00164.xml CITIZENS LEAGUE (MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.): An Inventory of Its Records at the Minnesota Historical Society National Historical Publications and Records Commission. Minnesota Historical Society
St. Paul MN.

Manuscripts Collection

Finding aid encoded by Text converted and initial EAD tagging May 2000.Finding aid written inEnglish January 2014 Additions by David B. Peterson March 2012 Additions by David B. Peterson August 2008Converted from EAD Version 1.0 to Version 2002 by Monica Manny Ralston, Daniel Sher, and Joyce Chapman.
OVERVIEW Minnesota Historical Society Citizens League (Minneapolis, Minn.), creator. Citizens League records. 1947-2007 Materials in English. Minutes (1971-1981), correspondence, reports (1958-1984), subject files, notebooks, financial information, and printed materials relating to this nonpartisan citizens, public affairs research, and educational organization based in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. The group is organized into committees that research current affairs issues affecting various aspects of community life. 81.3 cubic feet (83 boxes). See Detailed Description for shelf locations. SCOPE AND CONTENTS

The collection contains research reports and subject files in the fields of education, government, transportation, mental and public health, and similar areas of public interest. There are extensive records from Public Service Options, an organization formed by the Citizens League and Upper Midwest Council to consider broader options for delivery of public services (1974-1980), and from PSO, Inc. (1976-1980), which was formed to handle contracts with the Metropolitan Transit Commission.


These documents are organized into the following sections:

Executive and Administrative Files Committee and Task Force Files Project Background Files Project Reports Photographs Public Service Options Oversize Materials

Newsletters of the Citizens League are in the Minnesota Historical Society book collection.

CATALOG HEADINGS Topics: Citizens' advisory committees in education -- Minnesota. Citizens' advisory committees in mental health -- Minnesota. Citizens' advisory committees in technology -- Minnesota. Citizens' advisory committees in vocational education -- Minnesota. Citizens' associations -- Minnesota -- Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Courts -- Minnesota -- Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Political participation -- Minnesota -- Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Public interest -- Minnesota -- Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Regional planning -- Minnesota -- Citizen participation. Taxation -- Research -- Minnesota. Transportation -- Minnesota -- Planning. Education -- Evaluation. Urban transportation -- Minnesota -- Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. School buildings -- Minnesota. Community organization -- Minnesota -- Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Hospitals -- Minnesota -- Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Land use -- Minnesota -- Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Parks -- Minnesota -- Twin Cities Metropolitan Area -- Planning. Refuse and refuse disposal -- Minnesota -- Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Urban policy -- Minnesota -- Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Organizations: Metropolitan Transit Commission. Public Service Options (Minneapolis, Minn.). Twin Cities Metropolitan Planning Commission. Places: Minneapolis (Minn.) -- Charter. Twin Cities Metropolitan Area (Minn.). Document Types: Photographs. Titles: Public affairs directory. ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Preferred Citation:

[Indicate the cited item and/or series here]. Citizen League Records. Minnesota Historical Society.

See the Chicago Manual of Style for additional examples

Accession Information:

Accession number(s): 13,128; 13,155; 13,703; 14,920; 15,987; 16,636; 16,637; 16,835

Processing Information:

Processing and cataloging of this collection was supported with a Basic Project grant awarded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC).

Catalog ID number: 001715848

DETAILED DESCRIPTION EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE FILES 149.H.18.1B1Board memoranda,1974-1980 Bylaws,1952-1973 Citizen League itself,1976 Community input memoranda,1976-19833 folders and 1 volume. Historical notes,1980s-1992 Leadership development,1978-19831 volume. Minutes,1971-19823 folders. Positions on key issues,1989-1991 Rethinking the Public Service Industry,1982 141.C.7.3B79Constitution play, 1987-1988.2 folders. 153.I.7.9B83Citizens League listings 1-37,1982-1983. Correspondence: Andersen, Elmer L.,1978-1980. Durenberger, Dave,1979-1983. Frenzel, Bill,1968-1978. Director of metropolitan officials,1953-1964. Education vouchers background paper,1983. Helping this community understand its problems and what can be done about them,1976. Minneapolis school amendment flyers,undated. Public affairs directory,2002-2006. Research program,1984-1985. COMMITTEE AND TASK FORCE FILES

Committee files contain minutes, reports, committee member lists, memoranda, and background material. In some cases notebooks were dismantled and folders numbered in sequence. Committee titles also include the names of subcommittees. The researcher should consult the entire container list to locate all relevant files.

The files are arranged alphabetically by name of committee or task force. Many, but not all, were given file numbers by the Citizens League. These numbers have been retained as part of the file titles because they serve as a key to the bound project reports. There are actually two file numbering sequences, an earlier sequence which pertains to just 16 files and a later sequence which pertains to the great majority (some 178).

149.H.18.1B1259.Accountability in schools,1971-19725 folders. Achieving excellence in schools,1971 422.AIDS,1987-19881 volume. 149.H.18.2F2422.AIDS,1987-19881 volume. 418.Airport,19872 volumes. Airports,19693 folders. 230.Airports : Metropolitan Airports Commission,1966-19695 folders and 1 volume. 286.Appointments,19753 folders. 149.H.18.3B327, 217.Area parks review,1966-19684 folders and 2 volumes.

See also: Parks.

207.Area revenue and tax needs,1966-19675 folders. 309.Arson,1977-19783 folders and 1 volume. 245.Better use of land and housing,1970-19713 folders. 472.Blue ribbon,20022 folders. 149.H.18.4F4472.Blue ribbon,20022 folders. 457.Building livable communities,1995-199612 folders. 296.Burglary,1975-19767 folders.

See also: Reduced burglary.

149.H.18.5B5260.Cable television,1971-19726 folders. Candidate review,1952-19602 folders. 442.Caucus,19912 folders. Charter improvement,1960 Charter planning budgeting,19699 folders and 1 volume. 149.H.18.6F6180.Charter review,1958-1959, 1964

See also: Minneapolis city charter; Minneapolis governance.

337.Chemical dependency,1979-19801 folder and 1 volume. 297.Child care,1975-19767 folders. Cities role in real estate development,1984-1985 Citizens League progress report to community business leaders,1958?1 volume. 149.H.18.7B7Citizens library study,1972-19731 folder and 1 volume.

Not a Citizens League committee.

Citizen participation,1971-19786 folders. Citizens school emergency advisory,1966 City and county government,1953-19623 folders. Committee on committees,1952-1953 344.Communication,1979-19811 folder and 1 volume. Community councils,1974-19752 folders. 149.H.18.8F8Community councils,1974-1975 Community development,1976-197711 folders.

County boards, district councils, etc.

Community information,1973-1983, 19944 folders. 311.Community representation,1977-19781 volume. 291.Community television,1974-19768 folders. 149.H.18.9B9291.Community television,1974-19764 folders. 339.Constitutional amendments,19801 folder and 1 volume. County budget,1957-1962 199.County building space needs,1964-1966 171.County courts review,1964-19652 folders. 202, 314.County government,1952-1957, 1965-1966, 1974-19794 folders. 149.H.18.10F10314.County government,1952-1957, 1965-1966, 1974-19796 folders. Criminal justice planning,1968-19704 folders. Development finance,19841 volume. 10, 301.Dutch elm disease,1976-19772 folders and 2 volumes. 149.H.19.1B1110, 301.Dutch elm disease,1976-19779 folders. 425.Early childhood development,1987-19882 volumes. 303.Economic development,1976-19772 folders. 391.Economy,19841 volume. 149.H.19.2F12391.Economy,19841 volume. Education,1953-19669 folders. 469.Education: Twin Cities completion rates,20005 folders. 149.I.5.6F13367b.Educational alternatives,19821 volume. 141.C.7.3B79Educational Alternatives Committee,1981-1982.3 folders. 149.I.5.6F13453.Effective transit task force,1994-19952 folders. 471.e-Government,20022 folders. 206.Election contest,1966 Employment,1979-19818 folders. 149.I.5.7B14Employment,19803 folders and 1 volume. 470.Energy MN Unplugged,20025 folders. 328.Energy pricing task force,1979-19801 volume. 281.Enrollments: Fluctuating,1973-19745 folders. 238.Environment,1968-1971, 1973-19744 folders. 149.I.5.8F15238.Environment,1968-1971, 1973-19745 folders. 13.Environment,1969-19702 volumes. 437.Fiscal book 119905 folders. 190.Fiscal crisis,1965-19662 folders. Fiscal crisis: Minneapolis,1965-19715 folders. 149.I.5.9B16Fiscal crisis: Minneapolis,1965-19716 folders. 224.Fiscal disparities,1968-19695 folders. 149.I.5.10F17Fiscal disparities committee,1968-198613 folders and 1 volume. 149.I.6.1B18Fiscal disparities committee,1968-19866 folders and 5 volumes. 149.I.6.2F19Fiscal disparities committee,1968-198612 folders. 149.I.6.3B20Fiscal disparities committee,1968-19867 folders. 13.Fluctuating enrollment,1973-19742 volumes. Forms and structure,1954-19612 folders.

See also: Minneapolis governance.

435.Foster care,19892 folders. 149.I.5.9B16435.Foster care,19895 folders. 235.General hospital,1962-19704 folders. 149.I.6.4F21General revenue sharing,1974 Government: Metropolitan,1957-1959 153.Government organization,1962-19642 folders. Government structure task force,1976-19771 volume. Health, hospitals, and welfare,1952-19604 folders and 1 volume. 360.Health and hospitals task force,1980-19811 volume and 1 folder. 235.Health care,1966-19717 folders. 149.I.6.5B22411.Health care,1986-19873 volumes. 16, 244.Higher education,1965-1966, 1970-19714 folders and 2 volumes.

See also: Post-secondary education.

221.Highways,1965-19683 folders. 149.I.6.6F23221.Highways,1965-19682 folders. 306.Hospitals in the Twin Cities,1976-198213 folders.

Includes information on Veterans Hospital, Minneapolis.

Household pricing,1979 452.Housing policy and metropolitan development,19936 folders. 149.I.6.7B24452.Housing policy and metropolitan development,19932 folders. 334.Housing task force,1975-19801 folder and 4 volumes. 227.Housing task force: Low income housing,1968-19699 folders. 384.Income assistance,19831 volume. 304.Income maintenance,1976-19772 folders.

File relates to public assistance programs.

149.I.6.8F25304.Income maintenance,1976-197721 folders and 2 volumes.

File relates to public assistance programs.

397.Infrastructure,1983-19842 volumes. Initiative and referendum,1978-19794 folders.

See also: Legislation: Petitioning on legislation.

149.I.6.9B26Inner city,1967 386.Institutionalization,19821 volume. 19.Issues of the 80s,1978-19805 folders and 3 volumes. 195.Jails,1964-19662 folders. 302.Joint task force of Community Information and Tax & Finance and Transit,1976-19774 folders. 149.I.6.10F27302.Joint task force of Community Information and Tax & Finance and Transit,1976-19774 folders. 421.Judicial task force,19871 volume. Juvenile detention,1962-19642 folders. 456.K-12 education,1996-19979 folders. 460.Labor shortage,19984 folders. 431.Lakes management,19891 volume. 149.I.7.1B28245.Land for housing,1970-1971 293.Land use,1974-19766 folders and 1 volume. 439.Large trucks,19903 folders. Law enforcement,1966-19673 folders. 149.I.7.2F29Law enforcement,19671 volume. Legislation,1952-1953 317.Legislation: Petitioning on legislation,1968-1979

See also: Initiative and referendum.

141.C.6.7B73317.Legislation: Petitioning on legislation,1968-19711 volume. 149.I.7.2F29287.Legislative,1974-19754 folders. Legislative day,1970 22.Legislative procedures,1967-19681 volume. 214.Legislative procedures,1967-19684 folders. 399.Legislature,19851 volume. 149.I.7.3B30441.Library,1952-1965, 199015 folders. Licensing,1952-196410 folders. Local consent,1964-19652 folders. 149.I.7.4F31276.Local government,1973-19744 folders. 276.Local government boundary-function relationships,1972-1974 371.Long range planning,1982 405.Lottery,19861 volume. 430.Mandated benefits,19892 volumes. 467.Mental health adult employment,20003 folders. 468.Mental health children's needs,20012 folders. 149.I.7.5B32468.Mental health children's needs,20012 folders. 183.Merit system review,1965 388.Metro Council,1971-19843 folders and 3 volumes. Metropolitan affairs,1966-19673 folders and 2 volumes. Metropolitan area study,1959-1961 149.I.7.6F33254.Metropolitan capital improvements,1971-19724 folders. Metropolitan Council structure,1961-19744 folders. Metropolitan development guide,1967-19683 folders and 1 volume. 141.C.7.2F78Metropolitan Development Guide Committee,1967-1968.3 folders. 149.I.7.6F33Metropolitan parks and open spaces,1970-1971 182.Metropolitan planning commission review committee,1964-1965 149.I.7.7B34182.Metropolitan planning commission review committee,1964-19652 folders. 226.Metropolitan policy development,19682 folders. 181, 230a?Metropolitan sewerage,1961-19685 folders. Metropolitan zoo,19662 folders. Minneapolis city charter,1973-19814 folders.

See also: charter review; Minneapolis governance.

226.Minneapolis development,19693 folders. 153.I.7.7B81Minneapolis governance:

See also: Charter review; Forms and structure.

Charter documents,1936-1958.4 folders. Charter documents,1947-1960.3 folders. Charter documents,1948-1957.4 folders. Charter documents,1948-1965.4 folders. Charter documents,1948-1973. 153.I.7.8F82Charter documents,1948-1973.3 folders. Balanced charter notes,1947-1963.2 folders. Home rule/charter documents,1955-1963.4 folders. Home rule charter/legislation documents,1957-1963.4 folders. Home rule legislation,1956-1963.3 folders. A Council-manager charter for the city of Minneapolis, Minn., undated. An Analysis of Minneapolis city government with some suggestions for its reorganization, 1956. The charter of the city of Minneapolis, 1948. Miscellany,undated and 1948-1959.
151.E.10.1B35191.Minneapolis fire and police salaries,1966 156.Minneapolis zoning,1963 Minority representation,1968-19706 folders. 192.Mosquito control,1965-19662 folders. Municipal commission,1963-19652 folders. 151.Municipal courts,1962-19632 folders. 382.Neighborhoods,19831 volume. 448.Obstacles (Reform the Electoral Process, Restore the Public Trust),19921 volume. 151.E.10.2F36448.Obstacles (Reform the Electoral Process, Restore the Public Trust),19921 volume. 404.Occupational education,19841 volume. 305.Open meetings,1976-19771 volume. 449.Organization of local government services,19916 folders. Parade of neighborhoods,1974-19753 folders. 307.Parking,19772 folders. 151.E.10.3B37307.Parking,19771 folder and 1 volume. Parks,1952-196116 folders.

Includes city, county, and metropolitan parks.

See also: Area parks review.

359.Parks: East metro parks,1966, 1978-19812 folders. 151.E.10.4F38359.Parks: East metro parks,1966, 1978-19811 volume. Parks: Regional parks,1978-19796 folders and 1 volume. Pilot city,1974-1977 270.Planned unit development,1972-19734 folders. Planning and zoning,1957-19626 folders. Planning committee,1979-19841 folder and 1 volume. 151.E.10.5B39Policy planning task force,1966-19727 folders and 1 volume. 284.Political campaigns,1973-197413 folders. 300.Post-secondary education,1974-19786 folders.

See also: Higher education.

151.E.10.6F40300.Post-secondary education,1976-197822 folders.

Student financial aid.

151.E.10.7B41300.Post-secondary education,1976-19784 folders. Program committee,1981-1983 Program planning task force,1974, 1977-19782 folders and 1 volume. Project,1953-1954 264.Promoting more transit ridership,1972-1973 412.Property tax,19872 volumes. 466.Property tax affordability,20004 folders. 312.Public affairs information,1977-19781 volume. 151.E.10.8F42312.Public affairs information,1977-1978 Public affairs television,19764 folders and 1 volume. 462.Public agenda,1998 268.Public employment,1957-1964, 1972-197314 folders. 143.C.19.1B43268.Public employment,1972-19734 folders. 305.Public meetings,1976-19772 folders. Public pensions,19781 folder and 1 volume. 316.Public safety,1953-196210 folders. 143.C.19.2F44 316.Public safety,1953-19623 folders. Public safety: Police and fire subcommittees,1956-1958.7 folders. 436.Public sector lobbying,19903 folders. Public service,19682 folders.

See also: Strengthening public service.

Publicity,1957-1958 34.Quasi-public activities: Funding for the arts,1972-19767 folders and 2 volumes. 143.C.19.3B45294.Quasi-public activities: Funding for the arts,1972-19763 folders and 3 volumes. 396.Real estate development,19841 volume. 35, 266.Rebuilding in the central city,1972-19732 folders and 2 volumes. 296.Reduced burglary,1975-19763 folders.

See also: Burglary.

143.C.19.4F46181, 201.Refuse,1959-19667 folders. 450.Regional challenges and regional governance,19932 folders. 345.Rent control,1980-19811 volume. Rental housing,1980-19811 volume. 193.Residential paving,1965-19672 folders. 36.Residential property,19742 folders. 143.C.19.5B4736.Residential property,19742 volumes. 285.Residential property tax,1974-19756 folders. Revenue distribution,1969-19705 folders. 36.Revenue sharing,1969-19702 volumes. River development,1969 143.C.19.6F48279.Riverfront protection,1973-19753 folders. Riverfront protection,1973-1974 Riverfront protection,1973-19742 folders. 372.Roads and bridges,19831 volume. 277.Role of consultants,1972-19747 folders. 149.I.7.8F49St. Paul charter changes,1971 St. Paul community councils,1971 St. Paul special reports,1968, 1969 School aids,1962-1963 243.School bargaining,1970-19715 folders. 248.School buildings,1969-19714 folders. 196.School buildings: Minneapolis,1963-19644 folders. School buildings: St. Paul,1970-19712 folders. 141.C.5.1B57School buildings: St. Paul,1970-19712 folders. 469.School completion,20003 folders. 330.School desegregation,19794 folders and 2 volumes. 424.School districts and structure.1987-19882 volumes. 141.C.5.2F58School emergency advisory,1966 School finance,1966-19825 folders. 196.School finance: Minneapolis,19662 folders. School millage,1962-19643 folders. 228.School personnel,19692 folders. 141.C.5.3B5940, 228.School personnel,1968-19692 folders. 463.Seniors & disability in 2030,19993 folders. 365.Services,19811 volume. 340.Siting of controversial facilities,1979-19801 folder and 1 volume. 271.Social services,1972-197412 folders. 141.C.5.4F60271.Social services,1972-19745 folders. Solid waste,1974-19788 folders. 414.Solid waste recycling,1986-19872 volumes. 358.Solid waste/flow control,1980-19811 folder and 1 volume. 141.C.5.5B61Speakers bureau,1957-1958 Special districts,1967-1968 Staff,1957-1958 406.State civil service,19863 volumes. 42.State fiscal,1971-19721 volume. 451.State spending,19926 folders. 141.C.5.6F62451.State spending,1992-199513 folders. 42.State-local fiscal,1971-19721 volume. State-local fiscal planning,1971-19716 folders. 141.C.5.7B63252.State-local fiscal planning,1971-1972 315.State-local fiscal relationships,1977-19782 folders and 1 volume. 222.Strengthening public service,1967-19691 folder and 1 volume.

See also: Public service.

350.Structure task force,1975-19811 folder and 3 volumes. 327.Tax/economy,1978-19791 folder and 1 volume. 141.C.5.8F64327.Tax/economy,1978-19792 folders. 321, 332, 351, 353.Tax and finance,1952-198112 folders and 3 volumes. 141.C.5.9B6543.Tax and finance task force,1980--19812 folders and 1 volume. 423.Tax exempt,19872 volumes. 368.Taxes,19831 volume. 416.Teaching/Education,19873 volumes. 141.C.5.10F66432.Telecommunications,19892 volumes. 178, 409.Transit,1964-1965, 19863 folders and 2 volumes. 141.C.6.1B6744.Transit facilities,1972-19743 folders and 4 volumes. Transit ridership,1972-19732 folders. 438.Transit task force,19905 folders. 320, 331.Transportation,1957-1963, 1977-19807 folders and 2 volumes. 141.C.6.2F68289, 332, 356.Transportation,1968-198122 folders and 1 volume. 141.C.6.3B69Transportation,1974-1980 Transportation: People Mover,1977-19791 folder and 1 volume. Transportation: Rideshare,1977-19791 folder and 1 volume. Transportation policy debate,1974-19805 folders.

See also: Urban transportation facilities.

Transportation reports,1975-19809 volumes. 46.Transportation task force,1979-19801 folder. 461.Twenty-Thirty (2030) task force,19984 folders. 303.Twin Cities economy,1976-19772 folders. 141.C.6.4F70303.Twin Cities economy,1976-19774 folders. 455.Twin Cities in the global economy,1994-199615 folders. 408.University of Minnesota,1985-19861 volume. 141.C.6.5B71408.University of Minnesota,1985-19861 volume. 459.University of Minnesota study,19973 folders. 390.Urban agriculture: Produce,19832 volumes. Urban renewal,1961-1962 240.Urban transportation facilities,1969-19717 folders.

See also: Transportation policy debate.

174.Veterans preference,1964-1965 189.Voters guide,1962-1967 141.C.6.6F72189.Voting procedures,1965-19663 folders. 402.Water quality,19842 volumes. 370.Workers compensation,19822 volumes. 464.Workforce training for the new economy19984 folders. 177.Workhouse,1964-1965 141.C.6.7B73177.Workhouse,1964-1965 336.Youth athletics,1979-19801 volume. Miscellaneous files: Amicus Curiae brief,

Citizens League brief for definition of "legislative day."

Child care,19702 folders. Minneapolis,1975-19763 folders.
PROJECT BACKGROUND FILES 141.C.6.7B73Doing the Common Good Better,2002-20043 folders. Effective Transportation,1980-19954 folders. 141.C.6.8F74Effective Transportation,1980-19952 folders. Fiscal Disparities,1977-19864 folders. Higher Education,20043 folders. Higher Education, University of Minnesota reports,20043 folders. Medical Facilities Standards,2004-20052 folders. Minnesota Mental Health,2004-20072 folders. 141.C.6.9B75Minnesota Mental Health,2004-20077 folders. PROJECT REPORTS 141.C.6.9B75Bound reports:

Organized in reverse numerical order by file number (468 files). File numbers relate to the committee or task force responsible for the report.

Nos. 1-125,1952-19614 folders and 2 volumes. 141.C.6.10F76Nos. 126-279,1961-19745 volumes. 141.C.7.1B77Nos. 280-4411974-19916 volumes. 141.C.7.2F78Nos. 442-468.1991-20013 volumes.
141.C.7.2F78Printed reports,1978-19794 folders: Adaptability--The new mission for vocational education,1986 Building confidence in older neighborhoods,1973 Changes in communications and the opportunities, problems, and issues for the Twin Cities,1980 Future role of the Metropolitan Planning Commission,1965 Health care access for all Minnesotans,1992 Hennepin County government reorganization,1966 Income maintenance, [1976?]. It's only a game: a lottery in Minnesota,1986 Jails,1966 Keeping the waste out of waste,1981 Larger view for small scale agriculture,1984 Local government in a time of transition,1974 Local government school,1958 Major non-local governmental programs, agencies and organizations operating in the minority and low income areas of Minneapolis,1969 Metro Council: narrowing the agenda and raising the stakes,1984 Metropolitan zoo report,1966 A positive alternative: redesigning public service delivery,1982 Power to the process: making Minnesota's legislature work better,1985 Region's infrastructure: the problem isn't what you think it is,1984 State fiscal 'crises' are not inevitable,1972 A strategy for the waterbelt,1985 Stretching the school salary dollar,1969 Thought before action: understanding and reforming Minnesota's fiscal system,1982 Twin Cities metropolitan area sewerage needs,1965 Use road revenue for the roads that are used,1983 Reports not approved or distributed,1954-1972
PHOTOGRAPHS 141.C.7.2F78Bus test run,June 1956. City annual report,1955. City engineer's tour,1953. Construction of West River Road,1954. General hospital,1954-1962. Membership drives,1956. Radio and television reports,1954-1958. Miscellaneous photographs,undated and 1953-1960. P280380Portraits,undated and 1954-1963.

Snapshot photographs of League members, guest speakers, politicians, and others, filed in alphabetical order by individual's last name.

Subjects,undated and 1954-1963.

Snapshot photographs filed in alphabetical order. Many of these were taken at League breakfasts and luncheons, annual meetings, and at committee and other meetings and social functions.

Public Service Options (PSO), 1972-1981

The organization was formed by the Citizens League to "bring more community resources to bear upon the delivery of public services by: encouraging public policy makers to expand their options for providing public services and encouraging government units to participate more extensively with purchase-of-service arrangements in the public service area."

Public Service Options was formally incorporated in April 1976 to stimulate a ridesharing program in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. It was a joint venture between the Upper Midwest Council and the Citizens League. Its major funding came from the Metropolitan Transit Commission, a governmental agency, pursuant to a written agreement requiring PSO to perform certain services with respect to the establishment of a ridesharing program in the Twin Cities metropolitan area.

The records include minutes, correspondence, reports, contracts, financial information, and related material.

141.C.7.3B 79 Articles of incorporation, 1976 Bylaws. Dissolution of PSO, 1980-1981 2 folders. Goals and objectives, 1974-1975 PSO, 1972-1973 Minutes, 1974-1980 13 folders. Steering Committee memoranda and correspondence, 1974-1978 5 folders. 149.I.7.9B 50 Financial Information Fiscal years, 1976-1980 4 volumes. Audits. 2 volumes. Financial statements, September 1973-December 1978 3 volumes. Management letter, September 18, 1975 Grant and endowment information: Grant requests, 1973 Bush Foundation, 1973-1976 Clark Foundation correspondence, 1973-1976 Funding proposal for PSO, March 1, 1976 Lilly endowment, 1976-1978 McKnight Foundation, 1976-1979 National Science Foundation, 1974-1976 2 folders, 1 volume. Other foundations, 1974-1976 Funding summary, 1976-1977 Grant procedures and information, 1978-1979 Service Options Foundation and investment record, 1976-1977 149.I.7.10F 51 Chronological volumes:

These volumes include correspondence, financial information, reports, contracts, and related material.

April 1974-April 1975 5 volumes. 149.I.8.1B 52 May 1975-April 1976 5 volumes. 149.I.8.2F 53 May 1976-April 1978 5 volumes. 149.I.8.3B 54 May 1978-March 1980 4 volumes, 1 folder.
149.I.8.4F 55 First contract with Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC), June 1976-June 19, 1977 2 volumes.

Correspondence, contract information, and related material.

Contract with MTC, 1979 Issue bulletins, 1974-1975 Printed reports: Proposal to National Science Foundation, Volume 1, 1973 Proposal for continuing support for public services, January 6, 1976 Two or three years: Alternative models for PSO, October 2, 1975 Report to the Ford Foundation: National review of urban housing preservation programs, August 26, 1976 New options for preservation of single family neighborhoods, March 1976 Shared ride services, July 29, 1975 Report of the Public Service Options: Policy Review Committee, June 7, 1978 Public Service Option: A review of a test of an idea. 2 parts.
Oversize Materials 148.D.3.3B 56 Scrapbooks, 1951-1967 4 volumes.

Newspaper clippings.

Minneapolis City Charter. Scrapbook, 1947

Newspaper clippings.

Transparencies on city and metropolitan government.