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Author Topic: New Vector only stock site �(Read 17054 times)

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on: June 30, 2007, 19:20 �
Hey guys!,

New vector only� newbielink: [nonactive]

newbielink: [nonactive]

Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 21:08 by vec_tor


Reply #1 on: July 01, 2007, 10:42 �
Welcome and good luck! :)

I registered to reserve my business name like I do with all the new sites, but I can't see pulling anything from other places while the site seems to be mainly the work of one person and images on the most popular page have zero downloads, others one or two.

What kind of advertising will you be doing to increase traffic to the site?

Reply #2 on: July 02, 2007, 01:18 �
Hey thanks for check it out!
Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 21:08 by vec_tor

Reply #3 on: January 07, 2008, 06:48 �
I have just applied here.� Looks like the site now has downloads.� Anyone else using them?

Reply #4 on: January 07, 2008, 07:24 �
25% royalty!� :o

For a vector!

Are you kidding?

If you ask me that is pretty insulting.� ::)

Reply #5 on: January 07, 2008, 08:12 �
I hadn't read the small print, that is bad.


NOTE: (exclusive files add +5%) i.e Platnium pay-out = $0.50 per 1 credit download.

White status

1 � 499 downloads 25% + 0% = 25% ($0.25)

Bronze status

500 - 2,499 downloads 25% + 5% = 30% ($0.30)

Silver status

2,500 - 9,999 downloads 25% +10% = 35% ($0.35)

Gold status

10,000 - 24,999 downloads 25% +15% = 40% ($0.40)

Platinum status

25,000 � 100,00 downloads 25% +20% = 45% ($0.45)


Reply #6 on: February 07, 2008, 01:33 �

The most downloaded image has 45 DLs. Think I'll have to take a "wait and see" stance with this one.

Reply #7 on: April 11, 2008, 07:25 �
Look here :�
This amazing vector had 1 dl for 5 credits (ie $1.25 for the rich author) since� 2007-09-17 !� �:o


Reply #8 on: April 11, 2008, 07:40 �
Look here :�
This amazing vector had 1 dl for 5 credits (ie $1.25 for the rich author) since� 2007-09-17 !� �:o

I would guess that its sales are somewhat hindered by the cropping which "severely limits the usefulness to a designer" (if I may quote istock's rejection notice ;) )

The most downloaded file now has 85 downloads, but more telling is that the most viewed file only has 10,000 views.

I love the idea of a vector only site, but I'm not sure this is one I'll be setting up house with.
Last Edit: April 11, 2008, 07:46 by bittersweet


Reply #9 on: April 13, 2008, 07:49 �
Hey thanks for check it out! we have only been online a few days, so its pretty new - we have a big ad campaign / ad words / design banners kicking off in a week or two plus a few other cool ideas lined up. We are a small independent vector library for graphic designers made by graphic designers with an emphasis on quality urban graphics - hope to see some of your work on there in the future !

all the best


I am sorry, but you are being ridiculous..

I had a look at your website and I really liked the idea at first..

I thought "Yes, I am signing up"... but then I saw your prices and thought "I will never sign up"

First of all your commission is extremely unreasonable.. Anyone reading this thread, I am telling you "Do not contribute to websites like this one.. These are the biggest threat for the industry"

And let's say we accept the commission rate of this popular! website:) which I never will; what about the prices?.. Omg, amazing vectors for $5 !!!!?????? Very good ones for $3 !!!??? and pretty ok ones within $1 range??? You must be joking.. If this is a joke, seriously, stop it!

I had a good look at it guys.. If anyone considering signing up with this one, do the same, have a good look at it.. Or if you are lazy to do so, listen to me and stay away from it!! Stay -Faaaar- away..

I am not gonna give away my vectors for $3� while I am selling the same one for $15 on iStock!

Fellow contributors! stay away from it or you will damage your own future! I don't see any good coming from this website unless they make the cheapest vector $5 and raise the commission to %50.. This is the only way I will give them a chance..

By supporting this kind of insulting websites we won't do any good to ourselves either! Do NOT support the insult please!

Good day all..


Reply #10 on: April 13, 2008, 15:42 �
Hey thanks for check it out! we have only been online a few days, so its pretty new - we have a big ad campaign / ad words / design banners kicking off in a week or two plus a few other cool ideas lined up...

I read tons of design magazines, design blogs and websites, etc., and I never saw an ad. I wonder if they even ran any.

And I agree about the commission. It's nice that they offer a tiered structure and the possibility to get 45% of each sale, but at the current growth rate it will be impossible to ever get beyond the 25& tier. Maybe they don't want to raise prices, but starting out they should raise the base commission to entice artists to contribute.


Reply #11 on: May 16, 2008, 07:57 �
sorry to revive this long dead thread, did anyone give VS a try. How are they looking now for the early adopters last summer?


Reply #12 on: May 16, 2008, 08:25 �
I can't say that I was one of those lucky early adopters, but I can view the most popular list and sort by most downloaded and see that the file with the most downloads of any other file on the site has been downloaded less than 100 times. The most downloaded vector at iStock had more than that during the last week. Looking at the numbers of the next 10 on their list, it doesn't take a genius to guess what kind of amazing success that these early adopters have had.


Reply #13 on: May 16, 2008, 16:20 �
I can't say that I was one of those lucky early adopters, but I can view the most popular list and sort by most downloaded and see that the file with the most downloads of any other file on the site has been downloaded less than 100 times. The most downloaded vector at iStock had more than that during the last week. Looking at the numbers of the next 10 on their list, it doesn't take a genius to guess what kind of amazing success that these early adopters have had.

Yeah, this one is dead. Unless they make some changes, this site will go the way of LO very quickly.

Reply #14 on: May 16, 2008, 16:43 �
I have tried to submit vectors� to vectorstock� iI have uploaded� over the last few weeks� about 15 all rejected ,SS have taken them.
Has any one had any luck submitting to them? It does not seem worth the time and trouble.


Reply #15 on: July 29, 2008, 10:21 �
Sorry but I have to say don't assume that because SS takes your vectors anyone else will they have by far, and I mean by a long, long way, the lowest standards for illustration acceptance.

Reply #16 on: September 05, 2008, 17:56 �
This agency is ridiculous with their needs versus payout rates. They say they need the highest quality but they pay 25% for the artist. I'm asking, what is the reason, holding back 75%. Because they sell an artwork mostly for $1, the lowest lowest that can be in the industry.

If somebody has made vectors, he knows the workflow, in many situations, a good vector needs more time than a good photo (regardless if the photo it's more easy but it's more expensive to produce)

Reply #17 on: September 06, 2008, 04:59 �
It's written in the legal page : "5.2 This Agreement is effective until it is terminated. You can terminate this Agreement by removing the content from The Agreement also terminates without notice from Vectorstock� if at any time you fail to comply with any of its terms."
They just lie until it's impossible to remove anything after validation, and they ignore you if you ask them.
Last Edit: June 06, 2023, 16:40 by DiscreetDuck


Reply #18 on: September 06, 2008, 09:09 �
They are even worst than ridiculous.
I had to do this to escape their site I joined last year :
I asked them to remove all in April 08, or delete my account, never got an answer and they took no action. SO, I replaced the files with big red "X".
They have absolutely no consideration of people submitting them.

It's written in the legal page : "5.2 This Agreement is effective until it is terminated. You can terminate this Agreement by removing the content from The Agreement also terminates without notice from Vectorstock� if at any time you fail to comply with any of its terms."
They just lie until it's impossible to remove anything after validation, and they ignore you if you ask them.

I am sorry my friend but you deserve this.. I have been telling on these forums for a long time now that "no one should waste their time by uploading for a few pennies"

vectorstock, tracktorstock, craptorstock!!! how many more? I am sure you would consider submitting if I started a site called CRAPtorstock..

First of all you should have read their funny commission before signing up! Second, it doesn't matter even if their commission is %90 !!!

Last year when I first saw this site I liked the idea, but as soon as reading it a bit, I was like "someone shoot vectorstock owners"

They surely are something but not ridiculous or funny! They are scandalous!

Good luck anyway!

Reply #19 on: September 06, 2008, 09:30 �
I am sorry my friend but you deserve this.. I have been telling on these forums for a long time now that "no one should waste their time by uploading for a few pennies"
Is it you Dad ?� ;D
Well, can you remind me please how much a vector sale is on SS ?

First of all you should have read their funny commission before signing up!
You could suppose instead I ever read all the conditions before signing. Did you read in my post a complain about their commission?
please, read more carefully before posting...


Reply #20 on: September 06, 2008, 09:34 �
I am sorry my friend but you deserve this.. I have been telling on these forums for a long time now that "no one should waste their time by uploading for a few pennies"
Is it you Dad ?� ;D
Well, can you remind me please how much a vector sale is on SS ?

First of all you should have read their funny commission before signing up!
You could suppose instead I ever read all the conditions before signing. Did you read in my post a complain about their commission?
please, read more carefully before posting...

If you are happy about their commission why are you leaving then? It's all about money at the end of the day!

Reply #21 on: September 06, 2008, 10:04 �
Bah, I've sold over 700 files (tier 2) with them amounting to two payouts in roughly two months.

p.s.: As far as I'm concerned, it's not bad at all. We already accepted the sub plans on almost every agency, so I can't find any reasons not to upload to VS if the earning are averaging those of BigStock and CS and far better than FP, MP and the likes.
p.p.s.: As far as canvas sizes are concerned, their 380x400px image requirements apply only to raster previews. All the artists submitting to VS usually add white canvas borders to the image in PS.
p.p.p.s.: Btw, they're launching v2.0 soon.

Reply #22 on: September 07, 2008, 05:14 �
We already accepted the sub plans on almost every agency, so I can't find any reasons not to upload to VS if the earning are averaging those of BigStock and CS and far better than FP, MP and the likes.

It's true, the subscription plan brings the same amount except when I have normal downloads, at StockXpert I erarn $2,5...$5, at DT around $5...$6, etc. I have often normal downloads so I need to sell 20 vectors at VS to earn the same amount like at StockXpert.

It's a waste for the agency to sell vectors for $1. It's very cheap. It sounds bad, we all know, cheap clothes, food, etc. doesn't give good impression.

Reply #23 on: September 07, 2008, 07:39 �
Agreeing completely that this sort of pricing scheme is low, but cheap most of the times means bigger quantities (SS being the prime example). Accepting vector sub sales at SS is pretty much the same thing (hell, buyers spend even less for vectors judging the amount of files sold at SS).

As things stand right now, I don't think VS' offering is overlaping those of other agencies, so I assume buyers are not dropping files on other microstock sites that offer vectors and finding the same contributions at VS. Time is just too valuable.

p.s.: As I said, I'm doing ok with VS and I don't see myself as being a top submitter by any means. Files sold through VS are an additional source of income and that's about it. And I should point out that I don't feel a subject of theft nor do I feel the industry is stealing from me. Not working hard and still earning consistently and considerably is a fact I can't hide. This applies to all the agencies, not just VS. At the end of the day earnings are what count, not numbers or per-download commissions.
p.p.s.: Nevertheless they do have quite a few issues with the pricing choices they make. Sorting the vectors by price evidently speaks for itself. There are just too many great vectors sold too cheap (I myself have felt that their price "tagging" isn't coherent). Hopefully v2.0 will introduce an easier upload system with more options for the buyers and the contributors leading to better sales.


Reply #24 on: September 07, 2008, 13:22 �

my ART is EXPENSIVE.. whoever disagrees can go to vectorstock.. My vectors on istock are usually at least $10 or $15 each.. and istock is my best website.. I know it is the best for most vector artists..

This means IF I contribute to vectorstock and give them away for $1 it is the same as shooting myself on the head!

I am not an idiot to do that..

Only if istock hadn't accepted me in the first place then maybe I could consider giving them away for free on vectorstock..

Oh yes, I am on SS and yes I am making 0.36 on each sale currently which is better than vectorstock's extremely STUPID prices..

Also on SS I have the referral bonus.. I referred a few talented people as well so I really make about 0.40 per download there which is OK..

And now, we have SS on demand subscription plan which pays far better than vectorstock can ever do..

Anyway all those 7 websites are only gonna� be there until I reach gold level on istockphoto. which is supposed to happen in the next 4-5 months..

then bye bye the rest because IS looks like it can make more than all the other websites put together when I go exclusive..

The good thing is I sell them for a single reasonable price: $10 at least for most files..� and some other simpler ones for �5

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