After a six year campaign by asylum tenants G4S the worlds biggest security company have lost all of their contracts to run asylum housing. From September 2019 tenants will not have a prison guard as a landlord. The new 10 year £4 billion Asylum Accommodation and Support Services
Contract has been given to Serco, Clearsprings and the Mears Group. Mears
Group will be operating the contract in Yorkshire, Humberside and the north
east from September 2019. We will be contacting them to remind them that we
will continue to work alongside asylum tenants to ensure they are treated
with dignity and respect and provided with decent housing. Home Office
announcement of the new contracts is here: We will publish a detailed response to the announcement of the new contract soon. In the meantime listen to John Grayson from SYMAAG interviewed on Sheffield
Live on G4S getting dumped from the asylum housing contract and our small
part in that success here: Stuart Crosthwaite email: SYMAAG [email protected] |