[Perl] �쐬�������W���[����CPAN�Ō��J����菇
Perl ���W���[�����쐬���Ă݂�
�̂ŁA���������Ȃ̂� CPAN �ɃA�b�v���[�h���Ă݂܂����A�̎菇�������B
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lib/XML/TreePP.pm # Perl���W���[���{��
Makefile.PL # �ق�h2xs�Ő����������̂܂�
MANIFEST # �z�z�t�@�C���ꗗ
META.yml # ���̊Ԃɂ������������ꂽ����
README # README�i�����POD���琶���j
t/force_array.t # Test::More���g�p�����e�X�g�X�N���v�g
t/parse.t #
t/parsefile.t #
t/parsehttp.t #
t/write.t #
t/family.xml # �e�X�g�X�N���v�g�p��XML�t�@�C��
t/index.rdf #
Test::More - �e�X�g���������߂̂�����̃t���[�����[�N
�Ƃ肠�����Amake test���ʂ�悤�ɂ��Ă�����OK���낤�B
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- A short description of what you're planning to contribute
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PAUSE �Ɍl����o�^����B
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�wNotification from PAUSE�x�� PAUSE �T�[�o�ւ� .tar.gz �t�@�C���̓����ʒm�ŁA
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Modules��Register Namespace
�A�b�v���[�h�����t�@�C���� CPAN �ō̗p���Ă��炤�\���葱���B
- Name of the module
���W���[�����BHoge-Pomu-0.01.tar.gz �Ȃ�wHoge::Pomu�x�ɂȂ�B
- Module List Chapter
- 2) Perl Core Modules, Perl Language Extensions and Documentation Tools
- 3) Development Support
- 4) Operating System Interfaces, Hardware Drivers
- 5) Networking, Device Control (modems) and InterProcess Communication
- 6) Data Types and Data Type Utilities
- 7) Database Interfaces
- 8) User Interfaces
- 9) Interfaces to or Emulations of Other Programming Languages
- 10) File Names, File Systems and File Locking (see also File Handles)
- 11) String Processing, Language Text Processing, Parsing and Searching
- 12) Option, Argument, Parameter and Configuration File Processing
- 13) Internationalization and Locale
- 14) Authentication, Security and Encryption
- 15) World Wide Web, HTML, HTTP, CGI, MIME
- 16) Server and Daemon Utilities
- 17) Archiving, Compression and Conversion
- 18) Images, Pixmap and Bitmap Manipulation, Drawing and Graphing
- 19) Mail and Usenet News
- 20) Control Flow Utilities (callbacks and exceptions etc)
- 21) File Handle, Directory Handle and Input/Output Stream Utilities
- 22) Microsoft Windows Modules
- 23) Miscellaneous Modules
- 24) Interface Modules to Commercial Software
- Development Stage
�Ƃ肠�����wb -- beta�x�ɂ��Ă����܂������A�悭������܂���B
- Support Level
�Ƃ肠�����wd -- developer�x�ɂ��Ă����܂������A�悭������܂���B
- Language Used
XS �Ȃǂ��g�킸�� Perl �̂ݎg�p�������W���[���Ȃ̂ŁA
�wp -- perl�x��I������B
- Public license
�ӂ��́wp -- Standard-Perl�x�ł��傤���B
- Description in Module List
- Places where this module has been or will be discussed publicly
- Modules with similar functionality
- Rationale
�܂��wModule submission �`�x�Ƃ����\�������ʒm���[�����͂��܂��B
�����āwPAUSE indexer report �`�x�Ƃ������[�����͂��܂��B
What's different with "use Pomu::Hoge"?
CPAN �o�R�ŃC���X�g�[���B
POD ���{���ł���悤�ɂȂ�܂��B
perl -MCPAN -e shell
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© Copyright 2006 Yusuke Kawasaki