If you haven't already heard about this, please look at John Burgess' blog I understand a complaint has gone in about apparent misuse of UNISON resources by full-time officials in London in campaigning for Dave Prentis in General Secretary election. Some of you may remember that I won a Certification Officer case against the then Branch Secretary of Manchester branch in 2009, for the misuse of UNISON resources in promoting candidates in NEC election (he went on to be employed as a full-time official, I went on to be disciplined by UNISON and suspended for 5 years - on an unrelated matter). So we know that this sort of misuse of resources goes on. But reading the transcript even I was shocked at the blatant and arrogant way that these London officials obviously think they can get away with it. Do pass this current information on, and if you are on Twitter, it's #Unisongate - more comments needed to get it trending. Caroline Bedale |