

$B$3$N%Z!<%8$NFbMF$O2a5n$N$b$N$G$9!%(B $B$3$N%Z!<%8$NFbMF$r4^$a$?:G?7$N>pJs$O(B$BF|K\K!Na309q8lLu%G!<%?%Y!<%9%7%9%F%`(B$B$N%Z!<%8$r$4Mw$/$@$5$$!%(B $B$3$N%Z!<%8$O:#8e99?7$5$l$^$;$s!%(B

This page contains old information related to a Translation Project of Japanese Statutes. You can find the latest information on Japanese Law Translation site. This page is never updated.

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$B!!(BStandard Bilingual Dictionary

$B8=9T%P!<%8%g%s(B($BJ?@.(B21$BG/(B3$B7nHG(B)$B!!(Bstable version (March 2009 edition)





$B5l%P!<%8%g%s(B old versions

ver. 3.0 $B$O(B2007$BG/(B4$B7n$K8x3+$7$?%P!<%8%g%s$G$9!%(B

ver. 2.0 $B$O(B2007$BG/(B4$B7n$K8x3+$7$?%P!<%8%g%s$G$9!%(B

$BI8=`BPLu<-=q(B ver. 1.2 $B$O2<5-$N(B ver. 1.1 $B$K$*$1$k7A<0E*$J4V0c$$$r=$@5$7$?%P!<%8%g%s$G$9!%(B $BJQ99$N>\:Y$O!$(B$BJQ99MzNr(B$B$r$4;2>H2<$5$$!%(B

$BI8=`BPLu<-=q(B ver. 1.1 $B$O;CDj%P!<%8%g%s$G$9!%(B $BI8=`BPLu<-=q$N@5<0$J<-=q$N2~D{$O(B2007$BG/(B3$B7n$KM=Dj$5$l$F$$$^$9$,!$K]Lu$NJX59$N$?$a!$$=$N@5<02~D{$K8~$1$?@lLg2H2q5D$N8!F$FbMFEy$rH?1G$5$;$?$b$N$G$9!%(B

ver. 1.0 $B$O(B2006$BG/(B4$B7n$K8x3+$7$?:G=i$N%P!<%8%g%s$G$9!%(B

$B!!(BTranslations of Laws and Regulations (in compliance with Standard Bilingual Dictionary)

$B$3$N!VK!NaK]Lu%G!<%?!W$K7G:\$7$F$$$kA4$F$N%G!<%?$O!$E,590zMQ$7!$J#@=$7!$Kt$OE>:\$7$F:9$7;Y$($"$j$^$;$s!#(B $B$J$*!$$3$l$i$NK]Lu$O8xDjLu$G$O$"$j$^$;$s!#K!E*8zNO$rM-$9$k$N$OF|K\8l$NK!Na<+BN$G$"$j!$K]Lu$O$"$/$^$G$=$NM}2r$r=u$1$k$?$a$N;29M;qNA$G$9!#(B $B$3$N%Z!<%8$NMxMQ$KH<$C$FH/@8$7$?LdBj$K$D$$$F!$0l@Z$N@UG$$rIi$$$+$M$^$9$N$G!$K!N'>e$NLdBj$K4X$7$F$O!$41Js$K7G:\$5$l$?F|K\8l$NK!Na$r;2>H$7$F$/$@$5$$!#(B

All of the data contained in the $B!H(BTranslations of Laws and Regulations$B!I(B may be cited, reproduced or reprinted as needed. These are unofficial translations. Only the original Japanese texts of the laws and regulations have legal effect, and the translations are to be used solely as reference material to aid in the understanding of Japanese laws and regulations. The Government of Japan shall not be responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the legislative material provided in this website, or for any consequence resulting from use of the information in this website. For all purposes of interpreting and applying law to any legal issue or dispute, users should consult the original Japanese texts published in the Official Gazette.

  • $BF|K\8lK!Na$H$=$N1QLu$G$O!$BP1~$9$k>r!&9`$J$I$O$=$l$>$l$N%U%!%$%k$NBP1~$9$k9T$K$"$j!$BPLu%3!<%Q%9$H$7$F$N;HMQ$r9MN8$7$F$$$^$9!%(B
  • $B7G:\$7$F$$$k%U%!%$%k$O$9$Y$F%W%l!<%s!&%F%-%9%H7A<0$G$9!%(B
  • $BF|K\8l$N4A;z%3!<%I$O(B Shift JIS $B$G$9!%(B
  • $B9TF,$K!V(B#$B!W$,IU$$$F$$$k9T$OCm
  • ASCII$B%3!<%I$GI=8=$G$-$J$$0lIt$NJ8;z$K$D$$$F$O!$JL$NJ8;z$GCV$-49$($F$$$^$9!%Nc$($P!$!H(Bvis-à-vis$B!I$O!H(Bvis-a-vis$B!I$H5-=R$7$F$$$^$9!%(B
  • There are three kinds of files as follows:
  • In the original Japanese law and its English translation, coresponding articles and paragraphs are in the coresponding lines in each file, considering the use as a parallel corpus.
  • All files are plain texts.
  • Japanese texts are encoded in Shift-JIS.
  • The line which has a number sign (#) in its head is the comment line.
  • Characters not in ASCII, such as accented letters, are replaced. For example, "vis-à-vis" is described as "vis-a-vis."
  • $B$"(B

    $B0U>"K!(B Design Act
    $B@PLJ$K$h$k7r9/Ho32$N5_:Q$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on Asbestos Health Damage Relief
    $B0dEA;RAH49$(@8J*Ey$N;HMQEy$N5,@)$K$h$k@8J*$NB?MM@-$N3NJ]$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity through Regulations on the Use of Living Modified Organisms
    $B%(%M%k%.!<@/:v4pK\K!(B Basic Act on Energy Policy
    $B%(%M%k%.!<$N;HMQ$N9gM}2=$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on the Rational Use of Energy


    $B309q0e;UEy$,9T$&NW>2=$N}$K78$k0e;UK!Bh==<7>rEy$NFCNcEy$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Law concerning the Exceptional Cases of the Medical Practitioners' Act, Article 17, on the Advanced Clinical Training of Foreign Medical Practitioners, etc.
    $B309q0YBX5Z$S309qKG0WK!(B Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act
    $B309q0YBXNa(B Foreign Exchange Order
    $B309q?M5y6H$N5,@)$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on Regulation of Fishing Operation by Foreign Nationals
    $B309q?MEPO?K!(B Alien Registration Act
    $B2p8nJ]81K!(B Long-Term Care Insurance Act
    $B2q57QEy$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on the Succession to Labor Contracts upon Company Split
    $B3$Fq?3H=K!(B Act on Marine Accident Inquiry
    $B3$MN4pK\K!(B Basic Act on Ocean Policy
    $B%,%9;v6HK!(B Gas Business Act
    $B2HC\EA@wIBM=KIK!(B Act on Domestic Animal Infectious Diseases Control
    $B4k6HN)CO$NB%?JEy$K$h$kCO0h$K$*$1$k;:6H=8@[email protected]$S3h@-2=$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on Formation and Development of Regional Industrial Clusters through Promotion of Establishment of New Business Facilities, etc.
    $B5;=Q;NK!(B Professional Engineer Act
    $B9T@/5!4X$,9T$&@/:v$NI>2A$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Government Policy Evaluations Act
    $B9T@/5!4X$NJ]M-$9$k8D?M>pJs$NJ]8n$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on the Protection of Personal Information Held by Administrative Organs
    $B9T@/5!4X$NJ]M-$9$k>pJs$N8x3+$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs
    $B9T@/AjCL0Q0wK!(B Administrative Counselors Act
    $B7:;vAJ>YK!(B($BBh(B1$BJT!ABh(B2$BJT(B) Code of Criminal Procedure (Part I and Part II)
    $B7:K!(B Penal Code
    $B7WNLK!(B Measurement Act
    $B8!1VK!(B Quarantine Act
    $B9b05%,%9J]0BK!(B High Pressure Gas Safety Act
    $B9)6HI8=`2=K!(B Industrial Standardization Act
    $B9[6HK!(B Mining Act
    $B9R6uK!(B Civil Aeronautics Act
    $B9R6u!&E4F;;v8ND4::0Q0w2q@_CVK!(B Act for Establishment of the Aircraft and Railway Accidents Investigation Commission
    $B99@8J]8n;v6HK!(B Offenders Rehabilitation Services Act
    $B99@8J]8nK!(B Offenders Rehabilitation Act
    $B9AB'K!(B Act on Port Regulations
    $B9q:]A\::6&=uEy$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on International Assistance in Investigation and Other Related Matters
    [email protected]!(B National Spatial Planning Act
    $B8D?M>pJs$NJ]8n$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on the Protection of Personal Information
    $B9q2H9T@/AH?%K!(B National Government Organization Act
    $B9q2H8xL30wK!(B The National Public Service Act
    $B9q2H8xL30wNQM}K!(B National Public Service Ethics Act
    $B8DJLO+F/4X78J6Ah$N2r7h$NB%?J$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on Promoting the Resolution of Individual Labor-Related Disputes
    $B8[MQ$NJ,Ln$K$*$1$kCK=w$N6QEy$J5!2q5Z$SBT6x$N3NJ]Ey$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on Securing, Etc. of Equal Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women in Employment


    $B:[H==jK!(B Court Act
    $B:[H=$N?WB.2=$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on the Expediting of Trials
    $B;:6H5;=QNO6/2=K!(B Industrial Technology Enhancement Act
    $B<+1RBb0wNQM}K!(B The Self-Defense Forces Personnel Ethics Act
    $B;q8;$NM-8z$JMxMQ$NB%?J$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources
    $B2<@ABe6b;YJ'CY1dEyKI;_K!(B Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, Etc. to Subcontractors
    $B;dE*FH@j$N6X;_5Z$S8x@5r$+$iBh==O;>r$^$G$N5,Dj$K$h$kG'2D$N?=@A!"Js9p5Z$SFO=PEy$K4X$9$k5,B'(B Rules on Applications for Approval, Reporting, Notification, etc. Pursuant to the Provisions of Articles 9 to 16 of the Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade
    $B;yF8Gc=U!$;yF8%]%k%N$K78$k9T0YEy$N=hH35Z$S;yF8$NJ]8nEy$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on Punishment of Activities Relating to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, and the Protection of Children
    $B;yF8J!;cK!(B Child Welfare Act
    $B=;@83h4pK\K!$N35MW(B Outline of Basic Act for Housing
    $B=PF~9q4IM}5Z$SFqL1G'DjK!(B Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
    $B=PF~9q4IM}5Z$SFqL1G'DjK!;\9T5,B'(B Ordinance for Enforcement of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
    $B=PF~9q4IM}5Z$SFqL1G'DjK!Bh<7>rBh0l9`BhFs9f$N4p=`$rDj$a$k>JNa(B Ministerial Ordinance to Provide for Criteria Pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
    $B>CHq@83hMQ@=IJ0BA4K!(B Consumer Products Safety Act
    $B>&I8K!(B Trademark Act
    $B?&6H0BDjK!(B Employment Security Act
    $B?&6H0BDjK!;\9T5,B'(B Ordinance for Enforcement of the Employment Security Act
    $B?)IJ0BA40Q0w2qNa(B Food Safety Commission Order
    $B?)IJ1R@8K!(B Food Sanitation Act
    $B?)IJ0BA44pK\K!(B Food Safety Basic Act
    $B?)IJ1R@8K!;\9T5,B'(B Ordinance for Enforcement of the Food Sanitation Act
    $B?)IJ1R@8K!;\9TNa(B Order for Enforcement of the Food Sanitation Act
    $B?"J*KI1VK!(B Plant Protection Act
    $B?)NA!&G@6H!&G@B<4pK\K!(B Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas Basic Act
    $B?9NS!&NS6H4pK\K!(B Forest and Forestry Basic Act
    $B?e;:4pK\K!(B Fisheries Basic Act
    $B?e;:;q8;J]8nK!(B Act on the Protection of Fishery Resources
    $B@83hJ]8nK!(B Public Assistance Act
    $B@=B$J*@UG$K!(B Product Liability Act
    $B@PL}$NHwC_$N3NJ]Ey$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Oil Stockpiling Act
    $BA%GuL}ByB;32Ge=~J]>cK!(B Act on Liability for Oil Pollution Damage


    $BBg3XEy$K$*$1$k5;=Q$K4X$9$k8&[email protected]$NL14V;v6H$NB%?J$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on the Promotion of Technology Transfer from Universities to Private Business Operators
    $BBPFbD>@\Ej;qEy$K4X$9$k@/Na(B Cabinet Order on Inward Direct Investment, etc.
    $BCO5e29CH2=BP:v$N?d?J$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures
    $BCNE*:b;:4pK\K!(B Intellectual Property Basic Act
    $BCNE*:b;:9bEy:[H==j@_CVK!(B Act for Establishment of the Intellectual Property High Court
    $BCf>.4k6HEy6(F1AH9gK!(B Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Cooperatives Act
    $BCx:n8"K!(B Copyright Act
    $BE4F;;v6HK!(B Railway Business Act
    $BEE5$;v6HK!(B Electricity Business Act
    $BEE5$MQIJ0BA4K!(B Electrical Appliances and Material Safety Act
    $BEE;R5-O?:D8"K!(B Electronically Recorded Monetary Claims Act
    $BEE;R>CHq5BzDLCN$K4X$9$kL1K!$NFCNc$K4X$9$kK!N'(B The Act on Special Provisions to the Civil Code Concerning Electronic Consumer Contracts and Electronic Acceptance Notice
    $BEE;R=pL>5Z$SG'>Z6HL3$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on Electronic Signatures and Certification Business
    $BE}7WD4::$KMQ$$$k;:6HJ,N`JB$S$K<@IB!$=}325Z$S;`0xJ,N`$rDj$a$k@/Na$N5,Dj$K4p$E$-!$;:6H$K4X$9$kJ,N`$NL>>N5Z$SJ,N`I=$rDj$a$kEy$N7o(B Establishment of the nomenclature and classification table concerning industries pursuant to the provision of the Cabinet Order Providing for Industrial Classification and Classification of Diseases, Injuries and Death to be used for Statistical Surveys
    $BE}7WK!(B Statistics Act
    $BEj;q;v6HM-8B@UG$AH9g7@Ls$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Limited Partnership Act for Investment
    $BEj;q;v6HM-8B@UG$AH9g7@Ls$K4X$9$kK!N';\9TNa(B Enforcement Order of the Limited Partnership Act for Investment
    $BF0J*$N0&8n5Z$S4IM}$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on Welfare and Management of Animals
    $BFCDjEE5$DL?.LrL3Ds6!pJs$N3+<($K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Right to Demand Disclosure of Identification Information of the Senders
    $BFCDjEE;R%a!<%k$NAw?.$NE,@52=Ey$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on Regulation of Transmission of Specified Electronic Mail
    $BEZ>m1x@wBP:vK!(B Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act
    $BEZCO4pK\K!(B Basic Act for Land
    $BFC5vK!(B Patent Act


    $BF|K\6d9TK!(B Bank of Japan Act
    $BF~;%CL9gEy4XM?9T0Y$NGS=|5Z$SKI;_JB$S$K?&0w$K$h$kF~;%Ey$N8x@5$r32$9$Y$-9T0Y$N=hH3$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on Elimination and Prevention of Involvement in Bid Rigging, etc. and Punishments for Acts by Employees that Harm Fairness of Bidding, etc.
    $BG.6!5k;v6HK!(B Heat Supply Business Act


    $BH>F3BN=8@Q2sO)$N2sO)G[CV$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on Layout-Design of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits
    $B%R%H$K4X$9$k%/%m!<%s5;=QEy$N5,@)$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on Regulation of Human Cloning Techniques
    $BIT@56%AhKI;_K!(B Unfair Competition Prevention Act
    $BITEv7JIJN`5Z$SITEvI=<(KI;_K!(B Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations
    $BJ82=:b$NITK!$JM"=PF~Ey$N5,@)Ey$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on Controls on the Illicit Export and Import and other matters of Cultural Property
    $BJ]8n;JK!(B Volunteer Probation Officers Act
    $BK!?M@GK!!J309qK!?M4XO"ItJ,!K(B Corporation Tax Act (Limited to the provisions related to foreign corporations)
    $BKL3$F;3+H/K!(B Hokkaido Development Act


    $BL14V;q6bEy$N3hMQ$K$h$k8x6&;\@_Ey$N@0HwEy$NB%?J$K4X$9$kK!N'(B The Act on Promotion of Private Finance Initiative (PFI)
    $BL1;v:F@8K!(B Civil Rehabilitation Act
    $BL1;v<99TK!(B Civil Execution Act
    $BL1;vAJ>Y5,B'(B Rules of Civil Procedure
    $BL1;vAJ>YK!(B Code of Civil Procedure
    $BL1K!(B($BBh(B1$BJT(B,$BBh(B2$BJT(B,$BBh(B3$BJT(B) Civil Code (Part I, Part II, and Part III)
    $BL1K!(B($BBh(B4$BJT(B,$BBh(B5$BJT(B) Civil Code (Part IV and Part V)
    $B$b$N$E$/$j4pHW5;=Q?66=4pK\K!(B Basic Act on the Promotion of Core Manufacturing Technology


    $BM-8B@UG$;v6HAH9g7@Ls$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Limited Liability Partnership Act
    $BM"=PKG0W4IM}Na(B Export Trade Control Order
    $BM"F~KG0W4IM}Na(B Import Trade Control Order
    $BM"F~3dEv$F$r2_J*$NM"F~$K$D$$$FI,MW$J;v9`$N8xI=$r9T$J$&Ey$N7o(B Notice on the Items of Goods Subject to Import Quotas, the Places of Origin or Places of Shipment of Goods Requiring Permission for Import, and Other Necessary Matters Concerning Import of Goods
    $BMF4oJqAu$K78$kJ,JL<}=85Z$S:F>&IJ2=$NB%?JEy$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on the Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging


    $BO+F/0BA41R@8K!(B Industrial Safety and Health Act
    $BO+F/4p=`K!(B Labor Standards Act
    $BO+F/4p=`K!;\9T5,B'(B Ordinance for Enforcement of the Labor Standards Act
    $BO+F/AH9gK!(B Labor Union Act
    $BO+F/r7o$N@0HwEy$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act for Securing the Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Undertakings and Improved Working Conditions for Dispatched Workers
    $BO+F/r7o$N@0HwEy$K4X$9$kK!N';\9T5,B'(B Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act for Securing the Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Undertakings and Improved Working Conditions for Dispatched Workers
    $BO+F/r7o$N@0HwEy$K4X$9$kK!N';\9TNa(B Order for Enforcement of the Act for Securing the Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Undertakings and Improved Working Conditions for Dispatched Workers
    $BO+F/J]81$NJ]81NA$ND'<}Ey$K4X$9$kK!N'(B Act on Collection, etc. of Insurance Premiums of Labor Insurance

    $B4XO">pJs(B Relevant Information

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