Pseudoprimes Rare Composite Numbers with
Properties Typical of Primes
(2003-11-19) � Pseudoprimes to Base� a A composite number n is a pseudoprime to base a if it divides
(a n-1-1).
Fermat's Little Theorem states that
any prime number n has this property.�
Most�authors call pseudoprime only the rare composite
numbers that do.
The most studied pseudoprimes are pseudoprimes to base 2,
which have been variously called �
Fermat pseudoprimes,�
Sarrus numbers (1819)� and�
Poulet numbers (1926)� ...�
The�unqualified term "pseudoprime" normally means
a pseudoprime to base�2.
Under this definition, if n is a pseudoprime to base a, then n and a
are necessarily coprime�
� un + va �=�1,� for some integers u and v).
There's also a weaker definition
of the term for which this need not be so.
(2003-11-19) � Weak Pseudoprimes to Base� a A weak pseudoprime to base a is a composite number n dividing�
a n-a.
A pseudoprime to base a� (under the
usual definition)� satisfies this condition.
Conversely, a weak pseudoprime that's coprime
with the base is a pseudoprime in the usual sense,
otherwise this may or may not be the case.
There are no even pseudoprimes to base 2 in the usual sense,
but�the lowest even "pseudoprime" in this weak sense is 161038,
which was discovered by D.H.�Lehmer in 1950.�
See A006935.
pseudoprimes to base� a�
not coprime with� a
Composite values of� n� such that �
n� |� an-a � and �
gcd (a,n) � 1
How many bases is a composite number a pseudoprime to?
n is a pseudoprime to base� a� if and only if �
a n-1 �is congruent to 1, modulo n.�
This depends only on the the residue class of the base a modulo�n.
For example, when n is 91 there are
36 such residues classes.�
We may observe that 91 is thus coprime to
twice as many bases as it's a pseudoprime to�
(72 is the Euler totient of 91).�
In fact, it's easy to see that the Euler totient of an integer must always
be a multiple
of the number of residue classes of bases to which this integer is a pseudoprime �
The residues modulo n whose q-th power is unity form
a subgroup of the residues coprime to n.)
The ratio (k) is 1 for
Carmichael numbers.� It's 2 for n�=�91
and other composite numbers listed on the second line of the following table:
Numbers that are pseudoprimes to one in k of their coprime bases:
When� n-1� and�
f(n)� are coprime,
then n is only a pseudoprime in the trivial
case of a base congruent to 1 modulo n.�
This corresponds to the even numbers appearing in the
first line of the following table.�
The other even numbers are:
28, 52, 66, 70, 76, 112, 124, 130, 148, 154, 172, 176, 186, 190...
The 14th line in the table below is empty, as would be the kth line
for any k that's a� nontotient�
(an even number which is not the Euler totient of any
14, 26, 34, 38, 50, 62, 68, 74, 76, 86, 90, 94, 98, 114, 118, 122...
( Prime numbers have been included in the table below. )
Numbers n that are pseudoprimes to bases of k residue classes modulo n:
Any odd composite n is a pseudoprime to bases of at least two residue
classes (1�and n-1).� Unless it's a power of 3,
it is a pseudoprime to some other base.
The number of bases� a, between 1 and n-1, for which� n� divides�
a�n-1�-1� is:
� � gcd ( n-1 , p-1 )
p | n
(2005-04-19) � Strong Pseudoprimes to Base� a Strong pseudoprimes are less common than pseudoprimes to base a.
If n is prime, the residues modulo n form a� field�
in which the quadratic equation� x�2�=�1�
may only have 2 solutions� (congruent to +1 or -1).
If� n is an odd prime,�
a(n-1)/2� is thus congruent to either 1 or -1�
(unless n�|�a).�
When this is true of a� composite� number n,�
it's called an�
Euler pseudoprime�
to base� a� (if the base is not specified, base�2 is understood).
In the case where� a(n-1)/2� is congruent to 1
and� (n-1)/2� is itself even,
the idea may be iterated:� For a prime n, raising the base to the power
of� (n-1)/4� would thus always yield
+1 or -1 as a residue modulo n.� And so forth...
In other words, let's put� n in the form� n = q 2k + 1�
(where q is an odd number) and consider,� modulo� n,�
the following sequence of length k+1�:
a q , � a 2q , �
a 4q , � ... � a n-1
Each term in this sequence is the square of the previous one, modulo n.�
For a prime number n, the residue 1 appears preceeded by -1, unless it appears first.�
If�this pattern does not hold, the odd number� n� is hereby proven composite
and the number� a� is called a� witness� of��n.
If the pattern� does� hold for an odd� composite�
number� n,� then� n� is said to be a� strong pseudoprime�
to base� a�
(and� a� is called a� nonwitness� of��n).
The� trivial� nonwitnesses� a�=�1�
and� a�=�n-1� are normally excluded.
Strong pseudoprimes to base 2� are called� strong Fermat pseudoprimes.
(2009-07-15) � Witnesses and Nonwitnesses of Strong Pseudoprimes
75% to 100% of the bases of an odd composite are� witnesses.
We may ask of strong pseudoprimes the same
question as that investigated
above for ordinary pseudoprimes:�
Given an odd composite number� n,� how many nontrivial bases is it
a strong pseudoprime to?
A given base� (a)� is a witness of� n� if and only if�
(n-a)� is.�
Witnesses come in pairs whose lesser member
is between� 2� and� (n-1)/2.
It turns out that� many� odd composites have no nontrivial
nonwitnesses� (for such numbers, the stochastic Rabin-Miller test described
below will always produce the same result).�
Next in line are the numbers which have only one nontrivial
pair of nonwitnesses...� Those numbers are rare but they
are surprisingly easy to describe:� They are powers of�5.
A nonwitness of a power of 5 can be elegantly characterized as equal to the
residue, modulo that power, of one of the following two
opposite 5-adic
integers whose square is -1�=�...4444444444�
The above is expressed using radix 5� (do check that those two numbers add up to zero,
as the propagation of the "carry" from right to left makes every digit of
the sum vanish).�
The following table merely presents the same results less compactly.�
For example, the last six figures of the first pentadic above�
(431212)� yield� 14557,� which
is the larger of the two nonwitnesses of the sixth power of 5.
More generally, if� 2k+3� is prime, then
the number� (2k+3)n�
has exactly� k� nontrivial pairs of nonwitnesses.�
Furthermore, if that prime is
congruent to� 1� modulo� 4,� then those powers
are the� only� such numbers...
Odd numbers with exactly� k� nontrivial pairs of nonwitnesses
(2005-04-19) � Rabin-Miller Stochastic Primality Test
A given composite number fails it for over 75% of the choices for a.
An integer n may not be a�
strong pseudoprime to more than � of the possible bases.�
Choosing a base (a) at random, we may determine very efficiently
if a given number n is a strong pseudoprime to that base.�
This is a stochastic test that� n� always� passes if it's prime,
but fails at least 75% of the time if it's not.
A composite n passes the test k times with a probability less than
will ever see a composite number pass this test 50 times!
Here's a complete�
UBASIC� implementation of the Rabin-Miller test:
' Pprime always returns 1 when its argument is prime.
' Otherwise, it returns 0 more than 75% of the time.
local Q,J,K,A,R
' Deal with trivialities:
if N<0 then N=-N
if N=2 then return(1)
if even(N) or N<=1 then return(0)
if N<=7 then return(1)
' Initialization: N = Q*2^K+1 (with Q odd). A is random.
Q=N\2:K=1:while even(Q):Q\=2:inc K:wend
A=(N-3)\2:R=irnd:while R>=A:R\=2:wend:A=R+2
' Return 1 iff N is a strong pseudoprime to base A.
A=modpow(A,Q,N):if A=1 then return(1)
for J=2 to K
if A=N-1 then cancel for:return(1)
next J
If the above test returns� 0�
for a composite number� N� and a base� A�
(between 2 and N-2)� then� A�
is called a� witness� of N.
If� A� is a witness of� N,� so is� N-A.
Karsten Meyer�
(Germany. 2005-04-16; e-mail)
� Related Pseudoprimes
For 3 distinct odd primes� (p1, p2, p3�)�
prove that, when the 3 numbers �
p1p2,�p1p3 and
p2p3� are Poulet numbers,
then� p1p2p3� is too.
The same argument proves
2 p1p2p3 congruent to 2
modulo p1, p2 or p3.�
As these 3 moduli are pairwise coprime, the
Chinese Remainder Theorem says:
2 p1p2p3 �=�
2 �(mod� p1p2p3 )
p1p2p3� is indeed a Poulet number�
(a pseudoprime to base�2)�
The above conclusion may not hold if the premises aren't all true.�
For�example,� 15�43,�
43�127� and�
15�127� are Poulet numbers, but�
is not� (15�is not prime).�
We also assumed that the three primes were distinct (see last part of the proof).�
The very special case where two of them are equal is discussed in the next section about�
Wieferich primes...
Generalization :
In the above, it's not strictly necessary for the three factors to be prime, as�primality is invoked
only in the first line of the above proof, which also holds� (by definition)�
for any� weak pseudoprime.�
Also, there's nothing special about base� 2,� as the proof would hold in any base.�
Thus, the result is best stated as a theorem about� weak pseudoprimes to base a,�
Theorem : �
If� p1, p2 and p3 are pairwise coprime
and if the six numbers�
p1�, p2�, p3�,
p1�p2�, p1�p3,�
p2�p3� are
weak-pseudoprimes to base� a� (or primes)� then so is�
(2020-09-14) � Powers of a prime� p� which are pseudoprime to base� a.
If pn, q and pq are pseudoprime,� so is� q pm� for m ≤ n� (if GCD(p,q)=1).
We have �
pn - 1 � = � (p - 1) S
� where� S� is congruent to 1 modulo p, viz.
If� n = 1,� then � S �=� 1
If� n = 2,� then � S �=� 1 + p
If� n = 3,� then � S �=� 1 + p + p2
If� n = 4,� then � S �=� 1 + p + p2 + p3
By� definition,�
if� pn� is pseudoprime to base� a,� pn� divides the following:
Because� p� is prime, every term in the square bracket is congruent to 1 modulo p.�
There are S such terms,� so the whole bracket is congruent to S, which is equal to 1 modulo p.�
That bracket is thus coprime with� pn.� Since� pn�
divides the product of the two factors and is coprime with the second, it must divide the first.� So;
pn � divides � ap-1 - 1
Therefore,� pm � divides�
ap-1 - 1� for any� m�≤�n�
(in particular, for� m�=�1).�
We may chain the following congruences modulo� pm�� (every congruence is obtained by raising
the previous one to the power of p�):
a �=�
a p �=�
a p2 �=� ... �=�
a pm � (modulo� pm )
This shows that� pm� is a weak pseudoprime to base� a.�
It's coprime with� a� (because p is)� and so it is a pseudoprime to base� a.
Because� q is a pseudoprime:
� �
a q�
ap�(mod q)
Raise to the power of q :
a qp�
a p (mod q)
Since p1p2 is a Poulet number:
2 p1p2�
2 �(mod p1) � [or modulo p1p2 ]
These two equalities imply:�
2 p2�
2 �(mod p1)
What's true of p2 is true of p3 :
2 p3�
2 �(mod p1)
Chain the previous two results:�
2 p2p3�
2 p3 �=� 2 �(mod p1)
Raise to the power of p1 :
2 p1p2p3�
2 p1 �=� 2 �(mod p1)
(2005-04-18) � Super-pseudoprimes to Base� a The product of distinct primes is necessarily a
weak pseudoprime to�base�a,
if all the pairwise products are such pseudoprimes.
This is proved like the above result with two simple
generalizations:� First, any base a can be used.�
Second, once we establish� [for any pair of primes (p,q) involved]�
that a to the power of q is a modulo p, we may proceed to
chain as many such results as�needed to show that a to the power of
the entire product is congruent to a modulo any prime p involved.�
The Chinese Remainder Theorem
then shows that the whole product must be a pseudoprime to base a.�
For example, a product of several primes from each of the sets
below is called a� Super-Poulet,
or��superpoulet number�
as� all�
of its composite divisors are Poulet numbers.�
(Such a set of 7 primes yields 120 Poulet numbers.)
"�super-pseudoprime� to base� a�"�
has not caught on� (yet).�
The above includes all examples with at least 7 prime factors
of 6 digits or less.� Too bad�
is not a Poulet number...
(2005-04-18) � Maximal super-pseudoprimes :
A super-pseudoprime to base a is�
maximal� if it does not divide any other.
Let's show that the first (7-factor)
super-Poulet number listed above is maximal.�
Since 103 is one of its factors, any additional prime factor would divide:
3 and 7 are easily ruled out, so is 43691
(103�43691 is not a Poulet number).�
The other factors are already there, so no further extension is possible...
By contrast, we hit pay dirt with our second 7-factor�
We�need only examine the factors of�
the greatest common divisor of�the 7 quantities�
2(p-1)-1� (because of a nice property
proved elsewhere on this site).
2300 -1
� = �
(275 -1)
(275 +1)
(275 - 238 +1)
(275 + 238 +1)�
275 -1
7 . 31 . 151 . 601 . 1801 . 100801 .
275 +1
3 2 . 11 . 251 . 331 . 4051 .
275 - 238 +1
5 3 . 1321 . 63901 . 268501 .
275 + 238 +1
13 . 41. 61 . 101 . 1201 . 8101 .
The 4 new boldfaced prime factors are found to be compatible with underlined factors
(and with each other) resulting in an 11-factor� maximal superpoulet�
(i.e., a superpoulet number which does not divide any other).�
All� 2036�(!) composite divisors of the following 64-digit
number are thus Poulet numbers:
The relevant factorization
shows that the third of our 7-factor examples divides a
16-factor maximal super-Poulet number
(147 digits & 65519 Poulet divisors):
our first 8-factor example is seen to divide
a 269-digit maximal
super-Poulet number with 22 prime factors� (4194281 composite Poulet divisors):
By factoring� 68 4 -1,�
the first of those can easily be proved to be� maximal.�
Using a� tougher factorization�
the same can be proved for the second one.
(2005-04-18) � Wieferich primes
and some of their Poulet multiples
A Wieferich prime p is a prime whose� square� p2�
divides� 2p-1-1.
Wieferich primes are precisely the primes whose squares are
Poulet numbers.�
Let's prove this equivalence:�
For a Wieferich prime p:� Modulo� p2, �
2 p� = 2,�
therefore� 2 p2� = 2 p� = 2.�
Thus,� squares of Wieferich primes�
(A001220)� are Poulet numbers.
Conversely, if the square p2 of a prime p is� Poulet,�
then p2 divides:
As p is prime,
each of the (p+1) terms in the square bracket is congruent to 1�modulo�p,
and the whole sum is 1 modulo p.�
Thus,� p2 is coprime to�the second
factor and divides the first,� proving� p� to be a Wieferich prime.�
The only known Wieferich primes are 1093 and 3511.�
Their squares are Poulet numbers but their cubes are not,� which goes to show
that the above�result� wouldn't hold if the three primes
were allowed to be equal.
On the other hand,� for� distinct� primes p and q,�
we found� (for now)� that if��p2�
and� pq� are Poulet numbers,
then� p2�q� is too.�
We just checked� all�prime factors�
q� of� 2p-1-1� for both known Wieferich primes� (p).
This table
is complete until a third Wieferich prime� (p)� is found.
Primes� q� for which� pq�
(and/or� p2q )� is a Poulet number :
are (most probably) infinitely many Wieferich primes :
1093 and 3511 are the only Wieferich primes with 15 digits or less.�
However, there are probably�
infinitely many� Wieferich primes...�
The following� heuristic� argument
suggests that there are about� ln(ln(n))�
Wieferich primes below��n�:
For any prime p, the residue modulo p2 of�
2p-1-1� is a multiple of p�
(0, p, 2p, 3p ... (p-1)p).� The prime p is a Wieferich prime
when this residue in zero.� This is one of p possibilities and
we may thus � guess� that any prime p
ends up being a Wieferich prime with probability 1/p.�
The expected number of Wieferich primes below n would then be fairly close to the
sum of the reciprocal of all primes less than n.�
This is roughly� ln(ln(n)), which grows without bound...
The above assumption of "equiprobability" is reasonable for the following reason:�
For a given prime p,� there are� p(p-1)�
invertible classes (a) modulo p2,�
and� a(p-1)�-1� is congruent to� kp� for (p-1)
of�these, regardless of the choice of k� (in particular, k=0).
More generally, for any power pn of a prime p,
the probability is exactly� p1-n� that we obtain a number
congruent to� 1 modulo �pn�
by�raising a random base to the power
of p-1� ("random" bases being chosen so that every invertible
class modulo pn is equiprobable).
Taking this estimate at face value, we expect about
0.0645 Wieferich primes with�16 digits,
0.0606 Wieferich primes with 17 digits,
0.0572 with 18 digits...�
The third Wieferich prime� could easily have 41 digits or�more,
placing it well beyond the reach of any
computer search,
unless a brilliant shortcut is found.
A Brief History of Wieferich Primes :
Wieferich primes are named after the German number theorist
Arthur Wieferich
(1884-1954)� who established, in 1909, that any odd prime exponent in a counterexample
to Fermat's Last Theorem would have to be such a prime.�
This�was a strong result at the time, although it is now seen as
vacuously true:� There are no such counterexamples�
(Fermat's Last Theorem� was proved by
Wiles in 1994/1995).
The first Wieferich prime (1093) was found in 1912, by the German engineer�
Waldemar Meissner� (1852-1928)� of Charlottenburg.�
(Waldemar is the father of
Walther Meissner (1882-1974)�
of superconductivity fame.)
The�second Wieferich prime (3511) was discovered in�1922 by the Dutch�mathematician
N.G.W.H.�Beeger (1884-1965)
who is also remembered for having coined the term�
"Carmichael number" in 1950.
In 1910, Dmitri Mirimanov (1861-1945)�
put forth base� 3�
(a�Wieferich prime to base 3 may be called a Mirimanov prime).�
Other bases
Some Wieferich primes to base� a :
� Primes� p� such that� p 2� divides �
a p-1 - 1 �
A174422� gives
the least Wieferich prime to base� a� when� a� is prime.
71 is the only Wieferich prime to base 11 I could find.�
Its size is� just right,� to exemplify how
all maximal pseudoprimes to base� a� which are multiples
of a prescribed prime� p.�
Let's do that for� a�=�11� and� p�=�71.
First, we factorize� 1170-1� and underline 71 and every prime factor�
q� such that� 11x-x� is divisible by� x�=�71�q.�
We obtain:
We may take one of the underlined factors and see what
other underlined factors it can multiply into it to obtain a product� x�
such that� 11x-x� is divisible by� x.�
We find that all of them can.�
(This need not be so, as the example of� 1093� in base 2 shows).
At this point, we may suspect that a super-pseudoprime to base 11 is
at hand and establish that much by checking that all
products of two factors are pseudoprimes to base 11.�
It's maximal because all possible multiplicands have been ruled out in the first stage.�
Thus, there's only one maximal pseudoprime to base 11 divisible by 71.�
It�has 60�digits and 768�divisors:
A Wieferich Prime Search�
(up to 6.7 1015 ) �
by� Fran�ois G. Dorais� and� Dominic Klyve� (2011).
(2005-05-08) � Any Odd Prime Divides a Poulet Number [?]
It� seems� that any prime which does not divide base a
has a multiple which is a pseudoprime to base a.
(2018-07-08) � Lucas Numbers �&� Lucas Pseudoprimes