
LFS Mailing Lists


Before you post to the mailing lists, please check if your answer has already been answered in the FAQ, on the search page or by other methods on the support page. If you don't understand an answer in the FAQ or would like some more information, send an e-mail to the FAQ maintainer.

If you're finished with the LFS Book, use blfs-support instead. Please read the netiquette rules before posting!

You must subscribe to a list before posting.

Important mailing list etiquette

Mailing List Description

The lfs-announce list is a moderated, low traffic list for those who want notification of new stable releases without the higher traffic of lfs-dev.
The lfs-book list is used for coordinating the LFS Book's maintenance. Traffic on it is mostly Trac and Git commit messages. It is important that all development discussion of interest to the Book's users take place on lfs-dev, not here. This is a moderated list.
The lfs-dev list is only for discussion of LFS Book development.
The lfs-support list is the place to get help following the instructions in the stable release of LFS Book itself. If you are finished with the LFS book, please use blfs-support instead.
The lfs-admin list is a moderated list used for coordinating hints, patches, and the website. Traffic on it is mostly Trac and Git commit messages.
The blfs-book list is used for coordinating the BLFS Book's maintenance. Traffic on it is mostly Trac and Git commit messages. It is important that all development discussion of interest to the Book's users take place on blfs-dev, not here. This is a moderated list.
The blfs-dev list is only for discussion of BLFS Book development.
The blfs-support list is for the BLFS Book and beyond. It includes requests for help following the BLFS Book, requests for help with packages not (yet) in either the LFS Book or the BLFS Book, and other requests and discussion concerning software that might be installed on an LFS system. This list is relatively high traffic.
The alfs-discuss list is for discussion of ALFS development.


Every mailinglist is archived and can be browsed through online. The archives are always current. The links to the archives is available through each lists' Archive page.

The archives are split by month. If you don't want to just browse but are actually looking for specific information, you'll be better off searching through the archives using the search engine or list archive search function.


The easiest way to subscribe is via the https://lists.linuxfromscratch.org/sympa/info/<list>"page. Just select "Subscribe"

The mailing list software allows you to log in, but it is only required to customize list options or to unsubscribe. When loging in for the first time, select "First login?". You will receive a message with a link where you will be able to set your password. Note that this only has to be done once and your password is good for all LFS mailing lists.


To unsubscribe from a list, go to the list info page and select "Unsubscribe".


Every email sent out by the mailinglist software at linuxfromscratch.org will have the list name in square brackets at the beginning of the Subject: line. So this header for an email to lfs-dev will look like [lfs-dev] Some title and an email to blfs-support will look like [blfs-support] Another title.

We suggest you use the Subject: header to filter incoming LFS mail to your mail folders.


All lists have the digest mode available which can be set after a user has subscribed to a list. Being in digest mode will cause you to stop receiving individual messages as they are posted to the list and instead receive a periodic email containing all the messages posted to the list since the previous period.

This setting can be configured via the "Subscriber Options" link on each list.

Vacation mode

If you are going to be away for a while or wish to stop receiving messages from the lists but don't want to unsubscribe, you can change to vacation mode. This has the same effect as unsubscribing, but without having to go through the unsubscribe process and then later through the subscribe process again.

This setting can be configured via a form on the "Subscriber Options" link on each list.