term index�� Related glossaries include Technologies:�Biomaterials, Bioengineering
& Medical devices�
Labels, signaling & detection glossary��
Microarrays & protein chips��
Ultrasensitivity ���
BioMEMS Biological MicroElectro Mechanical Systems:
Google = about 7,890 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 14,400 Jan. 12, 2004, 91,100 Dec 26, 2007 Broader term: MEMs; Narrower term: NEMS
See nanobiotechnology �
� Google = about 489 July 17, 2002;
about 4,970 Jan. 12, 2004, about 67,600 Dec. 26, 2007��
bottom-up nanotechnology: Mostly chemists attempting to create
structure by connecting molecules. [Noah Robischon "Nanotechnology and the
battle to build smaller" Discovery Channel 1998]� � Google = about 71 Aug. 8, 2002; about 10,100 June
23, 2004� Related term: quantum dots
Compare top-down nanotechnology.
cantilever: A lever beam� held down at one
end, with some support near the middle and which� supports a load on
the other end. Diving boards and drawbridges are cantilevers.�
Google = about� 135,000 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 291, 000 June 23, 2004
nanofoam: A new form of carbon: a spongy solid that is extremely lightweight and,
unusually, attracted to magnets... John Giapintzakis of the University of Crete
has used an electron microscope to study the structure of the nanofoam. He says
it is the fifth form of carbon known after graphite, diamond and two recently
discovered types: hollow spheres, known as buckminsterfullerenes or buckyballs,
and nanotubes. Jim Giles, Scientists create fifth form of carbon, Nature 23 Mar.
carbon nanotubes:
Carbon nanotube tips have several advantages [as atomic force microscopy
tips] , including high aspect ratio for imaging deep and narrow crevices, low
tip- sample adhesion for gentle imaging, the ability to elastically buckle
rather than break when large forces are applied, and the potential to achieve
resolutions in the range of 1.0 nm or less. In addition, carbon nanotubes have
well defined molecular structures so that it is possible to control their
synthesis to make every tip with an identical structure and resolution. Carbon
nanotubes can be selectively modified at their ends with organic or biological
molecules to allow functional sensitive
imaging.� Google = about 35,500 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 122,000 June 23, 2004� Broader terms:
fullerenes, nanotubes
A polymer having a regular branched structure; If
suitably functionalized� may be used as a soluble support, in which
case the desired, dendrimer- supported, material may be isolated by size-
chromatography. Dendrimers may also be attached to a polymer and used as
a solid support, with significantly increased loading over the initial
Dendrimers consist of interconnected monomeric subunits
that hybridize to form a tree- like structure. Each monomer is a double- stranded
DNA molecule where the two strands share a region of sequence complementarity in
the middle of molecule.� Also known as "cascade molecules"��
= about� 5,540 Aug. 8, 2002; about 17,800 June 23, 2004� Related
terms: Cell biology dendritic cells��
Will involve engineering
using mechanisms within a quark.� Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers
Exceed Human Intelligence by Ray Kurzweil, Penguin paperback�
Broader terms: microengineering, nanoengineering,
picoengineering� femtomole:
Ultrasensitivity glossary�
Google = about 1,540� Aug. 8, 2002;
about 4,290 June 23, 2004
MEMS MicroElectro Mechanical Systems:
Stood originally for
Micro-ElectroMechanical System -- microscopic mechanical elements, fabricated on
silicon chips by techniques similar to those used in integrated circuit
manufacture, for use as sensors, actuators, and other devices. Today almost any
miniaturized device (based on Si technology or traditional precision
engineering, chemical or mechanical) is referred to as a MEMS device.���
Related terms: micromachining. Narrower terms
BioMEMS, NEMS�� Google = about� 19,000 Aug. 8, 2002
metal nanoshells:
A new type of nanoparticle composed of a
semiconductor or dielectric core coated with an ultrathin conductive layer.. By adjusting the relative core and shell thicknesses, metal nanoshells can be fabricated that will absorb or scatter light at any wavelength across the entire visible and infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
[Halas Nanoengineering Group, Rice Univ. US, 2000]�
terms: nanoparticle,�nanoshells
Google = about 171 Aug. 8, 2002,
about 3,400 Dec. 26 2007�
Very small encapsulated gas bubbles (diameters
of micrometers) that can be used in diagnostic and therapeutic
applications. Upon exposure to sufficiently intense ultrasound,
microbubbles will cavitate, rupture, disappear, release gas content,
etc. Such characteristics of the microbubbles can be used to enhance
diagnostic tests, dissolve blood clots, and deliver drugs or genes for
therapy. MeSH 2004
The development and use of techniques and
equipment to study or perform chemical reactions, with small quantities of
materials, frequently less than a milligram or a milliliter. MeSH 2003�
Related term: micro- TAS� Google = about 5,050 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 13,700 June 23, 2004�
MicroElectro Mechanical Systems:
Narrower terms: MEMS, nanoelectronics,
optoelectronics, SED Single Electron Devices. Related terms: molecular
electronics, semiconductors, supramolecular electronics
Google = about� 423,000 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 978,000 June 23, 2004, about 5,650,000 Dec 26, 2007�
microengineering: Related terms
include MEMS, microfabrication,
microfluidics, micromachining, NEMS, nanoengineering� Google = about 10,100 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 240,000 June 23, 2004, about 762,000 Dec 26, 2007
Related terms: microelectronics, nanofabrication;
labels, signaling & detection single molecule detection�
MEMsNet, about 350 terms�
Google = about� 42,100 Aug. 8, 2002; about
67,300 June 23, 2004, about 301,000 Dec 26k 2007�
separation process in which particles and dissolved macromolecules larger
rejected. IUPAC Gold Book
The study of fluid channels and chambers of
tiny dimensions of tens to hundreds of micrometers and volumes of nanoliters or
picoliters. This is of interest in biological MICROCIRCULATION
Enables the fabrication of
networks of channels, chambers, and valves for the flow of liquids as minute as
one picoliter. These systems have no moving parts and require little assembly. [Coventor
"About Coventor" 2002]��
Narrower term: nanofluidics; Related term:
categories lab- on -a- chip� Google = about� 13,500 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 51,300 June 23, 2004, about 418,000 Dec 26, 2007
�Particle of�gel�of
any shape with an�equivalent
diameter�of approximately��to�. Note:
The definition proposed here is recommended for its�precision�and
because it distinguishes between a microgel and a�nanogel.�
IUPAC Gold Book
The insertion of a substance
into a cell through a microelectrode. Typical applications include the injection
of drugs, histochemical markers (such as horseradish peroxidase or lucifer
yellow) and RNA or DNA in molecular biological studies. To extrude the
substances through the very fine electrode tips, either hydrostatic pressure
(pressure injection) or electric currents (ionophoresis) is employed. OMD
A technique for introducing a solution of DNA, protein, or other soluble
material into a cell using a fine microcapillary pipet. Life Sciences
Dictionary Google = about 18,700 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 96,300 June 23, 2004
Wikipedia Micromachinery,��Related terms:
Labels, signaling & detection glossary actuators, sensors, transducers
Google = about 25,900 Aug. 8, 2002; about 128,000 June 23, 2004; about 157,000
May 2, 2005, 490,000 Dec 26, 2007�
micromachining: Techniques
for fabricating MEMS.�Narrower
terms: bulk micromachining�
surface micromaching�
Broader term: microengineering� �Google = about 28,200 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 81,000 June 23, 2004; about 365,000 Dec 26, 2007
Micro-Electrical-Mechanical Systems:
A class of devices combining electrical and mechanical components that
have at least one of the dimensions in the micrometer range (between 1
micron and 1 millimeter). They include sensors, actuators, microducts, and
micropumps. MeSH Year introduced: 2009
10 -6���� Symbol is u.
Can be used for
drug delivery Narrower term: nanoparticles
Molecular Imaging
glossary Google =
about� 8,980 Aug. 8, 2002; about 33,000 June 23, 2004, about 386,000 Dec
26, 2007
Drug delivery
The last decade has seen rapid developments in the
fabrication, characterization and conceptual understanding of synthetic
microstructures in many different material systems including silicon, III-V and
II-VI semiconductors, metals, ceramics and organics. The objective of this
journal [Superlattices and Microstructures] is to provide a common
interdisciplinary platform for the publication of the latest research results on
all such "nanostructures" with dimensions in the range of 1 - 100 nm;
the unifying theme here being the dimensions of these artificial structures
rather than the material system in which they are fabricated. [Superlattices
& Microstructures, Elsevier�
Google = about� 71,900 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 92,400 Aug. 26, 2003
A microscale machine that can sense
information from the environment and act accordingly. Outside the U.S., it can
also refer to microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). [smalltimes glossary, 2002]�
Related term: wireless microsystems Google = about 2,200,000
Aug. 9, 2002; about 3,050,000 Aug. 26, 2003�
microTas, micro Total Analysis Systems, uTAS:
Although initial
research dates back to the early 1970’s, the field of micro- TAS formally
started in 1990, when Manz et al described the possibility of creating
microsystems that would take care of many or all the traditional analytical
steps involved in a biochemical analysis (sample introduction, handling,
extraction, purification, concentration, filtration, analysis, detection) ....
Micro- TAS offer many advantages over traditional analysis systems. Low
power consumption and small reaction volumes, faster analysis, ultrasensitive
detection, and minimal human intervention are key parameters in the development
of micro- TAS. Most biochemical reactions take place in liquid environments.
Hence, the development of MicroTAS is intrinsically linked to the design
of liquid handling micro- devices. [Biomedical Applications Group (GAB)
Centro Nacional de Microelectronica (CNM- IMB) Bellaterra, Spain, 2000]� �
Related term: microchemistry �Broader term:
Assays &
screening glossary analysis - molecular
Google = microTAS about 401;� "microTotal Analysis systems"
about 953� Aug. 8, 2002
Desirable for many technologies for overall
cost reduction (including reduction in the amount of reagents and analytes).
Important to remember that building space is often the least available
and most expensive component of an overall laboratory budget.�
Google = about� 52,800 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 120,000 June 23, 2004
molecular electronics:
Molecular electronics offers the tantalizing prospect of
eventually building circuits with critical dimensions of a few nanometers. Some
basic devices utilizing molecules have been demonstrated, including tunnel
junctions with negative differential resistance, rectifiers and electrically
configurable switches that have been used in simple electronic memory and logic
circuits. A major challenge that remains is to show that such devices can be
fabricated economically using a process that will scale to circuits with large
numbers of elements while maintaining their desired electronic properties. Yong
Chen et. al, Nanoscale molecular-switch devices fabricated by imprint
lithography, Applied Physics Letters, (82: 10): 1610- 1612
March 10, 2003 , Hewlett Packard Labs Research���
Related terms:
Ultrasensitivity glossary single molecule
Wikipedia Google = about 15,600
Aug. 8, 2002; about 63,500 June 23, 2004, about 402,000 Dec. 15, 2005, about
326,000 Dec 26, 2007
molecular nanotechnology: See molecular
nanoscience, nanotechnology.� Google = about 7,300 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 18,600 June 23, 2004, about 112, 000 Dec 26, 2007
molecular robotics:
Ralph Merkle, A New Family of
Six Degree of Freedom Positional Devices, Zyvex, 1994�
10 -9�
nanoarray: Microarrays categories� Google = about� 211 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 755 June 23, 2004
signaling & detection glossary Google = about� 148 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 364 June 23, 2004
terms that refer to the intersection of�nanotechnology�and�biology.[1]�Given
that the subject is one that has only emerged very recently,
bionanotechnology and nanobiotechnology serve as blanket terms for
various related technologies.� This discipline helps to indicate the
merger of biological research with various fields of nanotechnology.
Concepts that are enhanced through�nanobiology�include:�nanodevices�(such
and nanoscale phenomena that occurs within the discipline of
nanotechnology. This technical approach to biology allows scientists to
imagine and create systems that can be used for biological research.
Biologically inspired nanotechnology uses biological systems as the
inspirations for technologies not yet created.[2]�
Nano-biotechnology is often used to describe the overlapping
multidisciplinary activities associated with biosensors, particularly
chemistry, biology, biophysics, nano-medicine, and engineering converge.
Measurement in biology using wave guide techniques, such as�dual
polarization interferometry, are
another example. �Wikipedia accessed 2018 Sept 4
The scope of this IUPAC project (2007-040-2-200), entitled Analysis of the
Usage of Nanoscience and Technology in Chemistry, was to study the usage
of nano-related terminology in chemistry and to analyze its penetration
among the various chemical disciplines. Thus, this effort was mainly
dedicated to mapping the nano-dominated publication domains by a detailed
analysis of peer-reviewed papers, patents, and books. A global analysis of
nano- in chemistry terminology should serve as a first step in delivering
a guideline for IUPAC to propose some recommendations and suggested
terminology in the future. This short summary is extracted from a longer
report, available at�,
which helps clarify how the emergence of nanotechnology impacts the
various fields of chemistry. ... In summary, the efforts made in this
project confirm that nanotechnology crosses many fields, and has had both
a general and a discipline-specific impact on the development of
chemistry-related terminology and publication. The citation distribution,
change of key words, and analysis of nano-prefix terms and other co-word
analysis suggests that terminology in nanotechnology has reached a
relatively mature level at which convergence is an appropriate step.
The definition of nano-composite material has broadened
significantly to encompass a large variety of systems such as one-dimensional,
two-dimensional, three-dimensional and amorphous materials, made of distinctly
dissimilar components and mixed at the nanometer scale.
nanocrystals:�A nanocrystal typically has a diameter of between 1 and 10 nm and may contain as few as a hundred or as many as tens of thousands of atoms. Many fundamental properties of nanocrystals depend strongly on their size in smooth and predictable ways. Examples include the external field required to switch a magnetized particle
of great importance in magnetotactic bacteria and in hard disk drives and the color of light emission from a semiconductor
used for the fluorescent labeling of cells and in lasers. This facile tuning of properties by size variation is one reason why nanocrystals are widely viewed as promising components for new artificial optical and electrical materials.
"Enhanced: Naturally Aligned Nanocrystals" A. P. Alivisatos Science 289
(5480): 736-7 Aug. 4, 2000 Related term: quantum dots Google = about 13,700 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 94,600 June 23, 2004; about 1,120,000 Nov 27, 2006�
We use chemistry to construct nanostructures and their composites, then focus our attention on the electronic, optical, and transport properties of these nanostructures and the macroscopic films and materials that can be constructed from them. This research lies at the common frontier of chemistry, condensed matter physics, optics, and bioengineering.
Halas Nanoengineering Group, Rice Univ. US, 2000��
Narrower terms: femtoengineering, picoengineering; Related terms: microengineering, nanoscience,
self-assembly. Google = about 2,340 Aug. 8, 2002; about
10,700 June 23, 2004, about 67,800 Dec 26, 2007
nanofabrication: Nanofabrication methods can be divided into two
categories: top- down methods, which carve out or add aggregates of
molecules to a surface, and bottom- up methods, which assemble atoms or
molecules into nanostructures. George M. Whitesides and J. Christopher Love
"The art of building small" Scientific American 285 (3): 39- 47, Sept.
Fabrication on the nanotechnology scale.
Broader term: microfabrication
Google = about� 15,100 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 47,900 June 23, 2004; about 761,000 Nov 27, 2006, about 284,000�
Google = about 306,000
Nov 27, 2006
Sometimes called soft lithography. A technique that is
very simple in concept, and totally analogous to traditional mould- or
form-based printing technology, but that uses moulds (masters) with nanoscale
features. As with the printing press, the potential for mass production is
clear. There are two forms of nanoimprinting, one that uses pressure to make
indentations in the form of the mould on a surface, the other, more akin to the
printing press, that relies on the application of "ink" applied to the
mould to stamp a pattern on a surface. Other techniques such as etching may then
follow Nanotechnology Glossary� Google = about� 191 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 13,800 June 23, 2004
at the nanometer scale.� Narrower
terms: nanoclusters, nanocrystals, nanoparticles, nanowires, quantum dots.
Broader term: micromaterials; Related terms:
& biomaterials glossary
Molecular Medicine
nanometals: Wikibooks
nanomotors:�A University of Florida chemistry
professor has made a "nanomotor" from a single DNA molecule. The
motor, so small that hundreds of thousands could fit on the head of a pin, curls
up and extends like an inchworm, said Weihong Tan, the principal investigator
and lead author of an article about the motor in the April edition of the
journal Nano Letters [Daily University Science News, May 16, 2002]�
Google = about� 405 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 4,120 June 23, 2004, about 10,300 Dec 26, 2007
nanoparticles: Nanometer-sized
particles that are nanoscale in three dimensions. They include
and QUANTUM DOTS. The uses of nanoparticles include DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEMS
and cancer targeting and imaging. MesH �Year introduced: 2007
Molecular imaging
� Google = about 8,440
June 23, 2004, about 108,000 Dec 26, 2007
The nanoscale physics group uses various experimental techniques to examine the physical properties of objects in the nanoscale size range,
that is, a little bit larger than the size of atoms. Some interesting physical properties at this range include conductivity of small numbers of atoms
and molecules, forces arising between objects on this scale, and the transition between the quantum nature of a few atoms and a large number
of atoms. Nanoscale Physics, Purdue Univ., 2000
�Related term: quantum physics Google = about 2,050 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 6,940 June 23, 2004; about 468,000 Oct 22, 2007��
�a pore of�nanometer�size.
It may, for example, be created by a pore-forming protein or as a hole in
synthetic materials such as silicon or graphene. When a nanopore is present in
an electrically insulating�membrane,
it can be used as a single-molecule�detector.��
Wikipedia accessed 2018 Oct 18��� Related term: Sequencing glossary:
nanopore sequencing Google = about 1,820 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 5,670 June 23, 2004� :
The means of controlling motion on the nanometre scale - is now a
key enabling technology in high- tech fields such as semiconductor test and
measurement, photonics alignment, scanning microscopy and microlithography.
Stefan Vorndran, Nanopositioning: Fighting the Myths, Opto and Laser Europe,
Nov. 2004�
Google = about 14,400 Mar. 1, 2005
The study of phenomena and manipulation of materials at
atomic, molecular and macromolecular scales, where properties differ
significantly from those at a larger scale. Draft definitions, Royal Society,
Royal Academy of Engineering� Nanotechnology and Nanoscience, 2003�
Narrower terms: nanobiology, nanobiotechnology, nanochemistry,
nanoengineering, nanophysics, nanotechnology, quantum physics. Related term: nanotechnology
Google = about 23,000 Aug. 8, 2002; about 101,000 Jan. 12, 2004;
about 133,000 June 23, 2004
nanoshells: �
terms: metal nanoshells Many nanoshells are gold or silver.� There
are also silica or carbon nanoshells, other types? Is there a hierarchy of nanocrystals,
nanoparticles, nanospheres ?��Narrower term: nanoprism
= about 463 Aug. 8, 2002; about 3,760 June 23, 2004��
simplest type of nanoparticle with only one adjustable geometrical
parameter (radius) which exhibits resonant responses under optical
excitation. From: Photodetectors 2016�� See also
Microarrays glossary under microspheres
Google = about 2,010 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 8,120 June 23, 2004�
nanostructures: Nanometer sized objects. MeSH 2005
Nanostructures may be considered as small, familiar, or large, depending on the view point
of the disciplines concerned. To chemists, nanostructures are molecular
assemblies of atoms numbering from 103 to 109 and of
molecular weights of 104 to 1010 Daltons. Thus, they are
chemically large supramolecules. To molecular biologists, nanostructures have
the size of familiar objects from proteins to viruses and cellular organelles.
But to material scientists and electrical engineers, nanostructures are the
current limit of microfabrication and thus are rather small. Nanostructures are complex systems which evidently lie at the interface between solid- state
physics, supramolecular chemistry, and molecular biology (Mainzer et al. 1997)
Klaus Mainzer, Symmetry and Complexity -- Fundamental Concepts of Research in
Chemistry, HYLE International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry, Vol. 3
(1997), pp. 29-49��
Narrower terms: dendrimers, fullerenes, nanoclusters, nanotubes, quantum
dots Google = about 63,800� Aug. 8, 2002; about 214,000 June
23, 2004; about 455,000 March 22, 2005��
manipulation of matter on an�atomic,�molecular,
The earliest, widespread description of nanotechnology[1][2]�referred
to the particular technological goal of precisely manipulating atoms and
molecules for fabrication of macroscale products, also now referred to as�molecular
nanotechnology. A more generalized description of nanotechnology was
subsequently established by the�National
Nanotechnology Initiative, which defines nanotechnology as the manipulation
of matter with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100�nanometers.
This definition reflects the fact that�quantum
mechanical�effects are important at this�quantum-realm�scale,
and so the definition shifted from a particular technological goal to a research
category inclusive of all types of research and technologies that deal with the
special properties of matter which occur below the given size threshold. It is
therefore common to see the plural form "nanotechnologies" as well as "nanoscale
technologies" to refer to the broad range of research and applications whose
common trait is size.� Wikipedia accessed 2018 Sept 4
The production and application of structures, devices and systems
by controlling shape and size at nanometre scale. Draft definitions, Royal
Society, Royal Academy of Engineering� Nanotechnology and Nanoscience, 2003�
development and use of techniques to study physical phenomena and construct
structures in the nanoscale size range or smaller. MeSH 2002
Although research in this field dates back to Richard P. Feynman's
classic talk in 1959, the term nanotechnology was first coined by K. Eric
Drexler in 1986 in the book Engines of Creation. In the popular
press, the term nanotechnology is sometimes used to refer to any sub- micron
process, including lithography. Because of this, many scientists are beginning
to use the term molecular nanotechnology when talking about true nanotechnology
at the molecular level. ZD Webopedia� Related terms:�
Interagency Working Group on Nanoscience,
Engineering and Technology IWGN, molecular manufacturing, nanoscience
Narrower terms: bionanotechnology, nanobiotechnology
Google = about 411,000 Aug. 8, 2002; about 1,570,000 June 23, 2004,
about 12, 000,000 Dec 26, 2007�
Nanometer-sized tubes composed of various substances including
carbon (
CARBON NANOTUBES), boron nitride, or nickel vanadate.� MeSH 2004
terms: carbon nanotubes, peptide nanotubes.� Many nanotubes are carbon, but
some are based on other elements.�� Broader
term: fullerenes� Nanotube Site
Google = about�
76,600 Aug. 8, 2002; about 332,000 June 23, 2004
National Nanotechnology Initiative:
US federal government
agencies participating include the National Science Foundation, the Department
of Defense, the National Institute of Health, NASA, and NIST. National
Nanotechnology Initiative website�
NEMS Nano ElectroMechanical Systems:�Wikipedia�
nanoelectromechanical = about 2,980 Jan. 12, 2004, about 38,000 Dec 26, 2007�
OEIS OptoElectronic Integrated Systems:
Google = "OptoElectronic Integrated Systems"
about 28 Aug. 8, 2002; about 59 June 23, 2004
peptide nanotubes: NANOTUBES
formed from cyclic peptides (
PEPTIDES, CYCLIC). Alternating D and L linkages create planar rings that
self assemble by stacking into nanotubes. They can form pores through CELL
MEMBRANE causing damage. MeSH 2004
Involves engineering at the level
of subatomic particles (e.g., electrons).� Age of Spiritual Machines: When
Computers Exceed Human Intelligence by Ray Kurzweil, Penguin paperback�
Broader terms: microengineering, nanoengineering;
Narrower term: femtoengineering
term: nanonewtons Google = about 955
June 23, 2004�
positional assembly:�
Ralph Merkle, Molecular
Manufacturing, Adding Positional Control to Chemical Synthesis, Zyvex, 1993
quantum dots:
Nanometer sized fragments (the dots) of semiconductor crystalline
material which emits PHOTONS. The wavelength is based on the quantum confinement
size of the dot. They are brighter and more persistent than organic chemical
INDICATORS. They can be embedded in MICROBEADS for high throughput ANALYTICAL
CHEMISTRY. Do not confuse with microscopic fluorescent bar codes which are
micrometer sized. MeSH 2004
An important strategy for nonisotopic labeling of single
is the use of highly luminescent semiconductor nanocrystals,
or 'quantum dots,' that can be covalently linked to biological molecules. This
class of detectors, which range in size from 1- 5 nm, have been exploited for
biological labeling by a number of laboratories, particularly those of Shimon
Weiss, Paul Alivisatos and Shuming Nie (4,
5). Quantum dots offer several advantages over organic dyes, including
increased brightness, stability against photobleaching, a broad continuous
excitation spectrum, and a narrow, tunable, symmetric emission spectrum. Because
quantum dots are nontoxic and can be made to dissolve in water, efforts are
underway to explore their use in labeling single molecules in living cells.�
NIGMS� Single Molecule Detection and Manipulation Workshop" Single Molecule
Fluorescence of Biomolecules and Complexes Protein Folding April 17- 18, 2000�
Broader term: nanoparticles Google = about� 37,800 Aug. 8, 2002;
about 151,000 June 23, 2004
quantum nanoscience:�the research area and the branch of�nanotechnology�and�physics�that
uses methods of�quantum
the design of new types of nanodevices and nanoscale materials, where
functionality and structure of quantum nanodevices are described through quantum
phenomena and principles such as�discretisation,�superposition�and�entanglement.
Wikipedia accessed 2018 Feb 16
rapid prototyper:�
�Related terms: self-replication, universal
constructor Google = about 6,780 July 11, 2005�
Self replication is an effective
route to truly low cost manufacturing. Our intuitions about self replicating
systems, learned from the biological systems that surround us, are likely to
seriously mislead us about the properties and characteristics of artificial self
replicating systems designed for manufacturing purposes. Artificial systems able
to make a wide range of non- biological products (like diamond) under
programmatic control are likely to be more brittle and less adaptable in their
response to changes in their environment than biological systems. At the same
time, they should be simpler and easier to design. The complexity of such
systems need not be excessive by present engineering standards. [Ralph Merkle,
Self replication and nanotechnology, Zyvex, US, 2000 ]
Single Electron Devices SED:
�� Broader terms: microdevices, microelectronics, nanodevices.
Google = about� 1,810 Aug. 8, 2002; about 4,100 June
23, 2004
universal constructor:
Related term: rapid prototyper
uTAS: See microTAS
Nanoscience resources
Drexler, K. Eric, Glossary, Nanosystems�
IBM Research: Nanotechnology:
Now Glossary, 2017
to look for other unfamiliar� terms
IUPAC definitions are reprinted with the permission of the International
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.