from the programme notes distributed at the Royal Exchange (Manchester) performance on Sunday 18 Nov. Paul Robeson was one of the first African Americans to openly support independence movements . . . . . . . Robeson was very much out of step with public opinion in his time, and would probably be so today, were he to similarly support a people fighting occupation and Apartheid in their home. That is the case in Palestine, where the might of the American- and Western- backed Israeli army is falling on innocent civilians, as the Israeli government say they are fighting terrorists. The Palestinians have seen over 90% of their territory stolen over the last half century, and the armed robbery continues, yet when they resist (with whatever means at their disposal) they are branded terrorists who should be assassinated, along with their neighbours and children. Many describe the state of Israel as the real terrorists. Despite the fact that Robeson was a real lover of Jewish people, I am willing to bet that he might concur, were he around today. He would not be relying on the BBC or the rest of the mainstream media for his information, but would, I think, listen out for the voices of the peace drowned out by the bombs. He would still have lots of Jewish friends, such as the many who belong to organisations like The Friends of Palestine. Lets listen to them and support them. After all, as Robeson himself said,The Artist Must Take Sides... |