Podcast URL: http://www.lizard-tail.com/isana/podcast/feed.xml
"Columbia, Houston, comm check..."
Columbia Lost - Feb 1, 2003
���̉����L�^�́A�R�����r�A�̑�C���˓��J�n(Entry Interface)����A�ً}���Ή��̊J�n�܂ł�40���ԂɁA�R���g���[�����[���Ō��킳�ꂽ��b���قڃm�[�J�b�g�ŋL�^�������̂ł��B
���̉����L�^��Flight Director Loop�ƌĂ����̂ŁA�t���C�g�f�B���N�^�[�Ɗe�Z�N�V�����̃`�[�t�̉�b���L�^�������̂ł��B���`�����l���ɂ�Flight Director Loop���A�E�`�����l���ɂ͕��̉����������NASA-TV�̒��p�̉������d�˂Ă���܂�(���̂��ߐ��J���ŃR���}���b�̃^�C�~���O���������Ă��܂�)�B�Ȃ��A�����L�^�̐��i��A��b�̊Ԃɂ��Ȃ蒷�������������܂܂�Ă��܂��B
07:41:51 a.m.
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���ɂ���̂��p�C���b�g�̃E�B���A���E�}�b�N�[���A��O���@���̃��b�N�E�n�Y�o���h�A�Q�l�̌��ɃJ���p�i�E�`���E�������܂��B�B�e���Ă���̂́A���[�����E�N���[�N�ł��B�c��̃N���[�͉����f�b�L�ɂ��邽�߁A���̉f���ɂ͎ʂ��Ă��܂���B ���̉����L�^���n�܂������_�ŁA�N���[�͑�C���˓��ɔ�����������G�������n�߂Ă��܂��B | |
07:41:54 a.m.
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PAO: "This is mission control, Houston. Columbia's altitude is now 90 miles above the Pacific Ocean to the north of the Hawaiian islands, about two minutes away from entering the Earth's atmosphere. All activities continuing to go smoothly en route toward a touchdown at the Kennedy Space Center at 8:16 a.m. Central time." |
PAO: ������AHouston�A�~�b�V�����R���g���[���B���݃R�����r�A�̍��x��90�}�C��(144.8km)�B�����m���A�n���C�����̖k���s���B��C���˓��͖�2����B�P�l�f�B�F���Z���^�[�ւ̒����͒����W�����ߑO8:16�̗\��ł��B |
07:42:37 a.m.
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PAO: "Columbia is currently targeted toward runway three-three at the Kennedy Space Center, the runway selection continues to be discussed here in mission control, however. But for its approach to runway three-three, Columbia will perform a right overhead turn to align with the runway of about 214 degrees around the heading alignment cylinder, an imaginary cylinder created by the microwave landing system for the shuttle that assists in guiding it for its final approach." |
PAO: �R�����r�A�̓P�l�f�B�F���Z���^�[��33�Ԋ����H�Ɍ������Ă��܂����A�����H�̑I���ɂ��ẮA�~�b�V�����R���g���[�����Ō����������Ă��܂��B33�Ԋ����H�ւ̃A�v���[�`�̂��߂ɂ́A�R�����r�A�́A�����H����Heading Alignment Cylinder�ɉ�����214�x�̐�����s��Ȃ���Ȃ�܂���BHeading Alignment Cylinder�Ƃ́A�V���g����U�����čŏI�A�v���[�`���s���d�g�U�����u�ɂ���č��o����鉼�z�̉~���̂��Ƃł��B |
| |
07:44:09 a.m. - EI+0
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�ē˓��J�n����(EI:Entry Interface)�B����́A�V���g���̍��x��400,000�t�B�[�g(121.9km)���n�_�ŁA��C���˓��̃v���Z�X�̊�_�ƂȂ鎞�Ԃł��B�R�����r�A���ē˓����J�n�����̂́A�k��30�x47���A���o167�x37���̒n�_�ł��B
| |
07:45:16 a.m.
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PAO: "Columbia's altitude now 71 statute miles as it enters Earth's atmosphere above the Pacific Ocean en route to the Kennedy Space Center, its speed 17,000 miles per hour." |
PAO: ���݁A�R�����r�A�̍��x��71�}�C��(114.3km)�B�P�l�f�B�F���Z���^�[�Ɍ������đ����m���ő�C���ɓ˓����܂����B���x�͎���17,000�}�C��(27358.8km/h)�ł��B |
07:45:42 a.m.
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PAO: "Columbia with wings level and nose angled up at about 40 degrees to control heating as it descends into the atmosphere. It's altitude now 68 miles. As Columbia descends into the atmosphere and approaches the continental United States it'll perform the first in a series of four banks it performs as it approaches the Kennedy Space Center. That first bank to the right, then back to the left, then back to the right and then a final bank to the left as it approaches Kennedy and the Shuttle Landing Facility runway. Those designed to dissipate speed for the shuttle as it descends into the atmosphere toward landing." |
PAO: �R�����r�A�́A���x���R���g���[�����邽�߂ɁA�@�̂𐅕��ɕۂ��Ȃ���@���40�x�グ���p���ő�C���ɓ˓����܂��B���݂̍��x��68�}�C��(109.4km)�B�R�����r�A�́A��C�������~�����A�����J�嗤�ɐڋ߂��Ȃ���ŏ��̐�����s���܂��B����̓P�l�f�B�F���Z���^�[�ɐڋ߂���ۂ�4��s������̂̈�ŁA�ŏ��͉E�ցA���ɍ��ցA����ɉE�֖߂��A������x�����ăP�l�f�B�F���Z���^�[�̃V���g�������{�݂̊����H�Ɍ������܂��B����́A�����ɍۂ��āA�V���g���̑��x�𗎂Ƃ����߂̑���ł��B |
07:46:11 a.m.
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FDO: "Flight, FDO." |
FDO: "�t���C�g�A������FDO" |
07:46:26 a.m.
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Flight: "OK, FDO, go ahead." |
FDO: "OK�AFDO�B�ǂ���" |
07:46:25 a.m.
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FDO: "This data set is a spliced data set. This is my back room's attempt to, uh, get us some data off that first balloon that was broken. And it shows us 11 hundred 60 feet at the close-in aim point." Flight: "With the close..." FDO: "Yes sir. And we're waiting for our re-release balloon, which was just released a few minutes ago." |
FDO: "���̃f�[�^�͂Ȃ����킹�����̂ŁA���̃o�b�N���[���̃����o�[���A�̏Ⴕ�Ă��܂����ŏ��̊ϑ��C���������������̂ł��B����ɂ��ƁA�ł������n�_�ɋ߂��ꏊ��1160�t�B�[�g(353.6m)�ł�" Flight: "��ԋ߂��Ă��ꂩ..." FDO: "�͂��B���݉�X�́A�����O�ɍēx���o���ꂽ�C������̃f�[�^��҂��Ă���Ƃ���ł�" |
| |
07:46:30 a.m.
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PAO: "Just under 30 minutes to touchdown for Columbia now, altitude 64 miles." |
PAO: "�R�����r�A�̒����\�莞�Ԃ܂Ō�30���B���x64�}�C��(103.0km)" |
07:46:45 a.m.
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Flight: "OK. Now, uh, we lost the balloon at 6,000 feet and, did we get it back at some point? Or when you say 'spliced it together,' I mean, I don't want, I don't know whether I should..." |
Flight: "OK�B���[�ƁA6000�t�B�[�g(1,828.8m)�ŋC���������� ... �����܂Ŗ߂����̂��H����Ƃ��́u�Ȃ����킹���v�Ƃ����̂͂܂� ..." |
07:46:55 a.m.
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FDO: "We did not, we did not get any data beneath 6K, I mean, above 6K, excuse me. And we spliced, basically, a previous data set on top of this one to give us a estimate." Flight: "OK. I got you." |
FDO: "�����A��X��6000�t�B�[�g(1,828.8m)�ȉ��́A����A6000�t�B�[�g�����̃f�[�^�͎��Ă��܂���B�f�[�^�͍��̃f�[�^�̏�Ɉ�O�̃f�[�^���Ȃ����킹�āA�T�Z���o�������̂ł��B Flight: "OK�B��������" |
07:47:09 a.m.
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Flight: "Now let's see, from where we're releasing the balloons to, which way... are they going out over the water with the wind direction from the surface on up to about 10,000 feet, the direction is roughly out of the west, isn't it?" |
Flight: ���āA�C������o�����ꏊ����l���� ... �C�̏�ւłĂ��܂��Ă���Ƃ������Ƃ́A�n�\���獂�x10,000�t�B�[�g(3,048m)���炢�܂ł́A��G�c�ɐ����畗�������Ă���ƍl���Ă�������? |
07:47:25 a.m.
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FDO: "Yes, flight, they are going out the water, out over the water, I concur with that, we are..." |
FDO: "�͂��AFlight�B�C���͊C�̏�֏o�Ă��܂��܂����B���̂Ƃ���ł�" |
07:47:30 a.m.
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Flight: "We start out with them far enough away from where our HAC really is and then they're going the wrong way." |
Flight: "���ۂ�HAC(Heading Alignment Cylinder)�̏ꏊ����A���Ȃ藣�ꂽ�Ƃ��납��(�v����)�n�߂āA�Ⴄ�����֍s���Ă��܂����̂�" |
07:47:32 a.m.
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FDO: "I would concur, we are seeing, we're definitely seeing some spatial differences here. From the STA (shuttle training aircraft) and this morning. I would that." |
FDO: "�͂��A�����ł��B��X�͂܂������Ⴄ�ꏊ�����Ă������ƂɂȂ�܂��BSTA�i�V���g���̌P���@)�̂��̂Ƃ͈Ⴄ�ꏊ�̂��̂ł�" |
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Flight: "...OK, well yeah, and the STA, the last dive here - and we're not going to have him do any more - was 1941 (1,941 feet) with close." |
Flight: "OK�BSTA�̍Ō�̍~���̂Ƃ��̃f�[�^������BSTA�͂����ϑ��͍s��Ȃ��ȁB1941�t�B�[�g(591.6m)����ԋ߂��̂�" |
| |
PAO: "Columbia's course toward Florida will take it across the continental United States, crossing the California coast above the San Francisco bay area and continuing across Sacramento, California, providing a spectacular view for persons in that area of Columbia's descent through the atmosphere. That observation of the shuttle would begin about 5:51 a.m. Pacific standard time and continue for about four minutes, until about 5:55 a.m. Pacific time, with the shuttle at an elevation of about 78 degrees." |
PAO: "�R�����r�A�́A�t�����_�Ɍ����ăA�����J�嗤����ʉ߂��܂��B�J���t�H���j�A�C�݁A�T���t�����V�X�R�p�ݒn����z���A�J���t�H���j�A�̃T�N�������g����ʉ߂��܂��B�R�����r�A���~�����Ă��郋�[�g�ł͂��炵�����i��������ł��傤�B�V���g�����ϑ��ł���悤�ɂȂ�̂́A�吼�m�W������5:51������5:55�܂ł̖�4���Ԃł��B�V���g���͒n��������78�x���炢�̈ʒu�Ɍ�����͂��ł�" |
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FDO: "Ummm... Yeah..." |
FDO: ���[��A�����ł���... |
| |
Flight: "He normalized at 1941 with CLOSE. Did I get that right?" |
Flight: "���̃f�[�^��1941�t�B�[�g���ł��߂��ڕW�n�_�Ƃ��Đ��K�������A�Ƃ������Ƃł����Ă��邩��?" |
| |
FDO: "X-corrected I heard was 17 84. The X-corrected normalized." |
FDO: "�����H��̒����n�_�̕�������1784�t�B�[�g(543.8m)�ł��B���̕�����Đ��K�����Ă���܂�" |
| |
Flight: "Yup, we're talking about the normalized." |
Flight: "�������A���́u���K���v�̘b����" |
| |
FDO: "I think the STA performs a correction on top of the normalization to account for, ummm, |
FDO: "STA�̃f�[�^�͐��K���̏���̒l�Ƃ��Ă͎g����͂��Ȃ�ł����A���[��" |
| |
Flight: "Yeah, you're talking XCN, I was just saying the normalized is 19 41." |
Flight: "�N���b���Ă���̂͒����n�_�̕����ꂽ�l�̂��Ƃ��ȁB���������Ă���̂́A������Ȃ��l��1941�t�B�[�g�̂��Ƃ�" |
07:48:15 a.m.
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PAO: "It'll be visible as well through much of the United States' southwest above southern Nevada and northern Arizona and central Mexico as it continues its descent through the atmosphere, trailing a plasma trail left as it heats the atmosphere around it during its descent. |
PAO: �V���g���́A�A�����J�쐼���A�l�o�_�B�암��A���]�i�B�̖k���A�������L�V�R���̒n��Ō��邱�Ƃ��ł���ł��傤�B�V���g���͑�C�������~���Ȃ���A�����ɂȂ�A�v���Y�}�̌��Ղ��c���܂��B |
| |
FDO: "Yes, Sir." |
FDO: "�͂��A�����ł�" |
07:48:22 a.m.
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Flight: "OK, what we've got, the last balloon data to come in before we make our decision." |
Flight: "OK�A���茳�ɂ���̂́A����������O�̍Ō�̋C������̃f�[�^��������" |
07:48:27 a.m.
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FDO: "Yes, Sir." |
FDO: "�͂��A�����ł�" |
07:48:39 a.m. - EI+270
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���ꂪ�ŏ��ɋL�^���ꂽ�ُ�̒���ł��B����͎��̌�ɉ�����ꂽ�@��ɋL�^����Ă������̂ŁA�n��̃R���g���[���ɂ����M���ꂸ�A�R�b�N�s�b�g�ɂ��\������Ă��܂���ł����B ����́A�f�M�ނ��Փ˂���RCC�p�l���̒f�ʐ}�ł��B�����̃K�X�̓p�l���̔j���ӏ�����RCC�����̋�ԂɐN�����܂����B�Z���T�[���ݒu����Ă���̂́ARCC�p�l���Ǝ嗃�{�̂��u�Ă錅�̗�(�}���̐Ԃ��~�̈ʒu)�ł��B���̃Z���T�[�ُ̈�́A����RCC�p�l�������ɃK�X�����荞���ƂŁA���̌����ό`���Ă��邱�Ƃ������Ă���Ǝv���܂��B | |
07:48:40 a.m.
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PAO: "Columbia's altitude now 54 miles as it continues to descend into the atmosphere, wings level, nose angled up 40 degrees to control heating. Columbia's traveling about 17,000 miles per hour." |
PAO: "�R�����r�A�̍��x�͌���54�}�C���B�M���R���g���[�����邽�߂ɁA���𐅕��ɂ��ċ@���40�x�グ���p���ő�C�������~�����ł��B���x�͂��悻����17,000�}�C��(27,358.8km/h)�ł�" |
07:49:38 a.m.
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Guidance: "CLG (Closed-loop Guidance) init." Flight: "Copy." |
Guidance: "CLG (Closed-loop Guidance)�J�n" Flight: "����" |
���̒n�_�܂ł̓I�[�r�^�[�͎��O�ɒ�߂�ꂽ�R�[�X�ɏ]���Ĕ�s���Ă��܂��BClosed-loop Guidance Init (CLG Init)�Ƃ����̂́A���̎��_����I�[�r�^�[�̃t���C�g�R���g���[���V�X�e�����A�O���̕ω��ɍ��킹�ċ@�̂̃R���g���[�����n�߂����Ƃ��Ӗ����܂��B
| |
07:49:49-59 a.m. - EI+340/350
| |
�����ŁA�����̕t�����ɂ���OMS(Orbital Maneuvering System)�ɐݒu���ꂽ4�̉��x�Z���T�[���A�ʏ���Ⴂ���l�������܂����B
����́A�����O�����̔j���ӏ��ŋ�C�̗��ꂪ�����ꂽ���߂��ƍl�����Ă��܂��B | |
07:50:03 a.m.
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GNC: "Rolling right." |
GNC: "�E���[���J�n" |
07:50:03 a.m.
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PAO: "Columbia's altitude 48 statute miles as it begins the first in a series of four banks to dissipate speed as it descends into the atmosphere, banking to the right now, a steep bank of 60 degrees and approaching the west coast of the United States. Columbia's speed 16,620 miles per hour, range to touchdown at the Kennedy Space Center runway 3,450 statute miles." |
PAO: "���݂̃R�����r�A�̍��x��48�}�C���B�ŏ��̍��o���N���J�n���܂����B�o���N�p��60�x�B����͑��x�𗎂Ƃ����߂�4��s�������1��߂ł��B�A�����J���C�݂ɐڋߒ��B���݂̑��x��16,620�}�C���B�����\��̃P�l�f�B�F���Z���^�[�܂ł͂���3,450�}�C��(5,552.2km)�ł�" |
07:50:19 a.m. - EI+370
| |
����́A�����O�����̔j���ӏ��ŋ�C�̗��ꂪ�����ꂽ���߂��ƍl�����Ă��܂��B | |
07:50:26 a.m.
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Unknown: "I got it." |
Unknown: "����" |
07:50:30 a.m. - EI+381
| |
�������A���̉��x�㏸�͒ʏ�͈͓̔��̂��̂ŁA�ُ���������̂ł͂���܂���ł����B | |
07:50:56 a.m.
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PAO: "Columbia in almost an 80-degree-bank to the right to dissipate speed, the first of four banks it performs as it approaches Florida to slow down as it descends. Altitude now 47 miles or about 248,000 feet. The shuttle's speed is 16,400 miles per hour." |
PAO: "�R�����r�A�́A�X�s�[�h�𗎂Ƃ����߂ɉE������80�x�̃o���N���s���Ă��܂��B����́A�t�����_�ւƃA�v���[�`����ۂ�4��s���邤���̍ŏ��̃o���N�ł��B���x��47�}�C��(75.6km)�A���x�͎���16,400�}�C��(26,393.2km/h)�ł��B |
07:51:14 a.m. - EI+425
| |
����́ARCC�p�l���Ǝ嗃���u�Ă�ǂ��j��A�����̃K�X�������ɐi�����n�߂����Ƃ������Ă��܂��B | |
07:51:26 a.m.
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PAO: "Aboard the shuttle on the flight deck are shuttle commander Rick Husband and pilot Willie McCool, flight engineer Kalpana Chawla and mission specialist Laurel Clark. On the lower deck of the shuttle for entry are payload commander Mike Anderson, mission specialist David Brown and payload specialist, from the Israel space agency, Ilan Ramon." |
PAO: "�V���g���̃t���C�g�f�b�L�ɂ���̂́A�@���̃��b�N�E�n�Y�o���h�ƃp�C���b�g�̃E�B���A���E�}�b�N�[���A�t���C�g�G���W�j�A�̃J���p�i�E�`���E���ƃ��[�����N���[�N�ł��B�܂������f�b�L�ɂ́A�y�C���[�h�R�}���_�[�̃}�C�N�E�A���_�[�\���A�~�b�V�����X�y�V�����X�g�̃f�r�b�h�E�u���E���A�����ăC�X���G���F���ǂ̃C�A���E�������������Ă��܂��B |
07:52:05 a.m.
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PAO: "Columbia approaching the Coast of California now, it is predicted to cross the coast and be visible in the San Francisco area about 5:51 a.m. Central time, uh, Pacific standard time rather, and pass almost directly overhead of Sacramento, California. It actually crosses the California coast just to the north of the San Francisco area." |
PAO: "�R�����r�A�̓J���t�H���j�A�̉��݂ɐڋߒ��ł��B�T���t�����V�X�R�ߕӂ���J���t�H���j�A�C�ݏ���ʉ߂���V���g�������邱�Ƃ��ł���̂́A�����W�����A����A�吼�m�W����5:51���Ǝv���܂��B�V���g���̓T�N�������g�̐^���ʉ߂��A�J���t�H���j�A�C�݂��T���t�����V�X�R�̖k���ʼn��f���܂�" |
07:52:54 a.m.
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PAO: "Columbia is on target for runway three-three at the Kennedy Space Center Shuttle Landing Facility runway." |
PAO: "�R�����r�A�́A�P�l�f�B�F���Z���^�[�̃V���g�������{��33�Ԋ����H��ڎw���Ĕ�s���ł�" |
07:53:00 a.m.
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PAO: "The subject of runway selection has been discussed in mission control, it continues to be discussed some, but in the meanwhile at present the original targeting for Columbia is toward runway three-three... and as it approaches runway three-three, it will perform a right overhead 212-degree turn to align with that runway around the heading alignment cylinder, an imaginary cylinder created by the microwave scan beam landing system at the shuttle runway that assists in the shuttle's guidance toward its final approach to the runway." |
PAO: "�����H�̑I���ɂ��ẮA�~�b�V�����R���g���[���Ō����������Ă��܂����A�����_�ł̓R�����r�A�͓����̗\��ʂ�33�Ԋ����H��ڎw���Ă��܂��B���̏ꍇ�A�R�����r�A�́A�����H�Ɛ����邽�߂�Heading Alignment Cylinder�ɉ�����214�x�̐�����s��Ȃ���Ȃ�܂���BHeading Alignment Cylinder�Ƃ́A�V���g����U�����čŏI�A�v���[�`���s���d�g�U�����u�ɂ���č��o����鉼�z�̉~���̂��Ƃł�" |
07:53:10-36 a.m.
| |
����́A�咅���r���[���̘e��ʂ��Ă����P�[�u�����M�ŏĂ����ꂽ���߂ƍl�����܂��B ����́A�K�X�̐i���o�H�����������́B��قǎ嗃�O�����̌���j���������̃K�X�́A�����r���[���ɓ��B���A�����𑖂��Ă����P�[�u�����Ă���܂��B���̂Ƃ��ɂ͂��łɁA���x�㏸�ɂ�藃�̕ό`���i�݁A�^�C�����O�ꂽ��A�ڒ��܂��n����Ȃǂ̌��ۂ��n�܂��Ă����ƍl�����܂��B | |
07:53:32 a.m.
| |
PAO: "Shuttle's altitude now 45 miles, speed 15,800 miles per hour, continuing in a right bank with wings angles 70 degrees, the first of four banks it performs to dissipate speed as it approaches landing." |
PAO: "���݁A�V���g���̍��x��45�}�C��(72.4km)�A���x�͎���15,800�}�C��(25,427.6km)�ł��B���x�𗎂Ƃ����߂ɁA�嗃��70�x�܂ŌX���āA�E�o���N���p�����ł�" |
07:53:44 a.m.
| |
| |
07:53:45 a.m.
| |
PAO: "Columbia crossing the California coast, again, just to the north of the San Francisco area. It's course will take it across Sacramento, California." |
PAO: "�R�����r�A�̓T���t�����V�X�R�̐^�k�A�J���t�H���j�A�C�ݏ���ʉߒ��ł��B���̌�A�J���t�H���j�A�B�T�N�������g�̐^���ʉ߂���\��ł�" |
07:53:46 a.m. - EI+577
| |
| |
07:53:54 a.m. - EI+585
| |
| |
07:54:00 a.m. - EI+591
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| |
07:54:07 a.m. - EI+598
| |
| |
07:54:24 a.m.
| |
MMACS: "Flight, MMACS." Flight: "Go ahead, MMACS." MMACS: "FYI, I've just lost four separate temperature transducers on the left side of the vehicle, hydraulic return temperatures. Two of them on system one and one in each of systems two and three. |
MMACS: "Flight - ������MMACS" Flight: "�ǂ����AMMACS" MMACS: "�Q�l�܂łɁA���������@�̂̍�����4�̉��x�Z���T�[�̒l�������܂����B�l���������͖̂������u�̉��x�ŁA���̂���2�̓V�X�e��1�A�c��̓�͂��ꂼ��V�X�e��2��3�ł�" |
���̎��_�܂ŁA�R���g���[�����[���łُ͈�ɂ܂������C�Â��Ă��܂���ł����B | |
8:54:33 a.m. - EI+624
| |
����́A�p���𗐂����V���g�����A�p�����䃍�P�b�g�˂����u�Ԃ��Ǝv���܂��B | |
07:54:35 a.m. - EI+624
| |
| |
07:54:46 a.m.
| |
Flight: Four hyd return temps?" MMACS: "To the left outboard and left inboard elevon." Flight: "OK, is there anything common to them? DSC (discrete signal conditioner) or MDM (multiplexer-demultiplexer) or anything? I mean, you're telling me you lost them all at exactly the same time?" |
Flight: "4�̖������u�̉��x?" MMACS: "�����ł��A�����̊O���ƁA�����̓����̃G���{���̂��̂ł�" Flight: "OK�A�����ɉ������ʂ��邱�Ƃ�? �M���́ADSC [discrete signal conditioner�i�ʂ̐M�����ߑ��u����̂���)] �Ȃ̂� MDM [multiplexer-demultiplexer(�����H���甭�M����A�ʁX�ɕ������ꂽ����]���A���邢�͂����Ƒ��̊֘A������̂�? �܂�A���̐��l�͂܂����������^�C�~���O�ŏ������̂��H" |
07:54:58 a.m.
| |
MMACS: "No, not exactly. They were within probably four or five seconds of each other." Flight: "OK, where are those, where is that instrumentation located? |
MMACS: "����A�܂����������ł͂���܂���B���ꂼ��A5�b����4�b�̊Ԃ��J���Ă����悤�ł�" Flight: "OK�A�ݒu�ӏ��́H�����̋@�킪�ݒu����Ă����̂͂ǂ���?" |
07:55:04 a.m. - EI+655
| |
| |
07:55:08 a.m.
| |
MMACS: "All four of them are located in the aft part of the left wing, right in front of the elevons, elevon actuators. And there is no commonality." |
MMACS: "4�S�Ă������̌㕔�A�G���{���ƃG���{���E�A�N�`���G�C�^�[�̉E�O���ɂ���܂����B�����ɋ��ʐ��͂���܂���" |
07:55:18 a.m.
| |
Flight: "No commonality." |
Flight: "���ʐ��͂Ȃ��A����" |
07:55:22-59 a.m. - EI+673-710
| |
| |
07:55:38 a.m.
| |
PAO: "Columbia continuing in a right bank, the wings angled 43 degrees, speed 15,000 miles per hour, altitude 43 miles, 2,090 miles to touchdown at the Kennedy Space Center targeted for runway three-three at Kennedy at present. Crossing the continental United States, now crossing above southern Nevada to the north of Las Vegas." |
PAO: "�R�����r�A�́A�E�o���N���p�����ł��B�嗃�̊p�x��43�x�A���x�͎���15,000�}�C��(24,140.1km/h)�A���x43�}�C��(69.2km)�ł��B�����\��̃P�l�f�B�F���Z���^�[�A33�Ԋ����H�܂ł̔�s������2,090�}�C���B���݁A�A�����J�嗤���A�l�o�_�B�암���烉�X�x�K�X�̖k��ʉߒ��ł�" |
07:56:02 a.m.
| |
Flight: "MMACS, tell me again which systems they're for." MMACS: "That's all three hydraulic systems. It's... two of them are to the left outboard elevon and two of them to the left inboard. |
Flight: "MMACS,������x�A�ǂ̃V�X�e���������������Ă���Ȃ���" MMACS: "�����V�X�e����3�ł��B���[�ƁA������̊O���̃G���{���A����2�����̓����̃G���{���ł�" |
07:56:12 a.m.
| |
Flight: "OK, I got you. GNC: "Flight, guidance, we're processing drag with good residual." Flight: "Copy. Thank you." |
Flight: "OK�A�킩����" GNC: "Flight�A������Guidance�B��C��R�̒l�͂܂��]�T������" Flight: "�����B���肪�Ƃ�" |
07:56:39 a.m.
| |
GC: "Flight, GC." Flight: "Go." GC: "Your air-to-grounds are enabled for the landing count." Flight: "Thank you." |
GC: "Flight�A������GC" Flight: "�ǂ���" GC: "�����Ɍ����ẴJ�E���g�̂��߂ɁA���Ȃ�����V���g���ւ̒ʐM���ł���悤�ɂ��܂���" Flight: "���肪�Ƃ�" |
07:56:49 a.m.
| |
PAO: "Columbia's course continuing across Arizona and the Arizona and Mexico border near the four corners area of the United States. Its course will take it almost directly above Albuquerque, Mexico, it's altitude now 225,000 feet or 42 miles, speed 14,300 miles per hour, 1,785 miles to touchdown at the Kennedy Space Center. It's banking now back to the left, the second in a series of four banks that dissipate speed of the spacecraft as it becomes an aircraft and descends into the atmosphere toward Florida. Wings angled about 75 degrees to the left." |
PAO: �R�����r�A�́A���݃A���]�i�B�ƃA���]�i�ƃ��L�V�R�̍����t�߂�ʉߒ��ł��B���̃R�[�X�̓��L�V�R�B�A�A���o�J�[�L�̐^���ʉ߂��܂��B���݂̍��x��225,000�t�B�[�g(68,580m)���邢��42�}�C��(68.6km)�A���x�͎���14,300�}�C��(23,013.6km/h)�A�P�l�f�B�F���Z���^�[�܂ł���1,785�}�C��(2,872.6km)�ł��B���݃V���g���͍��Ƀo���N���Ă��܂��B����́A�t�����_�Ɍ������č��x�𗎂Ƃ��Ȃ���A�F���D�̑��x�𗎂Ƃ��Ĕ�s�@�ɂ��邽�߂�4��s����o���N�̂Q��ڂł��B���݂́A�嗃�̊p�x�͍���75�x�ł��B |
07:57:19 a.m. - EI+790
| |
����́A�咅���r���[�����ɍ����̃K�X���i���������Ƃ������Ă܂��B �����̃K�X�͎嗃�S�̂ɍL����Ȃ���A�嗃���̍\����j�Ă����܂��B���̃Z���T�[�ُ̈�͒����r���[�����u�Ă�O���̕ǂ��j��A�����ɃK�X���i���������Ƃ������Ă��܂��B���̎��_�ŁA���łɎ嗃���̍\���͂قڑS��ʼn�œI�ȃ_���[�W���Ă����ƍl�����܂��B | |
07:57:25 a.m.
| |
Flight: "GNC, Flight." GNC: "Flight, GNC." Flight: "Everything look good to you, control and rates and everything is nominal, right?" |
Flight: "GNC�A������Flight" GNC: "Flight�A������GNC" Flight: "�N�̃Z�N�V�����͖��͂Ȃ��������ȁB �R���g���[�������[�g�����̍��ڂ��ʏ�ʂ肾�ȁH" |
07:57:28 a.m. - EI+799
| |
����́A�����̔z�����M�ŏĂ��ꂽ���߂Ǝv���܂��B | |
07:57:35 a.m.
| |
GNC: "Control's been stable through the rolls that we've done so far, flight. We have good trims. I don't see anything out of the ordinary." |
GNC: "��قǍs�������[���̎����R���g���[���͈��肵�Ă��܂����B�����o�����X�ł��B�ُ�͌�������܂���" |
07:57:43 a.m. - EI+814
| |
����́A�����̔z�����M�ŏĂ��ꂽ���߂Ǝv���܂��B | |
07:57:45 a.m.
| |
Flight: "OK. And MMACS, Flight?" MMACS: "Flight, MMACS." Flight: "All other indications for your hydraulic system indications are good." |
Flight: "OK�BMMACS�A������Flight" MMACS: "Flight - ������MMACS" Flight: "�����V�X�e���ȊO�͌N�̃Z�N�V���������͋N���Ă��Ȃ���" |
07:57:53 a.m.
| |
| |
07:57:53 a.m.
| |
MMACS: "They're all good. We've had good quantities all the way across." Flight: "And the other temps are normal?" MMACS: "The other temps are normal, yes sir." |
MMACS: "��肠��܂���B�S�ď����ł�" Flight: "���̉��x�����Ȃ���?" MMACS: "�͂��A���̉��x����肠��܂���" |
07:57:59 a.m.
| |
Flight: "And when you say you lost these, are you saying that they went to zero..." MMACS: "All four of them are off-scale low." Flight: "... or off-scale low." MMACS: "And they were all staggered. They were, like I said, within several seconds of each other." Flight: "OK." |
Flight: "�N�͐��l�����������ƌ��������A���l���[���ɂȂ����̂�?"[8:57:59AM(EI+830)] MMACS: "�l�Ƃ��v���s�\�Ȓl�܂ʼn�����܂����B Flight: "... ����Ƃ��v���s�\�Ȓl�܂ʼn��������̂��H" MMACS: ���l���ӂ������ł��B���������������悤�ɁA���l��������̂ɂ��ꂼ�ꐔ�b�Ԃ̊Ԃ�����܂���" Flight: "OK" |
| |
����́A�����̔j����^�C���̒E���Ȃǂɂ���C��R�����������߂ɋ@�̂����ɌX���n�߂��̂��A�V���g���̃t���C�g�R���g���[���V�X�e���������I�ɕ���悤�Ƃ��Ă�����̂ƍl�����܂��B | |
| |
| |
07:58:36 a.m.
| |
PAO: "Columbia continuing toward Florida, now approaching the Mexico-Texas border. Altitude 40 miles..." |
PAO: "�R�����r�A�͌��݁A���L�V�R�ƃe�L�T�X�̍����t�߂��t�����_�Ɍ������Ĕ�s���B���x40�}�C��..." |
07:58:36 - 39 a.m.
| |
| |
07:58:40 a.m.
| |
����́A�^�C���̋�C���������Z���T�[�̒l���u0�v�Ȃ����uL�v(�v���s�\)�ɂȂ��Ă��邱�Ƃ��������̂ł��B�܂��A�ނ�͍����̋�C��R���킸���ɑ傫���Ȃ��Ă��邱�Ƃɂ͋C�Â��Ă��܂������A���ۂɉ����N���Ă���̂���m�邷�ׂ͂���܂���ł����B | |
07:58:44 a.m.
| |
FDO: "Flight, FDO." |
FDO: "�t���C�g�A������FDO" |
07:58:48 a.m.
| |
Columbia: "And, uh, Hou(ston)..." |
Columbia: "And, uh, Hou(ston)..." |
07:58:51 a.m.
| |
PAO: "... speed 13,200 miles per hour. Range to touchdown 1,400 miles. The shuttle in a left bank with the wings banked about 57 degrees to horizontal." |
PAO: ���x�͎���13,200�}�C��(21,243.3km/h)�B�����܂ł̔�s������1,400�}�C��(2,253.1km)�B�V���g���͌��݁A�嗃�̊p�x57�x�ō��o���N���ł��B |
07:59:06 a.m.
| |
Flight: "FDO, Flight." FDO: "Uh, we have the balloon. It is being run through DDS (data display system) right now." |
Flight: "FDO�A������Flight." FDO: "���[�ƁA�ϑ��C������̃f�[�^�����܂����B���ADDS (data display system) �ɕ\�������܂�" |
07:59:06 a.m.
| |
���̎��_�ŃV���g���́A�����̋�C��R�������������߂ɁA�����ɑ傫���X���Ă����ƍl�����܂��B�V���g���̃t���C�g�R���g���[���V�X�e���͎p�������邽�߂ɁA�G���{���g�����������A�p�����䃍�P�b�g�˂��ċ@�̂��E�ɌX���悤�Ƃ��Ă��܂����B | |
07:59:15 a.m.
| |
MMACS: "Flight, MMACS." Flight: "Go." |
MMACS: "Flight�A������MMACS" Flight: "�����H" |
07:59:18 a.m.
| |
MMACS: "We just lost tire pressure on the left outboard and left inboard, both tires." |
MMACS: "���������A���̊O���Ɠ����̃^�C���̋�C���������܂����B�����Ƃ��ł�" |
07:59:24 a.m.
| |
CAPCOM: "And Columbia, Houston, we see your tire pressure... Flight: "Copy..." CAPCOM: "...messages and we did not..." Flight: "Is it instrumentation, MMACS? Gotta be..." CAPCOM: "...copy your last." |
CAPCOM: ""�R�����r�A�A������q���[�X�g���B��X�́A�N�B����^�C���̋�C���� ... Flight: "Copy..." CAPCOM: "...�����m�F�����B������ ..." Flight: "�v����̌̏�Ȃ̂��AMMACS? �����ƁA�����..." CAPCOM: "...�Ō�̒ʐM���e���m�F�ł��Ă��Ȃ�" |
07:59:30 a.m.
| |
MMACS: "Flight, MMACS, those are... MMACS: "...also off-scale low." |
MMACS: "Flight - ������MMACS�A�����... MMACS: "...�v���s�\�Ȓl�܂Ő��l��������܂���" |
07:59:30 a.m.
| |
��������邽�߂ɁA�t���C�g�R���g���[���V�X�e���͍Ăюp�����䃍�P�b�g�˂��A�G���{���g������傫���ω������܂����B | |
07:59:32 a.m.
| |
Columbia: "Roger, uh buh (CUTOFF)" |
Columbia: "Roger, uh buh (CUTOFF)" |
�R�����r�A����̍Ō�̉����ʐM�B ����́A�^�C���̋�C��������ꂽ���ƂɊւ���������Ǝv���܂��B���b��ɍĂуm�C�Y������A�N���[�����炩�̌�M�����悤�Ƃ����`�Ղ�����܂����A�L�ӂȒʐM�͓����܂���ł����B ���̒ʐM���r���̂Ƃقړ����ɁA�����̕��̕����̃Z���T�[�A���咅���r�̕����̃Z���T�[���v���s�\�ɂȂ�A����Ƀe�����g���̃V�O�i�����������܂��B | |
07:59:34 a.m.
| |
| |
07:59:47-07:00�F03 a.m.
| |
���̎��_�ŁA�ŏI�I�ȕ��n�܂����ƍl�����܂� | |
07:59:58 a.m.
| |
INCO: "Flight, INCO." Flight: "Go." INCO: "Just taking a few hits here. We're right up on top of the tail. Not too bad." |
INCO: "Flight�AINCO" Flight: "�ǂ���" INCO: "���A������ŏ����M���𑨂��܂����B�����ƐK���͕߂܂��Ă܂��B���قLj�������܂���" |
08:00:01 a.m.
| |
| |
08:00:02-04 a.m.
| |
���̂Ƃ��ɓ���ꂽ�f�[�^����A���̒i�K�œ��̂ƉE���A�E����OMS(Orbital Maneuvering System)�̋@�킪�����Ă������Ƃ��������Ă��܂��B�t�ɁA�@�̂̍����ƍ�����OMS�ɐݒu���ꂽ�Z���T�[�̃f�[�^�͂قڑS�Ď����Ă��܂����B | |
08:00:18 a.m.
| |
Flight: "MMACS, Flight." MMACS: "Flight, MMACS." Flight: "And there's no commonality between all these tire pressure instrumentations and the hydraulic return instrumentations." |
Flight: "MMACS�A������Flight" MMACS: "Flight�A������MMACS" Flight: "���̃^�C�����̌v����Ɩ����̌v����݂͂�Ȃ��ꂼ�ꋤ�ʐ��͂Ȃ���" |
08:00:19 a.m.
| |
���Ȃ��Ƃ����̂Ƃ��܂ł́A�܂��V���g���̓��͕̂������Ă��炸�A�d�����܂������Ă��܂����B | |
08:00:21 a.m.
| |
| |
08:00:27 a.m.
| |
MMACS: "No sir, there's not. We've also lost the nose gear down talkback and the right main gear down talkback." Flight: "Nose gear and right main gear down talkbacks?" MMACS: "Yes sir." |
MMACS: "�����A����őS���ł͂���܂���B�@��̒����r�ƉE�̎咅���r�̓W�J���m�F���邽�߂̐M���������Ă��܂�" Flight: "�@��ƉE�̒����r�̓W�J�M���H" MMACS: "�����ł�" |
08:00:30 a.m.
| |
| |
08:00:51 a.m.
| |
EECOM: "And Flight, EECOM." Flight: "EECOM." EECOM: "I've got four temperature sensors on the bond line data that are off-scale low." |
EECOM: "Flight�A������EECOM" Flight: "EECOM" EECOM: "�{���h���C��(�嗃�Ɠ��̂̐ڍ�����)��4�̃Z���T�[�̒l���v���s�\�ɂȂ��Ă����Ƃ����f�[�^������܂���" |
08:01:16 a.m.
| |
PAO: "Columbia out of communications at present with mission control as it continues its course toward Florida..." |
PAO: ���݁A�t�����_�Ɍ������Ĕ�s���̃R�����r�A�ƃ~�b�V�����R���g���[���Ƃ̊ԂŌ�M���o���Ȃ��Ȃ��Ă��܂��B |
08:01:29 a.m.
| |
INCO: "Flight, INCO, I didn't expect, uh, this bad of a hit on comm." |
INCO: "Flight�A������INCO�B���ꂾ���ʐM�ɔ����������̂͗\�z�O�ł�" |
08:01:38 a.m.
| |
Flight: "GC, how far are we from UHF? Is that two-minute clock good?" GC: "Affirmative, Flight." |
Flight: "GC�AUHF�͈̔͂ɓ���܂łǂꂭ�炢����? 2�����傤��?" GC: "���̒ʂ�ł��BFlight" |
08:02:00 a.m.
| |
GNC: "Flight, GNC." Flight: "Go." GNC: "If we have any reason to suspect any sort of controllability issue, I would keep the control cards handy on page four-dash-13." Flight: "Copy." |
GNC: "Flight�A������GNC" Flight: "�ǂ���" GNC: "�����A�R���g���[���r���e�B�Ɋւ�闝�R���^���Ă���̂Ȃ�A�R���g���[���J�[�h��4-13�y�[�W���J���Ă����܂�." Flight: "����" |
| |
08:02:21 a.m.
| |
PAO: "Fourteen minutes to touchdown for Columbia at the Kennedy Space Center. Flight controllers are continuing to stand by to regain communications with the spacecraft..." |
PAO: "�R�����r�A�̃P�l�f�B�F���Z���^�[�ւ̒����\�莞�Ԃ܂Ō�14���B�t���C�g�R���g���[���`�[���́A���������F���D�Ƃ̒ʐM�̉�҂��Ă��܂�" |
08:02:29 a.m.
| |
Flight: "INCO, we were rolled left last data we had and you were expecting a little bit of ratty comm, but not this long?" |
Flight: "INCO, ���ւ̃��[�����s���āA�Ō�̃f�[�^����������A�N�͒ʐM�������ƌ����Ă������A����Ȃɒ����͂Ȃ��ȁH" |
08:02:37 a.m.
| |
INCO: "That's correct, Flight. I expected it to be a little intermittent. And this is pretty solid right here." Flight: "No onboard system config changes right before we lost data?" INCO: "That is correct, Flight. All looked good." Flight: "Still on string two and everything looked good?" INCO: "String two looking good." |
INCO: "�����ł��AFlight�B���X�r��邩������Ȃ��Ƃ͌����܂����B���̂���́A���S�ɓr�₵�Ă��܂�" Flight: "�M���������钼�O�ɁA�@�̂ɓ��ڂ��ꂽ�V�X�e���̐ݒ�͕ύX����Ă��Ȃ���?" INCO: "�͂��A����Ă��܂���AFlight�B���͂���܂���ł���" Flight: "���2�ɂȂ��Ă��āA���͂Ȃ�����?" INCO: "���2�Ŗ��͂���܂���ł���" |
08:03:03 a.m.
| |
GC: "Two minutes to MILA." |
GC: "MILA�܂�2��" |
| |
08:03:12 a.m.
| |
CAPCOM: "Columbia, Houston, comm check." |
CAPCOM: "Columbia�A������Houston�B��M�`�F�b�N" |
08:03:23 a.m.
| |
FDO: "Flight, FDO." Flight: "Go." FDO: "Close-end aim point with the one-hour balloon shows us touching down at 1,496, 1,500 feet down the runway. Our crosswind right now is on the left, from the left on the three-three end." |
FDO: "Flight�A������FDO" Flight: "�ǂ���" FDO: "1���ԑO�̋C���̃f�[�^�ɂ��ƁA�^�b�`�_�E���̃|�C���g�́A�����H�̒[����1,496�t�B�[�g(456.0m)�A��1500�t�B�[�g�̒n�_�ł��B�����͍��͍���������A33�Ԋ����H�̒[�ō����琁���Ă��܂��B" |
08:03:40 a.m.
| |
CAPCOM: "Columbia, Houston, UHF comm check." |
CAPCOM: "Columbia�A������Houston�BUHF ��M�`�F�b�N" |
08:03:45 a.m.
| |
PAO: "CAPCOM Charlie Hobaugh calling Columbia on a UHF frequency as it approaches the Merritt Island tracking station range in Florida. Twelve-and-a-half minutes to touchdown, according to clocks in mission control." |
PAO: "CAPCOM(�ʐM�S����)�̃`���[���[�E�z�o�[�X���A�t�����_�̃����b�g�A�C�����h�ǐՃX�e�[�V�����ɐڋ߂��Ă���͂��̃R�����r�A��UHF�̎��g���ŌĂт����Ă��܂��B�~�b�V�����R���g���[���̎��v�ɂ��A�����܂ł���12�����ł�" |
08:03:46 a.m.
| |
FDO: "Flight, I'd like to stay where we're at." Flight: "I copy." |
FDO: "Flight�A���͂��̂܂܍s�������Ǝv���܂�" Flight: "����" |
| |
08:03:53 a.m.
| |
MMACS: "Flight, MMACS." Flight: "MMACS?" MMACS: "On the tire pressures, we did see them go erratic for a little bit before they went away, so I do believe it's instrumentation." Flight: "OK." |
MMACS: "Flight�A������MMACS" Flight: "MMACS?" MMACS: "�^�C�����̈ꌏ�̂Ƃ��A�M�����r�₦�鏭���O�ɕs�K���ȓ��������܂�������A�v���@��̃g���u�����Ǝv���܂�" Flight: "OK." |
08:04:05 a.m.
| |
CAPCOM: "Columbia, Houston, UHF comm check." |
CAPCOM: "Columbia�A������Houston�BUHF ��M�`�F�b�N" |
08:04:35 a.m.
| |
FDO: "Flight, FDO." Flight: "Go." FDO: "I know this data's a little late, the one-hour balloon protects us for winds... |
FDO: "Flight�A������FDO" Flight: "�ǂ���" FDO: "���̃f�[�^�͏����O�̂��̂ł����A�ꎞ�ԑO�̊ϑ��C���̃f�[�^����́A���̉e���͂��قǂȂ��Ǝv���܂�..." |
08:04:41 a.m.
| |
CAPCOM: "Columbia, Houston, UHF comm check." FDO: "...I think we're in a smaller wind persistence case than that. In other words, we shouldn't expect as big of a change. I'm comfortable with 1,500 feet down the runway." |
CAPCOM: "Columbia�A������Houston�BUHF ��M�`�F�b�N" FDO: "...�����炭�A���̂Ƃ��Ɣ�ׂĂ����͂��قNj����Ȃ��Ă͂��Ȃ��ł��傤�B�܂�A(�C�ۏ�����)���܂�ς���Ă��Ȃ��Ƃ������Ƃ��Ǝv���܂��B�����H����1,500�t�B�[�g(457.2m)�̒n�_�ł́A�����͂܂�������肠��܂���" |
08:04:54 a.m.
| |
PAO: "Flight controllers are standing by for Columbia to move within communications range of the Merritt Island tracking station in Florida to regain communications with Columbia." |
PAO: "�t���C�g�R���g���[���`�[���́A�R�����r�A���t�����_�̃����b�g�A�C�����h�ǐՃX�e�[�V�����̒ǐՉ\�͈͂ɓ����āA�ʐM������̂�҂��Ă��܂�" |
08:04:57 a.m.
| |
GC: "Flight, GC." Flight: "Go." GC: "MILA not reporting any RF at this time." INCO: "Flight, INCO, SPC just should have taken us to STDN-LOW." Flight: "OK." |
GC: "Flight�A������GC" Flight: "�ǂ���" GC: "MILA���܂�RF[radio frequency(���g��)]����Ă��܂���" INCO: "Flight�A������INCO�BSPC��STDN-LOW���甭�M����Ă���͂��ł�" Flight: "OK." |
SPC(stored program command)�Ƃ����̂̓V���g�������鍂�x�A���鑬�x�ɂȂ�ƁA�����I��STDN(Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network:�F����s�ǐՃf�[�^�l�b�g���[�N)��ʂ��Ĕ��M������A�̖��߂̂��Ƃł��B
| |
08:05:13 a.m.
| |
Flight: "FDO, when are you expecting tracking?" FDO: "One minute ago, Flight." |
Flight: "FDO�A(MILA�����)�ǐՂ��\�ɂȂ�͂��̎��Ԃ�? " FDO: "�ꕪ�O�ł��AFlight" |
0805:21 a.m.
| |
PAO: "Also, flight controllers standing by for tracking data of Columbia that's also received through the Merritt Island tracking station." |
PAO: "�t���C�g�R���g���[���`�[���͈��������A�����b�g�A�C�����h�ǐՃX�e�[�V��������R�����r�A�̒ǐՃf�[�^��������̂�҂��Ă��܂��B" |
0805:26 a.m.
| |
CAPCOM: "Columbia, Houston, UHF comm check." |
CAPCOM: "Columbia�A������Houston�BUHF ��M�`�F�b�N" |
08:05:51 a.m.
| |
PAO: "Ten and a half minutes to anticipated touchdown for Columbia." |
PAO: "�R�����r�A�̒����\�莞�Ԃ܂Ō�10�����ł�" |
08:06:29 a.m.
| |
GC: "And Flight, GC, no C-band yet." Flight: "Copy." |
GC: "Flight�A������GC�B�܂�C-band�ɂ͔���������܂���" Flight: "����" |
08:06:56 a.m.
| |
PAO: "Flight controllers are still standing by for C-band tracking data from the Merritt Island tracking station of Columbia and UHF communications." |
PAO: "�t���C�g�R���g���[���`�[���́A�����b�g�A�C�����h�ǐՃX�e�[�V�����ƃR�����r�A�̊Ԃł�UHF�̒ʐM�ɂ����C-�o���h�̒ǐՃf�[�^��������̂�҂��Ă��܂�" |
08:07:08 a.m.
| |
CAPCOM: "Columbia, Houston, UHF comm check." |
CAPCOM: "Columbia�A������Houston�BUHF ��M�`�F�b�N" |
08:07:22 a.m.
| |
INCO: "Flight, INCO." Flight: "Go." INCO: "I could swap strings in the blind." |
INCO: "Flight�A������INCO" Flight: "�ǂ���" INCO: "�͂����ǂ����킩��܂��A�����炩������ς��Ă݂܂��傤�� |
08:07:36 a.m.
| |
Flight: "OK, command us over." INCO: "In work, Flight." |
Flight: "OK�A�I������狳���Ă���" INCO: "���|����܂��BFlight" |
| |
08:08:07 a.m.
| |
PAO: "Eight minutes on the touchdown clock for Columbia, flight controllers continuing to stand by to regain communications with the spacecraft." |
PAO: "�R�����r�A�̒����\�莞�Ԃ܂Ō�8���B�t���C�g�R���g���[���`�[���͉F���D�Ƃ̒ʐM������̂�҂��Ă��܂��B" |
08:08:25 a.m.
| |
INCO: "Flight, INCO, I've commanded string one in the blind." Flight: "INCO?" INCO: "I've commanded string one in the blind, Flight." Flight: "Copy." |
INCO: "Flight�A������INCO�A�͂��Ă��邩������܂��A���1�ɃR�}���h�𑗂�܂���" Flight: "INCO?" INCO: "���1�ɃR�}���h�𑗂�܂����BFlight" Flight: "����" |
08:08:34 a.m.
| |
PAO: "Flight controllers standing by for communications through the Merritt Island tracking station, a ground tracking site in Florida." |
PAO: "�t���C�g�R���g���[���`�[���̓t�����_�̃����b�g�A�C�����h�ǐՃX�e�[�V������ʂ��ĒʐM������̂�҂��Ă��܂�" |
08:09:25 a.m.
| |
GC: "And Flight, GC." |
GC: "Flight�A������GC." |
08:09:26 a.m.
| |
Flight: "Go." |
Flight: "�ǂ���" |
08:09:27 a.m.
| |
GC: "MILA's taking one of their antennas off into a search mode." |
GC: "MILA���A���e�i��(�R�����r�A�������邽�߂�)�T�[�`���[�h�ɐ�ւ��܂�" |
| |
08:09:30 a.m.
| |
Flight: "Copy. FDO, Flight?" |
Flight: "�����BFDO�A������Flight" |
08:09:32 a.m.
| |
FDO: "Go ahead, Flight." |
FDO: "�ǂ����AFlight" |
08:09:34 a.m.
| |
Flight: "Did we get, have we gotten any tracking data?" |
Flight: "�����������A�Ȃɂ��ǐՃf�[�^����ɓ�������?" |
08:09:36 a.m.
| |
FDO: "We got a blip of tracking data, it was a bad data point, Flight. We do not believe that was the orbiter. We're entering a search pattern with our C-bands at this time. We do not have any valid data at this time." |
FDO: "�ǐՃf�[�^�Ɍ��_������܂����A����̓f�[�^�|�C���g�Ƃ��Ă͓K�ł͂���܂���AFlight�B����̓I�[�r�^�[�̂��̂��Ƃ͎v���܂���B���܂���AC-�o���h�ł̒T���p�^�[���ɓ���܂��B���̂Ƃ���L���ȃf�[�^�͓����Ă��܂���" |
08:09:51 a.m.
| |
Flight: "OK. Any other trackers that we can go to?" |
Flight: "OK�B���ɒǐՉ\�ȕ��@�����邩?" |
08:09:58 a.m.
| |
FDO: "Let me start talking, Flight, to my navigator." |
FDO: "�i�r�Q�[�^�[�Ƒ��k�����Ă��������AFlight" |
08:10:07 a.m.
| |
PAO: "This is mission control, Houston. Flight controllers are continuing to seek tracking data of Columbia. Touchdown clocks countdown to six minutes to touchdown for the anticipated shutdown, touchdown of Columbia at the Kennedy Space Center runway. Tracking data is being sought through the Merritt Island tracking station located near the Kennedy Space Center in Florida." |
PAO: "������̓q���[�X�g���̃~�b�V�����R���g���[���ł��B�t���C�g�R���g���[���`�[���́A���������R�����r�A����̃g���b�L���O�f�[�^��T���Ă��܂��B�P�l�f�B�F���Z���^�[�ւ̃R�����r�A�̒����\�莞���܂Ō�6���ł��B�R�����r�A�̒ǐՃf�[�^�̓t�����_�̃P�l�f�B�F���Z���^�[�̂��ɂ��郁���b�g�A�C�����h�ǐՃX�e�[�V������ʂ��ĒT������Ă��܂�" |
08:10:35 a.m.
| |
PAO: "Communications with Columbia were lost at about 8 a.m. Central time, about 10 minutes ago." |
PAO: "�R�����r�A�Ƃ̒ʐM�͒����W�����ߑO8���A��10���O�ɓr�₦�܂���" |
08:12:34 a.m.
| |
PAO: "This is mission control, Houston. Flight controllers are continuing to stand by for communications from Columbia. The last communications with the spacecraft occurred about 8 a.m. Central time as it was above central Texas. Currently seeking communications or tracking data from the spacecraft through C-band radar and ground tracking sites located at the Merritt Island tracking station in Florida." |
PAO: "������̓q���[�X�g���̃~�b�V�����R���g���[���ł��B�t���C�g�R���g���[���`�[���͈��������R�����r�A����̒ʐM��҂��Ă��܂��B�F���D�Ƃ̍Ō�̒ʐM�͒����W�����ߑO8���A�e�L�T�X���ōs���܂����B���݁A�R�����r�A����̒ʐM�ƒǐՃf�[�^��C-�o���h���[�_�[�ƃt�����_�̃����b�g�A�C�����h�ǐՃX�e�[�V�����ɂ���đ{������Ă��܂�" |
08:12:40 a.m.
| |
���̂Ƃ��AMOD�̃t�B���E�G���Q���[�t���A�R�����r�A����C���˓����ɂ��ɂȂ������Ƃ�`����e���r�̑���������Ƃ����A�����g�ѓd�b�Ɏ܂����B�ނ͂��̉��(Flight Director Loop)���g�킸���ڃt���C�g�f�B���N�^�[�̃R���\�[���֍s���āA�ނɃI�[�r�^�[�������������Ƃ�`���܂����B
| |
08:12:55 a.m.
| |
Flight: "GC, Flight. GC, Flight."' GC: "Flight, GC." Flight: "Lock the doors." GC: "Copy." |
Flight: "GC�A ������Flight�BGC - ������Flight" GC: "Flight�A������GC" Flight: "�h�A�Ɍ���" GC: "����" |
| |
08:13:17 a.m.
| |
Flight: "FDO, do you have any tracking?" FDO: "No sir." |
Flight: "FDO�A�ǐՃf�[�^�͓���ꂽ���H" FDO: "������" |
08:13:43 a.m.
| |
MCC-MOD: "Flight, MOD, on the flight loop." | "Flight�A������MOD�Bflight loop�ɖ߂�܂���" |
| |
08:13:51 a.m.
| |
FDO: "Flight, FDO." Flight: "Go." FDO: "My C-bands have not acquired anything. We are only in track, uh, acquiring false locks at this time." |
FDO: "Flight�A������FDO" Flight: "�ǂ���" FDO: "C-�o���h�ł͂Ȃɂ��擾�ł��Ă��܂���B���̒i�K�ł�(�V���g���̂��̂ł͂Ȃ�)�s�m���ȒǐՃf�[�^���������Ă��܂���" |
08:14:11 a.m.
| |
Flight: "I copy, FDO." |
Flight: "�����AFDO" |
08:14:26 a.m.
| |
PAO: "This is mission control, Houston. Flight controllers continue to seek tracking or communications with Columbia through Merritt Island tracking station. Last communications with Columbia was at 8 a.m. Central time, approximately above Texas as it approached the Kennedy Space Center for its landing. Flight director LeRoy Cain is now instructing controllers to get out their contingency procedures and begin to follow those." |
PAO: "������̓q���[�X�g���̃~�b�V�����R���g���[���Z���^�[�ł��B�t���C�g�R���g���[���`�[���́A�����b�g�A�C�����h�ǐՃX�e�[�V������ʂ��ăR�����r�A����̒ʐM�Ȃ����ǐՃf�[�^��{�����Ă��܂��B�Ō�̒ʐM�͒����W�����ߑO8���A���̎��_�ŃR�����r�A�̓P�l�f�B�F���Z���^�[�Ɍ������ăe�L�T�X�����s���Ă��܂����B�t���C�g�f�B���N�^�[�̃����C�E�P�C���͊ǐ��������ɋً}���̑Ή��ɓ���悤�ɖ����܂���" |
08:14:29 a.m.
| |
Flight: "OK, all flight controllers on the flight loop, we need to kick off the FCOH (Flight Control Operations Handbook) contingency plan procedure, FCOH checklist page 2.8-5." |
Flight: "OK�A���̒ʐM�ɎQ�����Ă���ǐ����͑S���A�t���C�g�R���g���[���}�j���A����2.8-5�ɋL�ڂ��ꂽ�ً}���Ή��v���Z�X�ɓ��邱��" |
08:14:52 a.m.
| |
Flight: "FDO, Flight. ... FDO, Flight." FDO: "Go ahead." Flight: "Do you have any information or reports from Space Command?" |
Flight: "FDO�A������Flight�BFDO�A������Flight" FDO: "�ǂ���" Flight: "�k�Ėh��i�ߕ����牽��������Ă��Ȃ���?" |
08:15:04 a.m.
| |
PAO: "Flight dynamics officer reports no tracking data from the C-band radar at the Merritt Island tracking station has been reported of any objects." |
PAO: "�t���C�g�E�_�C�i�~�N�X�E�I�t�B�T�[(FDO)�́A�����b�g�A�C�����h�ǐՃZ���^�[��C-�o���h���[�_�[����͒ǐՃf�[�^�������Ă��Ȃ��Ƃ��������Ă��܂�" |
08:15:05 a.m.
| |
| |
08:15:50 a.m.
| |
| |
08:17:57 a.m.
| |
Flight: "OK, all flight controllers, on page 9, of the FCOH procedure you need to make sure you step through the actions required in step 20, that's for your workstation logs, display printouts, there's a whole list of data collection items we need to make sure we log through." |
Flight: "OK�A�ǐ����͑S���A�t���C�g�R���g���[���}�j���A����9�y�[�W�A�菇9����20�ɏ]���悤�ɁB���[�N�X�e�[�V�����̃��O��f�B�X�v���C�̃v�����g�A�E�g�ȂǁA��X���W�߂�ׂ��S�Ẵf�[�^�̃��X�g�������ɏ����Ă��� |
| |
08:18:20 a.m.
| |
PAO: "This is mission control, Houston. Flight director LeRoy Cain is instructing controllers to follow contingency procedures. The last communications with the shuttle Columbia during its descent from orbit were at about 8 a.m. Central time as it was descending through the atmosphere..." |
PAO: "������q���[�X�g���̃~�b�V�����R���g���[���ł��B�t���C�g�f�B���N�^�[�̃����C�E�P�C�����ǐ����ɋً}���Ή��v���Z�X�ɏ]���悤�ɖ����Ă��܂��B�X�y�[�X�V���g���R�����r�A�Ƃ̍Ō�̒ʐM�́A�����W�����ߑO8���A��C�����~�����ɍs��ꂽ���̂ł�..." |
08:18:36 a.m.
| |
Flight: "And GC, Flight?" GC: "Flight, GC." FDO: "FDO, Flight Flight: "We need to take the equivalent of a command server TSU (Trajectory Server Upgrade) checkpoint..."' FDO: "Yes sir." GC: "Copy." Flight: "We don't have the old DSC (Dynamic Standby Computer) checkpoint but we have the equivalent capability that we need to do." GC: "We'll get that done." |
Flight: "GC�A������Flight" GC: "Flight�A������GC" Flight: "FDO�A������Flight" Flight: "��X�́ATSU (Trajectory Server Upgrade)�������鍀�ڂ��������Ȃ���Ȃ�Ȃ�..." FDO: "�͂�" GC: "����" Flight: "��X�͌Â�DSC (Dynamic Standby Computer)�̍��ڂ��`�F�b�N����K�v�͂Ȃ����A����ɑ���������̂ƍl����ׂ����낤�A" GC: "�������܂�" |
| |
08:18:40 a.m.
| |
PAO: "...at an altitude of about 207,000 feet en route to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and a touchdown that was anticipated to occur about two-and-a-half minutes ago. Flight controllers received no further communications with the spacecraft after about 8 a.m. Central time and no further tracking data from the spacecraft was gained from C-band tracking radar at the Merritt Island tracking station in Florida." |
PAO: "...(�ʐM���r�₵������)���x��207,000�t�B�[�g(63.1km)�A�P�l�f�B�F���Z���^�[�Ɍ������Ă��鏊�ł����B���݁A�����\�莞�����10�����߂����Ƃ���ł��B�F���D�̒ǐՃf�[�^�̓t�����_�̃����b�g�A�C�����h�ǐՃX�e�[�V������C-�o���h�ǐՃ��[�_�[���瓾����͂��ł����A�t���C�g�R���g���[���`�[���������W�����ߑO8���ɍŌ�ɒʐM���Ă���A����܂ň�x���擾�ł��Ă��܂���" |
08:18:58 a.m.
| |
Flight: "GC, Flight." GC: "Flight, GC."' Flight: "You understand how to do the end-of-file log tapes we need...in the checklist? OK. GC: "Yes sir." |
Flight: "GC�A������Flight" GC: "Flight�A������GC"' Flight: "�N�́A�`�F�b�N���X�g�ɂ���u�Ō�̃��O�t�@�C���v���ǂ�����������킩���Ă��邩?" GC: "�͂�" |
08:19:14 a.m.
| |
PAO: "Contingency procedures in effect in mission control require all operators to conserve all their data and logbooks and notes that have been taken, that being instructed by flight director LeRoy Cain for controllers to begin following those steps and secure all information." |
PAO: "�ً}���̃v���Z�X�ł̓~�b�V�����R���g���[���̊ǐ������A�S�Ẵf�[�^�A�����A�����Ȃǂ�ۑ�����悤�ɋ��߂��܂��B�t���C�g�f�B���N�^�[�̃����C�E�P�C���������o�[�ɂ����̎菇�ɏ]���A�S�Ă̏����m�ۂ���悤�Ɏw�����܂���" |
08:19:34 a.m.
| |
Flight: "And folks, listen up again on the flight loop. No phone calls off site outside of this room, our discussions are on these loops, the recorded DVIS (digital voice integrated system) loops only, no data, no phone calls, no transmissions anywhere, into or out." |
Flight: "�݂�ȁA�t���C�g���[�v���Ă���B���̕�������O�֓d�b�����Ă͂����Ȃ��B�c�_�͋L�^�Ɏc��DVIS�ʐM�����ł��邱�ƁB�ǂ��ɑ��Ă��A�f�[�^�ʐM��d�b�A�ʐM����������肵�Ȃ��悤��" |
| |
08:19:54 a.m.
| |
GC: "Flight, GC." |
GC: "Flight�A������GC" |
08:19:56 a.m.
| |
Flight: "GC." |
GC: "GC." |
08:19:57 a.m.
| |
GC: "We have no way of disabling the black phones." |
GC: "�����Ă��Ȃ��d�b��j�~������@�͂���܂���" |
08:19:59 a.m.
| |
Flight: "I understand." |
Flight: "�킩����" |
08:20:10 a.m.
| |
PAO: "Again, flight director LeRoy Cain has declared a contingency. Flight controllers here in mission control are securing all their information, notes and data gathered from the spacecraft. The last communications with Columbia at 8 a.m. Central time as it was descending toward Florida for its landing. At that time, about 207,000 feet above central Texas traveling approximately 12,500 miles per hour, 1,192 miles from its touchdown at Kennedy Space Center. Since 8 a.m., no communications were received with Columbia and no tracking data received through the Merritt Island tracking station, those efforts made. The flight dynamics officer reports no objects tracked through that tracking data." |
PAO: "�t���C�g�f�B���N�^�[�̃����C�E�P�C���͍Ăыً}���Ԃ�錾���܂����B�~�b�V�����R���g���[���̃X�^�b�t�́A�ނ�̎����Ă���S�Ă̏���L�^�A�����A�V���g������̃f�[�^�Ȃǂ�ی삷��悤�Ɏw������Ă��܂��B�R�����r�A�Ƃ̍Ō�̒ʐM�͒����W�����ߑO8���A�����Ɍ����ăt�����_�֍~�����Ă���Ƃ��ɍs���܂����B���̎��_�ŁA�R�����r�A�̓e�L�T�X�������̏��207,000�t�B�[�g(63.1km)������12,500�}�C��(20116.8km/h)�Ŕ�s���ł����B�P�l�f�B�F���Z���^�[�܂�1,192�}�C��(1918.3km)�̒n�_�ł��B�̓w�͂��������Ă��܂����A�ߑO8���ȍ~�R�����r�A����͈�ؒʐM���͂��Ă��܂���B�܂��A�����b�g�A�C�����h�ǐՃX�e�[�V����������ǐՃf�[�^�������Ă��܂���B�t���C�g�E�_�C�i�~�N�X�E�I�t�B�T�[�͒ǐՃf�[�^�ɂ͔�s���̂̌`�Ղ͂܂������Ȃ��ƕ��Ă��܂�" |
08:20:18 a.m.
| |
Flight: "GC, Flight." |
Flight: "GC�A������Flight" |
08:20:20 a.m.
| |
GC: "Flight, GC." |
GC: "Flight�A������GC" |
08:20:22 a.m.
| |
Flight: "Bill, have you sent out the TWX? We're supposed to notify the other NASA centers via the TWX. And the TWX is on 2.8-3." |
Flight: "�r���A�N��TWX�𑗂������H����NASA�̎{�݂�TWX�Œʒm���o���K�v������͂����BTWX�̂��Ƃ�2.8-3�ɋL�ڂ���Ă���" |
| |
08:20:33 a.m.
| |
GC: "We'll work it, Flight." | "�������܂��AFlight" |
08:20:34 a.m.
| |
Flight: "OK. That one I'd like to do as soon as we can, Bill." |
Flight: "OK�A�ł��邾����������Ă���A�r��" |
08:20:38 a.m.
| |
GC: "Copy." |
GC: "����" |
08:21:40 a.m
| |
Flight: "FDO, Flight." |
Flight: "FDO�A������Flight." |
08:21:52 a.m
| |
Flight: "GC, Flight." |
Flight: "GC�A������Flight" |
08:21:53 a.m
| |
GC: "Flight, GC." |
GC: "Flight������GC" |
08:21:54 a.m
| |
Flight: "Is the command system still armed?" |
Flight: "�R�}���h�V�X�e���͂܂�ON�ɂȂ����܂܂�?" |
08:21:57 a.m
| |
GC: "Affirmative." |
GC: "�͂�" |
08:21:58 am
| |
Flight: "Let's safe it." |
Flight: "������" |
08:21:59 a.m
| |
GC: "Copy." |
GC: "����" |
08:22:00 a.m
| |
Flight: "INCO, we're going to safe the command system." |
GC: "INCO, �R�}���h�V�X�e���������" |
Flight: | Flight Director | Leroy Cain |
MMACS("Max"): | Maintenance, Mechanical and Crew Systems Engineer | Jeff Kling |
GNC: | Guidance, Navigation, and Control Systems Engineer | Mike Sarafin |
FDO("Fido"): | Flight Dynamics Officer | Richard Jones |
CAPCOM: | Spacecraft Communicator | Charles "Scorch" Hobaugh |
GC: | Ground Control Officer | Bill Foster |
EECOM: | Emergency, Environmental and Consumables Systems Engineer | Katie Rogers |
INCO: | Instrumentation and Communications Systems Engineer | Laura Hoppe |
MOD: | Mission Operations Directorate rep. | Phil Engelauf |
Columbia: | Orbiter Crew | Rick Hasband(Commander) |
PAO: | NASA TV Commentator at MCC, Houston | James Hartsfield |
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STS-107 Entry Timeline - Compiled by William Harwood CBS News
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Audio file info.
Audio file URL: http://www.lizard-tail.com/isana/podcast/comm_check.mp3Podcast URL: http://www.lizard-tail.com/isana/podcast/feed.xml
Title : Columbia, Houston, comm check... - Columbia Lost - Feb 1, 2003
Dulation : 00:40:15
File size : 19,321,981 bytes
Copyright : NASA