Journalists at three of Scotlands leading newspapers are to strike today (19/07/07) against compulsory redundancies. NUJ members at The Herald, Sunday Herald and Evening Times as well as Caledonian Magazines will walk out in the first strike at the Scottish newspaper in more than 25 years. Despite the company continuing to make massive profits they have refused to rule out compulsory redundancies in an attempt to axe up to £3m from budgets. NUJ members voted 87% in favour of strike action. NUJ General Secretary Jeremy Dear today told strikers: The thoughts and solidarity of the whole union are with you today. The stand you are taking is magnificent and an inspiration to all those facing compulsory redundancies and a management more intent on boosting profits than in investing in quality journalism - thats why from small local papers to national broadcasting organisations members applaud your determination and commitment to fighting to defend quality and stand up for journalists and journalism in the face of this savage cost-cutting. NUJ President Michelle Stanistreet said: The company are hell-bent on forcing through compulsory redundancies despite the fact they are hugely profitable and despite the fact there are volunteers looking to go. Their actions will damage the quality of the papers and I applaud the stand members are taking to oppose the cuts. The whole union should get behind them. Union officials have issued an appeal for messages of support to be sent to [email protected] 19/07/07 |