Warhol and Irving Blum

Warhol and Irving Blum
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Liz Taylor by Andy Warhol

Bumped into Irving Blum last week at Elaine Sturtevant's art opening and dinner. Irving's Andy Warhol painting of Liz Taylor was coming up for sale at the art auctions. Somehow I had never photograhed Irving so we decided to rectify that. He dropped by after the sale in good spirits as the Warhol had gone for 12.2 million the night before.
Irving was the first art dealer to ever show Warhol back in 1962 with Andy's Soup Can paintings. He recalled meeting Andy when he was painting the Marilyn Monroe series and Andy said, "Take one". So Irving put one large painting under his arm and then Warhol said, "take another, you should have two". He tried to carry both but they were just too bulky so he said, "thanks Andy but I think one is just fine". Irving then said to me, "You know, I left 6.5 million on the floor that day".

Portrait of Irving Blum by Timothy Greenfield-Sanders


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