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Enthought �Ђ̃p�b�P�[�W�� python ���C���X�g�[������ƁA�Â� Nemeric ���C���X�g�[������Ă��܂��܂��B�V���� numarray �̓C���X�g�[������܂���B
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numarray/Numeric �� array �^���g����悤�ɂ��郂�W���[���ł��Bpython �ł̐��`���Z�̂��߂� tuple, list �Ƃ͕ʂ� array �f�[�^�[�^�� numarray/Numeric �Œlj�����܂����Bnumarray/Numeric �ł� Fortran �ŊJ�����ꂽ���`���Z�p�b�P�[�W Lapack �� python �ɈڐA���Ă��܂����A����� array �^�̃f�[�^��Ώۂɂ��Ă��܂��B
python �ł̍s��x�N�g���v�Z�̂��߂ɂ́Atuple / array / Matrix / list �Ɨǂ������f�[�^�^�̈Ⴂ�𗝉����g�������邱�Ƃ��K�v�ƂȂ�܂��B���̎l�̃f�[�^�^�̊W�� �����Đ}������Ǝ��̂悤�ɂȂ�܂�
tuple �� �� list array �� Matrix
list �� tuple ���܂��܂��Barray �� tuple �� list �̒��Ԃɂ���܂��B���Ԃƌ����Ă��u�������ꂽ���ԁv�ł��Barray �͍s���x�N�g���Ƃ�������Ȑ��l�̏W�܂�������I�ɏ������邽�߂ɐ݂���ꂽ�f�[�^�^�ł��BC �Ȃǂ̔z��Ɠ��l�ɁA���l�f�[�^��A�������������u���b�N�ɔz�u���܂��Btuple �� list ���Q�Ƃ�v�f�Ƃ���̂ɑ� array �͐��l���̂�v�f�Ƃ���̂Łu�������ꂽ���ԁv�ƕ\�����܂����B
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array �͑��ʂ̐��l���������߂̌^�ł��Blapack ��list �ɈڐA���邱�Ƃ��ł���Ƃ͎v���܂����Alist �͔ėp�I�߂��A�����Ȑ��l�v�Z�ɓK���܂���B���l��p�̃R���e�i�^ array �������ق����A���l�v�Z�v���O�����������I�Ɏ����ł��܂��B
tuple,list,array �̈Ⴂ���A�������ɔz�u����Ă���f�[�^�̎��_���猩�Ă݂܂��傤�B
tuple �͎Q�Ƃ������̂ł��Btuple �̓��������ŎQ�ƃ|�C���^��A�����Ĕz�u���邱�ƂŎ�������Ă��܂��B
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�� �� list pointer ������������ ������������ ������������ ������������ ���Q�Ƅ����������Q�Ƅ������� ........... ���Q�Ƅ����������Q�Ƅ������� ������������ ������������ ������������ ������������ �� �� �� ��
array �̓�������ɐ��l�ڕ��ׂ����̂ł��B�����͍����ɂȂ�܂����A����/����/���f���ȂǃT�C�Y�̈قȂ�v�f�����݂������܂���B
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//@@ from numarray import * #from Numeric import * mtAt = array([ [1,2], [3,5] ]) mtAt2 = array([[1,2], [3,4, 5] ]) //@@@ # numarray �̃G���[ Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 5, in ? mtAt2 = array([ [1,2], File "C:\lng\Python\Lib\site-packages\numarray\", line 395, in array return fromlist(sequence,type,shape) File "C:\lng\Python\Lib\site-packages\numarray\", line 258, in fromlist arr.fromlist(seq) ValueError: Nested sequences with different lengths. # Numeric �̃G���[ Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 5, in ? mtAt2 = array([ [1,2], TypeError: an integer is required
python ���s�}�N�����g���̃G�f�B�^�E�}�N���� python �R�[�h�����̂悤�Ƀu���b�N���s������}�N������鎖�����߂܂��B�����g�� WZ �G�f�B�^���g���Ă��� WZ �� shell �}�N���ƁA����ɍs�A�u���b�N���s�}�N����g�ݍ��킹�Ă��܂��B����ɂ��Ă��\�[�X�ƈꏏ�Ɍ��J���Ă���܂��B�X������Ό䗘�p���������B
���� python ���s�}�N���́A //@@ ���� //@@@ �܂ł̊Ԃɂ͂��܂ꂽ��������J�����g�E�f�B���N�g���� �ɏ����o���upython�v�����s��������̂ł��B
//@@ �� ��<== ctrl O + P ���삳�ꂽ�Ƃ��A���͈̔͂��J�����g �f�B���N�g���� �� �� �����o�� python �����s���� //@@@�Ȍ� python code //@@ ... //@@@ �ň͂܂ꂽ�R�[�h�́A���̂悤�Ɏ��s����� python �R�[�h�Ɖ��߂��Ă��������B
numarray/Numeric �ɂ́A���̂悤�ɐ������� array �𑀍삷�����������Ă��܂��B�ł��s��E�x�N�g���v�Z�������镪�ɂ� �� �̕t�������������g�������ōς݂܂��B���̑��̊��́Apython �ł̐��`�㐔�v�Z�Ɋ���Ă���ēx���ׂ�Ώ[���ł��傤�B �ɂ���ŏ��̃h�L�������e�[�V������������ Functions �� array - NumPy Array construction �� zeros - Return an array of all zeros - shape - Return shape of sequence or array - rank - Return number of dimensions - size - Return number of elements in entire array or a certain dimension - fromstring - Construct array from (byte) string - take - Select sub-arrays using sequence of indices - put - Set sub-arrays using sequence of 1-D indices - putmask - Set portion of arrays using a mask �� reshape - Return array with new shape - repeat - Repeat elements of array - choose - Construct new array from indexed array tuple - cross_correlate - Correlate two 1-d arrays - searchsorted - Search for element in 1-d array - sum - Total sum over a specified dimension - average - Average, possibly weighted, over axis or array. - cumsum - Cumulative sum over a specified dimension - product - Total product over a specified dimension - cumproduct - Cumulative product over a specified dimension - alltrue - Logical and over an entire axis - sometrue - Logical or over an entire axis - allclose - Tests if sequences are essentially equal More Functions: - arrayrange (arange) - Return regularly spaced array - asarray - Guarantee NumPy array - sarray - Guarantee a NumPy array that keeps precision - convolve - Convolve two 1-d arrays - swapaxes - Exchange axes - concatenate - Join arrays together �� transpose - Permute axes - sort - Sort elements of array - argsort - Indices of sorted array - argmax - Index of largest value - argmin - Index of smallest value - innerproduct - Innerproduct of two arrays �� dot - Dot product (matrix multiplication) - outerproduct - Outerproduct of two arrays �� resize - Return array with arbitrary new shape - indices - Tuple of indices - fromfunction - Construct array from universal function - diagonal - Return diagonal array �� trace - Trace of array - dump - Dump array to file object (pickle) - dumps - Return pickled string representing data - load - Return array stored in file object - loads - Return array from pickled string - ravel - Return array as 1-D - nonzero - Indices of nonzero elements for 1-D array - shape - Shape of array - where - Construct array from binary result - compress - Elements of array where condition is true - clip - Clip array between two values �� zeros - Array of all zeros �� ones - Array of all ones �� identity - 2-D identity array (matrix) (Universal) Math Functions add logical_or exp subtract logical_xor log multiply logical_not log10 divide maximum sin divide_safe minimum sinh conjugate bitwise_and sqrt power bitwise_or tan absolute bitwise_xor tanh negative invert ceil greater left_shift fabs greater_equal right_shift floor less arccos arctan2 less_equal arcsin fmod equal arctan hypot not_equal cos around logical_and cosh sign arccosh arcsinh arctanh
//@@ import Numeric as Nm print dir(Nm) help(Nm.zeros) # other helps of commands //@@@ ['ArrayType', 'Character', 'Complex', 'Complex0', 'Complex16', 'Complex32', 'Complex64', 'Complex8', 'DumpArray', 'Float', 'Float0', 'Float16', 'Float32', 'Float64', 'Float8', 'Int', 'Int0', 'Int16', 'Int32', 'Int8', 'LittleEndian', 'LoadArray', 'NewAxis', 'Pickler', 'PrecisionError', 'PyObject', 'StringIO', 'UInt', 'UInt16', 'UInt32', 'UInt8', 'Unpickler', 'UnsignedInt16', 'UnsignedInt32', 'UnsignedInt8', 'UnsignedInteger', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__version__', '_numpy', 'absolute', 'add', 'allclose', 'alltrue', 'arange', 'arccos', 'arccosh', 'arcsin', 'arcsinh', 'arctan', 'arctan2', 'arctanh', 'argmax', 'argmin', 'argsort', 'around', 'array', 'array2string', 'array_constructor', 'array_repr', 'array_str', 'arrayrange', 'arraytype', 'asarray', 'average', 'bitwise_and', 'bitwise_or', 'bitwise_xor', 'ceil', 'choose', 'clip', 'compress', 'concatenate', 'conjugate', 'convolve', 'copy', 'copy_reg', 'cos', 'cosh', 'cross_correlate', 'cumproduct', 'cumsum', 'diagonal', 'divide', 'divide_safe', 'dot', 'dump', 'dumps', 'e', 'equal', 'exp', 'fabs', 'floor', 'floor_divide', 'fmod', 'fromfunction', 'fromstring', 'greater', 'greater_equal', 'hypot', 'identity', 'indices', 'innerproduct', 'invert', 'left_shift', 'less', 'less_equal', 'load', 'loads', 'log', 'log10', 'logical_and', 'logical_not', 'logical_or', 'logical_xor', 'math', 'matrixmultiply', 'maximum', 'minimum', 'multiarray', 'multiply', 'negative', 'nonzero', 'not_equal', 'ones', 'outerproduct', 'pi', 'pickle', 'pickle_array', 'power', 'product', 'put', 'putmask', 'rank', 'ravel', 'remainder', 'repeat', 'reshape', 'resize', 'right_shift', 'sarray', 'searchsorted', 'shape', 'sign', 'sin', 'sinh', 'size', 'sometrue', 'sort', 'sqrt', 'string', 'subtract', 'sum', 'swapaxes', 'take', 'tan', 'tanh', 'trace', 'transpose', 'true_divide', 'typecodes', 'types', 'vdot', 'where', 'zeros'] Help on built-in function zeros: zeros(...) zeros((d1,...,dn),typecode='l',savespace=0) will return a new array of shape (d1,...,dn) and type typecode with all it's entries initialized to zero. If savespace is nonzero the array will be a spacesaver array.
Fortran �Ŏ��т̂�����`���Z�p�b�P�[�W lapack �� python �ɈڐA����Ă��܂��B���̍s��W�̊����p�ӂ���Ă��܂�
# numarray\linear_algebra\ �܂��� # Numeric\ �Ɏ�������Ă��܂��B def solve_linear_equations(a, b): def inverse(a): def cholesky_decomposition(a): def qr_decomposition(a, mode='full'): def eigenvalues(a): def eigenvectors(a): def singular_value_decomposition(a, full_matrices = 0): def generalized_inverse(a, rcond = 1.e-10): def determinant(a): def linear_least_squares(a, b, rcond=1.e-10):
�����̊��� array �^�̍s��ɑ��Ď�������Ă��܂��Barray ���p������ Matrix �ł͂���܂���BLapack �̈ڐA���s������������ Matrix ���W���[���̊J���҂Ƃ͕ʂ̕��̂悤�ł��Barray �� lapack �̎������I�������� Matlab �Ƃ̌݊������߂� Matrix wrapper �����������悤�Ɍ����܂��B
���݂̒i�K�ł́A�Ȃ܂� Matrix �^���g�킸�� array �͈̔͂����Ōv�Z�v���O�������L�q���������ȒP�ɂȂ�܂��B�s��̐ς� dot(,) �ŋL�q���悤�� * operator �ŋL�q���悤���卷����܂���B*, ** ���Z�q�ɂ�錩���ڂ͐����ɋ߂��Ȃ�܂����A��������� Matrix �� array �^�����݂��邱�ƂɂȂ�F�X�Ƙf�킳��܂��B����̐����ɋ߂��L�q��]�ނȂ�A��Ő������� sf ���g���ׂ��ł��B
tuple, list �̐��l�ꎟ���V�[�P���X�E�f�[�^����A�ꎟ���x�N�g���F�ꎟ�� array �����̂悤�ɐ����ł��܂��B�܂�range(..) �Ń��X�g�����Ɠ��l�ɁAstart/end[/step] �������g���� arange(..) �Ńx�N�g���F�ꎟ�� array ����邱�Ƃ��ł��܂��Barange(..) �͕��������_�������ɂł��܂��B(range(..) �ł� int �����Ɍ��肳��܂��B)�B�ł� arange �ł����f���܂ł͈����܂���B���f���ł͑召�W����`�łȂ��̂ŁA���/�����ɓ��B����������ł��Ȃ����߂ł��傤�B(sf �Ȃ�Ε��f���܂ň����܂��Bstart, size, stride �ɂ�� slice array �`���̃p�����[�^�ݒ�̕����D��Ă��܂��B)
//@@ from Numeric import * # generage array from tuple, list print array([1,2,3]) print array( (4,5,6,7) ) print array(range(1,10)) # arange(..) function print arange(3,12) print arange(-0.4, 0.5, 0.1) #TypeError: can't convert complex to float; use abs(z) #print arange(-0.4+0j, 0.5+0j, 0.1j) //@@@ [1 2 3] [4 5 6 7] [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] [ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11] [-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4]
array �v�f���ێ��ł��鐔�l�^�����̂悤�ɒ�߂��Ă��܂��B
bool Int8, UInt8, # Uint8 �� unsigned integer 8bit �̈Ӗ��ł� Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Float32, Float64 Complex32, Complex64
�����̐��l�^�� array ���̂̌^�ł��B�� array �v�f�̌^�ł͂���܂���Barray �̌^�� .type() �Ŋm�F�ł��܂��Btuple �܂��� list �̃V�[�P���X�^�������� array �^�́A�f�t�H���g�ł� Int32, Int32, Float64, Complex64 �̉��ꂩ�ł��Barray(.) �ɃV�[�P���X�^�f�[�^��^���Ĉꎟ���x�N�^������Ƃ�,��Ԗڂ̈����� array �^���w��ł��܂��Barray �^���w�肵�Ȃ��Ƃ��́A�f�t�H���g�^�Ǝw�肳��Ă��� Int32 �܂��� Foat64, Complex64 �^�ɂȂ�܂��B
//@@ from numarray import * vctAt=array([1,2,3]) print type(vctAt[0]) print vctAt.type() vctAt=array([1.01,2,3]) print type(vctAt[0]) print vctAt.type() vctAt=array([1.01,2,3], Float32) print vctAt.type() vctAt=array([1+0.1j,2,3]) print vctAt.type() print arange(3,12).type() //@@@ < type 'int'> Int32 < type 'float'> Float64 Float32 Complex64 Int32
�ꎟ�� array�ɂ��Ă� list �� tuple �Ɠ��l�ɁA[..] �� ':' ���g���A�v�f�ւ̃C���f�b�N�X���w�肷�邱�ƂŃA�N�Z�X���܂��B[start: end: step] �̎O�̃p�����[�^�ɂ�镔����̎w��͏d�܂��B���ɍs��̎ߗv�f�Q�̎w��ɕ֗��ł��B����Ă����ׂ��ł��B
//@@ # -*- encoding: cp932 -*- from Numeric import * vctAt = array(range(1,10)) print vctAt print vctAt[3] print vctAt[3:7] print vctAt[3:] print vctAt[:3] print vctAt[-2] # step:2 ���w�肵���v�f�̎��o�� print vctAt[3:7:2] vctAt[0]=100 print vctAt # �X�e�b�v step:2 ���g�����v�f�ւ̑�� # Int32 �^�� array �ɕ��������_���w�肵�Ă� Int32 �����ɂȂ��Ă��܂� vctAt[3:7:2] = [4.1, 8.2] print vctAt //@@@ [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] 4 [4 5 6 7] [4 5 6 7 8 9] [1 2 3] 8 [4 6] [100 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] [100 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9]
�T�C�Y�������x�N�^:�ꎟ�� array �ǂ����ł� + - * / ���Z�q���g�����l�����Z���\�ł��B
//@@ from scipy import * vctLeftAt = array(range(0,5),Float64) vctRightAt = array(range(5,10)) print vctLeftAt print vctRightAt print vctLeftAt + vctRightAt print vctLeftAt - vctRightAt print vctLeftAt * vctRightAt print vctLeftAt / vctRightAt //@@@ [ 0. 1. 2. 3. 4.] [5 6 7 8 9] [ 5. 7. 9. 11. 13.] [-5. -5. -5. -5. -5.] [ 0. 6. 14. 24. 36.] [ 0. 0.16666667 0.28571429 0.375 0.44444444]
�T�C�Y�̑���Ȃ��x�N�^�F�ꎟ�� array �ǂ����̉����揜�Z�̓G���[�ɂȂ�܂��B
//@@ from numarray import * # ValueError: Arrays have incompatible shapes print array([1,2,3]) + array([1,2]) //@@@
scipy ���W���[��Enthought �܂��� scipy �p�b�P�[�W���C���X�g�[�����Ă���Ƃ��́ANumeric �̕ς��� scipy ���W���[���� import ���邾���ŁANumeric �@�\���g����悤�ɂȂ�܂��Bscipy ���W���[���� array �ȊO�� fft �������������\���o�[�ȂǁA�p�b�P�[�W���p�ӂ��Ă��鐔�l���Z��ʂ�Z�߂� import�^�g����悤�ɂ��܂��B������d�܂��B
�܂� �x�N�^:�ꎟ�� array �� scalar �� + - * / �l�����Z���\�ł��B
//@@ from Numeric import * vctLeftAt = array(range(0,5)) print vctLeftAt * 3.3 print vctLeftAt / 3.3 print vctLeftAt + 3.3 print vctLeftAt - 3.3 //@@@ [ 0. 3.3 6.6 9.9 13.2] [ 0. 0.3030303 0.60606061 0.90909091 1.21212121] [ 3.3 4.3 5.3 6.3 7.3] [-3.3 -2.3 -1.3 -0.3 0.7]
�Ō�̃x�N�^�F�ꎟ�� array �� scalar �Ƃ̉����Z�͐��w�ł͒�`����Ă��܂��Aarray �� scalar �� + - ���Z�Ƃ��Ď�������Ă��܂��B�ł��A���̂悤�Ȑ��w�ł͎g��Ȃ��ꎟ�� array �� scalar �� +,- ���Z�͔�����ׂ��ł��B(array �ł̍s��ƃx�N�^�Ƃ̐ςł́A�����Ƒ����̐��w�I�ɂ͒�`����Ă��Ȃ����Z����������Ă��܂��B)
//@@ from numarray import * print dot(array([1,2,3]),array([4,5,6]) ) //@@@ 32
���f���x�N�g���̂Ƃ��� dot ���͓��ςł͂���܂���B �v�f���̊|���Z�Ƒ��������ɂ����Ȃ�����ł��Bconjugate ������Ă���̊|���Z�Ƒ������킹�ł͂���܂���B���f���x�N�g���̓��ς��v�Z������ɂ͎����� conjugate(.) �������܂��B
//@@ from Numeric import * print dot(array([1+2j,2,3]),array([1+2j,5,6]) ) print dot(array([1+2j,2,3]),conjugate(array([1+2j,5,6])) ) //@@@ (25+4j) (33+0j)
Numeric ���W���[���ɂ� innerproduct(.) �����L��܂��B�ł��c�O�Ȃ��� dot(.) �Ɠ����ł����B���f�x�N�g���̓��ς��v�Z������ɂ� conjugate() ���K�v�ł����B
array �͓��ȏ�̍s��������܂��BmatrixInstance[i,j] �̂悤�ȍs��`���ł̃C���f�b�N�X�w�肪�\�ł��B�� array �C���X�^���X�ɑ��� lapack ���������܂��B
array �z��� : �ɂ��A�N�Z�X����������قǂɗl�X�̎g�������lj�����Ă��܂��B�ł��Ƃ肠�����́u �s��[index, :] �v�� index �s�̃x�N�g�� array ���A�u �s��[:, index] �v�� index ��̃x�N�g�� array ��\�����Ƃ𗝉����Ă����A��̂̍s���͉\�ł��B
tuple, list �̓��V�[�P���X����s��F�� array �����̂悤�ɐ������܂��B
//@@ from numarray import * mtAt = array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,10]]) print mtAt print mtAt.type() //@@@ [[ 1 2 3] [ 4 5 6] [ 7 8 10]] Int32
Numeric �̓� array �ł� .type() ���g���܂���B
//@@ from Numeric import * mtAt = array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,10]]) print mtAt # AttributeError: type print mtAt.type() //@@@
�s��F�� array �ł͑S�Ă̍s�A��̃T�C�Y�������łȂ���Ȃ�܂���B�����łȂ��ƃG���[�ɂȂ�܂��B
//@@ from numarray import * # ValueError: Nested sequences with different lengths. mtAt = array([[1,2,3], [4,5], [7,8,10]]) //@@@reshape(.) ���g�����ƂŁA�ꎟ���x�N�^ array ������s�� array �ɕό`���邱�Ƃ��\�ł��B
//@@ # -*- encoding: cp932 -*- from numarray import * # [1,2,..,10] �̃x�N�g������� 2x5 �s��� reshape ���� print reshape( arange(10), (2,5) ) //@@@ [[0 1 2 3 4] [5 6 7 8 9]]
zeros(,) �ɂ���ėv�f�S�Ă� 0 �̍s����Aones(,) �ɂ���āA�v�f�S�Ă� 1 �̍s����ł��܂��B identity(.) �ɂ���āA�w��T�C�Y�̒P�ʍs������܂��B
//@@ # -*- encoding: cp932 -*- from scipy import * # 2x5 �̑S�v�f�� 0 �̐����s������܂� print zeros( (2,5) ) # 3x5 �̑S�v�f�� 1 �̐����s������܂� print ones( (3,5) ) # 5x5 �̕��������_�̒P�ʍs������܂� print identity(5, Float64 ) //@@@ [[0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0]] [[1 1 1 1 1] [1 1 1 1 1] [1 1 1 1 1]] [[ 1. 0. 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 1. 0. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 1. 0. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 1. 0.] [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.]]
�� array �ɂ��Ă� matrixInstance[i,j] �̂悤�ɁA��� index �ŁA�s��v�f���w��ł��܂��BmatrixInstance[i,:] �ɂ�� i �s�v�f���A matrixInstance[:,j] �ɂ�� j ��v�f���w��ł��܂��BmatrixInstance[start:end:step] �ŕ����v�f���w��ł��܂��B
//@@ # -*- encoding: cp932 -*- from Numeric import * mtAt = reshape( arange(4*4), (4,4) ) print mtAt mtAt[0,0] = 100 print mtAt print mtAt[0,:] print mtAt[:,1] #�s��̑Ίp�v�f�������w�肵�܂� print mtAt[0:5:6] //@@@ [[ 0 1 2 3] [ 4 5 6 7] [ 8 9 10 11] [12 13 14 15]] [[100 1 2 3] [ 4 5 6 7] [ 8 9 10 11] [ 12 13 14 15]] [100 1 2 3] [ 1 5 9 13] [ [100 1 2 3]]
//@@ # -*- encoding: cp932 -*- from Numeric import * mtLeftAt = reshape( arange(3*3), (3,3) ) mtRightAt = reshape( arange(1.0, 3*3+1), (3,3), ) print mtLeftAt print mtRightAt print mtLeftAt + mtRightAt print mtLeftAt - mtRightAt print mtLeftAt * mtRightAt print mtLeftAt / mtRightAt //@@@ [[0 1 2] [3 4 5] [6 7 8]] [[ 1. 2. 3.] [ 4. 5. 6.] [ 7. 8. 9.]] [[ 1. 3. 5.] [ 7. 9. 11.] [ 13. 15. 17.]] [[-1. -1. -1.] [-1. -1. -1.] [-1. -1. -1.]] [[ 0. 2. 6.] [ 12. 20. 30.] [ 42. 56. 72.]] [[ 0. 0.5 0.66666667] [ 0.75 0.8 0.83333333] [ 0.85714286 0.875 0.88888889]]
�s��F�� array �� scalar �Ƃ̏揜�Z�͐��w�Ɠ������ʂɂȂ�܂��B�ł� scalar �Ƃ̉����Z�͍s��v�f�S���ɑ��ē��� scalar �ʂ𑫂�����������肵�܂��B�G���[�ɂ͂Ȃ�Ȃ��̂ł����ӂ��������B
//@@ # -*- encoding: cp932 -*- from numarray import * mtAt = reshape( arange(3*3), (3,3) ) print mtAt*3.4 print mtAt/3.4 print mtAt+3.4 print mtAt-3.4 //@@@ [[ 0. 3.4 6.8] [ 10.2 13.6 17. ] [ 20.4 23.8 27.2]] [[ 0. 0.29411765 0.58823529] [ 0.88235294 1.17647059 1.47058824] [ 1.76470588 2.05882353 2.35294118]] [[ 3.4 4.4 5.4] [ 6.4 7.4 8.4] [ 9.4 10.4 11.4]] [[-3.4 -2.4 -1.4] [-0.4 0.6 1.6] [ 2.6 3.6 4.6]]
�x�N�g���ꎟ�� array �Ƃ̐ς͔���ɂ������ʂƂȂ�܂��B���w�ɂ�����s��ƃx�N�^�̐ςɂ͂Ȃ�܂���B�g��Ȃ��ق�������ł��B���w�̈Ӗ��ł̍s��ƃx�N�^�̐ς��v�Z������ɂ͎��ɏq�ׂ� dot(,) �����g���܂��B
//@@ # -*- encoding: cp932 -*- from scipy import * mtLeftAt = reshape( arange(3*3), (3,3) ) mtRightAt = reshape( arange(1.0, 3*3+1), (3,3), ) print dot( mtLeftAt, mtRightAt) print dot( mtLeftAt, [1,2,3]) print dot( (4,5,6), [1,2,3]) //@@@ [[ 18. 21. 24.] [ 54. 66. 78.] [ 90. 111. 132.]] [ 8 26 44] 32
�s��ƃx�N�^�� dot ���Z�ł̓x�N�g�����c�s��ɒ����Ȃ��Ă��A�������v�Z���Ă���܂��B��ŏq�ׂ� Matrix ���g���Əc�s��ɏC�����Ă��Ȃ��ƌv�Z���Ă���܂���Barray �ł̍s��ƃx�N�g���� dot ���Z���g���Ă������ق����L�q���ȒP�ł��B
Fortran �ŊJ�����ꂽ lapack �� phtyhon �� linear algebra ���W���[���ɈڐA����Ă��܂��B�����ɂ������ array �s��C���X�^���X�ɓK�p���܂��B�܂���Ԏg���p�x�̍����A�t�s������߂� inverse(.) ������n�߂܂��B
//@@ # -*- encoding: cp932 -*- from numarray import * mtAt = reshape( arange(3*3), (3,3) ) # �t�s���݂���l�ɂ��� mtAt[2,2] = 10 from numarray.linear_algebra import * print inverse(mtAt) # �m�F�v�Z print dot(inverse(mtAt), mtAt) //@@@ [[-0.83333333 -0.66666667 0.5 ] [ 0. 2. -1. ] [ 0.5 -1. 0.5 ]] [[ 1. 0. 0.] [ 0. 1. 0.] [ 0. 0. 1.]]
linear algebra ���W���[��dot �Ȃǂ� lapack �ɂ����`�㐔���Z���s���Ƃ�i�ɂ́A
import ���܂��B
- numarray �ł� numarray.linear_algebra ���W���[����
- Numeric �� scipy �ł� LinearAlgebra ���W���[����
�t�s���݂��Ȃ��s��� inverse(.) ������ƃG���[�ɂȂ��Ă���܂��B
//@@ # -*- encoding: cp932 -*- from Numeric import * # mtAt �̋t�s���݂��܂���B mtAt = reshape( arange(3*3), (3,3) ) from LinearAlgebra import * # LinearAlgebra.LinAlgError: Singular matrix print inverse(mtAt) //@@@
���̑��� lapack �������s�����܂��B
//@@ # -*- encoding: cp932 -*- from numarray import * mtAt = reshape( arange(3*3), (3,3) ) # �t�s���݂���l�ɂ��� mtAt[2,2] = 10 from numarray.linear_algebra import * #from LinearAlgebra import * #print cholesky_decomposition(mtAt) print qr_decomposition(mtAt) print eigenvalues(mtAt) print eigenvectors(mtAt) print singular_value_decomposition(mtAt) print generalized_inverse(mtAt) print determinant(mtAt) //@@@ (array([[ 0. , 0.91287093, 0.40824829], [-0.4472136 , 0.36514837, -0.81649658], [-0.89442719, -0.18257419, 0.40824829]]), array([[ -6.70820393, -8.04984472, -11.18033989], [ 0. , 1.09544512, 1.82574186], [ 0. , 0. , 0.81649658]])) [ 14.6544476 -1.04590831 0.39146071] (array([ 14.6544476 , -1.04590831, 0.39146071]), array([[ 0.15082592, 0.45445878, 0.87790589], [ 0.90425716, -0.13682593, -0.40447207], [ 0.23673828, -0.84967597, 0.47117485]])) (array([[-0.12899165, 0.9914205 , -0.02113178], [-0.45702173, -0.07834688, -0.88599825], [-0.88005244, -0.1046287 , 0.46320681]]), array([ 15.45352414, 1.02187585, 0.37994924]), array([[-0.43041184, -0.5252812 , -0.73404721], [-0.84434213, -0.05320404, 0.53315635], [ 0.31911128, -0.8492638 , 0.4206174 ]])) [[ -8.33333333e-01 -6.66666667e-01 5.00000000e-01] [ 1.20736754e-15 2.00000000e+00 -1.00000000e+00] [ 5.00000000e-01 -1.00000000e+00 5.00000000e-01]] -6.0
//@@ from numarray import * from numarray.matrix import * mtAt = Matrix([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,10]]) print mtAt*mtAt print mtAt**2 print mtAt**-1 print mtAt**-1 * mtAt //@@@ [[ 30 36 45] [ 66 81 102] [109 134 169]] [[ 30 36 45] [ 66 81 102] [109 134 169]] [[-0.66666667 -1.33333333 1. ] [-0.66666667 3.66666667 -2. ] [ 1. -2. 1. ]] [[ 1.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] [ 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00 -3.55271368e-15] [ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00]]
//@@ from numarray import * from numarray.matrix import * mtAt = Matrix([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]) print mtAt*mtAt print mtAt**2 print mtAt**-1 print mtAt**-1 * mtAt //@@@ [[ 30 36 42] [ 66 81 96] [102 126 150]] [[ 30 36 42] [ 66 81 96] [102 126 150]] [[ -4.50359963e+15 9.00719925e+15 -4.50359963e+15] [ 9.00719925e+15 -1.80143985e+16 9.00719925e+15] [ -4.50359963e+15 9.00719925e+15 -4.50359963e+15]] [[ 0. -4. -8.] [-8. 0. 0.] [ 4. 0. 0.]]
Matrix * array ���v�Z������� Matrix �ɂȂ��Ă��܂��܂��B dot(array, array) �� array �͈̔͂ŕ��Ă��薳�p�Ȍ^�̕ϊ����������܂���Bdot(.) �̕����g���₷�������܂��B
Matrix ���W���[���́Aarray ���p������ Matrix �N���X������Ė����� * ** ���Z�q���������������Ɍ����܂��BMatrix �̊����x�͒Ⴍ�����܂��B
���ہA�S���E�� web page �ł� Matrix �ɂ��Ă͖w�lj������Ă��܂���BMatrix ���g���ƌv�Z���x�����{���x���Ȃ�܂��BNumerx\ �����Ă��A�������Ă���͉̂��Z�q�̃I�[�o�[���[�h�����ł��B
�����g�� Matrix ���g��Ȃ��悤�ɂ��Ă��܂��B�ǂ����Ă��ŏ��� Matrix ���g�����ق����֗��ɂ݂��܂��B�ł��A����Ōv�Z���悤���āA���낢��ƃg���u���ɑ������܂����B�n�߂� Matrix ���g��Ȃ����Ƃ𐄏����܂��BPython �ł̐��`�㐔�����S�̂����n����悤�ɂȂ��Ă���p�r�����肵�� Matrix �^���g���ׂ����Ǝ咣���܂��B���̂ق��������I�� python �ł̐��`�㐔�v�Z���g�����Ȃ���悤�ɂȂ�܂��B
sf �͍s��/�x�N�g���v�Z�ɓ������� CUI �A�v���P�[�V�����ł��B Windows �R���\�[��������g���܂����A�G�f�B�^�ɑg�ݍ��ނ��ƂŁA�����ʓI�Ɏg���܂��B���� Wz �}�N�� �ɑg�ݍ���ł��܂��Bctrl O + N �܂��� ctrl O + S ����ɂ��A�G�f�B�^��ʂ̃J�[�\���ʒu�ɂ��� sf�� �܂��� sf �u���b�N�������s�����Ă��܂��B
# ��0 �͐^��̗U�d���ł��B`oku �� 1 ���̈Ӗ��ł��B # 1`coulomb �̓d�ׂ��� 1`meter �̋����̓d�ʂ� 89.9 ���{���g�ł��B q@=1`coulomb, (q/(4`�� ��0 1`meter))/`oku < 89.8755 >
mtRes = `��x `��y^-1 + `��z^3 (2+i) < 2+2i, 0 > < 0, -2-2i >
type mtRes.val % BaseComplexDoubleMatrix 2, 2 < 2 +2i, 0 +0i > < 0 +0i, -2 -2i >
mtRes^-3 < -0.03125-0.03125i, 0 > < 0, 0.03125+0.03125i >
# �p�C�\���ł̃��X�g�̐��� //@@ start=0; end=10; step=2; print range(start,end,step) //@@@ [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
# ��Ɠ�������� sf �̃x�N�g�������ōs���܂��B start=0, end=10, step=2, << start,(end-start)/step,step >> < 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 > # �������Ƃ��A��� sf �炵���L�q���܂� start=0, size=5, step=2, << start,size,step >> < 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 >
# �p�C�\���ł̓���X�g���� //@@ print [x**2 + 2*x + 3 for x in range(0,10,2)] //@@@ [3, 11, 27, 51, 83]
# ��Ɠ�������X�g������A���� sf �x�N�g������ōs���܂��B <<0,5,2 @x| x^2 + 2x + 3>> < 3, 11, 27, 51, 83 >
//@@ <<0,3,1 @j|\ <<0,4,3 @k| j+k^2>> >> //@@@ < 0, 9, 36, 81 > < 1, 10, 37, 82 > < 2, 11, 38, 83 >
sf /? �E �E basic functions !sin !cos !tan !sinh !cosh !tanh !exp !log !asin !acos !atan !log10 other functions !abs: absolute for each element !norm: square root norm !fft: Fast Fourier Transformation !rft: Reverse Fast Fourier Transformation !dggr: dagger for matrix, conjugate for vector and scalar !image, !real: get image/real from complex number !size: get vector size !print: print argment string into left side value file and on console !sqrt : square root !sum : sum up all vector element !prdct: product of all vector element !print(....): print #g .... to file variable
jacobi.exe �Ώ̍s��/�G���~�[�g�s��̑Ίp���ƑΊp�������钼�����s������߂܂��B expM.exe �s��� exponetial �w���������߂܂� random.exe �����_�� �f�[�^��ێ�����x�N�^�����܂��B shift.exe �x�N�^�� shift ���܂��B���̂悤�Ȏg�������ł��܂��B
# 5x5 �̃[�������s�� mtSample ����� mtSample =[[5]] < 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 > < 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 > < 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 > < 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 > < 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 > # mtSample �̑Ίp�v�f�Ƀ����_���l�� seed 0,�ő�l 100 �Őݒ肷�� mtSample[*,*] = ~random(5,0,100) < 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 > < 0, 42, 0, 0, 0 > < 0, 0, 40, 0, 0 > < 0, 0, 0, 69, 0 > < 0, 0, 0, 0, 29 > # �Ίp�v�f�̈��̎߂Ƀ����_���l�� seed 1,�ő�l 100 �Őݒ肷�� mtSample[<1,4,6>] = (~shift(mtSample[*,*],-2))[<0,4,1>] < 3, 40, 0, 0, 0 > < 0, 42, 69, 0, 0 > < 0, 0, 40, 29, 0 > < 0, 0, 0, 69, 0 > < 0, 0, 0, 0, 29 > # �Ίp�v�f�̈���̂̎߂ɏ�A�Ίp�v�f�� 2 �Ԃ�V�t�g���������̂�ݒ肷�� mtSample[<5,4,6>] = mtSample[<1,4,6>] < 3, 40, 0, 0, 0 > < 40, 42, 69, 0, 0 > < 0, 69, 40, 29, 0 > < 0, 0, 29, 69, 0 > < 0, 0, 0, 0, 29 > # mtSample �� t = 0.01 �b���Ƃ̎w���s��l���v�Z�� mtExp �ɐݒ肷�� t@=0.01, mtExp = ~expM(t mtSample) < 1.13029, 0.563328, 0.195688, 0.0204324, 0 > < 0.563328, 2.0171, 1.16757, 0.175587, 0 > < 0.195688, 1.16757, 1.94361, 0.54758, 0 > < 0.0204324, 0.175587, 0.54758, 2.07341, 0 > < 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.33643 > # mtExp �̑Ίp�����F�ŗL�l�����߂� ~Jacobi(mtExp) # mtExp ��Ίp�������钼���s�� < 0.506821, -0.802171, 0, -0.232383, 0.213662 > < -0.647721, -0.126369, 0, -0.381128, 0.647479 > < 0.552174, 0.524912, 0, -0.0122326, 0.647627 > < -0.136723, -0.254988, 0, 0.894757, 0.340144 > < 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 > # mtExp �̌ŗL�l < 0.618039, 1.09748, 1.33643, 1.98583, 3.46307 >
sf ���g���� python �� 1/2 ���� 1/3 ���x�ōs�� �x�N�^�v�Z�������L�q�ł��܂��Bsf �Ńv���g�^�C�v������ē�����m�F���Ă���Apython �ɗ��Ƃ��ďڍׁE�����v�Z����������@���g���܂��B���ۂ��Ɗy�̉^���̃V�~�����[�V�����ŁA sf �ɂ��v���g�^�C�v�����Apython �ŏڍׁE�����v�Z�����Ă��܂��B
gdsp.bat gspl.bat �ɂ�� sf �x�N�^�ϐ��^�s��ϐ��� gnuplot �ɃO���t�\���������܂��B���̃o�b�` �v���O������ sf �t�@�C���ϐ��� gnuplot �ŕ\���ł���t�H�[�}�b�g�ɕϊ��� gnuplot.ini �ɏ����o���Ă��Agnuplot.exe ���N�����܂��Bgdsp.bat, gdsp.bat �̒��g�͎��̂悤�Ȃ��̂ł��B
type gdsp.bat gnpltMDt.exe %1 > gnuplot.ini start wgnuplot.exe type gspl.bat gnSplt.exe %1 > gnuplot.ini start wgnuplot.exe
gnpltMDt.exe, gnSplt.exe �� sf �t�@�C���ϐ��� gnuplot �����̃f�[�^�ɕϊ�����t�B���^�[ �v���O�����ł��B������������ �ɂ��� sf12?zip:sf �̔z�z zip �t�@�C���Ɋ܂܂�Ă��܂��B
�Ⴆ�� [0,2��] �ł� sin(1+x^2) �̊��O���t�����̂悤�ɕ\���������܂�
N@=128, <<0,N,2`��/N @x| !sin(1+x^2)>>
N@=128, temp=<<0,N,2`��/N @x| !sin(1+x^2)>>
gdsp temp
gnuplot �Ȃǂ��N�������Ԃ��܂߂čl����ƁAsf �� gdsp.bat �ɂ�邱�Ƃ��A���O���t��\���������ԒP���ȕ��@���Ǝ咣���܂��B
�ɒ[�Ȃ܂łɒP�������Ă��邽�߁A��� gnuplot �̃O���t�\���� x ���̃����W�� [0,140] �ɂȂ��Ă��܂��B[0, 2��] �ɂȂ��Ă��܂���B�ł����[�U�[�͉����͈̔͂� [0,2��] �ł��邱�Ƃ͉����Ă��܂��B[0,140] �ŗǂ��Ǝ咣���܂��B!print(�\������R�}���h������) sf �R�}���h�ɂ��Agnuplot �ɕ\������R�}���h������������n���܂��Bgnuplot �O���t�̉����� [0,2��] �ɂł��܂��B�ł��ʏ�́A���ꂾ���̎�Ԃ�������Ӗ�������܂���B
scipy �� pylab ���W���[�����g���� python �Ŏ��̂悤�ɁAmatlab �ɋ߂��`�ŃO���t��\���������܂��B( Enthought �̃p�b�P�[�W�ŃC���X�g�[�����Ă���� pylab ���C���X�g�[������Ă��܂��B)
//@@ from scipy import * from pylab import * _N = 128 _arSin = [sin(1+x**2) for x in arange(0,2*pi, 2*pi/_N)] plot(arange(_N)*2*pi/_N, _arSin) # pair connect with line show() //@@@
gspl.bat �͎O�������b�V���\����������Ƃ��Ɏg���܂��B���ɗ�������܂��B
//@@ /s N@=30 _temp@=[[N]] <<0,N,2`��/N @x,j|\ <<0,N,2`��/N @y,k|\ _temp[j,k]=!sin(x^2+y^2) >> >> temp = _temp //@@@
gspl temp
gdsp, gspl �̂��ڍׂȐ����ɂ��ẮA���������Q�Ƃ��������B
sf �� python ���~�b�N�X���Ďg���܂��Bsf �̃��[�U�[���Ƃ��� python �R�[�h�ŏ����ꂽ�����Ăяo���܂��B�t�� python �R�[�h�Ōv�Z�����s��^�x�N�g�� �f�[�^�� sf �t�@�C���ϐ��ɕϊ����Asf �� ���܂��܂Ƒ���E����������@���g���܂��B���̂悤�� sf �� python �̋��p���\�ɂ���̂� ���W���[���ł��B ���W���[���� python �� array �N���X�ŋL�q�����s��^�x�N�g���ϐ��� sf �t�@�C���ϐ��Ƃ̊ԂŌ��݂ɕϊ����邱�Ƃ��\�ɂ��܂��B
sfVal �� getSf() ���g���� sf �t�@�C���ϐ������̂悤�� python �� array �ϐ��ɕϊ��ł��܂��Bsf �ł̌v�Z���ʂ� python �� array �ϐ��Ɉڂ��܂��B
N@=128, << 0,N,2`��/N @x|!exp(!sin(x^2))>>
//@@ import scipy import pylab import sfVal _N = 128 _ar = sfVal.getSf('_dt') # pair connect with line pylab.plot(scipy.arange(_N)*2*scipy.pi/_N, _ar) //@@@
�t�� sfVal �� putSf() ���g���� python �� array �ϐ������̂悤�� sf �t�@�C���ϐ��ɕϊ��ł��܂��Bpython �ł̌v�Z���ʂ� sf �ł��g���܂��B
# ���f���ʂł� �� ���̕��f���l���z���s��f�[�^�ɂ��� //@@ import scipy import sfVal _N = 128 _ar = scipy.array( [[ scipy.special.gamma(x+y*1j) for x in scipy.arange(-1+0.01,1,0.02)] for y in scipy.arange(1-0.01,-1,-0.02) ] ) sfVal.putSf(_ar,'rs') //@@@
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# _arg[1}.val �ϐ��ŗ^����ꂽ�X�J���[�l�ɑΉ����� �� ���l��Ԃ��B //@@ import scipy import sfVal _ar = sfVal.getSf('_arg{1}') sfVal.putSf(scipy.array([scipy.special.gamma(_ar[0])]),'_rs') //@@@ //copy \#####.### /y < 1 > < 6 > !exp(^3) < 1.00152+0.00109786i > �����ɂ͕��f�����\�ł��B����ɂ���ẮA���� sf ���[�U�[���͏d��ł��傤�B
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