WebJump was an Emacs add-on from 1996 that provided a fast keyboard-based interface to a programmable Web site hotlist. Its speed-of-use came from the keyboard completion-based selection of a site and the ability to prompt for query and option parameters.
WebJump was reviewed briefly in Linux Gazette #26, and later plugged in NTK #188. I also told a manager for one of the Web browsers about it, and they'd never heard of Emacs-like autocompletion, but completion was promptly added to their browser's URL/location field. Then browsers got search fields and query shortcuts, and Google got smarter with responses, so WebJump was no longer as useful.
You can download file webjump.el, although it later became an official part of the standard GNU Emacs and XEmacs distributions.
You can download file webjump-plus.el, version 2.4 (23-May-2003), which added more rules to WebJump, and could be updated with the emerging Web much more frequently than Emacs distributions.
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