(For action by branch is in italics) Main item discussed was pay campaign and attacks on Agenda for Change. No-one accepted that we should take cuts in Agenda for Change (AfC) in order to keep a national scheme. Some said we should have never been in negotiations about this in the first place nationally. There was not one area that people felt was an acceptable cut. The NHS employers want to undo all the benefits of AfC and more! All felt we should not engage in further negotiations but should begin to organise a campaign of resistance. We discussed how important the Employment Tribunal victory had been in central Manchester last year at holding back some of the attacks in the North west. NHS employers nationally told the Pay Review Body they did not want regional pay. But in the news today it has been announced that a cartel of 37 trusts in the South West will launch a united attack on AfC for NHS staff. No-one felt we can rely on Employment law any more, partly as it is so weak and partly as they just come at you from a different direction. Therefore we needed to look at a campaigning industrial action strategy. Branches need to go out and talk to members about the attacks. Some are already starting this. There is a regional seminar on pay on 2nd August which we need to send delegates to. Pensions. Many felt that abandoning the pensions fight, alongside increased poverty of NHS staff, had demoralised members and was responsible for falling membership. And that it had given confidence to Trusts and Dept of Health to attack more. Some talked of cost of subs. Most agreed people join and stay in a union when it is fighting. October 20th Demo London. At same time most reported increased anger of members. One branch said in march last year they had to ask people to come on national TUC march. This time people are asking them can I go? Everybody expected this years to be bigger. UNISON NW alone have booked 2 trains (one Manchester , one Liverpool) and lots of tickets on normal trains. People are encouraged to book coaches and coordinate tickets between branches. Cuts. Branches are encouraged to write to their employers asking them what plans they have for implementing cuts this year. All should have recently sent details of this to Monitor. We should ask for a copy at each Trust. Region will provide a standard letter this week for branches. Most Trusts are not just cutting staff costs but also cutting services, either by rationing or closures. It was agreed we need to do more public campaigning like we did before NHS bill was passed. Agreed to circulate report on joint Keep our NHS Public and NHS Together conference held recently in London. There was some discussion about how helpful the Labour party would be in supporting us. Some felt we should ask them to disband proposals as Andy Burnham has promised but that if they do not deliver we should do what Unite have said and stop supporting them if they stop supporting us. All agreed we should campaign and get info out about cuts. Private sector forum. It is important we try and get someone there from each branch. Commissioning. Reorganisation still an unworkable mess. Lack of any democracy. People may know where they are going by end of year but given the lack of clarity we think this may be optimistic. Regional health committee new chair - election next meeting which is on 17th September. Thanks to Debbie who has done it well for long time. |