selected texts from back issues
- "David Bowie: Friend or Foe?" (#1,
- "Gang of Four Surrender!" (#3, 1984)
- "Class War Declared!" (#3, 1984)
- "Action in Ann Arbor against
Ondine/Warholism" (#3, 1984)
- "An Intro to the SI" (#6, 1984)
- "Cutting the Circle: Jump Cut Magazine"
(#9, 1986)
- "Manet in situ: T.J. Clark's The Painting of
Modern Life" (#9, 1986)
- "Our Methods and Goals in the UB Graffiti
Scandal, part I" (#11, 1987)
- "Our Methods and Goals in the UB Graffiti
Scandal, part II" (#12, 1987)
- "Rushdie and the Rush to Die" (#15,
- "Radio Noriega, or the Many Moods of
Manny" (#16, 1989)
- "The Brethren of the Free Spirit" (#18,
- "Situationist Films in New York" (#18,
- "Comments on Debord's Comments on the Society of the Spectacle, part 1 (#19, 1991)
- "Comments on Debord's Comments on the Society of the Spectacle, part
2 (#20, 1992)
- The Forty One Curses, Crises and
Conspiracies of Everyday Life (#21, 1992)
- "Bulletin from Rewrite [Re: William
Burroughs]" (#23, 1993)
- "Squat the World" (#24, 1995)
- "The
Spectacle of Information" (#24, 1995)
- "Preface to a NOT BORED! anthology, 1983 to
the present" (#25, 1996)
- "Critique of the Unabomber's Manifesto"
(#25, 1996)
- "Open Letter to Stewart Home" (#25,
- "Screening of Guy Debord's film The Society
of the Spectacle" (#25, 1996)
- "Situationist Symphony No. 1, The First
Situationist Symphony" (#25, 1996)
- "Review of the American Section of the SI,
#1 June 1969" (#25, 1996)
- "All the Things you could be Today if
Raoul Vaneigem were Your Father" (#25, 1996)
- "Dennis Rodman, De-Domesticated Man" (#26,
- "Squatters Evicted from East 13th Street
NYC" (#26, 1996)
- "Heatwave #1, thirty years later" (#26,
- First article about Cornelius
Castoriadis (#26, 1996)
- "STOP One Person
Train Operation (OPTO)" (#26, 1996)
Opens New York City Office" (#26, 1996)
- "Resume of Unabomber for President
Political Action Committee NYC August to November 1996" (#26,
- "Why UNAPACK is not voting Green or Socialist
in 1996" (#26, 1996)
- "Interview with UNAPACK NYC" (#26,
- "Subtitled videos of Debord's La Societe du
Spectacle bootlegged" (#27, 1997)
- "Boycott See Hear Books" (#27, 1997)
- Top Ten Reasons Not To Buy MetroCard
(#27, 1997)
- "Ubu the King, Adapted by Art Toad" (#27,
- Yet Another Introduction to the SI (#27,
- Review of At Dusk: The Situationist Movement
in Historical Perpsective" (1975) (#27, 1997)
- Review of special issue of October
devoted to the SI (#27, 1997)
- Review of Len Bracken's Guy Debord:
Revolutionary published by Feral House 1997 (#28, 1997)
- Commentary on Pierre
Guillaume's Guy Debord (#28, 1997)
- Commentary on the manifesto of
the English section of the Situationist
International (#28, 1997)
- Review of touring exhibit of art work by Jamie
Reid (#28, 1997)
- The New York Psychogepographical Association says No more fucking ugly buildings (#28, 1997)
- Decrees of the New York
Psychogeographical Association, 22 November 1997 (#28, 1997)
- Review of reprint of Quattrocchi & Nairn's The
Beginning of the End: France, May 1968 (#29, 1998)
- Review of Len Bracken's translation of Gianfranco Sanguinetti's "The Real [sic] Report on the Last Chance to
Save Capitalism in Italy" (#29, 1998)
- Bill Brown's response to Bob Black's review of Bill Brown's review of Len
Bracken's Guy Debord: Revolutionary (#29,
- Review of Simon Sadler's The Situationist
City (#29, 1998)
- Review of Jacques Attali's Noise (#29,
- Second article about Cornelius
Castoriadsis (#29, 1998)
- Review of Norman Cohn's The Pursuit of the
Millennium (#30, 1999)
- Review of Henri Lefebvre's The Production of
Space (#30, 1999)
- To the working class of Williamsburg
(#30, 1999)
- Yuppies Can't Go Home (#30, 1999)
- Review of T.J. Clark's Farewell to an
Idea (#31, 1999)
- Third and last article about Cornelius
Castoriadsis (#31, 1999)
- Violence in Seattle (#32, 2000)
- On the transparent society (#32,
- Antonin Artaud and the Surveillance Camera
Players (#32, 2000)
- The Relevance of Antonio Negri to the
Anti-Globalization Movement (#33, 2001)
- Simulating Sinead O'Connor (#33, 2001)
- unanswered questions about rough
music (#33, 2001)
- Review of Michael Perelman's The Invention
of Capitalism (#33, 2001)
- Nothing has changed (#34, 2002)
- A New Garden of Eden (#34, 2002)
- Comments on The Relevance of Antonio Negri to
the Anti-Globalization Movement (#34, 2002)
- Pete Townshend Gets His Wish (#34,
- The Dark Joys of Social Control in Thomas
Pynchon's "Vineland" (#35, 2003)
- Trashing Georges Bataille, "Accursed"
Stalinist (#35, 2003)
- Laughing Lou Reed (#35, 2003)
- Paul Viriolio's Strategy of Deception
(#36, July 2004)
- Evelyn Manesta and the Resistance to
"Modern" Photographic Surveillance (#36, July 2004)
- Kurt Columbine (#36, July 2004)
- when the cure is worse than the
disease (#36, July 2004)
- Lester Bangs: Great American Moralist
(#36, July 2004)
- Led Zeppelin: the Greatest TV Commercial Ever
Made (#36, July 2004)
- An unkind reply to RETORT (#36, July
- Sancho Panza's priceless coinages
(#37, May 2005)
- Gertrude Stein's difficult paper
(#37, May 2005)
- Edgar Allan Poe's "The Gold Bug" (#37,
May 2005)
- Emily Dickinson's Withdrawal
(#37, May 2005)
- All the world's a prison (#37, May
- Foucault's "Discipline and
Punish" (#37, May 2005)
- Greil Marcus' "Like a Rolling Stone"
(#38, October 2006)
- Pitying Paul Virilio (#38, October
- another unkind reply to RETORT (#38,
October 2006)
- Elizabeth Bryne Ferm: Towards an Anarchist
Education for Children (#38, October 2006)
- The secret of George W. Bush's
power (#38, October 2006)
- Henri Lefebvre's "Writings on
Cities" (#38, October 2006)
- A Critique of Neo-Anarchism (#39,
September 2007)
- 50th Anniversary of the Founding of
the Situationist International (#39, September 2007)
- Ken Knabb's Situationist International
Anthology (#39, September 2007)
- Raoul Vaneigem's A Declaration of the
Rights of Human Beings (#39, September 2007)
- Os Mutantes (#39, September 2007)
- Ubiquitous Surveillance: The Mayor's New
Clothes (#40, May 2008)
- The Virtual Spectacle (#40, May
- Kurt Cobain Back From the Dead (#40, May
- Eyal Weizman's Hollow Land: Israel's
Architecture of Occupation (#40, May 2008)
- Gene McHugh Dispenses with Clausewitz
(#41, November 2009)
- The Annotated Nathan Heller (#41,
November 2009)
- Professor Galloway's Latest Stupidities
(#41, November 2009)
- Semiotexte: Steal This Book (#41,
November 2009)
- To Guy Debord in Hell (please forward if
necessary) (#41, November 2009)
- Guy Debord in 2009: Laughing or
Spinning? (#42, July 2013)
- The Real Split in John McHale's
Translation of The Real Split (#42, July 2013)
- On Gianfranco Sanguinetti's text on The
Pussy (#42, July 2013)
- On Gianfranco Sanguinetti's text on Miroslav
Tichy (#42, July 2013)
- What Rachel Kushner Knows About
Guy Debord (#42, July 2013)
- On Wayne Spencer's Call for a New
Situationist International (#42, July 2013)
- McKenzie Wark's Stunted
Publicity (#42, July 2013)
- Non Serviam: McKenzie Wark is Full of
Shit (#42, July 2013)
- Omissions and Errors in McKenzie Warkâs The
Spectacle of Disintegration (#42, July 2013)
Index to all back issues.
To Contact NOT BORED!:
[email protected]