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Get in touch with one of our exhibition partnerships managers at [email protected]
Fantastic Beasts™: The Wonder of Nature as seen in London © Trustees of the Natural History Museum
The Museum has been touring groundbreaking exhibitions since 1990. Our world-renowned exhibitions are seen by millions of visitors all over the world.
We tour an array of exhibitions including the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year, the fascinating Jurassic Oceans: Monsters of the Deep and the popular Fantastic Beasts™: The Wonder of Nature.
Get in touch with one of our exhibition partnerships managers at [email protected]
Offered as a first for the Museum’s touring exhibitions programme, this self-build exhibition is supplied 100% digitally to hosting venues to be built and produced as 2D or 3D exhibitions, with no transport costs to factor in.
A turnkey exhibition featuring the colossal titanosaur Patagotitan mayorum, one of the largest known creatures to have ever walked our planet.
Step into Titanosaur's world to find out how a creature of this colossal size could have survived, and thrived, on Earth.
Discover where the real world and the Wizarding World intertwine, and how the wonders of the natural world have inspired myths, legends and magical creatures for generations.
Embark on a journey beneath the waves to discover the fascinating and strange creatures of the Jurassic seas.
Bob Nicholls/ Paleocreations
Suitable for all ages, this spectacular wildlife photography exhibition celebrates the drama and splendour of the natural world.
© Natural History Museum of Denmark
Find all the information you need about hiring and hosting our exhibitions at your venue.
Each year, our world-renowned displays are seen by millions of visitors all over the world. Learn about the history of touring exhibitions and our team.
Email us at [email protected] to find out more about hiring an exhibition from the Museum.
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