I had a grandfather in Africa.
Karen Blixen could have written these words, for
A. W. Dinesen spent a year of his young life in Algeria.� He served as a
volunteer in the French army, as it tried to occupy and control
that portion of North Africa.
When Dinesen came home, he had become a huge admirer of the enemy, the
Algierian rebel leader Emir Abd El-Kader, while his opinions about the
French, who he had fought beside, were distinctly the contrary:
". . . overall, where the French have imposed themselves in Africa, the
trees have disappeared, the springs and wells have dried up, the
inhabitants have fled and nothing but a desert remains. The French know
how to conquer a territory, but not how to maintain it."
The Unlikely Pen
You can read the above quotation in the little monograph
about Abd El-Kader, which Dinesen authored after coming home, and
which now has been brought out by the publisher Vandkunsten in an
attractive edition as part of the Carsten Niebuhr Library.
Preparation of the essay "has been subject to unfortunate
interruptions," writes Blixen's paternal grandfather, and he
surrenders his writing "to gentle assessment, in full admission of my
unlikely pen."
He could not have known that afterwards there would be much better known pens in the family.
The whole story revealed
He also could not have known that a few years
later his hero Abd-el-Kader would surrender himself to the French, and that he would end up
spending nearly 30 years as an Islamist-humanist sufi-wiseman based in
The Emir's life is even more colorful and astonishing than the
narrative in Dinesen's little ovation to
"one of the few chosen, who
from an otherwise unnoticed position, by means of strong personal
qualities and favorable circumstances, has been called to lead his
countrymen toward a new and forceful objective, nationhood, which
reflects an acknowledgment of general responsibility for the interests
of the common folk."
But the book's introduction and photo gallery by editors Rasmus Alenius
Boserup and Francois Pouillon sets the story straight about both Abd El
Kader and the soldier Dinesen.
Western admiration for the barbarians
It is a fascinating encounter between a Danish adventurer and the
colonialism of his time, in which he plays an active role (he shares in
a certain way its idealism), criticizing sharply the French approach,
and at the same time expounding his own romantic and western admiration
barbarians"---that is, the land of the Berbers, their roots and their
customs, "remarkable for their eternal quality, existing for hundreds
of years":
restless search for material blessings, in which, it goes without
saying, only a very few in society can take part, is foreign to them.
In their modest life they are satisfied with their existence and live
in the present. Their necessities are very few, and approximately the
same for the rich as for the poor.
wife, the shade of a tree, and cool spring water comprise their most
treasured joys. The craft of battle is their greatest pleasure, a
beautiful weapon and horse all their wealth. They have created a higher
civilization and a superior social framework, because no one has to pay
for freedom and an independent life.
give the impression of knowing that there are different advantages and
needs in both ways of life, and have chosen the latter."
General overview
There are quite a few relatively long-winded geographical and military
maps in the book, so don't count on slipping comfortably into it
like a sheik gliding onto a camel's back.
But there is a lot of good stuff to take from the work, for example, when Dinesen stumbles into the subject of "Homesickness"--
"This mental illness takes its toll most often in the context of physical fever, and is therefore deadly."
And with our current adventures in Afghanistan, Iraq and other "warm
lands" in mind, it is instructive to read certain general observations
that Karen Blixen's grandfather allowed himself:
"When an Arab takes the field, he requires extremely few necessities, and the result is a striking contrast to the overloaded, so-called light cavalry of the Europeans.
entire kit is made up of a bundle for his horse weighing a few pounds,
plus a few loaves of unleavened bread, which he carries in a sack
resembling a common grocery bag, tied to his saddle pommel."
Actually, Dinesen's little essay could be a useful sort of handbook nowadays for
soldiers who are sent to Berber lands and their surroundings.
Grandpa from Africa gets the last word:
"From what I've written, you will realize that the Arab army in Africa can be summed up as
a lightweight, irregular, bold and untiring, mounted militia, which is
by nature proud, and rejoices in a life at war, and is therefore dangerous
to European intrusion, which, in its gross arrogance, dares to
penetrate the African landscape--whose provisions and climate are just
as unfavorable for the attackers, as they are favorable for the defenders."
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Trans. Linda Donelson