Uranium news, articles and information:

Navajo communities are constantly poisoned with toxic drinking water... so where's their media attention?

2/5/2016 - Andrew Jackson (the US President on the $20 bill) signed the "Indian Removal Act" into law in 1830. Consequentially, over 125,000 Native Americans were forced off their properties in the East and relocated to "Indian territories" across the Mississippi River to the West. The federal government was making...

Bacteria that 'breathe' uranium could be used to naturally clean up radioactive waste

7/12/2015 - A newly discovered bacteria that breathes uranium as well as oxygen could be used to remove uranium contamination from water supplies, according to a study conducted by researchers from Rutgers University and published in PLOS ONE on April 13. "After the newly discovered bacteria interact with uranium...

SOEKS radiation meter (Geiger counter) and food nitrate tester reviewed with radioactive uranium ore - Health Ranger science lab

3/17/2015 - For this science lab product review, I've acquired the SOEKS radiation meter and some radioactive uranium ore for testing in my lab. As the photos show below, this affordable, real-time radiation meter does a fantastic job of alerting you to dangerous levels of background radiation that might cause...

Natural News Labs tests 12 popular water filters for removal of heavy metals, arsenic, uranium and cesium

8/20/2014 - In just a few days, Natural News will be exclusively announcing the results of unprecedented laboratory testing of water filters -- the kind of testing which has never been done before on off-the-shelf filters. The tests I've conducted in the Natural News Forensic Food Lab determine the ability of...

Top chlorella brands confirmed to capture dietary mercury, uranium and aluminum: Another laboratory breakthrough by the Health Ranger

3/19/2014 - If you take chlorella, I've got great news for you today: I've just completed research across nearly a dozen chlorella brands and manufacturers, and I've conclusively documented the fact that they all bind with and capture dietary mercury with very high efficiency. They also show strong affinity for...

History revisited: Top Roosevelt aide sent Stalin weapons-grade uranium to make bombs

8/8/2013 - Nuclear weapons have alternately been blamed for making the world less safe and making it more safe. As a grad school major in national security, I am personally of the opinion that nuclear weapons have kept the great powers from fighting a third and even fourth world war, since those who have them...

Hyped-up nuclear 'wonder fuel' not so wonderful, scientists warn

12/9/2012 - A radioactive element being promoted as a "wonder fuel" by the nuclear power industry is much less benign than it has been presented as being, according to a paper by four nuclear energy specialists published in the journal Nature. The element in question, thorium, has been portrayed as a potential...

Lethal in Japan - the real story on radiation

3/24/2011 - The headlines we wake up to Monday morning say: A new column of smoke rising from an overheating nuclear plant in Japan drove workers out of the smoldering site dented hopes for a breakthrough in the post-quake atomic crisis raising the risk of uncontrolled radiation. The World Health Organization said...

Exposed fuel rods in empty, cracked cooling pool may soon release 130 tons of uranium directly into the environment

3/20/2011 - While much of the mainstream media appears to be moving on from the impending Fukushima Daiichi nuclear meltdown, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) recently released some startling and dire news about the now-empty spent fuel rod pool in the plant's Reactor 4. According to the NRC, a crack...

Protocol for Nuclear Contamination: Iodine, Glutathione, Chelation, Clay, Baking Soda

3/17/2011 - The protocol: Iodine - Glutathione - Natural Chelation - Clay - Baking Soda. On Sunday, when I first released this protocol I said that it is too early to call everyone in North America to prepare for a radiation cloud streaming down radioactive particles from the accident in Japan. According to the...

Depleted Uranium Shells Used by U.S. Military Worse Than Nuclear Weapons

5/20/2008 - The use of depleted uranium (DU) munitions by the U.S. military may lead to a death toll far higher than that from the nuclear bombs dropped at the end of World War II. DU is a waste product of uranium enrichment, containing approximately one-third the radioactive isotopes of naturally occurring...

Depleted Uranium Contaminates the Body for Twenty Years

4/10/2008 - Traces of depleted uranium (DU) have been found in people even 20 years after their initial exposure, according to research conducted by a scientist from the University of Leicester, England and presented at the 119th annual meeting of the Geological Society of America in Denver. Professor Randall...

DNA and Mitochondrial Time Bombs: Uranium and Mercury

3/3/2008 - Hyperinsulinemia may promote mammary carcinogenesis. Insulin resistance has been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer and is also characteristic of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes and cancer are both expanding almost exponentially in the world today and can in part be traced to the increasing radiation...

Bomb Drops on Big Island a Public Health Concern for Hawaiians

2/12/2008 - In a recent press release, a Hawaiian peace group, Malu Aina ("Land of Peace") www.malu-aina.org issued a public statement on the bombings of a military training area on the Big Island of Hawaii. The monthly exercises involve United States Air Force B-2 stealth aircraft dropping bombs on the Pohakuloa...

New Test Finds Depleted Uranium 20 Years After Exposure

1/15/2008 - Depleted uranium (DU) has been found in the urine of Gulf War vets as long as 20 years after exposure. A highly sensitive test has been developed which can detect DU even when previous screening has proven negative. This test may assist with unresolved health claims. We are all exposed to minuscule...

Depleted uranium has killed 11,000 U.S. military veterans; mainstream media ignores story

11/3/2006 - Highly toxic depleted uranium has created a death toll reaching the 11,000-soldier mark, and the continuing scandal is thought to have been the main reason behind the recent departure of Anthony Principi -- the secretary of the Veterans Affairs Department. Arthur Bernklau, executive director of Veterans...

House and Senate finally call for investigation into Depleted Uranium (DU) poisoning of troops

7/31/2006 - Veterans' appeals for government assistance in post-service health problems have finally resulted in the U.S. House and Senate calling for immediate research on radioactive metals used in armor and weapons. Published research shows uranium binds to DNA and causes cell mutation, leading to an increase...

Concept-related articles:

Iraq:Weapons of mass destruction:Veterans:Depleted uranium:Gulf War:Radiation:News:Weapons:Exposure:Contamination:Gulf:Destruction:Study:War:Animals:SAMe:

Concepts related to Uranium

Iraq � weapons of mass destruction � veterans � depleted uranium � Gulf War � radiation � news � weeds � weapons � exposure � mining � contamination � gulf � destruction � cleaning � study � tree � war � monitoring � environmental protection � Google � cattle industry � beef industry � vibrational medicine � non-local medicine � environmental pollution � food industry � Iraq war � food supply � animal rights � animals � fish � free trade � human civilization � cattle � Iraqi prisoners � WMDs � sunlight � beef � the oceans � berries &nbsp

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The Consumer Wellness Center is a non-profit organization offering nutrition education grants to programs that help children and expectant mothers around the world.

Food Investigations is a series of mini-documentaries exposing the truth about dangerous ingredients in the food supply.

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The Honest Food Guide is a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the truth about what foods we should really be eating.

HealingFoodReference.com offers a free online reference database of healing foods, phytonutrients and plant-based medicines that prevent or treat diseases and health conditions.

HerbReference.com is a free, online reference library that lists medicinal herbs and their health benefits.

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