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Kansas Amber Alert Plan


There are currently no active Amber Alerts in Kansas.

In 1996, nine-year-old Amber Hagerman was abducted and murdered in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The area's Association of Radio Managers with the region's law enforcement agencies, reacted by developing a program to promptly distribute information when a child is abducted. They called the program the AMBER Plan in memory of Amber. Statewide AMBER Plans have facilitated the recovery of dozens of children.

Kansas established an AMBER Plan in September 2002. The Kansas Attorney General oversees the statewide alert system to deter potential abductors and quickly mobilize citizens to contact authorities with helpful information when an alert is issued.

This site is for informational purposes only. If you have any information concerning a case posted here, please contact your local law enforcement or dial 1-800-KS-CRIME.