Marx-Engels Subject Archive

Engels’ Military Writings

The Peasants' War in Germany, 1850
Prospects of a War of the Holy Alliance Against France, 1851
Revolutionary Spain: Guerilla Warfare Marx 1854
The Armies of Europe, 1855
On Afghanistan, 1857
Mountain Warfare in the Past and Present, 1857
Po and Rhine, 1859
Lessons of the U.S. Civil War , 1861
The Prussian Military Question and the German Workers' Party, 1865
Notes on the Franco-Prussian War, July 1870-February 1871
The Role of Force in History, 1887

Letters on War and Military Science, 1851 - 1863

The Crimean War

On the Crimean War, New York Tribune, 7 April 1853 - 27 April 1855
Panslavism and the Crimean War – I, Neue Oder-Zeitung, April 21 1855
Panslavism and the Crimean War – II, Neue Oder-Zeitung, April 24 1855