The INET'98 Conference was a tremendous success! Greetings from the Co-ChairsAs the Internet continues to evolve, astounding even experts with thespeed at which is developing, there is one constant: How can the professionalswho are leading and channeling this growth stay on top of trends? The answer for many Internet professionals is the annual conference ofthe Internet Society: INET'98. When you attend this conference, you'll find what your Internet colleaguesalready know, that the ISOC Conference is the most effective way of lookingin the future of the Internet and the World Wide Web and preparing for it.The challenges you'll face in the future will require sharper skills, increasedproductivity and a deeper understanding of the issues impacting the Internetand the administrators who manage it. INET'98 prepares you to meet thesechallenges head on. The Internet Society has planned almost an entire week of professionalenrichment programs for you and other Internet experts to give you the latestinformation on how the Internet is changing. The options offered at INET'98 will be outstanding. You can choose fromdozens of high quality sessions designed to keep you up-to-date with trendsand growth in the Internet. Within the extensive program there will be enrichmentopportunities for everyone. When you attend INET'98, you will hear presentations by some of the mostrespected authorities in the field. You can draw on their knowledge andbackground and share their expertise. You can sit in on discussions withother Internet professionals as you explore common problems and solutions.You'll hear from the leading visionaries about what lies ahead for the Internet. INET'98 will be held in Geneva, Switzerland. The city has a long historyof hosting international events. You'll find Geneva ideally suited for INET'98as well. Plan now to join your colleagues in Geneva 21-24 July for INET'98. Welook forward to seeing you there.
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