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Structured data on the Web
David Wood, Marsha Zaidman, Luke Ruth, and Michael Hausenblas
Foreword by Tim Berners-Lee
  • December 2013
  • ISBN 9781617290398
  • 336 pages
  • printed in black & white
  • Available translations: Korean

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Linked Data presents the Linked Data model in plain, jargon-free language to Web developers. Avoiding the overly academic terminology of the Semantic Web, this new book presents practical techniques using everyday tools like JavaScript and Python.

about the book

The current Web is mostly a collection of linked documents useful for human consumption. The evolving Web includes data collections that may be identified and linked so that they can be consumed by automated processes. The W3C approach to this is Linked Data and it is already used by Google, Facebook, IBM, Oracle, and government agencies worldwide.

Linked Data presents practical techniques for using Linked Data on the Web via familiar tools like JavaScript and Python. You'll work step-by-step through examples of increasing complexity as you explore foundational concepts such as HTTP URIs, the Resource Description Framework (RDF), and the SPARQL query language. Then you'll use various Linked Data document formats to create powerful Web applications and mashups.

Written to be immediately useful to Web developers, this book requires no previous exposure to Linked Data or Semantic Web technologies.

what's inside

  • Finding and consuming Linked Data
  • Using Linked Data in your applications
  • Building Linked Data applications using standard Web techniques

about the authors

David Wood is co-chair of the W3C's RDF Working Group. Marsha Zaidman served as CS chair at University of Mary Washington. Luke Ruth is a Linked Data developer on the Callimachus Project. Michael Hausenblas led the Linked Data Research Centre.

A friendly introduction to the use and publication of structured data on the WWW.

From the Foreword by Tim Berners-Lee, Director of W3C

A practical guide for integrating and publishing structured data on the Web.

Cristofer Weber, NeoGrid

Takes a complex academic subject and makes it clear and relevant.

Mike Westaway, AstraZeneca

Highly recommended to all explorers of the Semantic Web.

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