
Today’s Featured Writers

Today’s Featured Writers

Today’s Featured Writers

Can Trump Stop the Ukraine War Before Inauguration to Prevent WW3




We are Funding our Own Demise: $40 – $70 Million a Week to Al-Queda

Gosh! The Governor of Florida pompously declared that HE would investigate the Routh assassination attempt that occurred in his state; Remember? Seems like his crack team of investigators might have at least found THIS, if the media could…. Guess he got busy fighting America First Republicans in Florida. Just a little Sunshine-state aside.

By |January 9th, 2025|

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

The transgender agenda has been moving fast the last few years. That said, several states have moved to slow their progress, especially among our young people. One state, Tennessee, is being sued by the federal government. Oral arguments were heard by the Supreme Court in November.

By |January 9th, 2025|

The Sickness That Infects CNN

I have a soft spot in my heart for CNN. When Pat Buchanan was in the Reagan White House serving as communications director, I filled in for him numerous times on the CNN “Crossfire” show, presenting the conservative opinion in response to the liberal opinion offered by figures like Tom Braden or Michael Kinsley. That balanced program went down the drain and CNN became an organ of the Democratic Party.

By |January 9th, 2025|

Please Help Our Innocent Friends in Jail

President Trump will be sworn in as President in less the two weeks and many of our friends are currently languishing as political prisoners as victims of a “government sponsored fake insurrection” on Jan. 6th, 2021.  We must go to bat to see them released

By |January 8th, 2025|

Can America Save The Rest Of The World’s Masses?

Every person reading this column, especially if you have kids, you need share it until every American citizen reads it. We must educate our population to what’s coming, and then, we must take action to STOP mass immigration and change course like the Titanic should have, toward a sustainable civilization.

By |January 8th, 2025|

The 2025 Global Collapse of Woke-ism

Our Founding three documents stand as the Charters of Freedom. But the foundations of freedom and liberty are Faith, Family, and Country first. They always have been, and they always will be. It isn’t just Trump voters celebrating the Trump victory, but freedom-loving citizens all over the globe.

By |January 8th, 2025|

Those Who Refused to Take Heed to Warnings are Now Somehow the Victims?

It begs me to ask the question:  How is it that now that these people have become the victims (though they are the victims of the lies and crimes committed by Big Pharma and the corrupt governments worldwide) when they refused to take heed to the warnings?  How do you help people who refuse to help themselves?

By |January 8th, 2025|

Trump Can Save the Republic and the Economy, While Draining the Swamp Without Legislation

Except for the Federal Reserve Bank, all of these departments are powers retained by the states and usurped by the federal government. The Federal Reserve Bank is non-constitutional and privately-owned. Trump can eliminate it with a stroke of his pen, without Congress. Congress could not and will not terminate these departments because their Swamp paymasters would not allow it.

By |January 8th, 2025|

New Year, New Hope, New Awareness

On New Year’s eve Dec. 31, 2024, a massive lightening bolt struck the Capitol Dome in Washingtron DC, as the old year moved on to the new, and the old regime is pretending to leave.

By |January 7th, 2025|

Jimmy Carter’s Life and the Death of America

They tell us that Jimmy Carter was a great ex-president, a description designed to camouflage his disastrous four years as president. We must know the truth as America moves forward. We must not celebrate his one and only presidential term. Instead, we must remember why Ronald Reagan defeated him.

By |January 7th, 2025|

The Politicization of Healthcare 2

A social media meme (lower left corner of pic), obviously meant as a joke, featuring rockstar Keith Richards and fitness guru Richard Simmons went viral after the death of Richard Simmons on July 13, 2024, at the age of 76, questioning if healthy eating and exercise matters as it pertains to lifespan longevity.

By |January 6th, 2025|

The Tragic Perils of Alcohol Consumption Manifesting in America

On the perils of drinking besides cancer, 42,000 people die on our highways annually.  An average of 13,000 die from being drunk while driving and/or kill others. Another 4,000 die from “texting” while driving, plus 362,000 injuries and wrecked cars.  The costs grow astronomically.

By |January 6th, 2025|

Bird flu: Another Gain-of-Function Disaster?

Now, it’s the bird flu that’s been making headlines (until the massacre in New Orleans) with MILLIONS of chickens and turkeys killed, severely damaging making a living for our family-owned farmers and ranchers who feed us.

By |January 6th, 2025|

You’re Not “Giving Up’ Anything

In my younger days, I couldn’t imagine living in the year 2025.  It sounded so futuristic.  Still does.  But here we all are...and still without the flying cars that Popular Mechanics promised were just around the corner back in 1969.  In elementary school, our teacher once gave us an assignment to draw a picture of what the year 2000 would look like.

By |January 4th, 2025|

From Hostility to Reconciliation

Anyone who trusts in Jesus alone (not Jesus plus something or someone else) receives as a gift from God forgiveness in place of condemnation, peace in place of hostility, and reconciliation in place of separation. In Christ, you become more than a friend with God. You become His beloved child forever (John 1:12-13; Romans 8:14-17; Galatians 3:26; 1 John 3:1). Hallelujah!

By |January 4th, 2025|

God’s Purpose Written in a Book

Every person created by God has a purpose. Your purpose is recorded by God in a book in heaven. There are many books in heaven and one of the main books, however, is what can be called the books of destiny or purpose. “Your eyes saw my substance, being yet uniformed.

By |January 4th, 2025|

Pride and Hero Worship

Men, in their pride, elect all kinds of saints, gods, champions and heroes, then identify with them and share in their glories and experiences. Such leaders are really vicious tempters, and encourage the weakness of the masses for the power they get from them.

By |January 3rd, 2025|

Give Us A King

Here is a simple, true historical fact to all who desire truth. America’s true founders first gathered on her shores in 1620. They were called Pilgrims and Puritans. They too were escaping from a king and “religious” system that hated them. They all were set up much as ancient Israel. They never formed legislators to pass man’s laws to harass and control the people.

By |January 3rd, 2025|

15 Predictions for 2025

What we can be sure of: human nature will be the same this year as it was last year. People will still try to get as much as they can, with the least possible effort. Most will continue to coast through life. They will still respond to incentives or “nudges,” except for that small minority that figures out the incentive structure encircling them and ignores, escapes, or thwarts it. Such people might actually develop free minds.

By |January 3rd, 2025|

Federal Government has No Legal Right to Function as a Criminal Enterprise

In a few words, President Trump has the constitutional power to reinstate the Republic in all its glory without the help of Congress or anyone else. But President Trump has not indicated that he will do it. His present plans will not drain swamp or avoid a catastrophic economic decline. More on this in the next article.

By |January 3rd, 2025|

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