Workers Memorial Day 28th April 2010 London demo

Report by Construction Safety Campaign
Published: 14/03/10

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Olympics 11.30am

March from Pudding Mill lane to Westfield Site next to Stratford Station for Rally with speakers

In 2004 workers stopped work on the Wembley football stadium site on Workers Memorial Day so as to show their respects to Patrick Sullivan who was killed on that site.

Tower Hill 9.30am

Rally with speakers at the statue of the building worker opposite Tower Hill underground Station next to Tower Bridge.

The statue of a building worker at the Tower of London is an important landmark as it recognises the contribution made by construction workers to the people of our country

So what is this about? It’s about you; it’s about workers killed or seriously injured or diseased because of work and preventing this happening.

It’s about stopping the abuse of those in power the employers and politicians who don’t provide for safe places of work.

If you take up the fight we can succeed, as our resistance has shown we were able to:

  • Ban the deadly asbestos imports that were coming into the UK and obtain far better asbestos protection laws;
  • Force government to provide the registration of cranes, as many cranes have crashed killing workers and members of the public;
  • Keep up the fight for workplace deaths to be treated as corporate manslaughter;
  • Forced the government to announce its recognition for workers memorial day; Far more needs to be done. We can do so if you are prepared to give your support to our campaign.

Two construction workers have been killed so far as a result of unsafe incidents while working on construction projects associated with the Olympics. Henry Sheridan was killed from an incident on the rail extension for the Olympics site; Shaun Scurry was killed from an incident on a shopping centre development that adjoins the Olympics site. Show your respect to Shaun Scurry and Henry Sheridan by attending our events being held on this year’s Workers Memorial Day.

Remember the Dead and
Fight for the living