;;; ibs.el --- windows like buffer selection mode by C-TAB.
;; Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Olaf Sylvester
;; Author: Olaf Sylvester
;; Maintainer: Olaf Sylvester
;; Keywords: convenience
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; This Emacs package provides a minor mode for buffer cycling;
;; more exact: to switch by key C-TAB between Emacs buffers like
;; MS-Windows IDEs.
;; C-TAB starts buffer cycling. Every other key terminates cycling
;; and sets the current buffer at the top of Emacs buffer list.
;; The buffer we started buffer cycling won't be buried !!!
;; You can configure the keys for cycling.
;; Therefore set global `ibs-cycling-key' before loading ibs.el.
;; You can define which buffers will be used for buffer cycling.
;; Set global `ibs-cycle-buffer-function' to a function which
;; returns a buffer list. The default is buffer-list, which returns
;; all buffers in recently order.
;; If package bs is loaded the cycling list of this package
;; will be used.
;;; History:
;; 28.02.2001
;; Version 0.12
;; - delete references to ibs-other-meta-char
;; - solved problems with meta key sequences
;; 22.12.2000
;; Version 0.11
;; - problems with generic-character-list (XEMACS 21.x)
;; - no more occurrence of eval-when
;; 17.12.2000
;; First Version 0.1
;;; Code:
;;; Global variables for customization.
(defvar ibs-cycling-key ""
"Key sequence for buffer cycling.")
(defvar ibs-cycle-buffer-function nil
"Function to calculate buffers for cycling.
When nil use `buffer-list'.
The function needs no arguments and must return a list of buffers.")
(defvar ibs-timeout 4
"Seconds of inactivity for deactivating cycling mode.")
(defvar ibs-mode-hook nil
"Function(s) to call after invoking mode ibs.")
(defvar ibs-mode-end-hook nil
"Function(s) to call after terminating mode ibs.")
(defvar ibs-buffer-list nil
"Current buffer list for cycling.")
(defvar ibs-start-buffer nil
"Buffer we started cycling.")
;;; Define ibs-mode keymap.
(defvar ibs-mode-map nil
"Keymap for function `ibs-mode'.
Derived from `isearch-mode-map'.")
;;(setq ibs-mode-map nil)
(or ibs-mode-map
(let* ((i 0)
(map (make-keymap)))
;; Make characters stop cycling.
(if (fboundp 'generic-character-list)
(let ((l (generic-character-list))
(table (nth 1 map)))
(while l
(set-char-table-default table
(car l)
(setq l (cdr l)))))
;; Make function keys, etc, stop cycling.
(define-key map [t] 'ibs-select-buffer-and-quit)
;; Control chars, by default, end ibs mode transparently.
;; We need these explicit definitions because, in a dense
;; keymap, the binding for t does not affect characters.
;; We use a dense keymap to save space.
(while (< i ?\ )
(define-key map
(make-string 1 i)
(setq i (1+ i)))
;; Single-byte printing chars stop cycling.
(setq i ?\ )
(while (< i 256)
(define-key map (vector i) 'ibs-select-buffer-and-quit)
(setq i (1+ i)))
;; Several non-printing chars change the searching behavior.
(define-key map "\C-g" 'ibs-abort)
;; This assumes \e is the meta-prefix-char.
(or (= ?\e meta-prefix-char)
(error "Inconsistency in ibs.el"))
(define-key map
(read-kbd-macro ibs-cycling-key)
(let ((meta-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (char-to-string meta-prefix-char) meta-map)
(define-key map [escape] meta-map))
(define-key map (vector meta-prefix-char t) 'ibs-other-meta-char)
;; Pass frame events transparently so they won't exit
;; the search. In particular, if we have more than one
;; display open, then a switch-frame might be generated
;; by someone typing at another keyboard.
(define-key map [switch-frame] nil)
(define-key map [delete-frame] nil)
(define-key map [iconify-frame] nil)
(define-key map [make-frame-visible] nil)
(setq ibs-mode-map map)))
(defun ibs-other-meta-char ()
"Exit the search normally and reread this key sequence.
But only if `search-exit-option' is non-nil, the default.
If it is the symbol `edit', the search string is edited in the minibuffer
and the meta character is unread so that it applies to editing the string."
(let* ((key (this-command-keys))
(main-event (aref key 0))
(keylist (listify-key-sequence key)))
(cond ((and (= (length key) 1)
(let ((lookup (lookup-key function-key-map key)))
(not (or (null lookup) (integerp lookup)
(keymapp lookup)))))
;; Handle a function key that translates into something else.
;; If the key has a global definition too,
;; exit and unread the key itself, so its global definition runs.
;; Otherwise, unread the translation,
;; so that the translated key takes effect within isearch.
(if (lookup-key global-map key)
(apply 'ibs-unread keylist))
(apply 'ibs-unread
(listify-key-sequence (lookup-key function-key-map key)))))
;; Handle an undefined shifted control character
;; by downshifting it if that makes it defined.
;; (As read-key-sequence would normally do,
;; if we didn't have a default definition.)
(let ((mods (event-modifiers main-event)))
(and (integerp main-event)
(memq 'shift mods)
(memq 'control mods)
(lookup-key ibs-mode-map
(let ((copy (copy-sequence key)))
(aset copy 0
(- main-event (- ?\C-\S-a ?\C-a)))
(setcar keylist (- main-event (- ?\C-\S-a ?\C-a)))
(apply 'ibs-unread keylist))
(let (window)
(apply 'ibs-unread keylist)
;; Properly handle scroll-bar and mode-line clicks
;; for which a dummy prefix event was generated as (aref key 0).
(and (> (length key) 1)
(symbolp (aref key 0))
(listp (aref key 1))
(not (numberp (posn-point (event-start (aref key 1)))))
;; Convert the event back into its raw form,
;; with the dummy prefix implicit in the mouse event,
;; so it will get split up once again.
(progn (setq unread-command-events
(cdr unread-command-events))
(setq main-event (car unread-command-events))
(setcar (cdr (event-start main-event))
(car (nth 1 (event-start main-event))))))
;; If we got a mouse click, maybe it was read with the buffer
;; it was clicked on. If so, that buffer, not the current one,
;; is in ibs mode. So end the search in that buffer.
(if (and (listp main-event)
(setq window (posn-window (event-start main-event)))
(windowp window)
(or (> (minibuffer-depth) 0)
(not (window-minibuffer-p window))))
(set-buffer (window-buffer window))
;; The value of input-method-function when ibs is invoked.
(defvar ibs-input-method-function nil)
;; A flag to tell if input-method-function is locally bound when
;; ibs is invoked.
(defvar ibs-input-method-local-p nil)
;; Register minor mode
(or (assq 'ibs-mode minor-mode-alist)
(nconc minor-mode-alist
(list '(ibs-mode ibs-mode))))
(defvar ibs-mode nil)
(define-key global-map (read-kbd-macro ibs-cycling-key) 'ibs-select)
(defun ibs-cancel ()
"Terminate cycling and signal quit."
(signal 'quit nil))
(defun ibs-abort ()
"Terminate cycling and reselect starting buffer."
(switch-to-buffer ibs-start-buffer t))
(defun ibs-select ()
"Do buffer selection."
(setq ibs-start-buffer (current-buffer))
(setq ibs-buffer-list (mapcar
(funcall (or ibs-cycle-buffer-function
(function buffer-list)))))
(if (not (memq (current-buffer) ibs-buffer-list))
(setq ibs-buffer-list (cons (current-buffer) ibs-buffer-list)))
(setq ibs-buffer-list (ibs-step-right ibs-buffer-list))
(defun ibs-cancel-after-timeout ()
"Wait `ibs-timeout' seconds for terminating cycling."
(when (sit-for ibs-timeout)
(ibs-done t)
(message "")))
(defun ibs-mode ()
"Start ibs minor mode.
Called by `ibs-select', etc.
;; Initialize global vars.
(setq ibs-input-method-function
(setq ibs-input-method-local-p
(local-variable-p 'input-method-function))
;; We must bypass input method while reading key.
;; When a user type printable character, appropriate input
;; method is turned on in minibuffer to read multibyte
;; charactes.
(or ibs-input-method-local-p
(make-local-variable 'input-method-function))
(setq input-method-function nil)
(setq ibs-mode " I-BS")
(setq overriding-terminal-local-map ibs-mode-map)
(run-hooks 'ibs-mode-hook)
(add-hook 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook 'ibs-done)
(defun ibs-done (&optional select-buffer-p)
"Terminate ibs normally."
(remove-hook 'mouse-leave-buffer-hook 'ibs-done)
(setq overriding-terminal-local-map nil)
(setq ibs-mode nil)
(if ibs-input-method-local-p
(setq input-method-function ibs-input-method-function)
(kill-local-variable 'input-method-function))
(if select-buffer-p
(switch-to-buffer (car (last ibs-buffer-list))))
(run-hooks 'ibs-mode-end-hook)
(defun ibs-select-buffer-and-quit ()
"Exit the cycling normally and reread this key sequence."
(let* ((key (this-command-keys))
(main-event (aref key 0))
(keylist (listify-key-sequence key)))
(cond ((and (= (length key) 1)
(let ((lookup (lookup-key function-key-map key)))
(not (or (null lookup) (integerp lookup)
(keymapp lookup)))))
;; Handle a function key that translates into something
;; else. If the key has a global definition too,
;; exit and unread the key itself, so its global
;; definition runs. Otherwise, unread the translation,
;; so that the translated key takes effect within ibs.
(if (lookup-key global-map key)
(ibs-done t)
(apply 'ibs-unread keylist))
(apply 'ibs-unread
(lookup-key function-key-map
;; Handle an undefined shifted control character
;; by downshifting it if that makes it defined.
;; (As read-key-sequence would normally do,
;; if we didn't have a default definition.)
(let ((mods (event-modifiers main-event)))
(and (integerp main-event)
(memq 'shift mods)
(memq 'control mods)
(lookup-key ibs-mode-map
(let ((copy (copy-sequence key)))
(aset copy 0
(- main-event (- ?\C-\S-a
(setcar keylist (- main-event (- ?\C-\S-a ?\C-a)))
(apply 'ibs-unread keylist))
(let (window)
(apply 'ibs-unread keylist)
;; Properly handle scroll-bar and mode-line clicks
;; for which a dummy prefix event was generated as (aref key 0).
(and (> (length key) 1)
(symbolp (aref key 0))
(listp (aref key 1))
(not (numberp (posn-point (event-start (aref key 1)))))
;; Convert the event back into its raw form,
;; with the dummy prefix implicit in the mouse event,
;; so it will get split up once again.
(progn (setq unread-command-events
(cdr unread-command-events))
(setq main-event (car unread-command-events))
(setcar (cdr (event-start main-event))
(car (nth 1 (event-start main-event))))))
;; If we got a mouse click, maybe it was read with the buffer
;; it was clicked on. If so, that buffer, not the current one,
;; is in ibs mode. So end the search in that buffer.
(if (and (listp main-event)
(setq window (posn-window (event-start main-event)))
(windowp window)
(or (> (minibuffer-depth) 0)
(not (window-minibuffer-p window))))
(set-buffer (window-buffer window))
(ibs-done t)
(ibs-done t)
(defun ibs-unread (&rest char-or-events)
"Unread all input events in CHAR-OR-EVENTS."
(mapcar 'store-kbd-macro-event char-or-events)
(setq unread-command-events
(append char-or-events unread-command-events)))
(defun ibs-next-buffer ()
"Switch to next buffer."
(let ((buff (car ibs-buffer-list)))
(switch-to-buffer buff t)
(setq ibs-buffer-list (ibs-step-right ibs-buffer-list))
(message "%S" (mapcar (function buffer-name)
(defun ibs-step-right (alist)
"Return ALIST rotated right."
(append (cdr alist)
(list (car alist))))
(if (featurep 'bs)
(defun bs-cycling-list ()
"Return buffer list for buffer cycling.
The buffers taking part in buffer cycling are defined
by buffer configuration `bs-cycle-configuration-name'."
(let ((bs--buffer-coming-from (current-buffer))
(bs-dont-show-regexp bs-dont-show-regexp)
(bs-must-show-regexp bs-must-show-regexp)
(bs-dont-show-function bs-dont-show-function)
(bs-must-show-function bs-must-show-function)
(bs--show-all bs--show-all))
(if bs-cycle-configuration-name
(bs-set-configuration bs-cycle-configuration-name))
(let ((bs-buffer-sort-function nil)
(bs--current-sort-function nil))
(let* ((tupel (bs-next-buffer)))
(cdr tupel)))))
(setq ibs-cycle-buffer-function
(or ibs-cycle-buffer-function 'bs-cycling-list))))
(provide 'ibs)
;;; ibs.el ends here