Update: Haiti One Year On speaking tour

Report by Marion Marshrons, Haiti Support Group
Updated: 04/01/11

see: www.haitisupportgroup.org

Update 4 Jan: The UK authorities have denied Eramithe Delva a visa. However, as far as we know, Georges Werleigh is still coming. The meetings in Glasgow, Edinburgh and at Senate House in London have been cancelled but there are still at least two events going ahead in London and one in Brussels with Georges.

Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Cholera

Up to 305,000 dead; 5,800 amputations; 1.5 million homeless. One year after the most deadly natural disaster since WWII, come and hear how Haitians are rebuilding their lives, their civil society, their capital city – all in the middle of a cholera epidemic.

For months, Eramithe Delva and her colleagues in the leading women’s rights organization KOFAVIV, lived under a tarpaulin in a park, just yards from the National Palace. Despite losing colleagues, their office, a clinic and school, KOFAVIV continued to combat sexual violence, a lack of sanitation and inadequate medical care from the mud and squalor of the camps.

Following the refusal to allow Eramithe Delva to visit Britain, several meetings have been cancelled. But the following events will take place

London, 11.00am - 2.00pm
Renoir Cinema, Brunswick Square, London WC1

"Mickey Mouse goes to Haiti"

Film Screening (documentary on labour exploitation in Haiti) followed by discussion with Jeremy Corbyn MP, Ben Sprung (London Fire Brigades Union) and Christian Wisskirchen, Chair of the Haiti Support Group

More details and flyer at: www.socialistfilm.blogspot.com

London, 6.30pm to 8.30pm:

Public meeting with Georges Werleigh (ITECA)

Venue: House of Commons, Westminster

(ID essential to gain access). Organised by Haiti Advocacy Platform of UK NGOs, in collaboration with HSG.

RSVP: Roisin O´Hara: [email protected]

Click here to download flyer

Brussels, 7 pm: Haiti: One Year On

Public Meeting with expert speakers, including Georges Werleigh of ITECA.

Organised by Haitian solidarity groups in Belgium, in collaboration with HSG

Venue: BTC Conference Centre. Espace Jacmotte, 1000 Brussels

More information: www.vlaams-haiti-overleg.be