WARNING: Legal cannabis is under attack across the US!
“Prohibiting these products doesn’t eliminate consumers’ demand for them. Rather, it encourages consumers to seek them out from the unregulated market — thereby undermining the primary goal of legalization, which is to provide consumers with safe, above-ground access to lab-tested products of known purity, potency, and quality.”
By a nearly 3 to 1 margin, survey respondents agreed that regular alcohol use is “more harmful to a person’s health” than the regular use of cannabis.
“State lawmakers are well aware that their ‘reefer madness’ views are out of step with most Idahoans. That is why they are seeking to remove voters from the equation.”
“The individuals who are continuing to be opposed are absolutely disregarding the fact that 71 percent of people in this state support safe and regulated medical cannabis.”
“Once again, the lesson is clear: Legalizing and regulating marijuana markets is preferable to prohibiting them. Placing marijuana products behind the counter keeps cannabis out of the hands of young people and it reduces the public’s appetite for these unregulated novel intoxicants.”
“I have had the privilege of working alongside trailblazing advocates who have fought for policy reforms and those who remind us every day that too many Americans remain behind bars, still waiting for justice.”
“The ongoing criminalization of marijuana is a terribly destructive policy that adversely impacts thousands of North Dakotans annually. Minor marijuana possession offenders should not be saddled with an arrest, a criminal record, and with the lifelong penalties and stigma associated with it.”