I enjoyed most of the documentary, it was very well produced, it was wonderful to see a lot of the cast and crew reminisce on their time on the show, their views, and lots of behind the scene footage and how scenes were made and explanations of certain decisions throughout the show. What I didn't enjoy was that the majority of the documentary was people who didn't even work on the show - podcasters, bloggers, fans, etc. And a lot of it was unnecessary, dragged on, annoying opinions and self-gloating. These people should have only been one small segment, but instead they gave them time throughout the whole documentary, giving them the majority of the screen time. They should have focused more on the cast and crew and the many amazing people of Hawaii who worked on the show. The short Hawaii segment was beautiful and uplifting, but it was so short and unfair compared to the amount of time those egomaniac random people got. There were also a lot of cast and crew who were not in the documentary or cut out, and they really should have taken the time to include them as well (if they wanted to be included of course). Overall, it was great to watch that got me really missing the show and how there hasn't been any other show like it ever since (maybe "From" is the closest we'll get to it). That's all for now, and I now want to re-watch LOST again for the millionth time lol.