The story begins with a serious disillusionment experienced by a young girl at her school-leaving farewell ball. Apostol, an architect on this side of forty, meets by chance Bella at a swimm... Read allThe story begins with a serious disillusionment experienced by a young girl at her school-leaving farewell ball. Apostol, an architect on this side of forty, meets by chance Bella at a swimming pool on the night of her graduation party. The generation gap is a wide one, but Bella... Read allThe story begins with a serious disillusionment experienced by a young girl at her school-leaving farewell ball. Apostol, an architect on this side of forty, meets by chance Bella at a swimming pool on the night of her graduation party. The generation gap is a wide one, but Bella falls sway to his intelligence, friends, his life-style and the respect everybody shows f... Read all