Trade Union Seminar at Liverpool University

Report by: Paul Adams
Published: 12/03/10


Victoria Gallery and Museum
�Brownlow Hill
(Red brick building with clock tower)

Speke 1985: a Merseyside case study
Trade Union and Community Seminar

A short video made in 1985 by the Speke Unemployed Centre and University of Liverpool staff that looks at the social and economic devastation wrought on a community during the ‘Thatcher years’ and some of the political and social responses of the time.

Discussion led by Speke based activists

This will be the 5th in the series of seminars that aim to link up trade union and community activists with academics- and others in the University- to explore ways of practical collaboration. The seminar series aims to be a catalyst for initiating new partnerships and projects as well as a forum for discussing issues of current concern.

Back to the Future?

1984/5 was the year of the historic miners’ strike and, on Merseyside, the City Council led struggle against the then Conservative government’s austerity measures. This short 15 minute video gives a local portrayal of that period in working class history. Made by members of Speke Unemployed Centre and members of the University of Liverpool, the film gives voice to local people and some of their elected representatives who were part of the 47 local Labour Councillors disbarred from office.

Dave Foy and Steven Lewis have lived and worked in Speke all their lives and will give first-hand accounts both of the period in question and changes over the past 25 years. Steven and Dave are today training as Community Learning Champions with ‘Speke Training and Education Centre’.

We also hope to have John Bohanna present. John was a trade union leader in Fords Halewood throughout the 1970’s and 80’s and a co-founder of the Ford’s Combine.

For more information contact Paul Adams at: [email protected]