Malarkey Software
» / Are you still there?
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dead.licious is a tool for verifying that all of your bookmarks in your, ma.gnolia, or Simpy accounts are still valid and gives you the option of removing or fixing those dead links.

Mac OS X 10.4


I've gotten a couple requests for providing a different application icon to reflect the social bookmarking service that the user in question prefers to use. However, I'm a programmer, not an artist, so creating the icons for all my projects isn't exactly my strong point. Nonetheless, I've tried making a stab at creating a couple different icons for people to use and... well, let's just say they're not my best work. Do you think you can do better? Then please do so! If I like your icon, I'll put it up here with a link back to your website and throw in a free license file for you to use dead.licious nag free.

Okay, to use these custom icons for your copy of dead.licious, open the info panel of the graphics file for the icon you want to use. At the top of the panel is a picture of the icon. Select it by clicking on it with your mouse button and then copy it (Apple/Command-C). Then open the info panel for dead.licious and select it's icon by clicking on it. Paste your new icon on top of it (Apple/Command-V) and you're done.

Application icon for Ma.gnolia
Application icon for Simpy

[28 Nov 2009 - v1.42]
Rebuilt the application without 10.3.9 support since I think it was causing problems under 10.5.

[07 Nov 2007 - v1.41]
Changed how local file URLs were handled since some users reported dead.licious crashing when encountering such URLs.

[02 Oct 2007 - v1.4]
Added "Mirror Log window data to file" option.
While dead.licious is scanning your bookmarks, it keeps track of which links are okay in a temporary file. If for some reason, the application crashes while it's doing this, dead.licious will use the temporary file to resume checking from where it left off. This should help with people who have bookmarks numbering in the thousands in their accounts.

[06 Apr 2007 - v1.31]
Fixed a bug that prevent the bookmarks page for a user using Simpy to be opened.
Added a breakdown of errors encountered that is displayed in the log window after checking the bookmarks.
Fix button converted to an icon button to make room for a Delete icon button which removes the selected bookmark from the user's account.
Fixed a bug where the tags from a Simpy bookmark were stored space separated instead of comma separated.
Updated libcurl and libssl to their most recent versions (7.16.1 and 0.9.8e, respectively).
I made a couple custom icons that you can use to replace the application icon but they're really, really, really bad. You can find them on the project web-page. I'll send out a free license file to anyone who can make a better icon than me (which, to be honest, won't be that hard).

[04 Mar 2007 - v1.3]
Added Simpy as an alternative social bookmarking service to get account data from.
Website bookmarks that are broken can now be "fixed."; the old bookmark is deleted and a new one with an updated URL is added.
Finally figured out how to use the Keychain using code from Adam Gerson so now you can specify which account to automatically use when the application is launched.

[20 Jan 2007 - v1.2]
Javascript bookmarklets ignored.
Posts with the tag "deadlicious_skip" ignored.
Added preferences for:
- max number redirects
- number of seconds for timeout
- user-agent string to pass to websites
Fixed a bug where the preference for which service to use was not used properly.
Changed the "" menu to "Bookmarks".
Changed the "Your bookmarks..." item to "View your bookmarks..."
Secure websites that we can connect to but not validate the credentials of are marked as valid websites.
Support for Ma.gnolia accounts should be a lot better now.

[17 Dec 2006 - v1.11]
Fixed a bug that could cause dead.licious to crash when checking license files.

[04 Dec 2006 - v1.1]
Trying an experiment with soliciting donations...
In addition to opening a website directly via it's address, you can also try using Google Cache or the Wayback Machine to see what the website used to look like before it became unavailable.
Replaced the option "Only Check This Many Websites" with "Only verify websites added since the last time checked."
Added support for 10.3.9.
Log window now available so you can see what the app is currently doing.
Added option to turn on verbose messages for libcurl (if you don't know what this means, don't worry about it).
Links that are redirects to another address are now followed (this should cut down on the number of "No data downloaded. Redirected?" errors).
Connecting to a website now timeouts after three minutes (this should fix the app getting stuck on certain websites).
HTTP proxies now supported.
Lots of internal changes that you, the end-user, probably won't notice.
Added some minor improvements to the user interface.
Added Ma.gnolia as an alternative social bookmarking service to get account data from (support for this is still iffy so use with caution).

[20 Oct 2006 - v1.01]
Fixed some minor issues that I missed before releasing version 1.0.

[16 Oct 2006 - v1.0]
Initial release.
