The Technium

Making the Inevitable Obvious

Weekly Links, 12/27/2024

Weekly Links, 12/6/2024

Weekly Links, 11/01/2024

Weekly Links, 10/04/2024

Weekly Links, 09/20/2024

Weekly Links, 08/30/2024

  • I found myself in great agreement with the advice in this crisp essay on why you should quit your job, particularly a good job, and encourage productive leisure. Quit Your Job

Weekly Links, 07/05/2024

  • Read this excellent summary of the state of the art in fusion energy: why progress has been slow and why it may now speed up. Or not! Highly recommended. Will We Ever Get Fusion Power?

Weekly Links, 06/28/2024

Weekly Links, 06/14/2024

Weekly Links, 06/07/2024

  • The decade that most people believe to be the peak of “the best times” will usually work out to be the decade they were 11. I’ve seen this all over the world, but here is data from the US: America’s best decade, according to data

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