Joint action call for public sector unions over pay

Report by Alex FLYNN
Published here: 17/01/08

The Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) called for joint action over pay by public sector trade unions at today’s (14 Jan) TUC meeting of the Public Services Liaison Group.

The move comes in response to government plans for three year pay deals across the public sector, which the union fears will result in below inflation settlements leading to pay cuts in real terms for millions of Britain’s civil and public servants.

With below inflation pay increasingly becoming a problem, the union also announced that it would be organising a national lobby of Parliament in the spring over below inflation pay.

The call coincided with PCS members announcing that they would starting a work to rule in the Home Office next Monday over a below inflation three year pay offer which saw a large proportion of staff receiving a cost of living increase of just 1% last year with a 0. 5% increase this year.

Elsewhere in the civil service the union warned that members in the Department for Work and Pensions could take further strike action on 31 January should there be no progress through talks. The dispute over the imposition of a three year pay offer in the DWP has already seen a strongly supported two day strike in December. Staff are angry over the below inflation three year deal which sees 40% of staff receive no pay increase this year and people’s pay cut in real terms over the three years.

Commenting, Mark Serwotka, PCS general secretary, said: “If you look at the three year deals in the DWP and the Home Office it is becoming increasingly clear that the government are seeking to drive down pay in real terms with their proposals for three year pay deals across the public sector. The 2005 pensions campaign showed that when unions work together they are stronger and can win, which is why we are calling on public sector trade unions to campaign together and prepare for joint action to ensure civil and public servants don’t see their pay cut in real terms. With growing anger across the public sector, the government need to recognise that hard working civil and public servants will not tolerate below inflation pay or the false premise of being used as an anti-inflationary tool when it is clear that their wages aren’t fuelling inflation.”

Notes to editors

  • For further information, interviews and comment please contact Alex Flynn PCS national press officer on 0207 8012820 or 07833 978216.
  • PCS, the Public and Commercial Services Union is the union representing civil and public servants in central government. It has more than 325, 000 members in over 200 departments and agencies. It also represents workers in parts of government transferred to the private sector. PCS is the UK’s sixth largest union and is affiliated to the TUC. The general secretary is Mark Serwotka and the president Janice Godrich.

Alex Flynn
National Press Officer
Public and Commercial Services Union
160 Falcon Rd
London SW11 2LN

Direct line: 020 7801 2747
Mobile: 07833 978 216
Fax: 020 7924 1847