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Holy grail or convenient excuse? Stakeholder perspectives on the role of health system strengthening evaluation in global health resource allocation

The role of evaluation evidence in guiding health systems strengthening (HSS) investments at the global-level remains contested. A lack of rigorous impact evaluations is viewed by some as an obstacle to scaling resources. However, others suggest that power dynamics and knowledge hierarchies continue to shape perceptions of rigor and acceptability in HSS evaluations. This debate has had major implications on HSS resource allocation in global-level funding decisions. Yet, few studies have examined the relationship between HSS evaluation evidence and prioritization of HSS. In this paper, we explore the perspectives of key global health stakeholders, specifically around the nature of evidence sought regarding HSS and its potential impact on prioritization, the challenges in securing such evidence, and the drivers of intra- and inter-organizational divergences. 

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Notes on aims and scope

Globalization and Health is a pioneering transdisciplinary journal that situates public health and well-being within the dynamic forces of global development. We are dedicated to publishing high-quality, original research exploring how globalization processes affect global public health through their impacts on health systems and the social, economic, commercial, and political determinants of health.

This is a speciality journal that focuses on globalization-related aspects of health. It does not publish global or national disease epidemiological or health care/system studies unless these contain specific analyses of how globalization-related processes inform the outcomes of the studies. It no longer publishes bibliometric studies and will only consider scoping and systematic reviews presenting novel research and analysis.

Please note: A greater part of submitted papers are rejected due to being out of scope. Please consider the Scope and Sections' descriptions before submitting. 


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Commerce, Economy, Trade and Public Health: Global perspectives
Edited by Anne Marie Thow, University of Sydney, Australia, 
Deborah Gleeson, La Trobe University, Australia, and Cassandra De Lacy-Vawdon, La Trobe University, Australia

Globalization and Health invites participating authors to submit the Collection Commerce, Economy, Trade and Public Health: Global perspectives. Manuscripts submitted for consideration must have been presented at the 2024 Conference on Commerce, Economy Trade and Public Health.

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Are we prepared for the next pandemic? New tools for measurement and assessment

New Content ItemStudies show that standard preparedness measures do not predict COVID-19 outcomes, suggesting new measures are needed. But evaluating metrics is more than prediction. Measurement science points the way to tools that capture operational capabilities , including coordination and decisionmaking.  Published Feb 09, 2024

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  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 5.9
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 6.7
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 2.285
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 2.668

    Speed 2024
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 4
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 146

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    Downloads: 1,847,022
    Altmetric mentions: 2,056