage Science �|� My Favourite Scientist

 Sal Khan Sal Khan � (1976-)

Salman Khan

Khan Academy � | � Wikipedia

 Alom Shaha Alom Shaha,� filmmaker

Born in Bangladesh, raised in London, UK� (where he works).� Alom Shaha� is a physics teacher, film-maker, science writer and TV producer.� His approach to science communication was rewarded by a fellowship of the� National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts.

home � | � article � | � Labreporter � | � The Young Atheist's Handbook � | � Recipes for Wonder

 Anton Petrov Anton Petrov � (c.1978-)

Former high-school science teacher who toys with� Universe Sandbox� and puts out a constant stream of videos about papers in astrophysics and the latest space-related news.

home � | � CV � | � What Da Math? � | � Store � | � Patreon � | � IMdB � | � LinkedIn � | � Twitter

 Hank Green Hank Green � (1980-)

Hank started the� VlogBrothers� channel in 2007 with his brother� John� (b.�1977).� Hank's portfolio grew to includes� SciShow, SciShow Kids, SciShow Space, SciShow Psych, CrashCourse...� Also hosts� PBS Eons� (PBS Digital Studios, 2017-06-22)� with� Kallie Moore� and� Blake de Pastino.

home � | � Crash Course (since 2011) � | � Internet Creators Guild � | � Wikipedia � | � Twitter

 CGP Grey CGP Grey � (1980-)

Colin Gregory Palmer Grey.� Podcasts:� Hello, Internet (HI) with Brady Haran� and� Cortex� with� Myke Hurley.

home �|� Reddit / 2 �|� Patreon �|� 500k �|� 1M �|� 2M �|� Wikipedia �|� Facebook �|� Twitter

 James Grime James Grime � (1980-)

Born and raised in Nottingham.� Msci from Lancaster� and� Ph.D. from York� (2007, under Maxim Nazarov).� Now a public speaker based at� Cambridge's� Institute of Continuing Education, he is best known as a regular on Brady Haran's� Numberphile.� Grime also runs the SingingBanana channel.

home �|� about �|� Juggling �|� Maths Gear �|� Millenium Maths Project (Enigma) �|� Interview �|� Reddit �|� G+ �|� FB

 Matt Parker Matt Parker,� mathematics educator� (1980-)

Parker is a former teacher of high-school mathematics from Australia.� Since 2014,� he has been married to science communicator Lucie Green.

home � | � standupmaths � | � Matt Parker � | � Interview � | � Royal Institution � | � Wikipedia

 Destin Sandlin Destin Sandlin,� engineer � (1981-)

Having posted educational videos since 2007,� he launched� Smarter Every Day� on 2011-04-24� (retroactively including his first million-view video, posted on 2008-06-15).

SmarterEveryDay � | � Channel 2 � | � Skepticon 8 � | � Huffington Post � | � Twitter (personal) � | � Wikipedia

 Vitalii Vanovschi Vitalii Vanovschi, software engineer� (c.1982-)

Vitalii Vanovschi� created� The Number Empire� in 2006.� He is a computer scientist with a strong interest in chemistry.� In�2009, he obtained his Ph.D from the� University of Southern California and became a� software engineer� at Google.

home � | � LinkedIn � | � The Number Empire � | � Integral Calculator � | � Number Factorizer

 Derek Muller Derek Muller,� physics educator � (1982-)

Muller created 3 YouTube channels:� Veritasium (Jan. 2011),� 2veritasium (Jul. 2012),� and Sciencium (Feb. 2017).� Muller holds a Ph.D. in science education.� He is concerned with the way misconceptions arise and are communicated,� in physics and elsewhere:� E.g.,� Illusion of Truth,� Post-Truth.

Veritasium � | � home � | � bio � | � Interview � | � Graphene � | � Wikipedia � | � Facebook � | � LinkedIn � | � Twitter � | � [2015]

 Joe Hanson Joe Hanson,� biologist � (1983-)

First appeared on TV in� The Beauty and the Geek� (2005).� Hanson got his Ph.D. in cell and molecular biology from the University of Texas at Austin (2006-2013).� In 2013,� he created the YouTube channel� It's Okay To Be Smart� (PBS Digital Studios)� which he has been hosting ever since.

Writer for Wired (2013) � | � ComSciCon � | � Instagram � | � LinkedIn � | � Twitter

 Michael Stevens Michael Stevens� (1986-)

What matters more?� Being right or fitting in?
Stevens launched the� VSauce� YouTube channel on June 24, 2010.� It has now more than 12 million subscribers and 1.2 billion views.� Four successful spinoffs are hosted by Stevens himself,� Kevin�Lieber� or� Jake�Roper.

bio � | � VSauce � | � Vbio by Dale Winslow � | � TED � | � Why ask? � | � Reddit � | � Twitter � | � Facebook � | � Wikipedia

 James J. Orgill James J. Orgill,� engineer� (c.1987-)

Orgill obtained his Ph.D. in chemical engineering from� Brigham Young University (BYU)� in 2014.� He started his YouTube channel� The Action Lab� in May of 2016.

home � | � YouTube � | � MormonWiki � | � BYU alumni � | � LinkedIn � | � Facebook

 Peyam R. Tabrizian Peyam R. Tabrizian,� mathematician � (1987-)

Born in Iran,� he grew up in Vienna� (Lyc�e Fran�ais de Vienne) and graduated from� Lyc�e Fran�ais de New-York.� He got his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley� (May 2016)� and spent a postdoc year in Williams College before joining the faculty of UCI.� He started his YouTube channel in August 2017.

PhD 2016 � | � home � | � CV � | � "Dr Peyam" � | � UC Irvine � | � Facebook � | � Twitter � | � With Steve C�o (8:56 | 10:24)

 Vi Hart Vi Hart,� mathemusician � (1988-)

Victoria Hart� is the talented child of� MoMath� co-founder George W. Hart (1955-)� himself� noted for his� "Virtual Polyhedra"� page� (online encyclopedia of polyhedra, 1996).� Vi�Hart� achieved viral fame with� stop-motion animations� on math themes.� She once called herself� gender agnostic.

home �|� about �|� YouTube �|� Channel 2 �|� Vim�o �|� Khan Academy (2012) �|� My niece, Vi Hart �|� Wikipedia �|� Twitter


 Henry Reich Henry Reich,� physicist � (1988-)

Creator of the� MinutePhysics� videos� (June 2011).� Reich� illustrates with stick figures pithy comments which are scientifically accurate.� Holding an MS in Physics� (his thesis is on GR)� he became a� digital artist in residence at the� Perimeter Institute.

MinutePhysics (FB) �|� Henry's List �|� Anniversary �|� Making of... by Brady Haran �|� Minute Earth �|� Google+

 Brian James McManus Brian James McManus,� Irish engineer� (c. 1988-)

He holds a BS in biomedical engineering from� NUI Galway (2011) and an MS in aeronautical engineering from� Limerick (2013).� In 2016,� inspired by Destin Sandlin,� Brian started producing videos full-time about engineering topics.� He founded Junto Media in 2017� (1-4 employees).

Personal � | � Real Engineering (2016-) + Patreon + FB � | � Showmakers (2017) � | � LinkedIn � | � Twitter � | � Instagram

 Alec Watson Alec Watson� (c. 1988)

Based in Chicago.

Technology Connections (2014) �|� TVTropes �|� Reddit �|� WikiTubia �|� IMDb �|� Disconnected �|� Twitter �|� WP

 ElJj ElJj,� J�r�me Cottenceau

Professeur agr�g� de math�matiques (Lyc�e L�onard de Vinci, Montaigu-Vend�e)

Choux romanesco, Vache qui rit et int�grales curvilignes � | � Le choix du meilleur urinoir

 Dianna Cowern Dianna Cowern,� physicist � (1989-)

She created the� Physics Girl� channel in 2011.� Dianna Cowern has enrolled a team of half-a-dozen part-time people, including writers� Sophia Chen� and� Jade Tan-Holmes� who went on to create her own successful channel in 2016.� (Science�Magazine, 2017-03-16.) � Health update

Physics Girl � | � about � | � bio � | � UCSD � | � Everipedia � | � Google talk � | � Instagram � | � Facebook � | � Twitter

 Alex Meyer Alex Meyer

Alex once owned the trademarkTech Ingredients� and has used it since 2013 with the stellar host he once called�Grandpa Tech� and who may be his own father.

Incorporated (NH, 2019)

 Cory Arnold Cory Arnold,� musicologist � (1989-)

Autistic� musician with a degree in vocal performance.� His main occupation is the YouTube channel� 12tone,� consisting of fast-paced presentations of music theory voiced over the accelerated drawing� (right-to-left, on blank music sheets)� of a limited number of doodles loosely related to the topics.

YouTube channel � | � Writing Lyrics (2018) � | � What Child is This? � | � Crunchbase � | � Razorborne � | � Twitter

 Trefor Bazett Trefor Bazett,� mathematician

As a graduate student in Toronto,� Bazett was recognized for��teaching excellence in 2015.� After a� first position� at the�University of Cincinatti,� Bazett became an� assistant teaching professor� at� UVic,� in June 2019.� His father,� Desmond W. Bazett (1952-) is an architect in Victoria, BC.

YouTube channel � | � Ph.D. 2016 (thesis) � | � grandparents � | � LinkedIn � | � FB � | � Twitter

 Becky Smethurst Rebecca J. Smethurst,� astrophysicist � (c.1990-)

Becky Smethurstcompeted� in the 2014 UK final FameLab,� where she took second place but was� Audience Winner.� She obtained her Ph.D. in astrophysics from� Oxford� in 2017.

home � | � CV � | � Dr. Becky (YouTube) � | � Oxford Sparks � | � Galaxy Zoo � | � Twitter � | � Instagram � | � LinkedIn


 Grant Sanderson 
 2013-10-02 11:35 am Grant Sanderson (c.1991-)

Graduated from Stanford in 2015.� Q&A, 2018 (10:20).

3Blue1Brown �|� about �|� manim �|� Patreon �|� YouTube �|� Reddit �|� Twitter �|� Education Innovation (2012) �|� Numberphile (2019) �|� WikiTubia

 Kelsey Houston-Edwards Kelsey Houston-Edwards,� mathematician

A native of San Diego, she's currently a Ph.D. Student at Cornell (BA 2013, MS 2016).� In September 2016,� Kelsey� created the YouTube channel� PBS Infinite Series,� hosting it until Nov. 2017� (it closed in� May 2018).� She was named� AMS-AAAS Mass-Media Fellow� at NOVA Next in 2016.

PBS Infinite Series� (farewell) � | � Hum 110 @ Reed College (Portland, OR) � | � AMS Blogs � | � AAS � | � Twitter

 Angela Collier, Ph.D.Angela Collier,� Ph.D.� (c. 1991-)

A first-generation graduate student� who shares her views of American Academia.� She also describes some dysfunctions in the research community.

Home � | � CV � | � JILA � | � YouTube � | � Twitter

 Jade Tan-Holmes Jade Tan-Holmes,� Australian physicist� (1992-)

She says 3 years of applied physics (BS) taught her she was terrible at experiments.� She got interested in making physics and math videos on YouTube and started out as a writer for� Physics Girl (2012)� where she played herself once� (2018).� Jade launched her own channel� Up and Atom� in April 2016.

Up and Atom � | � Personal channel � | � IMDb � | � FB � | � Instagram � | � LinkedIn � | � Twitter (Apr. 30)

 Toby Hendy Toby Hendy,� physicist � (1995-)

Former� Ph.D. student� at the� Australian National University,� On� 2019-02-08,� she presented her reasons for quitting.� Her� Tibees� channel focuses on the academic experience:� From topics and sample exams to school reports and doctoral dissertations of famous scientists.

Tibees (Since January 2019) � | � Birthday � | � Learn engineering � | � WikiTubia � | � LinkedIn � | � Twitter

 Trevor Cheung Trevor Kai Hai Cheung,� statistician �

Mathemaniac YT � | � James-Stein estimator (1961) � | � 2019 Scholar, Magdalene � | � Twitter

Science YouTubers

BrainSTEM meeting of 2012, informally covered in Veritassium� and� Sixty Symbols.

Sharing Science on the Web � | � Giants of Science � | � Solvay Conferences � | � Armorial � | � Taupe Laplace
Nicolas Bourbaki � | � Lucien Refleu � | � Roger Ap�ry � | � Serge Haroche � | � Other Biographies

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