Masahide Kanzaki 神崎正英 Mr male Kanzaki Masahide masaka c608c06ce564b0a00846eab72659d8f1375b880b masaka _masaka masaka masaka mkanzaki Masahide Kanzaki ENTJ Haneda, Tokyo International Airport, Japan 35.7 139.7 A bass player, pure tone enthusiast, and a man of the semantic web preparing a new project with SKOS Dan Brickley RDF Interest Group chair and FOAF project leader Libby Miller Charming driving force of RDF projects, e.g RDFical, FOAF etc. Martin Duerst W3C i18n Activity leader Eric Prud'shommeaux RDF and XML 'sanitation engineer' at W3C Chris Goad Founder and developer of Mapbreau and Fabl language 渡辺隆行 Takayuki Watanabe Professor of Department of Communication, Tokyo Woman's Christian University 小田浩一 Koichi Oda Professor of Department of Communication, Tokyo Woman's Christian University 石川准 Jun Ishikawa Professor of Faculty of international Relations, University of Shizuoka 倉田敬子 Keiko Kurata Professor of School of Library and Information Science, Keio University 原田隆史 Takashi Harada Associate Professor of School of Library and Information Science, Keio University 筒井洋一 Yoichi Tsutsui Professor of Humanities, Kyoto Seika University 山口高平 Takahira Yamaguchi Professor of School of Science and Technology, Keio University 武田英明 Hideaki Takeda Professor of National Institute of Informatics 大向一輝 Ikki Ohmukai i2k The project leader of Semblog 大藤幹 Miki Ofuji Webmaster of ZSPC 一村智恵子 Chieko Ichimura bassist co-player 黒滝泰道 Yasumichi Kurotaki Cellist and close friend 滝雄司 Yuji Taki A bassist friend 中川一郎 Ichiro Nakagawa CU GSB alumni/class friend 金聖響 Seikyo Kim A promising conductor 久保田耕平 Kohei Kubota A junior to high school friend, Associate Professor of Biology, University of Tokyo 古瀬幸広 Yukihiro Furuse Information analyst and journalist 廣瀬克哉 Katsuya Hirose Professor of Law, Hosei University 野村一夫 Kazuo Nomura Sociologist and the owner of SOCIUS.JP The Web KANZAKI最新情報 FOAF metadata of Masahide KANZAKI This is a description of myself, Masahide Kanzaki, and my friends with FoaF and some other interesting vocabularies. 2002-09-10 2014-06-17