Gun control news, articles and information:

Watch: Disturbing video shows why you can't rely on police to save you from armed attackers

12/25/2015 - The gun control debate has been escalating again lately, particularly since the Paris shootings and recent incidents of violence in the United States, such as the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting and the San Bernardino mass shooting, with the latter claiming the lives of 14 people. Somewhat...

White House says gun control will deter terrorists ... the same way government spending reduces debt

12/9/2015 - Don't worry, folks: the government is here to save you from all those nasty terrorists just looking for the next opportunity to traumatize you and your family – because they're jealous of your "freedom," of course. The only stipulation is that you must first agree to hand over your firearms to...

Gun control now turns to machete control as NY lawmaker tries to criminalize common agricultural tool

12/1/2015 - Assault tactics. Assault rifles. Assault weapons. Assault machetes? Yes, there are such things, if you're a lunatic legislator from New York who believes a common tool used to clear brush and to cut sugar cane is the mass murderer's next weapon of choice. As reported by the New York Daily News,...

Gun control is incredibly popular among people who live under tyranny and oppression... don't they get it?

10/30/2015 - To most Americans, it is unfathomable to think about living under a government that has banned guns. To them, the ability to provide for their own defense is one of the most important personal decisions they can make. That's why they don't understand how people living in other countries, especially...

362 gunshot victims, 59 murders in Chicago in September as America's strictest gun control city demonstrates utter stupidity of disarming law-abiding citizens

10/17/2015 - What do some of the strictest gun control laws get you? Violence — lots of it, in fact — and death. When he came into office as Chicago's 55th mayor, former Clinton and Obama administration official Rahm Emanuel promised good things for the city, including law and order. Well, he's certainly...

Health Ranger lashes out at Gun Free Zones as 'leftist lunacy'... confirms Ben Carson's correct assertion that Adolf Hitler promoted gun control as pretext to genocide

10/10/2015 - Over 90% of the school shootings in America take place at "gun free zones." The absolute lunacy of the very concept of a gun free zone -- that signs alone would magically keep crazy people from bringing guns to campus -- perfectly demonstrates the utter derangement and mental illness of the anti-gun...

Yes, Hitler implemented gun control laws before massacring Jews in Holocaust; revisionist leftist media attempts to rewrite history

10/9/2015 3:46:35 PM - The mainstream media – and liberal Democrats in general (same thing) – must be getting a little nervous about retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson's meteoric rise in the polls because they have focused their attention, and ire, on him in recent weeks. The latest phony "gotcha gaffe" with which...

The most hilarious gun control memes: How gun control advocates protect their yards with idiotic signs; why bombs are clocks, but Pop-Tarts are guns... and more

10/6/2015 - How do gun control advocates protect their yards? By surgically removing the teeth of their dogs and posting "Teeth-Free Zone" signs in their yards. Or at least that's the proposition of a hilarious new infographic meme from (see below). I've gathered a few of the most notable infographic...

Geraldo Rivera smacked down, schooled on gun control by truth teller Greg Gutfeld

9/16/2015 - Fox News personality Geraldo Rivera must sometimes feel as though he has a lonely job being a liberal on a conservative-dominated cable news network (and one that tops the ratings year after year after year). He must have felt particularly lonely recently when, as part of the five-person panel on...

Article updated with new message from the Health Ranger

5/19/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....

Texas votes 100-47 to nullify unconstitutional federal gun control laws

5/12/2013 - The state of Texas continues to fight back hard against federal intrusions, especially in the area of gun control as President Obama and some Washington lawmakers push for new laws infringing upon the Second Amendment's right of Americans to keep and bear arms. In a vote of 100-47, the Texas House...

Colorado Sheriffs sue state government over illegal gun control laws

4/22/2013 - The vast majority of legal action aimed at countering gun control legislation has occurred on the federal level, but a group of Colorado sheriffs are keeping their disagreement local, instead suing their own state over its recent passage of anti-Second Amendment legislation. The suit exposes "the...

Eighty-five percent of cops say gun control will have no effect on crime in America

4/16/2013 - Everyone from President Obama and Vice President Biden on down who is currently pushing for new gun control legislation as a way to "reduce gun violence" and lower crime overall is lying if they tell you that most police officers agree with them that these new measures will work. According to PoliceOne,...

Gun control is anti-women: Rapists empowered by gun restrictions

4/11/2013 - In New York City on a recent morning, a man approached a woman standing at a Queens bus stop, forced her to a nearby cemetery by knifepoint, then proceeded to rape her. The man, whom the victim described as 25-30 years old, approached the 41-year-old victim and asked her who she was waiting for,...

Traitors of Connecticut: A complete list of who voted for illegal, unconstitutional gun control in the 'Constitution state'

4/9/2013 - There could not be more than a handful of Americans who were not sickened by the horrible shooting deaths of 20 six-year-old children and six adults in Newtown, Conn., in December by a crazed, drug-taking, mentally disturbed Adam Lanza. We are all humans. Most of us are mothers or fathers, brothers...

Article updated with new message from the Health Ranger

4/5/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....

Even with record murder rate, Chicago prosecutes the fewest gun crimes in America

4/3/2013 - The embattled city of Chicago is experiencing record firearms deaths, with more victims being shot and killed nightly. So far this year, in fact, month-to-month gun deaths are up from the record highs experienced in 2012, when 506 people were killed in the city. And the 2012 death rate was 16 percent...

Article updated with new message from the Health Ranger

4/2/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....

Colorado Governor (and traitor) John Hickenlooper signs treasonous gun control measures; major firearm magazine manufacturer to leave state

3/23/2013 - At least 200 jobs will soon be lost in the state of Colorado, thanks to the treasonous signing of two new gun control bills by Governor John Hickenlooper. Magpul Industries, a major manufacturer of firearm magazines and other accessories, has announced it will move its operations out of the state since...

States say NO to federal government's illegal gun control efforts: is a showdown imminent?

3/19/2013 - In the wake of legislation passed by voters in Colorado and Washington State which legalized marijuana in defiance of federal drug laws, President Obama told Barbara Walters that he had instructed his Justice Department not to prosecute anyone smoking pot in these states. "We've got bigger fish to...

If gun control passes, there will come 'free speech control' and the government banning of websites, books and art

3/16/2013 - The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to establish a line in the sand that cannot be crossed by government. The founders rightly saw government as an eternal threat against freedom and justice, knowing that all governments inevitably grow out of control like a cancer tumor, always seeking more and more...

Cuomo plans to exempt Hollywood from New York gun control laws: So you can still watch gun violence depicted on screen

3/5/2013 - When New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the nation's strictest anti-gun law in the country just a month ago, he did so while proclaiming loudly, from on high, that he was acting out of moral principle. "I say to you forget the extremists. It's simple - no one hunts with an assault rifle. No one needs...

Gun grabbers are Holocaust deniers, claiming Hitler never engaged in gun confiscation

3/3/2013 - History revisionists and Holocaust deniers seem to be gaining ground in recent months as the Obama administration pushes for new gun control measures, thanks in large part to a burgeoning propaganda machine fed by a growing number of useful idiots. Hitler had Joseph Goebbels; today's modern deniers...

Obama using computer-generated Twitterbots to create appearance of social media support for gun control

2/27/2013 - All of those Twitter messages that appear to represent millions of people who support President Obama's gun control agenda... Yeah, many of those are bot-driven. In other words, they're fake. That's what a Republican congressman from Texas is alleging, anyway. He says the president's entire gun control...

The true history of gun control - Timeline

2/27/2013 - Throughout the history of the world there have been despots, tyrants, dictators and kings who have imposed their will over those they conquered. After defeating rival armies in battle, many of these rulers went on to lead cruel, ruthless and abusive regimes largely by keeping the subjugated powerless...

Proposed Missouri law would imprison those who vote for unconstitutional gun control legislation

2/22/2013 - In a twist on the typical anti-gun legislation floating around in statehouses and the nation's capital these days, a lawmaker from Missouri is taking a different tact. Rather than criminalizing gun owners, he is seeking to criminalize fellow legislators who attempt to criminalize the state's gun owners. Rep....

Legal immigrant patriot voices passionate opposition to gun control at public hearing, says it 'doesn't work'

2/7/2013 - Possessing a more thorough and cogent understanding of American history than many native-born Americans today, a legal immigrant by the name of Henson Ong recently voiced passionate and well-versed opposition to gun control at a public hearing on "gun violence prevention" in Hartford, Connecticut, which...

Article updated with new message from the Health Ranger

2/6/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....

NYPD looking to deploy naked body scanners on street corners as part of gun control roll-out

1/29/2013 - It's not enough that the state of New York just doubled down on its trashing of the Second Amendment with the passage of new gun control laws. Now the city of New York, with its gun-grabbing mayor, is set to deploy revealing new x-ray scanners that will violate residents' Fourth Amendment right to privacy...

CNN 'Communist News Network' trying to shove gun control down our throats

1/22/2013 - The war on guns is now in full swing and most of the corporate media has dutifully stepped up to play the role of liberal-progressive echo chamber, touting phony polls that asked pre-ordained "gun control" questions, featuring a parade of left-wing politicos and hacks reciting selected anti-gun talking...

Texas lawmakers threaten to arrest any feds who enforce Obama's unconstitutional gun control orders

1/18/2013 - The state of Texas has a reputation for being fiercely independent, a trait that has been on display again recently as the Obama administration and some members of Congress consider sweeping new gun control legislation. In response to legislative measures already proposed, as well as others said...

Article updated with new message from the Health Ranger

1/15/2013 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....

Gun grabbers are the most violent people of all, history shows

1/14/2013 - Throughout history some of the most sadistic, depraved and violent global leaders were most notable for, of all things, their imposition of strict gun control, but President Obama, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Piers Morgan and others will never admit it because doing does not support their political...

Gun control is racism

12/30/2012 - They try to put themselves on a pedestal, using language of the apologist sprinkled with faux outrage, when they equate gun ownership and general support for the Second Amendment to racism. But the truth of the matter is, the real racists are those calling for gun control, for it is they who seek to...

Article updated with new message from the Health Ranger

12/26/2012 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....

Adam Lanza's actions prove that gun control laws are useless at stopping criminals

12/17/2012 - Earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the spirit and intent of the Second Amendment - that individuals have a right to own firearms for self-defense inside and outside their own homes. Despite the ruling, however, cities and states around the country still have rules and restrictions regarding...

Article updated with new message from the Health Ranger

12/16/2012 - The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist....

Why do so many gun control advocates secretly own and carry their own guns?

12/10/2012 - It is one of the most politically charged - and politically hypocritical - issues in the country: the battle over gun rights, the Second Amendment in general, and what the founding fathers actually intended when they included the subject of firearms ownership in the Bill of Rights. Generally, the...

See all 103 gun control feature articles.

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