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Quadrangular, used sometimes of Castles, rarely used of other charges, but see under Fetterlock.
Quadrant. An example given under Hercules.
Quadrate: square. See Cross, �25 and �31.
Quadrature: four charges placed in a square have been described as in quadrature, or in quadrangle, instead of two and two, which is more correct; but this is seldom necessary, as four charges would naturally so be placed.
����Azure, a circular wreath plaited argent and sable with four hawk's bills or, appended thereto in quadrature--JOCELYN.
Quarrel, (fr. quarreau): the arrow used with the Cross-bow.
Quarter: an ordinary occupying one fourth of the field, and situated(unless otherwise directed) in the dexter chief. The term quarter is used also in referring to the divisions when the shield is quarterly, or when in addition to a cross there is a charge in one of the divisions; and in old arms we find the word cauntel used for this as well as quarter.
����Vairy, argent and sable, a quarter gules--ESTANTON.
����Bertram de CRIOLL, d'or a deux cheverons et ung quartier de goules--Roll, temp. HEN. III.
����William de LANCASTRE, d'argent a deux barres de goules; ung quartier de goules et ung leopard en la quartier d'or--Ibid.
����Sire Edmon de PAGENHAM, quartile de or e de goules, e un egle de vert en lun quarter--Roll, temp. ED. II.
����Sir Symon de MONTAGU, quartile de argent e de azure; en les quarters de azure les griffons de or; en les quarters de argent les daunces de goules--Ibid.
����Monsire de BRADSTON, argent, a une quarter de gules, une cinque foille d'or--Roll, temp. ED. III.
����Monsire Philip le DESPENCER, port barre d'or et d'asur de vi peeces, a une quarter d'ermin--Ibid.
����Sable, fretty argent on a quarter gules a cross forming flory or--Henry WAKEFIELD, Bp. of Worcester, 1375-95.
����Argent, two chevrons and a quarter gules--CRIELLE, Kent.
����Argent, on a quarter sable, three cronels in bend or--HULSON, co. York(granted 1571).
����Argent, on a quarter gules, three lions of England in pale--The ROYAL SOCIETY, London(Inc. 1663).
����As already pointed out, it seems in ancient to have ben practically synonymous with the Cauntel or Canton.
����Rafe BASSET, pale dor et de goules a une cantel dargent a une croys de sable pat�--Roll, temp. HEN. III.; Harl. MS. 6589.
����Rauff de BASSETT, d'or a trois peles de goulz, ung quartre de ermyne--Another Roll, temp. HEN. III.; Transcript in College of Arms.
����Sire Rauf BASSET, de or a iij peus de goules; e un quarter de ermyn--Roll, temp. ED. II.
����It may be observed, perhaps, that in modern English arms the quarter is comparatively rare, the canton having superseded it. In the French arms, however, the term franc-quartier is frequently used, which appears to be neither so large as a quarter nor so small as a canton, but like the latter has its definite position in the dexter chief. The name franc-canton is synonymous with it. The term quartier by itself is seldom, if ever, employed except in connection with quarterly(fr. ecartel�).
����D'or, � la croix ancr�e de sinople; an franc-quartier de gueules--LA SABLE, Bourbonnais.
����D'argent, frett� de gueules; au franc-canton d'azur--GRIMONARD, Poitou.
����Whatever be the number of coats of arms comprized in one shield(see Marshalling) the term quarter may be used for them, though quartering is the more accurate them.
Quarter pierced. See Cross, �5.
Quarter Staff. See Staff.
Quartered: is the more correct term to be use when an escutcheon is divided the four or more squares for the reception of different coats of arms; the term quarterly being generally used when the quarters belong to the same coat of arms, though the phrase 'France' and 'England' quarterly is often found.
����Compare impaling as distinguished from party per pale.
����Quartered: 1 and 4; azure, a bend between six cross crosslets fitch�e or, DRAYTON; 2 and 3, ermine, two bars gules, in chief a demi-lion issuant of the last--SEGRAVE.
����Quartered first and fourth or; a lion rampant azure[being the ancient arms of the Duke of BRABANT and LOUVAIN]; second and third azure five fusils joined in fesse[for PERCY]--PERCY, Earl of Northumberland, temp. HEN. IV.
Quarterly, (fr. ecartel�): when a coat of arms is divided into four parts, which is usually party per cross(rarely per saltire). The term quarterly is found in ancient rolls, and the lines of partition are subject to many of the variations to which ordinaries are subject.
����The divisions are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, beginning at the dexter chief, and most frequently Nos. 1 and 4 are alike, as also Nos. 2 and 3; and when the quarter is charged its number must be always specified.
����Le Conte de MANDEVILE, quartele d'or e de goulez--Roll, temp. HEN. III.
����John de BERNERS, esquartile d'or et de vert ung labell de goules--Ibid.
����Sire Fouk FIZ WARIN, quartele de argente de goules endente--Roll, temp. ED. II.
����Monsire Foulk FITZ WARREN, quarterly endente per fes d'argent et gules--Roll, temp. ED. II.
����Monsire le Conestable, Seigneur de FLAMBURGH, quarterly, gules et verre; une baston d'argent parmy le gules--Ibid.
����Quarterly, per fesse indented azure and argent, in first quarter a lion passant gardant or--Herbert CROFT, Bishop of Hereford, 1662-91.
����Quarterly, per fesse dancett�, or and azure--PEROT, Beds.
����Quarterly, per fesse indented, argent and azure a bend gules--BLOMFIELD, Bp. of Chester, 1824; of London, 1828-56.
����Quarterly, per fesse dancett�, gules and or--BROMLEY, co. Salop.
����Quarterly, per pale dovetailed, gules and or--BROMLEY, co. Cambridge.
����Quarterly, embattled argent and sable--CAYLE, Cornwall.
����Quarterly, wavy or and sable--SANDON, co. Lancaster.
����Quarterly, per fesse wavy or and gules, a bend counterchanged--AUNCEY.
����Quarterly, argent and sable; a pale and saltire ermine and ermines counterchanged--STUTVILE.
����When there is a bordure the quarters should be within such bordure, but a quarter may contain a bordure. See under Bordure, examples of HUGH DE VERE and STAFFORD respectively.
����Quarterly, or and gules, on a bordure engrailed sable eight escallops argent--HEVENINGHAM, Suffolk.
����Quarterly; first and fourth gules, three cinquefoils, in fesse point a mullet argent; second gules, three cinquefoils argent, in fesse point a heart or; third gules, within a border argent, three doves close of the second--Walter Ker HAMILTON, Bp. of Salisbury, 1854.
����Quarterly, azure and argent, a cross or. In first and fourth quarters five mullets of the second; in second and third an eagle displayed sable.--Arms ascribed to Hubert WALTER, Abp. of Canterbury, 1193-1205.
����Quarterly, ermine and azure, over all a cross or--OSBORNE, Earl of Danby, 1674; [also Duke of Leeds, 1784].
Manners SUTTON.
Manners SUTTON.
����Ordinaries are sometimes made quarterly, e.g. a chief is found so, and in those cases suitable charges seem to be chosen for the compressed quarters. The fesse and chevron are rarely found quarterly: the Cross is more frequently so; and is some cases the four quarters of the shield may be of different tinctures as well, and the Cross is then blazoned counterchanged, (sometimes, but erroneously, counterquartered). See Cross, �5.
����Quarterly; first and fourth argent, a canton sable; second and third or, two bars azure, a chief quarterly of the last charged with two fleurs-de-lys or, and gules a lion of England--Charles Manners SUTTON, Bp. of Norwich, 1805; Abp. of Canterbury, 1828-48.
����Barry nebulee of six argent and azure; a chief quarterly gules and or; on the first and fourth quarters a lion passant[gardant] of the fourth; on the second and third two roses gules barbed vert--Company of MERCHANT ADVENTURERS, London.
����Argent, a fesse quarterly sable and or--MACREERY, Dumpender, Scotland.
����Argent, a fesse quarterly azure and or--MECREADIE, Pearston.
����Vert, a chevron quarterly or and gules between three garbs gold; a balance or suspended by a hand proper issuing from a chief wavy argent and azure, charged with an anchor proper, fesswise, the stock to the sinister--Company of BROWN-BAKERS, London, Incorporated 1612.
����Azure, a chevron quarterly gules and argent between three garbes or; on a chief argent a S.Julian's Cross sable--Company of INNHOLDERS, London[granted 1438, altered 1634].
����Quarterly, argent and azure, a cross engrailed counterchanged--HAYDON, Oxley, co. Hertford.
����Quarterly, sable and argent, a cross counterchanged[awkwardly blazoned counterquartered of the field]--LORRAYNE, Bart., 1664.
����The term quarterly is also sometimes used in connection with the partition of the shield per saltire(fr. ecartel� en sautoir); but it is not needed, per saltire being sufficient.
����Per saltire, argent and azure--BANE; also PYPARD.
����Per saltire, ermine and erminois, on a chief gules a martlet between two roses or--GOLDRIND, Baronetcy, 1841.
����Per saltire, argent and vert a pale counterchanged--STABLES.
See of WELLS.
See of WELLS.
����Quarterly quartered, when applied to a saltire means parted per cross and saltire: but the arms might, perhaps, with equal propriety be blazoned as saltire gyronny of eight. Another blazon is given of this coat in the arms of Bp. of MONTAGUE after the Sees of BATH and WELLS were united, viz., per saltire quartered. See Saltire.
����Azure, a saltire quarterly quartered or and argent[i.q. gyronny of eight] or and azure--See of WELLS[also united Sees of BATH AND WELLS].
Quatrefoil, (fr. quartefeuille): a charge the design of which may have been derived from some four-leaved flower, but more probably produced in the course of the ordinary workman's craft. It should be drawn pierced, unless described as blind; and when quatrefoils are slipped, the stalk should join the lower leaf. It is sometimes spelt caterfoil.
����Though quintefoils are common is the ancient rolls, quatrefoils have not been observed. A Double quatrefoils is simply a Huitfoil. See Foil.
����Gules, a quatrefoil or--ROE, Middlesex.
����Azure, three quatrefoils slipped argent--HATCLIFFE, Hatcliffe, Lincoln.
����Per pale argent and gules, a quatrefoil counterchanged--MULGRAVE.
����Vert, three quatrefoils argent, each charged with a lion's head erased sable--PLOTT, Sparsholt, co. Berks.
����Gyronny of eight argent and gules, on each a quatrefoil counterchanged--PORTAL.
Questing(of a hound) represented as searching. See examples of Dog.
Queue, (fr.): Tail.
Queue d'ermine: an ermine spot.
Queued: written also cowed, &c. (old fr. cowe): used of lions and other animals whose tail is of a different tincture to the body, or placed in some other position than bending over the back. Double queued also is frequent. See Lion, also Tail.
Quill. See Embroiderers' Quill.
Quilled: 1. in describing a feather when the quill differs in colour from the rest. See Plumes. 2. Also applied to the Porcupine.
Quince: the fruit, drawn like a pear, is found blazoned according to Glover's Ordinary on one coat of arms.
����Argent, a chevron between three quinces lying fessewise or[otherwise, pendent bendwise dexter or]--BONEFELD.
Quintaine, (fr.): the Quintaine, i.e. the post, &c., against which the tilting took place, occurs only on one or two French coats of arms.
Quintefeuil. See Cinquefoil under Foil.
Quinysans, old fr. spelling for Cognizance.
Quise, A la, or A la cuisse: said of the leg of an eagle or other bird(and sometimes of other living things) torn off at the thigh.
Quiver: in connection with arrows there are several examples of the quiver to be found.
����Or, on a bend azure an annulet and two pheons conjoined in bend as the first; in chief a quiver full of arrows proper--COMRIE, Scotland.
����Azure; on the sinister a bow erect, on the dexter a quiver erect holding three arrows or--MOLONY, Kiltanon.
����Checky, argent and sable, on a chief or, three quivers gules, banded of the third, in each five arrows of the first--John COLDWELL, Bp. of Salisbury, 1591-96.